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10734417 No.10734417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
How does modern philosopher explain it?

>> No.10734427


We live in a ridiculous time. You can make a lot of money, a lot of friends, be fashionable, all by being yet another out-of-shape failed indie dev who's wife bought them Minecraft for mowing the lawn

>> No.10734428

No father figures or meaningful role models

>> No.10734435
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>the girl in the gas mask could be me

>> No.10734443

Why do you wear the mask?

>> No.10734454

Why do you care?
None of the activities you described are wrong (except for anime), but if someone plays video games, watches Star Trek, and works 9-5 I see no problem with it.

>> No.10734457

so my face couldn't be seen, but also because I'm "quirky"
that's not actually me, of course

>> No.10734460

>He posted it again

>> No.10734462

they post in the sci-fi fantasy thread too.

its all americas fault btw, you see any culture (from 1980 and back, not in the current amerimutted globalized world) and they had their outcasts and loners, but they werent such freak shows, such retardedly inept socially, or so repulsive to the sight. thank you america.

>> No.10734468

Manchildren aren't a thing.

>Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?

Because they find it enjoyable.

>> No.10734469

>mindless consumerism isnt wrong

>> No.10734470

>thinks he's above it all while coming to a place festered with that kind of demographic

>> No.10734475

Fear of the future makes the modern man regress into infantile hobbies. It's not even wrong, it's a decent coping mechanism.

>> No.10734478

Provide a strong argument against consumerism, I’ll wait.
In the mean time, I’ll produce a strong argument for it.
>The biggest problem in the US is obesity

>> No.10734485

its terrible. these arent infantile hobbies. the hobby is a very recent thing, its a consumerist catch where they could get younger and younger consumers caught into the market via their parents. kids used to play with cloth dolls for years, sticks, stones, etc. they made their own toys most of the time. nowadays kids arent worth shit, theyre useless and very uncreative, or they are (((creative))) (as in, they make a stormtrooper(tm) mask with gum).

>> No.10734487

>Provide a strong argument against consumerism
it produces depressed fuckups. as a whole, society suffers.

>> No.10734489

It's an easy, readymade identity for insecure people to latch on to.

>> No.10734492

What about mindful consumerism? If I think deeply about video games

>> No.10734494

>even mentioning video games
dropping you as a person. anyone else wants to debate?

>> No.10734503

Because it’s fun and a quick release of dopamine. Also video games are art

>> No.10734504

>It produces depressed fuck-ups
No, it doesn’t. The only thing that produces depressed fuck-ups is fucking up. A king from the 1500’s would kill to be in the position the middle-class American is in now.
>Society, as a whole, suffers.
Society only suffers in the sense that we can obtain comfort that in the past was unobtainable, and now is more easily damaged.
Society blossoms in the sense that we can see the stars, go to the moon, and take pictures of planets from far away. I have access to all the classics on thousands of websites thanks to consumerism. I’m making this post now, thanks to consumerism.

>> No.10734507

Get a load of this guy. The ladies must love him! He is definitely superior, he looks down on video games!

>> No.10734510

As with any epidemic there are many factors to consider. Strife will always adapt to process and so our sufferings now are different to those of our ancestors. Most popular activities have quick finishing times or lots of repeat value. There’s a definite correlation between quick results and bragging rights. With the evolution of modern life cultural values have replaced survivability and the zeitgeist now is social media based values, and so the popular thing to do is anything worth bragging about on social media or taking a picture of for instant gratification. Reading in general has become a lost art and so your mention of people reading genre fiction is, depressingly, optimistic at best. There is no need to partake in arduous activities that give us feelings of reward when we can have a quick rush by posting something on Facebook that makes us feel good.
Tl;dr social media has turned people into convenience junkies.

>> No.10734511

Billions have been spent in behavioral science since WW2. The very best scientists in the world all worked on mass psychology for the US government and the CIA, and they still do, and it's absolutely not happening in secret lol.

>> No.10734515

>I have access to all the classics on thousands of websites thanks to consumerism.
knowledge is a byproduct of consumerism, alrighty then.
>I’m making this post now, thanks to consumerism.
human interaction is a byproduct of consumerism, ALRIGHTY THEN.

the mind of the amerisheep.

>> No.10734517

What's wrong with Trek?

>> No.10734523

>knowledge is a byproduct of consumerism, alrighty then.
Yes? How else would you gain knowledge we wouldn't have access to in our daily lives? You being dense on purpose.

>> No.10734524

You didn’t read my post. If you did, you would realize than consumerism creates an incentive to spread knowledge. Do you think that anyone would operate power plants without getting paid? Because there’s a reason they’re not doing it for free.

>> No.10734525

Why do you think it produces these individuals? Do you not know how many happy people there are, enjoying their everyday escapism?
You might have realized that it is merely that, escapism, but to pretend as a whole it MUST produce depressed individuals needs some backing up.

>> No.10734528

>I have access to all the classics on thousands of websites thanks to consumerism.
And you still never read them.

Do you "look up" at video games? Your life must be a mess desu, I wish you the best.

>> No.10734529
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Why do people become trannies?

>> No.10734538

>And yet you still never read them
Making an assumption based on no proof, only to prove a point that is both stupid and unproveable.
>Do you look up at video games?
No, I don’t. I’m just saying that looking down on video games for no reason only makes you an unlikeable person.

