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/lit/ - Literature

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10730752 No.10730752 [Reply] [Original]

The opening paragraph of this book posits that strength is more important than any form of intellectual or spiritual enlightenment:

>Physical strength is the most important thing in life. This is true whether we want it to be or not. ... Our strength, more than any other thing we possess, still determines the quality and the quantity of our time here in these bodies. Whereas previously our physical strength determined how much food we ate and how warm and dry we stayed, it now merely determines how well we function in these new surroundings we have crafted for ourselves as our culture has accumulated. But we are still animals – our physical existence is, in the final analysis, the only one that actually matters. A weak man is not as happy as that same man would be if he were strong. This reality is offensive to some people who would like the intellectual or spiritual to take precedence.

Pay attention to the last two lines... I feel this introduction is directed at those that have indeed chosen to neglect physical training in pursuit of things which they believe transcend strength. Do you think he makes a compelling case?

>> No.10730768

First thought, the entire first chapter reeks of arrogance

>This is true whether we want it to be or not
>This reality is offensive
>Like it or not

This continues throughout the chapter. Make your point with reasons, rather than just saying "I am right no matter what you think".

>> No.10730778

>t. flabby armed "thinker"

face it, anons. he who claims to be wise but neglects his body is not a philosopher.

>> No.10730797

Physical, spiritual and intellectual development are all extremely important, if you neglect any of them you are retarded.

>> No.10730812
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I have actually read the whole book and he is inconsistent with his arguments.

He claims that STRENGTH is the most important thing in life, but then uses the word EXERCISE when talking about necessity, in the sense that exercise is necessary for good health. Yet, later on, he makes the distinction that exercise is not the same as TRAINING—he writes that exercise is not an adequate activity for building strength, only training will do that.

In other words, he says

(1) exercise is important - true
(2) exercise is not training - true
(3) training is required for strength - true
(4) strength is important - FALSE

That's where his logic falls apart. You can't say carrots are good for you, and eating is good for you, so eating sugar is good for you because it's also food.

>> No.10730821

I lift weights but disagree that they will somehow improve my life more a 10 minute jog every morning. I lift mostly out of vanity, and I wish I was past the point of being self-conscious of my body.

>> No.10730827

Typical autist's breakdown. In your rush to appear intelligent, you neglect to actually analyze.

1. exercise is important - true
2. exercise is not training - FALSE

Training is development of new muscle by incremental load and repetition of established forms (exercises). Training and exercise are synonyms. The author made the mistake of putting "training" into a separate category for the purpose of distinguishing muscle-building exercises from lesser normie activities like jogging or limbo or whatever you people do here.

>> No.10730845

>A weak man is not as happy as that same man would be if he were strong

>Assuming implicitly that happiness is the main goal of life

Your body will decay and rot no matter what you do. Keeping your jail cell clean is not virtuous.

>> No.10730858

Then you look like shit.
Being big and muscular changes how people perceive you, including women. Other men feel more threatened/intimidated by you, potential robbers are less like to rob you, and so on. The benefits far surpass than the benefits of being a skinny running twig.

>> No.10730862

You don't have to resort to insults, I read the whole book and follow it to this day. But his whole argument is based on exercise (yes, the normie stuff like jogging) being good for us because of evolutionary reasons, but then extends this argument to include strength training.

Sorry but the point of diminishing returns is reached pretty quickly when it comes to exercise. He specifically says

> A weak man is not as happy as that same man would be if he were strong

but to Rippetoe being strong means being able to squat at least 300 pounds, anything else and you're faggot.

The guy really has a problem with macho posturing. For someone who calls everyone a faggot it's ironic that he's been single for 40 years.

>> No.10730864

Yes his case is compelling and Rippetoe is an unimpeachable legend

>> No.10730872

he has not read plato, if he had this wouldn’t be an issue. he’s wrong tho, the body is subordinated to the mind, only dumb fucking brutes think otherwise. and however many they rape and murder, a smarter but still strong person will be their end.

>> No.10730876
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>> No.10730885

You're not thinking very far into what you're saying. Stop looking at things in black and white, it's not anorexia vs Ronnie Coleman. I get it, muscle is good in social settings, no shit. Also, stop using fringe examples because I could easily tell you that women like men who are rich and successful, and potential robbers don't get to come near you if you live in affluent neighbourhoods and have security around you.

In general, intellect, success and physical strength are all required for a good life. The author of the book does not, however, convince me that strength is above it all. If I had to choose one thing to neglect, it would be strength.

>a dumb man is not as happy as one who is educated

>> No.10730906

anybody else misses /fitlit/?

>> No.10730941
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>> No.10730955

Societies are not built or maintained on the backs of philosophers or the intellectual class. Historically, a strong population is preferable to an intelligent one, at least in general. In your life you will have more occasions where a minimum of fitness will see you through danger, than a maximum of intelligence would.

Rip is a notorious shit talker, but I think this is what he was getting at.

>> No.10730967

Yet another example of why /fitlit/ is a meme peddled by /fit/ idiots who started reading in their twenties for self improvement

>> No.10730970

>Historically, a strong population is preferable to an intelligent one
>, at least in general.
LOL an argument so stupid, even you didn't know what you meant.

>> No.10730975

A population fit for hunter gathering or war would be determined by running and carrying loads up hills not compound lift PRs you absolute fucking morons

>> No.10730981

Being fit will get u pussy

>> No.10730988

It also reeks of insecurity for that very reason

>> No.10731009

Did you click on the wrong board?

>> No.10731011

I can't wait when we become a society ruled by 300+ IQ ESPs with shriveled up bodies that move around by telekinesis and dumb muscle heads doing all the manual labor

>> No.10731015

In general a population that can be described as strong, fit to work manual labor, is preferable to one that is more suited to thought. Is this easier to understand?

>> No.10731025

That's why Africa is such a powerhouse of a continent right?

>> No.10731074

>The author of the book does not, however, convince me that strength is above it all.

Rippetoe is insane but let me stop you there lad:

[graph showing that attractive people are happier, wealthier, and generally more successful which you should already be familiar with by now]

While Rippetoe has his own dumb evolutionary reasons for why strength matters, it is not incorrect to say that physical fitness is one of the most important aspects of a person's life, because it can very much determine how financially and socially successful you are. Fitness improves a person's attractiveness. For example, confidence is important in job interviews. Who seems more confident, the skinnyfat dweeb or the ugly dude with Rich Piana pecs? In a world of lookism the latter dude is pegged for a better life, by a shitload of metrics. Even though he may not be the 10/10 who has a greatly improved chance at the gig, he still has a better chance than sticklet man if they have comparable skills. People respect him more. He becomes empowered.

