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10736740 No.10736740 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend good novels that display 19th-century London setting

>> No.10736747

But British novels are garbage

>> No.10736759

William Makepace Thackery or Charles Dickens

Thackery = gentlemen
Dickens = satire

>> No.10736792

g8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.10736797

Its true though, Victorian Britain is ok tier at best. Nothing compared to what the French and Russians were producing at the time

>> No.10736840
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>Victorian Britain is ok tier at best.
Dickens is overrated, Eliot is the best of the Victorians.

>> No.10736903


>> No.10736982

m8 at least acknowledge the rising happened two kings after victoria the famine queen.

>> No.10736994

You forgot Conan Doyle

>> No.10737004

Type full words, acting like a nigger ironically is still acting like a nigger
Such is the state of the Great Shitstain

>> No.10737018

Cuma liom ce chomh neamheolasach is ea tu ar ar stair, is oinseach thu, a leannan

>> No.10737029


>> No.10737052

>the French
When will this meme end? Balzac, Hugo, Stendhal, are all so middle of the road. They’re on a par with the unremarkable works of Britain in that same era desu, but at least there was Eliot in England.

>> No.10737058
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War of the Worlds

>> No.10737071
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The Secret Agent by Joseph Konrad

I thought his description of scenes and settings were very interesting to read, and made me a better writer as a result. Also it was Ted Kaczynski's favorite book, which is also a plus I guess.

>> No.10737090

haha nice 1, ur a rly 1337 mf

>> No.10737104
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*bloque to chemin*

>> No.10737168

Three Men In A Boat
Trainspotting (Scotland is always two hundred years behind the rest of the world)

>> No.10737497

He wasn’t a novelist though

>> No.10737545

No but his poetry is written in prose and his essays written aesthetically

>> No.10737557

The russians are coming.

>> No.10737625

>Dickens is overrated
it's not often i say this
but you're a massive faggot

>> No.10737635

The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad
Quite a lot of Dickens (Bleak House, David Copperfield etc)
Most of Oscar Wilde (Picture of Dorian Gray)
Much of Dracula is set in London as is The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen if you like witchy stuff.

Three Men In A Boat is set upriver from Kingston, only the first couple of pages are in London. You might as well say Heart of Darkness has a 19th century London setting.

>> No.10737810
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>> No.10737815

Dr.Jekyll and Mr Hyde

>> No.10737855
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>Dickens is overrated,

>> No.10737868

he said british, not jewish.

>> No.10739517

New Grub Street

>> No.10739737

Jekyll and Hyde tbqh

>> No.10739837

Henry Mayhew's London Labour & The London Poor. It's not a novel, more like proto-sociology, but you can almost smell Victorian London

>> No.10739857


>> No.10739860


>> No.10740394

Lots of works by Dickens

>> No.10740402

You sound African-American, definitely not Irish

>> No.10740408

When will the mystery meat know it's place?

>> No.10740588


>> No.10740747

Nice rec.

I'd also recommend People of the Abyss on the same issue.

Also, I sincerely hope there is at least one Anon out there writing an angry book about the current state of Londonistan. The French are way ahead of us Brits when it comes to writing angsty shit about the non-white invasion.

>> No.10740830

>The French are way ahead of us Brits when it comes to writing angsty shit about the non-white invasion.
Give us some book names then

>> No.10740836

>implying that most British people dont already know about it

>> No.10740845
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Dickens. I remember there was quite a bit to do with "moving to the city" and industrialisation in it. I think Dickens was quite opposed to the 'city' though, so take it with a pinch of salt.

>> No.10741225

>implying they're not peasantmind cucks who are in favor of it because the BBC told them its good

>> No.10741282

Houellebecq's stuff, Zemmour's French Suicide, etc

Not the point. There is no mainstream cultural symbol they can look to and think "Bleeding eck mister dis 'ere writer's speaking my forts!"

>> No.10741447

>They’re on a par with the unremarkable works of Britain in that same era
That has to be the most ludicrous claim I have seen in a while. The vast majority of 19th century Anglo letters is utter mediocrity in comparison with the French. Anyone claiming those three French authors are
>on a par with the unremarkable works of Britain
is as hopeless a pleb as you can find. A great example of being able to read but not being able to discern nor understand no matter how many books you read.

>> No.10741722

Is this your attempt at a serious reply? What a shame that French education is in such a state. Hugo is hackneyed, over the top 19th Century fodder (Les Mis is one of the most overwritten novels I’ve ever read), Stendhal’s style is utterly flat and his womanly obsession with ‘le passion’ may be of interest to the French but imo it’s aged horribly and borders on melodrama, and Balzac really isn’t even worth speaking about since there was only a small amount of his disgracefully large body of work that I could stomach. The French can’t resist inflating their own literary worth but the truth is that most of theur output is lacklustre. I’d take Hardy or Eliot over any of that half-baked garbage.

>> No.10741746

>In a letter to the diplomat Robert de Billy, a college friend, Proust wrote: “It is curious that in all the different genres, from George Eliot to Hardy, from Stevenson to Emerson, there is no literature which has had as much hold on me as English and American literature. Germany, Italy, very often France leave me indifferent but two pages of The Mill on the Floss reduce me to tears.”

>> No.10742372

There are a few but none popular enough. There are several people who they can relate to though.

>> No.10742380

The way we live now by trollope

>> No.10742382

Not most of them. You'd be surprised at some people's views if they are pushed to express them rather than to beat themselves for it. Regardless, the BBC is utter rubbish anyway. On Radio 4 today there was a section about 'grime'. They are so out of touch.

>> No.10742390

Hardy was a writer of pure hackwork. Tess the dairy maid and her mustachio’d villain lmao

At least the French had Flaubert

>> No.10742391

Nigel Farage and UKIP mostly. It was the older people who voted leave. For younger and more wealthy people it is Jacob Rees Mogg or Hitchens. But yes, I'd argue there is a gap for some kind of new strong personality.

>> No.10742403

Please don't talk about Hardy like that. Did you also miss the whole point of the book?

>> No.10742422

The book’s a bore and the characters are flatter than a chinkgf’s chest. What do I care for the message?
I’m more of a Butlerboy tbqh

>> No.10742501

>Proles read