>> No.10734539

People enjoy escapism, like people enjoy cigarettes. It's a replacement for being fulfilled, or "the next best thing" after society confines and restricts you.

>> No.10734540

mental illness

>> No.10734541

I don't know

>> No.10734544

>please dont talk down my video nanny, i dont like you
the manchild, everyone.

>> No.10734546

Manchildren is not inherently bad. Our society thinks it's bad because they do not follow typical passions we expect like money, power, or sexual desires. They have different standards from us, so we label them differently. Video games and anime are usually associated with children, so we consider adults that actively consume them as man-children.

>> No.10734547

And we're becoming more mentally ill in the west, right?

>> No.10734548

that scene is like a parody of humankind, an insult to life itself.

>> No.10734551

>It’s a replacement for being fulfilled
If ‘escapism’ is a replacement for being fulfilled, then what is truly fulfilling? Everyone has different tastes. Someone who is fulfilled by taking long walks in nature is no different than someone who is fulfilled by arguing with strangers over the internet on an anime image board.

>> No.10734552

Yes, and? That is precisely what I mean. What you just propounded is exactly what I mean to say; it doesn't necessarily produce depressed individuals.
If you argue against this constant "chase" or lack of satiety that causes the hunt, you'll have to substantiate that too.

>> No.10734554

>Manchildren is not inherently bad.
theres nothing sadder than witnessing wasted potential.

>> No.10734555
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>when your only argument is ad-hominem

>> No.10734557

>Someone who is fulfilled by taking long walks in nature is no different than someone who is fulfilled by arguing with strangers over the internet on an anime image board.
nature guy is in the right, manchild on 4chan is in the wrong, theres no middle point here, its not up for opinion. its fact.

>> No.10734561

So you absolutely CANNOT play video games or play spirts or watch TV, because if you do, you are wasting your potential?
Im order to be considered ‘fulfilled’, you must toil away on your type-writer 24/7 with no pleasure or joy in your life to fight against ‘mindless consumerism’ and ‘being a manchild’?
If that’s what fulfilled is, I’m happy being unfulfilled.

>> No.10734573

playing sports is actualizing your physical potential. of course, actual sports not some americanized version of a sport like nintendo wii or something. tv and videogames prepare you for.. more videogames and tv, they dont make you better at anything else but the same activities.

>> No.10734574

> used to hang around with people like this
> misunderstanding how to play Yugi Oh and playing video games, watching films on free days

Fun times. Sometimes people in the group would be more embarrassing than others but we didn't let it bother us much.

>> No.10734576

So you’re in the wrong?
Go take a walk in nature, philisopher anon.

>> No.10734578

You don't need supernormal stimuli to experience joy.
Watching someone play vidya is like watching a retarded bird fascinated by shiny things. You're unironically advocating for evolutionary traps, my man.

>> No.10734579

All you guys saying it's not wrong nor a problem... Wow. Continue consuming mass media all day and buying toys.

>> No.10734581

this is true.
if we equate adulthood with "success" then we're quantifying what success is based on our own priorities.
It also has to be said that we live in a world that is actively hostile towards millennials (and younger generations). Things like a stable job or owning a house aren't goals that people feel they're realistically able to fulfill, so they default to things they can enjoy.
Honestly, they have a group of friends they can regularly share their passions with, and that's not a lot of money or an expensive car, but it's a different kind of success.
As long as weebs follow the social courtesies (ie, being appropriate in public, not being rude, not cramming their hobbies down people's throats) then there's no reason to degrade them for it.
I can't play video games for shit, and I stopped being a weeb years ago, but honestly? Sometimes I could find a group of weebs to hang out with. I miss just talking about shit I used to love with people who love it too.

>> No.10734585

When you say potential, you have a metric. Manchildren have their own metric. If their happiness is their metric, then they succeed, even if they fail to reach their potential by your metric.

There are some objective ways to criticize them, like economical contribution and fertility rate but 'bad' is highly subjective.

>> No.10734586

>He said, while posting on an anime imageboard
The amount of hypocrisy ITT is staggering

>> No.10734587

i know its bad for me to be here. i wont defend it only because i like it, restricting it gradually is the only choice, anything else is self harm. im planning to go out town this weekend.

>> No.10734588

Hey video games are good. don't appreciate your tone, OP

>> No.10734589

>implying anime is even tolerated here
It's an image board about literature

>> No.10734592

Jordan Peel, Robin Williams and Guillermo Del Toro all enjoyed video games and anime and those guys are pretty cool.

>> No.10734593

I like you

>> No.10734594

I only browse /lit/. And your argument is moronic, would I not drive a car if seatbelts weren't yet implemented, and I was arguing in favor of seatbelts?

>> No.10734597

My point wasn't about anime, anon.

>> No.10734598

manchildren are a manufactured product, just like what they consume. their metric isnt theirs. and thats hte least of the problems they have.

>> No.10734599

Let's say you're a citizen of a state, can you still disagree with the state when you're part of it?

>> No.10734601

The amount of manchildren ITT is staggering.

>> No.10734603
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>> No.10734604

No one cared who she was before she put it on.

>> No.10734605

Therefore, you are a manchild

>> No.10734608

what a swell guy. totally well adjusted, broad scoped views on society.