It is a bit odd to me that people can rage about racial inequality, oppression of women, etc. and on the other not see how a lot of this has to do with lookism and thus lifting will improve a person's life x10. The fact that there are millions of people walking around being skinny twerp males or hog females and never thinking "this awful form I have that makes everyone subconsciously respect me less is a great contributor to the parts of my life I am unhappy about" really makes me HMMMMMMMMM

>why can't I get laid, this is causing me serious mental illness, manchildren are people too
>why don't people respect me, I still have those 30lbs from my last pregnancy but that shouldn't matter
>how come people like me less when my very physical form displays my lack of discipline


>> No.10731076

That is incredibly stupid

>> No.10731084

How do you idiots get onto this board?

>> No.10731104

>t. sniffing frowny fatso with bad hair

>> No.10731107

after I finished sucking off my bro in the locker room, I went to wash my mouth out with toilet water and saw that somebody had scrawled CHECK OUT /LIT/ (fire emoji) ON 4HCAN[sic] TO STEP UR MIND GAINS UP on the stall

I have been enjoying a hearty discussion of 20 year old retards posting R8 MY BOOKSHELF ever since

>> No.10731118

/lit/ btfo permanently, it does not seem likely they will ever be able to open a book again (or for the first time)

>> No.10731127

the point is that you are implying strength is somehow unrelated to the other things. it isn't. people who are ugly/out of shape typically succeed via privilege or luck, so you seem to be saying "why should I care about this aspect of success and not just success" which is nonsensical

>> No.10731135

What if you want to be a soft twink femboy?

>> No.10731141

then you'll want to be doing cardio to get those toned and slender gains

>> No.10731143

>people who are ugly/out of shape typically succeed via privilege or luck
AHAHAHAHAHAHA you must be pretty fucking stupid. It's much easier to become fit than it is to become actually intelligent (not just trivia smarts, but actually learning how to think) just look at Jeff Bezos.

>> No.10731146

Again, I agree with all of that but you've created a false dichotomy. Rich Piana is actually repulsive to most people, but the fact that you think he isn't tells me that you're really fat down the bodybuilding rabbit hole. The ideal body isn't Rich Piana, nor is it exemplified by prisoners of Auschwitz. The ideal body is one that says "I keep fit but I also do other things".

>> No.10731157

ur a fag

>> No.10731159

>people who are ugly/out of shape typically succeed via privilege or luck
Leave your room once in a while kid. People who are out of shape succeed via intellect, skill, humour, practice, and pretty much everything other than luck and privilege.

>> No.10731176

>africans are strong
funny m8

>> No.10731181

by "luck" I meant "statistics show that attractive people are wealthier and generally more successful", it doesn't matter how intelligent you are if the person in charge of determining your future is repulsed. if you don't think qualified, unattractive people are unfairly dismissed from opportunities in their field, then I guess you can suck my dick because the numbers say you are wrong

I'm not even a tumblrist but people have spent the last century bitching about nepotism, cronyism, racism, sexism, etc. ageism is a pretty big deal in tech startups. not sure how you can deny appearance is something of an end all be all in the >current year when we got all these stats and all this oversexualization

>you're just a salty uggo

I'm not, but even if I was you are just proving my point. This is the thought process of lookism. Ugly, unsuccessful aren't even allowed to bitch about their plight because >you just didn't work hard enough bro stop being mad and ugly. Even though the stats say otherwise.

>> No.10731183

everyone should both lift weights and read books.

>> No.10731197

Sugar is good for you, as it fuels ATP synthesis, which provides energy for all cellular functions. Only pop-science which falsely propagates that there's a difference between a glucose molecules from sugar and that from fruits, or behavioral-based literature that focuses on the mechanisms of overeating over the simple plain facts of thermodynamics think contrary. If you're not overeating sugar, and if you're eating fiber with your sugar, then there's nothing harmful about it. There's simply nothing inherently harmful about some fructose and glucose.

>> No.10731198

stupid? You're stupid. Historically the majority where uneducated illiterate peasants. Fodder for industry and war, an intellectual has too much conceited self worth to shed blood for others(especially those who he thinks lesser then himself, specifically everyone)

>> No.10731200

Show these statistics that "prove" what you are saying then.

>nepotism, cronyism, racism, sexism, etc. ageism
You realize that none of these are based on a person's physical attraction when they bring these up as issues, right?

The only people who get hired entirely based on looks are pop-stars and secretaries. I don't think anybody here mentioned anything about your personal looks, but the fact that you think the entire world revolves around it makes me think you are some combination of ugly, stupid, and resentful.

>> No.10731208

>It's better for a society to be stupid and ruled with an iron fist than free and enlightened

u rite, smart peeple r stoopid

>> No.10731214

the economy is increasingly becoming knowledge-oriented. the highest paying careers require significant thought and creativity.

being fit and physically healthy does however increase mental health. people should be both thoughtful and strong.

>> No.10731217
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I wouldn't say weight lifting solely, but rather some form of persistent, dedicated fitness or sport is necessary. You cannot ever fully pursue intellectual endeavors if you neglect your body:
>Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.
>- John F. Kennedy
To me, a weak body is a weak mind.

>> No.10731219

you're both fucking retarded and shouldn't be allowed to breed

>> No.10731247

A huge topic but this article contains some relevant links:

>but the fact that you think the entire world revolves around it makes me think you are some combination of ugly, stupid, and resentful.

There's that meme again, when even if it was true and I was some Elliot Roger tier blackpiller, it would just prove my point, so I don't know why you keep bringing it up. I am conflating strength with fitness, and fitness with attractiveness, and attractiveness with confidence, and confidence with success, because they intersect into a web of predictors.

I am very well aware that there are plenty of ugly, intelligent people making assloads of dosh working for banks with maths degrees. "Ugly people are smarter" is a classic meme. It's also based on anecdotes, which is why you should look at numbers instead. If I were to look around in my daily life, I could come to the conclusion that physical appearance matters less than qualifications, most people would say this. And most people would be wrong by a small margin, because other people who have thought harder about it and examined what "attractiveness" really means have come to a different conclusion.

>> No.10731252

OP here. I wish I hadn't made this thread. Now I will feel compelled to check it in case anyone says anything valuable but I doubt that will happen :(

>> No.10731254

/fitlit/ is no more, t'was but a fleeting dream. Begone, to your proper board.

>> No.10731279

Nothing in that link or any of the "studies" in that link have no actual hard statistics other than a 3-4% salary difference (which they don't explain how they measured) and "attractive people are treated better on average" which is both obvious and immeasurable.