>> No.10734609

what's your point? He's not wrong and it's his fucking movie.

>> No.10734610

but I dont like you

>> No.10734611

fuck off.

i like you too, anon >>10734593

>> No.10734613

Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

>> No.10734614

Completely different. No one is forcing you to come here. And don't say stupid shit like "durr you can learn a lot of things by browsing here" because 99% of this board is shit.
>I only browse /lit/
Is this supposed to be a counter-point?
You're a fucking degenerate! No no, I only masturbate to gangbang porn!
Also your analogy doesn't make sense.

>> No.10734617

Racism and sexism is bad, anon

>> No.10734618
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Ah, a chance to post this

>> No.10734620

>cites a post
>responds incoherent garbage
are you OK anon? need to sip some mountain dew?

>> No.10734627

Not an argument my dear manchild.

>> No.10734629

If you want to stop creating so many "manchildren" reduce the cost and time investment in skills development. Very few college courses should be 4 years and the cost is absurd.

The cost of young adulthood is far too high, it's no surprise people run from it.

>> No.10734630

Consider the context. He's talking about a manifestation of institutional evil represented in a fairy tale horror film. He's not talking about people who don't go outside.

If anyone appreciates the outsiders, it's Guillermo.

>> No.10734631

> to ever name the source of human misery in the 21st century [...] would be to turn the host against the parasite which is almost done devouring us from the inside. Basically people try to trivialize staring at screens all day, skyrocketing mental illness, obesity crisis, automation etc with appeals to living standards and entertainment value and if there was ever an intellectual current of thought that was strongly opposed to these things, vocal enough to get the public thinking about it [...] you would have a crisis of confidence in the current system.
I knew 4chan was full of manchildren but I honestly thought this board would deter most of them. Seems like I was wrong. It's kinda sad that some of us spend time posting in lit and philosophical threads, only to get quoted and misunderstood by the hordes of manchildren.

>> No.10734633

then answer my post again >>10734598
now making sense

>> No.10734634

He was virtue signalling after Trump won.
He's an idiot, anon

>> No.10734635

yes, but trying use liberal arguments against people to try and undermine bringing attention to actual, observable real world issues is even worse.

>> No.10734638

And what are those actual, observable world issues he points out?

>> No.10734641

Because humanity has plateaued. Our era has no major goals or objective that drives the average joe to explore, fight, invent or create. We don't have unknown continents to conquer, we don't have major scientific breakthroughs to make, we don't have wars to fight. The previous generations took the last big hurdles for us and as a result of that people growing up in this day and age are aimless.

Here's how today's average life goes: you go to school with a very faint idea of a job that you'd like to do later. You quickly realise that there are hundreds of thousands that also want the same job and the industry standard for your job is extremely high because of this demand. Your average skills don't cut it and you settle for something simpler and end up in a cushy 9-5 job. Your wage is comfortable and more than enough to afford a nice place to stay, food for you and your family and some extras from time to time. Now that you've settled and your basic needs (shelter, food, social contact) are taken care of, you have an abundance of free time to fill with whatever you want. Qeue video games, Netflix, cosplay, anime, etc.

TL;DR: Our kind has reached a state of comfort that gives the average Joe a copious amount of free time. Combine this free time with mass-media influence and you get a bunch of degenerate manchildren.

>> No.10734646

Anyone know if Zerzan has some specific texts concerning the internet or the digital world?

>> No.10734647

>Our kind has reached a state of comfort that gives the average Joe a copious amount of free time
the problem is not the average joe now having time. its that every time the average joe has free time, he degenerates. about 95% of all people, in all eras of history dont know what to do with their free time, they are better as slaves, soldiers, servants, they just cant handle freedom, no matter how advanced the society is, because a society can advance because of the few gifted individuals, but the ample populace are all literal troglodytes just aping of the benefits but never progressing anywhere, just dressing neater.

>> No.10734649

I quoted the wrong post. (I meant to quote >>10734594)
I don't even disagree, what I'm saying is that the vast majority of people arguing against manchildren ITT are manchildren themselves (you're proving this point well enough, with the fact that you post on 4chan and think in memes).

>> No.10734654

>the vast majority of people arguing against manchildren ITT are manchildren themselves
>people in bad situation think situation is bad

>> No.10734664

>You quickly realise that there are hundreds of thousands that also want the same job
I think this is true and very interesting as well, because why would you believe otherwise? It's pretty obvious if you think about it, yet it takes a very long time to fully understand it. Why? Is it because we're raised with unrealistic expectations? Is it because our society is run on a muh meritocracy overdrive?

>> No.10734665

People need to realize that technology has allowed governments to exert power over its citizens more than in any other decade. We like to think of us as civilized democratic countries, but the truth is far from this fake reality manufactured and fed to us by those in power. Manchildren are the result of decades of behavioral research. It is not some random coincidence nor it is the product of modern life. People who refuse to look at this fact, nor have have the propensity to understand it, are simply proving that they indeed need an elite group to control their lives. These people can't fathom that the Elite don't regard them as more than hordes of sheeps handled from one side of the political spectrum to the other, because they are PLEBS. Those who see the government for what it is are only capable of understanding it because they are naturally inclined to be leaders, or at least in a position of power over those who can't.

>> No.10734666

Late stage capitalism. The discrepancy between the rich and the poor is ridiculous. No one should make 1000x the money as their workers. That it's "fair" is propaganda to get people to promote complicity and infighting against the millions of workers that actually work hard. If you work 40 hours a week, you deserve to have enough money to support yourself. There are thousands of examples of "white capitalism" fucking people over, and people have gotten so fucking complacent that it's physically painful to watch. Walmart failed in europe because they refused to unionize, which is required by law. People die because they can't afford life saving medicine. Epipens cost 600$ dollars now. Ambulance rides cost thousands of dollars in the US. I rode an ambulance once. Do you know how much I paid? 20€. People are planning a school walk out because despite thousands and thousands of gun deaths more than in any other first world country on earth, the US still won't change gun regulation laws.
That's not even counting all the dubious shit corporations do, like build in kill switches so you have to keep buying shit.
These aren't opinions. These are actual, real life issues, and people who try to argue that this is how it should be, or it's fair, they're either rich, idiots, or brainwashed.
Society is give and take. It has to be give and take to work properly. You work, and you pay taxes, and you consume. That's giving. Providing safety, healthcare and education is the taking. These are basic human rights, and they've been privatized. It's wrong.

>> No.10734670

>people in bad situation think situation is bad
If you read the posts ITT it's pretty clear that those arguing against manchildren don't think of themselves as manchildren (as evidenced by their aura of smug superiority)

>> No.10734672

>a king from the 1500’s would kill to be in the position the middle-class American is in now

>> No.10734675

You're right. It's not only about us having time, it's also about having absolute freedom during that time to do whatever we please. It doesn't help that our society promotes this "be whoever you want to be" behavior. The social barriers that prevented people from dressing up as ridiculous fantasy characters all day are gone.

But still, time is a factor. It's kind of hard to waste away entire days if you're a soldier fighting in a war, or if you're on a boat for 2 months crossing an ocean, or if you simply have to work every waking moment to feed yourself and your family.

>> No.10734676

Maybe, but the goal isn't to set up camps and begin a manchild genocide, but emancipation of manchildren, freeing them from the power of capital.

>> No.10734677

You got all that from Del Toro's tweet?
I don't think so, go complain about the modern system to someone else, what Del Toro said was and is ridiculous

>> No.10734678
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Personally, I've been through more than my share of shit; Illness, injury, death, etc. Also, there was drunken revelry, a brown eyed girl with dark hair and moonlight pale breasts, minor wins amid major losses.

I think I've earned my Power Ranger's Legacy Tommy.

>> No.10734679

Shape of Water still looks good and I still want a Guillermo Del Toro x Hideo Kojima video game to happen. Trump shouldn't have won.

>> No.10734683

>You got all that from Del Toro's tweet?
You didn't?

>> No.10734686

>the mindless shouldn't have their own pleasures
>the primordial organic activity of consumption is wrong
>capitalism wasn't adopted because it was efficient

>> No.10734687

>It's wrong
I don't mean to undermine your comment as it raises important issues but thinking in terms of morality only masks the truth. Morality is simply another tool of mass control. Do you think the Elite justify themselves with morality? No. So looking at everything from a moral perspective only clouds your analysis. Just take Marx for exemple, 90% of his oeuvre is completely amoral. He didn't care that workers were being exploited, he just wrote about the materialistic implications of that. Once he realized plebs will never grasp what he wrote about, he coated his manifesto with a good dose of morality so people would get rilled up and adopt his ideas.

>> No.10734689

You're reading into things too far, which is fine if you want to amuse yourself but don't pretend Del Toro meant any of that by implying institutional evil is pale and male

>> No.10734691

You're not going to emancipate manchildren by making smug lol drink mt dew???? posts on an imageboard
You're also not taking this far enough, since not being a manchild is not enough to free someone from this supposed power of capital

>> No.10734694

the manchildren is the true servitude. the literal slaves of this system. they are the lowest caste, they need this more than the rest.

>> No.10734695

I think it also has to do with modern parents accepting their children for who they are, regardless of what they are. I used to be a scout troop leader and you notice this trend in modern parents where they treat their kids like they can't do anything wrong. If the kid claims to be an introvert and only likes playing vidya all day, they'd let them. Whereas 30 years ago, you'd get a slap and be sent outside to play.

>> No.10734696

Their physicality forces them into it. Notice how all the people in this image are ugly. There exists no such thing as a Chad manchild.
Growing up they probably never enjoyed any social validation, forcing them to adapt a mechanism by which they could cope with reality in a manner that was actually achievable; no friends and pussy equals watching anime, roughly speaking.

>> No.10734698

reading overrated and outdated greeks is better amiritte? Oh great, and muscular plato you are,so wise please let me suck your ancient cock glurg glurg glurg. Learn legit or kill yourself manchild

>> No.10734700


>> No.10734703

well, greeks is some elite culture created by the top homos of all history. manchildren are just receiving Soywars(tm) written by a comitee of deranged catlady feminists. of course top homos have the upper hand, this isnt subjected to opinion, is fact too.