>I am conflating strength with fitness, and fitness with attractiveness, and attractiveness with confidence, and confidence with success, because they intersect into a web of predictors.
And you are in way over your head trying to find the exact influence they have over people considering you are trying to objectively measure a subjective value.

>based on anecdotes, which is why you should look at numbers instead
The irony here is that your argument is also based on anecdotes and "the numbers" you have are not proof in any capacity.

>> No.10731282

it's actually the most enlightened philosophy
you can reason and rationalize pretty much fucking anything, spend all day inside your head and die having never done a single action
it's like if you knew everything but were the last person on earth so it didn't matter

>> No.10731289

i didnt say better anything. It was historically preferred, that was the point and the only one im making. Learn to critically think before you shitpost shit head.

>> No.10731303

It's ironic that you would prefer a society of weightlifting retards but still get upset when someone "misreads" your retarded argument.

>> No.10731305

>"attractive people are treated better on average"
That's an incorrect meme. The masses are full of resentful people, willing to use violence against their perceived betters, we do indeed need to protect the strong from the weak in this case.

I'm not great at examples but imagine a class bullying the prettiest girl, it's unironically common, if the girl is viewed as a rival of some sort.

>> No.10731309

>implying you actually read all that shit since my post
>implying there are aren't numerous other papers referenced that aren't paywalled and you couldn't check them out

and most of all
>implying a well known fact isn't a fact
>implying no cognitive bias and halo effect research for decades
>implying m-

/lit/ no

>> No.10731324

Do you have a single argument?

>> No.10731343

You got rekt, kid. And you can't change it with walls of greentext.

>> No.10731346

Yeah, I already made it, then supported it by telling you read that article + links (you didn't) which would have lead you to read some non-paywalled papers on the subject, or some on the APA database if your uni has access.

>> No.10731371

threads like this are the death of /lit/

>> No.10731378

I think the main link between exercise and reading is that exercise has proven time and time and time and time again (along with a good diet) that it is extremely beneficial not just for your muscles, but for your brain.

For some fucking reason, a lot of people forget that the brain is just as permeable and likely to atrophy as muscle, and that it, too, is deeply affected by the various hormones and chemicals drifting through it all the time. Logic and rationality are not inflexible, godlike laws, that's why you have so many autists on this board debating stupid shit. The brain is not a stand-alone organ driven by an immortal soul that is unaffected by hormones or exercise, it is just like any other organ in your body.

If you don't believe me, just spend an afternoon with a patient with alzheimers, dementia, or a brain tumor. You'll quickly discover that there's nothing permanent about the brain.

Even if you read the highest-brow literature in the world, if you sit on your fat/skinny ass all day, your brain would still be running at barely what you should be able to process. There's no good excuse for lacking exercise, except maybe if you're some limbless creature like the baby from Eraserhead.

The best prank board hands-down. I wish so badly it was a real board.

This but lifting weights can be any form of exercise. calisthenics, cardio, martial arts, etc. as long as it's physical

>> No.10731395

>I wish so badly it was a real board.

it was only good because it was new, all boards are fun for the first few weeks until they become settled in and people just start being memer fucktards because the topic of the board is no longer fresh in their minds and all the non-idiots leave. that actually gives me an idea though, an image board where the boards are randomly mixed together each month so that the communities never grow stale.

>it's a /jp+tg/ month
>it's a /sci+pol/ month
>it's a /k+hm/ month

4chan will never be the same

>> No.10731409

It's not my job to make your argument for you. If you can't supply any of these "statistics" that you claimed existed to prove your point, then that is on you.

I did read that article and even checked the sources they had linked in the text. Not a single source was a real statistic, all of it was anecdotal or based on "common sense".

>> No.10731410

4chan roulette would be insanely fun, but too bad so many people on the site hate change.

>> No.10731436

This is a reasonable post you're really not making a case for strength training, you're talking about exercise in general. We all know it's good for your body, your mind, we know it prevents depression and anxiety, we're aware of its benefits. But Rippetoe is not advocating this, he specifically refers to strength in the sense of being able to squat at least 2 times. This isn't an exaggeration, he routinely makes fun of people who might be fit but aren't like two standard deviations above what most would consider "fit".

>> No.10731464

you're shadow boxing with riptoe when we're really talking about lookism here man
mmm novelty

>> No.10731476

Forever in our hearts

>> No.10731478

>people on this board would rather be physically strong than mentally or spiritually strong
Sure, you have to be healthy to do certain things, but that's where it ends.
>For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

>> No.10731516

then enjoy getting robbed butthole

>> No.10731558

yeah he's retarded in that aspect, still i addressed the subject of exercise in general because quite a bit of people itt were talking shit on exercise as a whole. strength alone is overrated as fuck, you're better off going with endurance training or flexibility than putting on DEM GAINS and stressing your joints even fucking more.

>> No.10731688

There is a case to be made for the idea that you're really not "fit" without pursuing the genetic potential of your muscle mass because there are only advantages, so why stop at merely being otter mode or something? Unless you are specializing for something, like cyclists and marathon runners who perform best with less weight, or for aesthetics, I don't see any reason not to get as jacked as you can. People who "stop" at merely meeting some arbitrary level of "healthy" as determined by minimum standards that doctors set are sorta half-assing it IMO, if you can improve by doing what you are already doing in a different way (exercising) then why not? I dislike this meme, "I'm otter mode now, so I'm 'done' ", I don't know how people came to that conclusion because one does not become "more otter mode". There's nowhere to progress from there so at that point you just do maintenance. Seems gay. Also meatheads have greater bone density etc.

Rippetoe's arguments are silly tho yeah, he has this caveman survivalist mentality that if you're not as strong as (in)humanly possible then it's only a matter of time before Bruce Lee jumps out of the shadows and beats your ass. Aware me on why everyone shouldn't lift for mass though.

>> No.10731701

they probably want their butthole rubbed

>> No.10731704

>lifting stresses your joints bad
>training does not incorporate flexibility and increase mobility

alright you're banned from talking about this shit until you actually lift DYEL nigger. that shit only applies to professional athletes who are injecting mad scientist cocktails and squatting 500pl8s, don't spread this bad meme

>> No.10731738

>we need to protect the strong from the weak

you are not strong if you are not independent and posses some capability to protect yourself. i see no need to offer protection to people who are already advantaged.

>> No.10731761
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hey fuck off fragilista, rippertoe is antifragile

>> No.10732080

>die having never done a single action

Lol, "doing things" means nothing, thought, like virtue, is its own reward.

>it's like if you knew everything but were the last person on earth so it didn't matter

Can you really only place value on things through social utility?

>> No.10732633

rippetoe looks like a corpse

>> No.10732649

t-rexes are still at the top of the food chain!!!11 this is why you should become one - mark rippletits

>> No.10732671

>intellectually and financially superior
>being this much of a faggot
Seems pretty fucking fragile.