>> No.10734706

>There exists no such thing as a Chad manchild
Anecdotal, but I played football in high school, was a minor league musician for a decade, used a bicycle to go everywhere, golfed, had my share of hoes, now I'm watching Dagashi Kashi, deeply embedded in my hall of plastic Star Wars figurines, eagerly awaiting sleep so I can drift off to Phineas & Ferb.

>> No.10734708

>Notice how all the people in this image are ugly
Astute observation anon

>> No.10734709

What are NOT manchildren hobby? Baseball? American Football?

>> No.10734710

I'm not American, so I don't get the mountain dew reference, and I just reply spontaniously itt.

Not being a manchild would help, subcultures have been created at will for a while now to sell shit, it's important in advertising to create a demand after all, a demand that isn't in fact needed. Subcultures are fine, but they don't need to be connected to ads and products. In truth the manchild culture is a product of advertising.

>> No.10734713

You peaked early. Not something I'd be proud of.

>> No.10734716

you can thank the CIA for that. now you can enter into manchildrenhood very late in your life. its a pan-culture that can absorb anyone and everyone no matter his background or past.

>> No.10734719

photographing naked girls. not manchild. but collecting cameras and not shooting them because of social anxiety, manchild tier.

>> No.10734720

protip: there aren't any. hobbies are inherently for manchildren.

>> No.10734722

Being a Chad is primarily contingent on physicality, not on activities. Even so 'I did sports and am not a virgin' is not Chad-tier. It's just regular normie stuff.

>> No.10734725

this. the concept of hobby is from the XX century. before that there were crafts, and they all were useful. you made shit for your home, you sold shit, you dressed with the shit you made.

now its this commodity, the "maker" culture, which is pure soy, these faggots cant hit a nail to a piece of wood. but thats another story.

>> No.10734727

What about mindful consumerism?

>> No.10734731
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>> No.10734733

I would hope I peaked, I'm in my 30's for christ's sake. This didn't happen overnight. You don't amass a toy collection like mine overnight (well, I guess now you can, but I kept all of my shit). I always liked these things. You need everyone to fit in a box, but it doesn't work that way. I went to Star Wars premieres with friends who would go on to become millionaires, doctors, influential individuals.

The point is I've always been like this. I always want to talk about Stargate, I always read comics, I bought Dragonball tapes from the comic shop before internet streaming/downloading, but I was also leading a normal life.

Once the bills are paid, I feel no need to justify my consumerism. Life is shitty and short. We all consume on the backs of the poor, at least own up to it.

>> No.10734734

>We all consume on the backs of the poor
youre spooked beyond salvation. gg CIA.

>> No.10734736

I don't know
And neither does anyone else

>> No.10734739

Nah, the manchild culture was born decades ago, created by people who found a way to escape their misery by being good at computers. The explosion of said culture into the mainstream however is indeed a product of advertising.
>a demand that isn't in fact needed
You have your head so far into the machine's ass you think some minor change in what we consume is going to be meaningful. 99% of the things we do today aren't "needed", browsing an anime imageboard isn't "needed", football, SpaceX, reading books, watching YouTube movies aren't "needed".

>> No.10734746

>Being a Chad
With all due respect, you've got some growing up to do.

>> No.10734747

>created by people who found a way to escape their misery by being good at computers
lmao are you fucking serious right now

>> No.10734750

Hm. That's not wrong, but I think it's disingenuous to completely disregard morality. It exists, obviously, and I believe that morality's function is to further a social cohesiveness. It should promote people to support the lesser able members of our society, like children and the elderly and sick, and our morality evolves with our understanding of people. And it's not like morality doesn't drive people to act: soup kitchens, non profit organizations, etc.

The problem that arises is that capitalism rewards those without moral compunction. The kind of people required to make sure that say, coca cola stays at the tippy top of their market, are the kind of people willing to ignore morally reprehensible problems, like "should we steal water from these impoverished countries where the inhabitants don't have regular access to clean water?" Most people would say no. Obviously. They need clean water more than I need a carbonated sugar drink. But that's not how it works.

And then you have laws in place that minimize philanthropic actions private people try to take. Like feeding the poor, or taking food out of supermarket dumpsters. I don't have the exact numbers on me, but the amount of perfectly edible food that is destroyed per day instead of say, allowing people who need it to just have it is ridiculous.

But that's just the morality of it. The long term implications are much more harrowing. Denying people basic necessities is long term detrimental to everyone. Sick workers can't work, tired workers can't work well, unhappy workers don't work well, etc. Outsourcing is a problem, globalization is a problem, it's all a problem and everyone knows it, but it all takes a back seat to profit.

That rich people are rich isn't a problem. That people want to be rich isn't a problem. The problem is that the regulations in place to prioritize the health of the social collective over the corporate profit are completely inadequate in part because they're allowed to be part of the process.

To change that needs morality. It's a prerequisite to giving up something you have for the benefit of someone you don't know or maybe don't even like.

>> No.10734754
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Short answer: peter pan syndrome induced by cultural marxism indoctrination.

>> No.10734755

how about the proto manchild, the guy that had a train with full railroad in his attic in the early XX century? that was some neat stuff.

>> No.10734756

Yes? That's what escapism is.

>> No.10734758

This really made me think, anon.
Ideally a hobby would cost nothing, you wouldn't do it because of the products, you would do it because you truly enjoy it. Barefoot running on a beach maybe.

>> No.10734759

its a real disgrace that you cant swap races anymore. now its so lame.