>> No.10732684

>This reality is offensive to some people who would like the intellectual or spiritual to take precedence.

claiming that people who disagree with you are offended is not a sound objection to their views

>> No.10732695

That picture is embarassing
>jfk quote
>You cannot ever fully pursue intellectual endeavors if you neglect your body
Yeah but you can
>To me, a weak body is a weak mind.
Can't believe I share a board with you fucking idiots

>> No.10732701

You don't shadow box with another person in mind boxlet

>> No.10732706
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If you have no mental problems in your life (including effeminacy) then don't bother. Otherwise, you know what to do.

>> No.10732719

Literally none of those people lifted weights
other the meme additions

>> No.10732746
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why not be both strong and smart?

>> No.10732755

Fuck you fucking centrist

>> No.10732780

Socrates and Plato were fit fuarks

>> No.10732791

So true, every person I've seen that calls themselves /fitlit/ seemed like a pretentious idiot
>oh wow guys look I'm reading crime and punishment AND I have a 3pl8 diddly arent I a well rounded person

>> No.10732824

Both wrestled which is something entirely different

>> No.10732829
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>Yeah but you can
You cannot, you will wallow and wither into decrepitude before you know it. Tons of scientific literature backs up the importance of exercise, and philosophy of course is adamant about the importance of physical endeavors to the spirit and the mind. But you're clearly just limp-wristed trash, no point talking sense into someone who's convinced themselves into such horrifically harmful mindset.

>> No.10732868

Yeah but no-one just eats glucose you moron.

>> No.10732987
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>You cannot ever fully pursue intellectual endeavors you neglect your body
Read this to yourself again and realize how wrong, and stupid it is

>> No.10733021

For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

>> No.10733047

That guy looks like a fool
Oh and he's a scifi writer lmao

>> No.10733080

>In general a population that can be described as strong, fit to work manual labor, is preferable to one that is more suited to thought. Is this easier to understand?
I don't agree. A population who can invent and take advantage of tools so they do not have to perform manual labor is preferable. Which, if you haven't noticed, is we have been doing exponentially over the past couple of millennia. The dumb strong are quickly becoming obsolete.

>> No.10733088

Why is it wrong? Your mind is affected by your physical body. A better body = a better mind. What is difficult to understand here?

>> No.10733207

yo recommend me a kettlebells book

>> No.10733228

What? Your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.

>> No.10733283

Some of the best insights come to a person while walking. Pretty much every great says this somewheres.

>> No.10733298

numales btfo

>> No.10733305
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>tfw 40 pages into infinite jest
>mfw I can’t even bench a pl8 or squat lmao2pl8

Law school kills both mental and physical gains. I will never become /fitlit/, but I’ll keep fucking trying.

>> No.10733518

I could add:
>training is important
and that would make the argument valid. You need an exclusive disjunction on premise 2 in order for your reductio to work:
>either only training is important or only exercise is important, but not both

>> No.10733615

no but really what's wrong with being fit and a well read person?

>> No.10733705

it makes the weak insecure

>> No.10733722

they also lifted weights you fucking idiots, Soc gives a description of how men should spend their time and others have commented on the lifestyle he would have led as a soldier. The Greeks all lifted weights, they just did it differently than us. You're trying to dodge the point that you are afraid of physical strength. The SS and US military lifted weights, the US special forces lift weights and take roids/hgh. All athletes lift weights, they could all outrun you in a long distance match race. You keep trying to suggest that endurance is all you need, but explosiveness, strength and agility are just as important. Weight lifting makes you less prone to injuries, makes moving things around like your body easier and will make you more virile and physically attractive. And should there ever be a disaster of any kind in your life, small or big you will be less likely to perish or be a burden to others. no one is saying not to do cardio, everyone who takes fitness seriously does both.

>> No.10733740
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this thread convinced me to do my first workout (30min) in forever. you know what? i'll do it again tomorrow, too. we're all gonna make it, /lit/.

>> No.10733747

i believe in you

>> No.10733769
File: 64 KB, 655x376, greek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they also lifted weights
barbells and dumbells simply didn't exist, from what i understand Greek millitary training consisted of running in armor and javeline or stone throwing, both great movements by the way
the original greek olympic sports present even in the Iliad were
>foot race
>javeline throwing
all of those still hold up today
>. The SS and US military lifted weights
not in camp, that kind of thing is extracurricular so to speak, and from what i've heard mostly a way to kill time on the ship or base
> All athletes lift weights
boxers don't, in season wrestlers don't, same with most mma guys
on SC days they might do low weight oly lifts or some other variation, but thats newschool- no serious fighter does heavy compound lifts or hypertrophy routine, and if they do there are a hundred who don't. before you come back with holyfield or joshua just know the excpetion proves the rule... and a skinnyfat ali or holmes would play with both of them
for functionality, and aesthetics for that matter, all you need is sport, calisthenics and running; if it seems i am agressive towards weightlifting it is simply because it's usually a product of insecurity for people who have never done sports and think static compound movements will make them a tough guy, the only good barbell movements are squats and hang cleans
the /polfit/ migration is ruining this board

>> No.10733777

Proper diet and exercise will lead to a longer, fuller life in a vessel capable of experiencing a variety of paths that sheer ability affords.

take the /fitlit/ pill, it's not too late.

>> No.10733794

>attractive people are happier, wealthier, and generally more successful
Attractiveness aka FACE-FRAME-HEIGHT Fitness has little or nothing to do with attractiveness. If you are already attractive being fit will make you more attractive. If you aren't attractive being fit won't do a damn thing to change it.

>> No.10733803
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Checked. Consider — the vast majority of fellow young people are superficial, lazy, and narcissists. (I'd argue the old people are too, but they're already set.) If you have brains and brawn, it will be as shocking as the third revelation. Let's take the world by storm!

>> No.10733812

And I think that’s an important thing. Doing something when you have the inspiration to. I bet there are a few people in this thread that say “I’ll start working out once I’ve read all the studies and textbooks” but really you’ll never do it when you put it off. Just like reading.

>> No.10733830
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>not striving for kalokagathia

>> No.10733979

I'm pretty sure it's a formal fallacy, whether you end up with a semantically sound conclusion, because (2) isn't a disjunction, it's an if..then statement

(1) p → q
(2) p → ¬x
(3) x → y
(4) p → y

Consider this

>if you learn to dribble, you can play basketball
>learning to dribble is not the same as weightlifting
>if you learn to lift weights, you can become strong
>therefore if you learn to lift weights, you can play basketball

The first two are completely independent from the last two.