>> No.10734762

walking cant be a hobby. but the jews will tax you any day for it and will brand it as a super cool activity.

>> No.10734763

How the fuck is having the opportunity to contribute something meaningful to society and acting on it with efficiency and happiness escapist?

>> No.10734764


Unhappiness and lack of 'real' meaning.

>> No.10734765

So the only hobbies are breathing, walking and shitting. Great

>> No.10734767

Japan has the most degenerate kinds of entertainment and still manages to be one of the most advanced and creative countries.
Iraq on the other hand has no degenerate entertainment and produces nothing of value.

>> No.10734769

Do you think the guy who created Pacman wanted to contribute something meaningful to society?

>> No.10734773


>> No.10734774

I don't know about the creator of Pacman specifically, but video games in general: Yes? Fucking obviously? Do you seriously think artists are miserable people? If they were, they wouldn't be creating anything. Dumbass.

>> No.10734778

Japan can say "we dont like that filthy ape in my star wars movie". They have that freedom, which the west doesnt have.

>> No.10734782

>Do you seriously think artists are miserable people? If they were, they wouldn't be creating anything
I can tell you havent created shit in your life.

>> No.10734785

> greater access to comforts and luxuries
> less incentive to endure hardship and personal trials

Hmmm.... it’s almost as if man prefer easy the easier way out

>> No.10734787

The "misery" that motivates the artist to create is not even remotely the same as depressed manchild misery.

>> No.10734795

You dont know shit sbout the creative process. Maybe /tv/ is more of your speed.

>> No.10734796

>implying /tv/ ever talks about movies

>> No.10734800

What is this misery you speak of? I'm not miserable because I like sci-fi and fantasy. An artists misery, I understand, but that has more to with getting things out and being honest.

>> No.10734810

>Do you seriously think artists are miserable people?
People who make videogames? Absolutely. In the modern world hobbies are a cope for a (perceived or not, doesn't matter) lack of something else. I don't think the guys at Bioware were thinking "wow we're totally going to help society by making a videogame where you can kill dragons" when they made BG2.
Anyway, you're forgetting that the bulk of a culture isn't composed of creators, but of consumers.

>> No.10734817
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>Grow up knowing that most marriages only last for a few years
>Grow up learning that old media is racist and evil
>Grow up knowing that you will never be able to buy a house unless you take money from the Jew
>Grow up learning that white people are bad

>> No.10734822

You're a fucking retard that said manchild culture was born from people who "found a way to escape their misery by being good at computers," why should anyone listen to you about what the creative process is about or anything for that matter?

The "manchild culture" has no relation to computers whatsoever. The hippie movement was not related to computers.

>> No.10734825

So that's why alt-rights are usually manchildren?

For example, Gamergate is manchildren club.

>> No.10734826

The thing that triggered me most in that image is the garbage PDP-EZ drumkit. Can't the church spring for something maple?

>> No.10734830

>The "manchild culture" has no relation to computers whatsoever.
Ok bud. Different poster btw.

>> No.10734834

>People who make videogames? Absolutely.
Ignorant bullshit. You know fuckall about the culture, it seems.

>I don't think the guys at Bioware were thinking "wow we're totally going to help society by making a videogame where you can kill dragons" when they made BG2.
What they were thinking is "We fucking love D&D and we fucking love videogames so let's make some D&D based videogames" with no doubt the consideration that there are many people out there who also love those things and would very much appreciate having the pleasure of playing a well crafted videogame designed for their interests.

>> No.10734838

It's the other way around. Frustrated manchildren turn into Alt-right followers. But the left is also full of manchildren. At least here in Germany.

>> No.10734840

>A king from the 1500’s would kill to be in the position the middle-class American is in now.
t. hedonist who loves to think hedonism is just having material goods

>> No.10734842

>We fucking love D&D and we fucking love videogames so let's make some D&D based videogames
And how is this "needed"?

>> No.10734846

Can we say that Christianity prevent men from being manchildren?

>> No.10734848

How are sports, wrestling, UFC needed?

>> No.10734855

No. Good parenting prevents men from being manchildren and girls from being whores.

>> No.10734857

I said that they aren't (>>10734739). At this point I'm starting to doubt you're actually reading my posts at all.

>> No.10734860

Monks and priests are the original manchildren

>> No.10734861
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>freedom is doing whatever we please
>freedom is caring about the spooks of the people who run the society

you will never be good people

>> No.10734865

So you're a bigger retard than I thought. Nice. How are paintings and art galleries needed? How is art needed at all? Why are there comedians? Why do we use spices and sauces on our food? Why do we have emotions? Pleasures, what's that and who needs them?

>> No.10734876

Enabler parents usually

>> No.10734877
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So far, this is "Stop Liking What I Don't Like: The Thread." Most of the suggestions have involved supplanting hobbies that people enjoy (due to some hidden misery) with, idk, running on the the goddamn beach? The "quest for fulfillment" in this discussion reads like a bad Oprah's book Club novel.

Sorry I'm collecting Genesis games rather than fixing up an old house in Tuscany and waiting for the love my life.

>> No.10734887

>In the modern world hobbies are a cope for a (perceived or not, doesn't matter) lack of something else.

When did this change occur? What were hobbies before this change? What is the "something else"?