>I could add:
>>training is important
Yes, but he didn't, he did the old bait and switch: explain why X is good, then switch X for Y along the argument.

>> No.10734085

my weekend at rippetoe's

>> No.10734087

Socrates got fat

>> No.10734369

Plenty of great philosophers and scientists did little to no exercise. In fact I can't think of a single important thinker who was known for his physique other than
>muh socrates was ripped
You're a pretentious idiot

>> No.10734433

>there are actually people who would argue that being strong is not at all objectively good

>> No.10734455
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We have little need for physical strength now because of guns, sure it’s good to workout and be buff but let’s not pretend that a buff community college graduated is better than a skinny Harvard graduate

>> No.10734463

My chats on Kierkegaard and Shakespeare never got me anywhere. Getting 15kg of muscle on my body after a year however did get me dates and friends much easier. I'll stick to the gym and read for my personal pleasure.

>> No.10734481

What's your basis for thinking strength is an objectively positive quality, rather than a neutral one such as flexibility

>> No.10734502

Is there anything bad being strong carries with it? No.
Does becoming strong mean you're just the same as before? No.
Does becoming strong mean you're capable of much more than before? Yes.

The same for flexibility. Being flexible and strong both lower the chance of injury. That's enough to make them appealing already.

>> No.10734509

Yeah but the journey to being strong is more than it’s really worth, you can get injured while training

>> No.10734681

Again, premise 2 is mistranslated. It should read:
(2) p ≠ ~x
or else it means:
>if you learn to dribble, then you will not (cannot) weightlift
Also, I have no idea what your symbols stand for in the conclusion — isn't p "dribbling" and y "becoming strong"? Anyways, Rippletit's original argument isn't invalid because the conclusion doesn't contradict the premises; I understand why you might think it is, but it only misses a premise.

>> No.10734766

so much this
perfect soul manifests itself in a perfect body

>> No.10736060

>In fact I can't think of a single important thinker who was known for his physique
It's like you didn't even read the posts you're replying to, spewing retard.

>> No.10736359

>Soc gives a description of how men should spend their time


Not being a dick, genuinely want to read Socrates' description.

>> No.10736592

lrn2rd moron

>> No.10736988

and you can succumb to believing nonsense when reading.

life has risks.

>> No.10737119

>Is there anything bad being strong carries with it? No.
The problem with being strong is that in order to get to the point of being strong, you have to utilize a significant amount of time, effort, and willpower. I don't think anyone would argue that being weak is better than being strong BY ITSELF but most people are considering it with the other things they could pursue in stead.

>> No.10737152

pls...you're embaressing yourself all track and field athletes train with weights to prepare for their sport same goes for wrestlers during offseason, so half of their time, and if you train for "aesthetics", so hypertrophy, you're just an idiot to not train with weights

>> No.10737169

training for strength takes an hour of training 3-5 times a week thats really not a lot of time most people watch 2 hours of tv in the evening each day

>> No.10737660

Did you?
>You cannot ever fully pursue intellectual endeavours if you neglect your body
Plenty of geniuses put little to no effort in being physically active, so this is clearly wrong.

>> No.10737729

Classic Rippletits BTFOing intellectual soyboys.

>> No.10737759

Nothing wrong with pretension, it's a step along the path to self-change. Or do you think there's a downside to more of society trying to learn?

>> No.10737933
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I'm >>10733740 from last night. My abs are sore, my back, legs and arms are sore also. Despite this condition, I'm going to exercise again. (They're mild, but sustained, exercises — I'm just a sloth.)

We both can do it, if you're not already. We'll be big guys for us.

>> No.10739218


>> No.10740574

answer me you fucks.

>> No.10741682
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>> No.10741727

>pls...you're embaressing yourself
No I actually have a firm understanding on what I am talking about and don't need to use vague appeals

>> No.10741770

I did rock climbing (and yoga) which both are okayish in toughening the mind and increasing perceived value. But since I weightlift both of these things have skyrocketed.

Weightlifting is one of those things that gets ridiculed because it's too powerful, those that cannot grasp it could not bear it to be as powerful as it is. Blue pilled so to say.

That Rippetoe intro is meant to be tongue-in-cheek by a guy that's not so good with language, and it's just the right degree of clumsy at that.

>> No.10741838

>body is subordinated to the mind
Wrong. Where do you think your mind comes from?

>> No.10741859

Women hate muscles though. They want Brad Pitt in Fight Club. Not some beefed up fag.

>> No.10741871

>If you aren't attractive being fit won't do a damn thing to change it.
Take the neck pill anon anyone can look better.

>> No.10741915

I completely agree with this post. I know I enable this phenomenon, but I can't help being a bit disgusted by overweight and ugly people. I especially avoid these types who are delusional of their shortcomings and don't even attempt to fix them. An unattractive person who is unattractive because of weight, height, face, race, etc. is seen by me as someone with an illness that I can catch if I am near them. I can't help this feeling but I don't think I am missing much by avoiding these types and trusting my instincts.

>> No.10741958

>The only people who get hired entirely based on looks are pop-stars and secretaries
It's not about just being successful in the workforce. Its about the fact that anytime you interact and communicate with another person, they are not just receiving the words from your mouth to their ear. To perceive is to judge, and anyone who sees you is somehow effected by the physical data you are sending in their direction. This effects everything regarding how that person reacts to you, feels when around you, and their opinion of you. If you are unattractive, you are sending out a negative aura of information to anyone who you happen to fall in the vision of.

>> No.10741969

>Plenty of geniuses put little to no effort in being physically active
They are the exception. You are not a genius so you adhere to the rule. Your body is your mind.

>> No.10742025
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>Maintaining a strict routine and pushing yourself to be better makes a better man overall, nowhere is this more important than with physical strength
Yeah that sounds about right. There are a lot of intellectual/psychological benefits to consistent exercise

The meme of the link head gym rat needs to end, most lawyers and doctors I know are heavily athletic people (mostly via cardio)

>> No.10742037

>but let’s not pretend that a buff community college graduated is better than a skinny Harvard graduate
I guess they don't teach you that firearms dont make melee weapons completely useless in most normal self defense situations.

The general rule is that within 21ft a knife is far superior because they are easier to draw and conceal. Also
>Just because you get into higher education makes you superior

>> No.10742271

>The meme of the link head gym rat needs to end
>most lawyers and doctors I know are heavily athletic people (mostly via cardio)
yeah no shit

>> No.10742320 [DELETED] 

Kind of going into a diatribe here not really relevant to the rest of the thread. Me and a few friends went to trade school. Another friend and I are welders, the other a plumber, another an electrician.

We made fucking bank right out of school with no debt bringing us down. My friend went balls to the wall with his welding career, now he's making $60/hr, with benefits, to make machine and foundation repairs at a silver mine.

At the end of the day, we're the people that the skinny Harvard kids that are $40k in debt have to write a fat check to because they're too inept to do anything with their hands and were only conditioned to be wage-slaves at soul-sucking white collar jobs.

Unless you're gunning for STEM, university is a fucking joke. If you're really concerned with having a thorough humanities education, you're better off just buying all of the green-backed Harvard Classics for $500. That's a hell of a lot cheaper than a Bachelor's degree.

>> No.10742351

A skilled knife fighter can beat a gun, but how many skilled knife fighters are there? Anyone not brain dead can use a gun
Harvard isn’t only about the reputation, it’s about the available networks as well, you can get a 6 digit job out of college if you know the right people, and Harvard has the most right people

>> No.10742600

>They are the exception
No they're not. Most succesful academics barely exercise. Look at the people with masters and PHDs at your closest uni, you'll notice that those who properly exercise among them are a minority.
The "rule" is fucking retarded and doesn't hold up for anybody. So long as you're not poisoning yourself exercise is not necessary at all for intellectual endeavours.

>> No.10742610

>Most successful academics barely exercise
Most "successful" academics never contribute anything worthwhile to their field and can barely justify their paycheck.

>> No.10742650
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And the ones that do contribute to their field also barely fucking exercise
What is your fucking point you nigger

>> No.10742659


This is the most pretentious swill I've ever read in my life.

>> No.10742673

Let's compare:

>be Stephen Hawking
>be in a chair
>can't move
>use mind to forward man's understanding of the universe
>name will be remembered for centuries


>be meat head
>lift weights
>use muscles to keep lifting things
>die in obscurity
>no one cares


>> No.10742697

>And the ones that do contribute to their field
are the exception

>> No.10742720

If you honestly think Hawking's life is better than someone who is physically capable then you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.10742734

>implying Hawking isn't a complete vegetable whose robot voice is controlled by the CIA to maintain the climate change and holohoax narrative.

>> No.10742768

While I don't know enough about fit + mental health, I can say without a doubt that gym culture is for faggot.
Stick your six packs in your ass you stupid meathead, most of these people don't even know how to throw a proper punch

>> No.10742781
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>> No.10742790


Beat me to it. Whether or not strength is the ideal, neglecting strength entirely certainly is not. The author of this book can blather on as he like, if his teachings actually improve one's physical condition then it is an acceptable outcome, much like how one tolerates a drill instructor, nothing said by a drill instructor can be taken at face value, but one becomes a warrior by it.

>> No.10742792
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>> No.10742893

There is no reason to be any stronger than someone who does physical labour for a living.

>> No.10742902

>There is no reason to be any stronger than someone who does physical labour for a living.
What if a barbell loaded with 5 plates is pinning your favorite baby down and you have to lift it before he suffocates? What then smart guy?

>> No.10742907

better than yours lol

>> No.10742960

He was fit when he was in his prime

>> No.10742967

You don't have to pretend it. It's just fact.

>> No.10742983

this guy sounds like a total tool but i will say that exercising at the gym is fun if you get into the habbit and the discipline it takes to go every day begins to carry over in other aspects of your life, i read a lot more when i go to the gym

>> No.10743190

That's some tinfoil hat you've got there.

>> No.10743208

You're missing the point. There are thousands of men like Hawking - physically unimpressive, never works out a day in their lives, but whose minds are and have revolutionized the world. Their offspring will continue to do the same, and the meat-childs and their meaty children will continue to do as they have always done - nothing of importance.

>> No.10743212
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Not all /fit/ do gym shit.

I bought weights specifically because I hate being around others. Other people do bodyweight routines or rock climb or whatever. You can get strong without the gym faggotry.

>> No.10744000


>> No.10744078
File: 38 KB, 480x480, 5c24e1d64-1d8c-48b1-b5ca-ea301aa20282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


like any frivolous activity you're never satisfied with past achievement. the danger with building strength/body building etc is eventually you'll be forgoing your health in favor of reaching new heights.

you'll never be large enough, never be strong enough, always push yourself, until you end up in the mythical world of wonders known as Snap City.

invest your time in pursuits that actually provide happy endings, thank you.

>> No.10744324

Is there any reason to believe that a flabby body can support a valuable thought, much less create one? I strongly doubt it.

>> No.10744380

Read the republic, man. It’s somewhwre in the middle to late and it’s often repeated. Literally lift if something is wrong mentally, or your soft, which means something’s wrong mentally.
Again it’s not straight Socrates but check out Xenophon if you really need that answer.

Even if you were right you’re getting away from the point

>> No.10744531
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>Even if you were right you’re getting away from the point
What was the point? OP and ripp speak of compound barbell lifts for strength
>The opening paragraph of this book posits that strength is more important than any form of intellectual or spiritual enlightenment:
>"Physical strength is the most important thing in life."
Those are embarassing opinions and a lot of posters in this thread have done a great job of diminishing /lit/ users in general by even entertaining it

>> No.10744589
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lmao I can do it too

>> No.10744600

Heh underrated

>> No.10744627

SS is a manual that's diluted with some pretentious nonsense, it's not a philosophical work of any value but is of high kinematic worth.

When I get my own home I'm getting a squatting toilet and an Olympic lifting gym.

>> No.10744648
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>> No.10744650

ur a big guy

>> No.10744651

i squat on the toilet like an asian

>> No.10744658


>> No.10744662

What makes you think this?

>> No.10744674

I've considered it but I'm afraid of piss water splashing everywhere upon the release of a big dookie

>> No.10744714

have you never heard of hume?

>> No.10744806


Idk bro that forearm is looking a little slim. Well defined vascularity, probably from gripping the bar/dumbells. I have seen definition much the same in skeletor bros. What's your bench at?

>> No.10744832 [DELETED] 
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As a world class intellect I agree with this wholeheartedly. Far too many intelligent men are content to neglect their bodies and shy away from any hard exercise, and it has an emasculating effect on them and their thinking. These men see physical exertion as barbaric, as something beneath their dignity and not worth their time. In reality, however, it is just their lack of virility and self-discipline that persuades them to forgo development of the body, and this insolence eventually seeps into all their doings, contaminating their works, befogging their thoughts and softening their resolve. They end up as nothing but articulate husks, their meager ambitions eroded by lassitude and their lofty ideas corrupted by sloth.