>> No.10734890
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Congrats, you're starting to understand that the root of our problems goes way back than you taught and attacking manchild culture because it isn't "needed" and proposing a simple change of the type of products we consume as a solution isn't enough.

>> No.10734897

Because life sucks. More likely than not manchildren wake up everyday to go to the same low stakes job. They eat the same lunch everyday. Whatever sex life they have is bland, even after attempting to zazz it up with ropes and leather. There is no frontier. There are no mountains left to be conquered. Hell, space travel has been reduced to glorified busy work, but hey! you're floating.
Consuming pop culture is the only excitement in an otherwise monotone existence.

>> No.10734902

Not if you have a penis, faggot

>> No.10734903

All I understand is that you're a retard.

He was a bumbling idiot who thankfully had no impact on the world. Read his The Origin of the Work of Art, it's fucking asinine nonsense.

>> No.10734907

same reason you fags read genre philosophy like Foucault, Derrida, Adorno

>> No.10734909

I like owning shit. Curating it gives me purpose enough. I have other things, but this what I live for. Something deep down fires, something ancient, it tells me to have crap. Every breath I take is at someone else's expense, and I'm not about to dam that river personally, or with a pocket of collective action that amounts to dick.

>> No.10734911

Good thing you trademarked that.

Except most people who figure it out don't want to become leaders; they become ascetics.

>> No.10734924
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>> No.10734929

>Why do people become manchildren?
Because they can afford to be.

>> No.10734945

Surplus population at an upper-middling cognitive level. There is really very little need for them to be anything else, and less pressure on them to be otherwise. The globe is mapped, glory exited warfare decades ago, and there is nothing in the field of science left that can be discovered by a dedicated person of only above-average intelligence. They eat, shit, work, make a baby or two, tweet about how excited they are for a netflix adaptation of a video adaptation of a fantasy book and then pay their taxes. They are perfect citizens.

>> No.10734958

But I am miserable so they must be too.

>> No.10734964

so i take it monks are manchildren, so ascetism is being a manchildren, so i guess not being a manchildren also means you were a chad in middle school and by now your greatest desire would be to contribute to society in some way, except even most of this thread seems to agree there generally isn't much of a society to contribute to and therefore that desire would probably best end up not being acted upon, which would probably mean you would regardless end up wagecucking only to cover for the bare minimum expenses and focus all of your free time on trying out various ways to tolerate your existence on this planet, which unless you exclusively read plato and shit would probably involve at least some "escapism", which apparently would automatically make you a manchildren anyway since you're not devoting your full time and energy to mindless burgeois conformism or something
i don't suppose there's any respectable gentlemanly way of being a "man" left, then, so why even bother right

>> No.10734967

Being miserable is manageable if you have a job and weekly tvshow/anime releases to watch and videogames to play and hobbies to invest money in. Try being miserable and doing nothing all day, shitposting on 4chan while trying to find a meaning to pull yourself from your existential dread.

>> No.10734973

I've tried to explain the blindspot in this thread many ways, but you got it in one sentence, you bitch.

>> No.10734976

Very anti-semitic post.

>> No.10734978

I assume many of them are very happy. Their wants are mundane and easy to satisfy.

>> No.10734985

So why would they be better served to be unhappy?

>> No.10734986

What's non degenerate music?

>> No.10734994

I have not argued for that once, I don't care about the state of these people at all. This is a big thread so maybe others have argued for something like that.

>> No.10734995


>> No.10735007

It's more of an open question. I'd like to know why, aside from resource conservation, a reduction in their lifestyle and its excesses would be personally beneficial.

>> No.10735041

There is nothing really left to do. You go to a shitty job where you're humiliated alternatively by clients on one hand and superiors on other hand. Your partner if you've managed to trick one into dating you likely resents you for not being the CEO 10k a day she had a ONS with once in college. Once you pay your bills you have nothing left. Due to internet and the rapid-fire information exchange whatever original idea you can come up with to escape this slavery has likely already been undertaken by Chinese or independently thought up on another side of the globe and already taken advantage of by big capital interests. Since everything is effectively already done and optimized, the only way a male can improve his social status is by becoming a woman. That is, its only possible to improve your rank by changing your apperance and utilizing social manipulation. That is why psychopaths and narcissists who have failed to develop moral reasoning but are instead stuck in an infantile only muh feefees matter are now overrepresented in all positions of power.

>> No.10735049
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>> No.10735061

>There is nothing really left to do.
New things are done every year still. They're always undertaken by people who planned ahead and worked hard for over a decade. You're just shortsighted.

>> No.10735065

I should add that the paradox lies precisely in the fact that the exact same men who now spend time on video games are actually the ones who would put themselves into action if all the outlets werent eliminated by automatization. Meanwhile the narcissistic psychopaths who continue to flourish by attaching themselves to profit-centers would never change and focus on action/productivity rathet than apperance, even if they had such an outlet available.

>> No.10735069
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>> No.10735077

This whole thread seems to think technological and scientific progress has stopped.
>Since everything is effectively already done and optimized
That's just not true. The future will be unrecognizable to you.

>> No.10735082

Am i manchild if i stare at screen all day, trying to understand combinatorics?