>> No.10744839
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>>10730752 (OP) #

As a world class intellect I agree with this wholeheartedly. Far too many intelligent men are content to neglect their bodies and shy away from any hard exercise, and it has an emasculating effect on them and their thinking. These men see physical exertion as barbaric, as something beneath their dignity and not worth their time. In reality, however, it is just their lack of virility and self-discipline that persuades them to forgo development of the body, and this indolence eventually seeps into all their doings, contaminating their works, befogging their thoughts and softening their resolve. They end up as nothing but articulate husks, their meager ambitions eroded by lassitude and their lofty ideas corrupted by sloth.

>> No.10745904


Anything Hawking ever does will be invalidated by his anti-semitism, sorry.

>> No.10745912

lol steven hawking is anti-semitic? most brits guzzle the hebrew penis, what went wrong?

>> No.10745921 [DELETED] 

oh i see he boycotted israel, lol, well as a brit he does share some responsibility for the creation of israel, so for them it could be framed in anti-colonial terms

>> No.10746780



>> No.10746797
File: 28 KB, 720x139, fitlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up and leave a man his dreams

>> No.10746839

Without some form of physical discipline, you are unlikely to reach your highest form.

>> No.10747244

You can get mad reaching enlightenment. Doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

>> No.10747474

/lit/ absolutely btfo

>> No.10747492

if only /lit/ would listen to such timeless advice

>> No.10747553



>> No.10748170

post chest

>> No.10748223

>a degree from an ivy league institute begotten from cramming with addedall and sucking off admissions officers with lies and then cheating and reading study guides is a sign of anything meaningful

>> No.10749526

not gonna get traction with the lazy, chain smoking, muffin tops of /lit/

>> No.10749540

This is true in general but you forgot that tall + big + sperg = intimidating to women. Still a worthwhile tradeoff tho

>> No.10749550

socrates pissed off an entire city and lived into his 70s.

>> No.10749617

Objectively incorrect. Whatever he may be wrong about, it is entirely separate from what he is right about.

That is especially true in this case. Hawking radiation and anti-Semitism have very little to do with one another.

Your apology is not accepted. Go to your room and think about what you've done.

>> No.10749621

I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not. Just in case, kys you hook nosed kike

>> No.10750093
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KEK, /pol/fags are the most sensitive kind of cucks.

>> No.10751102
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>> No.10751366
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>> No.10751715

RIP Wealthy Accordion

>> No.10751738

Soyboys itt on suicide watch

>> No.10751740


>> No.10751763

Back to leaddit.

>> No.10751772


When I can make a good salary by lifting heavy boxes I'll concede his point.

>> No.10751795


I made this comment -before- I read the thread.

>> No.10751803


Nietzsche thought the same thing but still died alone and insane of Syphillis.

>> No.10751845

Of course it's try, why else do you think all the Greek philosophers were jacked?

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

― Socrates

>> No.10752482
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>> No.10752692

I don't see any reason how physical strength could considered any sort of end goal or purpose because there's nothing metaphysical about it.

>> No.10752717

There's nothing metaphysical about anything you do. Its all physical.

>> No.10752735


What you're saying essentially is that nothing about me and my life has any cause or purpose since those are metaphysical notions. What reason do you have to believe that?

>> No.10752981

>nothing about me and my life has any cause or purpose since those are metaphysical notions
Right, there is no purpose except for the illusionary purpose (an extension of our illusionary Self) we assign to any particular phenomenon. There is a cause though. That cause being (think of God as impersonally as you can) God's will being fulfilled through the channel of physical matter existing and changing form.

>> No.10753035


I'm asking you why. You've asserted that purpose is an illusion but you didn't provide a reason to believe it. Beside that we agree that cause exists so there is something metaphysical about what I do.

>> No.10753081

It's not an end goal, it's a basic requirement.

>> No.10753162

>Beside that we agree that cause exists so there is something metaphysical about what I do.
We don't agree that cause it metaphysical. Cause is a wholly physical mechanism in which matter and forces (both are physical phenomenon part of the whole one substance) change forms but still remain a part of the one whole substance. Nothing metaphysical.
>I'm asking you why you claim purpose is an illusion.
I mentioned that the illusion of purpose is an extension of the illusion of the self. The self is an illusion (doesn't exist as it cannot be perceived though it may seem self-evident) because it implies that there is any disconnection between particular matter, which is false according to what I mentioned in the first half of this post.

>> No.10753167

The trollish statements are probably nothing more than that.

>> No.10753251


I can't have a conversation with you. I don't have the patience to deal with people who constantly assert things without providing a reason.

>Cause isn't metaphysical because cause is physical

Consider me persuaded.

>> No.10753309

What are your reasons for believing that there is a metaphysical substance? Where is your evidence? You don't even try and argue with my points. This is barely an exchange of ideas. Obviously you won't be persuaded if you don't engage with the ideas.

>> No.10753345


I didn't take any position, I merely asked you to explain your reasoning. I can't argue with a non sequitur and I can only ask why so many times before coming to the realization that you're a dunce.

>Cause isn't metaphysical because its physical
>Purpose is an illusion because the self is an illusion

>> No.10753444
File: 770 KB, 937x528, dfw1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think any of you guys actually work out. You only talk about strength as if it's just moving against resistance, while neglecting the wholistic effect it has. Weight training and other kinds of fitness cured my depression, made me disciplined, able to work, socialize, bear passion, and be content. Before I started exercising and eating healthy, I had a mental fog and a complete lack of motivation -- I can now engage with the artwork I loved at that time and experience it in a far more meaningful way.
All you need to do is eat a varied diet of natural foods, do full body resistance training for 45 mins 3 days a week, with increasing amounts of resistance, and 10-30 mins of running in the days between your resistance training. If you don't work out to the point that you feel like you've had a spiritual experience, you won't experience the wholistic benefits. You should almost feel that youre having an out of body experience as your body turns red, glistening with sweat

>> No.10753464

Regarding both of your incorrect summaries of my points that ignore key parts of what I wrote;
>>Cause isn't metaphysical because its physical
>matter and forces (both are physical phenomenon part of the whole one substance)
Matter and forces are both physical phenomenon, both consisting of elementary particles (or meta-elementary particles, I'm open to that idea). Within these elementary particles, that make up the substance of this reality, no purpose is to be found. The cause is to be found in God, as God and his will are the the substance itself.
>>Purpose is an illusion because the self is an illusion
>The self is an illusion because it implies that there is any disconnection between [any] particular matter, which is false

>I didn't take any position
You say you didn't take any position but
>I don't see any reason how physical strength could considered any sort of end goal or purpose because there's nothing metaphysical about it.
>nothing metaphysical about it.
What did you even mean by this if you did not imply a position taken? You said it as if it was definitive, sounds like taking a position to me.

Read my posts thoroughly and try to understand. Tell me what you disagree with and make counterclaims. That would be a conversation.