>> No.10735083

>and there is nothing in the field of science left that can be discovered by a dedicated person of only above-average intelligence
new technology is made every year

>> No.10735087

He's saying you have to be ultra smart to progress science nowadays.

>> No.10735090

Am I not allowed to read genre fiction?

>> No.10735091
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Kids don't need to grow up in affluent societies. Once we turn into a shithole, the next generation will be utterly different. I'm Gen X but I can't wait for the future GI Generation to appear and to treat us the way we deserve it. Probably will euthanize the Boomers and send us and the Millenials to Gulag.

>> No.10735096

You put a lot of faith in a generation that screams autistically at pewdipie videos when not eating legos.

>> No.10735098

Sounds like he's never worked in research.

>> No.10735101

The problem is, that thanks to the internet and social media we are constantly comparing ourself to super intelligent and super creative people. This can be inspiring but also very discouraging.

>> No.10735106

Also very large wieners. I know it's not at your level of discourse, but it's a factor.

>> No.10735107
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They have not yet arrived. They will have to grow up in a shithole, we are not enough shithole yet.

>> No.10735113

What if it changes form, and there's no progression.

>> No.10735115

We already have those people. They're called the Chinese and we work for them now.

>> No.10735123

I am saying that humans arent the drivers of technological advance anymore. Everythings already been done in the sense that you cannot have an original idea anymore and carry it out, rather what is next is determined by technology itself which has at this point almost developed a will on its own. People dont have ideas anymore but are instead being used by technology to carry out its own progress.

>> No.10735124

The Chinese are people living in a shithole but who for some reason enjoy shit. Not the same. Not that guy by the way.

>> No.10735127

I could imagine just being an intelligent person is enough to progress things like sociology and psychology but you really need to be one of the 1% to CONTRIBUTE to mathematics, physics or chemistry.

>> No.10735130

If their life is misery they should be angry, instead they watch Chinese cartoons.

>> No.10735132

My point was that they've been sucking on the tailpipe of western excess for years now. They're hardened.

>> No.10735133
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I mean in the west. But yes, that's the generation the Chinese have right now. Once we have the GI cycle, they will have some sort of Chinese Otaku society. Will be funny to watch.

>> No.10735140

Those women don't look healthy. I mean, I'm not about to break the hose out on them, but they could use some sun and some green, leafy veggies.

>> No.10735145


>> No.10735146

They're also retarded. A future in their hands is like putting everyone on an elevator shaft of fine Chinese engineering.

>> No.10735147

They look normal and everyone wants to be as pale as possible in China.

>> No.10735153

Technology has had a will of it's own for a while now according to technology critiques. Humans are changed by the technology (And systems, structures?) Not the other way around.

Keep in mind I wasn't clever enough to read Ellul, but maybe I can handle it now.

>> No.10735157

>everyone wants to be as pale as possible
Takes me back to my Hot Topic days.

>> No.10735162

Just because they shouldn't get a turn at the wheel does not mean they won't.

>> No.10735166

What makes you think they will?

>> No.10735167

What percentage of the population is smart enough to get a PhD in physics?

>> No.10735172

>Technology has had a will of it's own for a while now according to technology critiques
regarding to whom? Alt-right idiots like nick land, guys who have no idea about computer science?

>> No.10735175

Oh, a vacuum of strength perhaps. I mean, if the manchildren discussed thus far are as inept as the consensus tells us, we'll be too limp-wristed to wield the hammer of global affair.

>> No.10735179

lol no. certain anarchists and anti-civ people.

>> No.10735182

The "manchildren discussed thus far" like in the OP pic are minorities in the West.

>> No.10735185

>If that’s what fulfilled is, I’m happy being unfulfilled.
theres nothing sadder than witnessing wasted potential.

>> No.10735189
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Haven't you heard? It's an "epidemic!"

>> No.10735193

Ah, yes. The great philosopher king, so much better compared to his lesser kin. Naturally YOU of all people are different, however. You READ. You THINK. If only the mindless masses were ruled by true intellectuals who thought FOR them, letting the average peon do what he does best; serving his betters.

Naturally, you would be among these elite few. After all, your success speaks for itself. You are a billionaire, not some middle class schmuck with an overinflated ego.

right anon?

>> No.10735209

I don't think anybody's saying they'd necessarily be considered a member of that group

>> No.10735212

>insulting someone by implying they're a platonist
You seem a little arrogant as well, senpai.

>> No.10735217

No, seriously. What is the point of your existence? Would humanity be worse off without you?

>> No.10735219

Artistic and genius 'misery' is a symptom of Industrial Society and its materialistic implications. Before the industrial revolution, Genius was easy, Genius was flowing. The Genius did not spend time in his room agonizing over anything. We witnessed the shift from the free genius to the tortured with the rise of enlightenment value and industrialisation. The foremost exemple being Beethoven, who ached over every single note that he wrote onto the paper. Before that, it didn't exist. Bach would write a groundbreaking fugue (which are still considered the greatest pieces of music ever written) everyday, it just flew right out of him. Same goes for Mozart. They would sit down and write a classic, without any ounce of misery. Their craft was deeply spiritual.

>> No.10735231

Pretty much. Upper class morality got consumed by working class morality.

>> No.10735233

>I'm on 4chan because of consumerism
Not a very compelling argument to the positive meaning of modern consumerism