>> No.10753493


I don't read posts when they do that autistic greentexting. If you can't communicate a thought without quoting and responding to individual sentences then don't bother.

>> No.10753518

>Cause is a wholly physical mechanism

How can matter and force be the cause of the existence of matter and force?

>> No.10753535

I agree with everything in your post up to eat a diet of natural foods. You are right about all the benefits, but full body training 45 mins 3 out of 7 days a week with some light cardio on off days is simply not enough to reap the full benefits of fulfilling the evolutionary desire for exercise. Young men (younger than 30) should lift everyday or at minimum 6 days a week with sessions lasting between 1-2 hours at least. Program correctly, and recovery should be easy for naturals. Don't do bro splits. I do a ppl program organized PushPullLegsPushPullLegsX for the week. I did full body 3 days a week for years and never found close to the benefits I find in training 6 days/ week.

>> No.10753566

>How can matter and force be the cause of the existence of matter and force?
You are right, that's my mistake. I should have wrote
>Physical causality is a wholly physical mechanism made up of matter and forces
If you are looking for the cause of the substance itself then I wrote that in this post >>10753464
>The cause is to be found in God, as God and his will are the the substance itself.

>> No.10753570

>I don't read posts when they do that autistic greentexting.
I only do it because it seems like you don't read my posts, or at least don't understand them, considering your flawed summaries of my points bordering on strawmans.

>> No.10753574

6 days a week is perfect for beginners. Besides, you have to bear in mind, that so many people give up or turn away from physical fitness because of the time commitment and discipline involved. For people who haven't experienced the wholistic benefits, it's best to encourage a small change to their lifestyle that they can inspire themselves to eventually invest more time towards

>> No.10753583


If you think cause is ultimately found in God why are you saying it's physical?

>> No.10753615

>If you think cause is ultimately found in God why are you saying it's physical?
Because God is physical, it's a name meant to represent the wholeness and interconnectedness of all physical substance. I can't say how God came to be I can only state how he now is as I perceive Him, and that is through a reflection of his will (It's a reflection because our perception is imperfect).

>> No.10753633

>it's best to encourage a small change to their lifestyle that they can inspire themselves to eventually invest more time towards
I totally agree. I started lifting 3 days a week. After a year or two though I think moving on to 6 days a week is a more efficient use of time and reaps more of the benefits you described. Anecdotally, I've gained much more personally 6 days a week with at least 2 hours a day of training on a well-programmed PPL. Different programs work for different people.

>> No.10753660


>Because God is physical


Okay then. I know where you're coming from now. I've seen some bizarre shit on here but this is up there. Metaphysics has lost all meaning to you because you've expanded nature to include the supernatural. In other words you're conflating metaphysics and physics and then for some reason you get irked when people wonder why the hell you're calling everything physics.

>> No.10753711

>Metaphysics has lost all meaning to you because you've expanded nature to include the supernatural.
>conflating metaphysics and physics
Perceived metaphysics can always attributed to physical phenomenon.
>you get irked when people wonder why the hell you're calling everything physics.
Everything in this reality is physical. I get irked when people don't read what I write and don't try to understand.

>> No.10753781


Well you believe and write some retarded things so don't be surprised when people react accordingly. It's like if I said mathematics isn't real because the only field of knowledge that exists is science and if somebody asks me explain the existence of addiction and subtraction I just double down and say they're science, and then act like I've proven something.

>> No.10753809

>Well you believe and write some retarded things so don't be surprised when people react accordingly.
Fair point but you ought not be so judgmental.

>> No.10753814


>> No.10753855


You ought to not be so retarded.

>> No.10753865
File: 69 KB, 598x792, NotAnArgument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lash out at what you don't understand. Recognize it as an opportunity to improve.

>> No.10753872

>are biceps>brainz?
Just read the Iliad and figure it out by yourself

>> No.10753893


I understand you and it's retarded. You say the supernatural doesn't exist because the supernatural is natural and that material caused itself to exist. You deny this but then turn around and say God is material which caused material to exist. Everything I've seen from you is schizophrenic.

>> No.10753969

>You say the supernatural doesn't exist because the supernatural is natural
Once we understand the supernatural as part of the natural then calling whatever phenomenon "supernatural" ceases to be accurate.
>material caused itself to exist.
I can't know how it came to be, I can only perceive how it is now because of my finite perception. I assume that it is caused by God as God is the substance itself which physical matter can only exist as part of. I'm questioning the existence of the negative state of being, or non-being. I think its too presumptuous to make claims against monism when it seems one substance is all that can be perceived by either our finite perception or God's infinite perception.

>> No.10754683

You're about the 100th person that has said that you mongoloid.

>> No.10754780


everyone needs gymnastics and music baby

>> No.10754873

isn't it pretty to think so

>> No.10754879

expand on what "better" means in this sentence, otherwise your argument will remain lofty.

>> No.10754995

His argument is fucking retarded:
>Physical strength is the most important thing in life
>It is important because a strong man is more happy and has a better quality life than a weak one
That means he values happiness and quality of life more than strength. If strength was the most important thing, we shouldn't care at all whether or not it makes a person happy.

His only other point is:
>But we are still animals – our physical existence is, in the final analysis, the only one that actually matters.
That's not how we judge animals at all. We don't rank animals by how physically strong they are and say the stronger ones are better.It also does very little to determine survival. Most of the strongest animals in history have gone extinct, while things like opossums have been around since the cretaceous period.

>> No.10755001

>while things like opossums have been around since the cretaceous period.
Check out these things

Apparently they haven't changed for 450million yrs lmao. can you fucking imagine

>> No.10755026

Thinking about geologic time and species that have been around for millions of years like that is almost impossible for my brain to conceptualize. Especially when thinking about how tiny humans are on the geologic timeline, and how most of our modern technology and knowledge can be placed near the end of that point. It's almost like there's a barrier in the brain that keeps us from seeing those periods of time as anything but an abstract "big number" to keep us from going insane

>> No.10755053

probably we understand nothing at all because we are just sneaky chimps, but something not changing for half a billion years is plainly ridiculous no matter how you look at it.

>> No.10755071

>It's almost like there's a barrier in the brain that keeps us from seeing those periods of time as anything but an abstract "big number" to keep us from going insane

Or maybe we evolved to focus on the passage of time relative to the life cycles of other species and the seasons, and that an intuitive understanding of vastly larger or smaller increments of time wouldn't have been selected for.

>It also does very little to determine survival

I thinks it's more of a trade off, that strength is more costly in terms of energy use, and most species tends towards an equilibrium between efficiency and capability.

>> No.10755109
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Soyboy coming through

>> No.10755116

>maybe we evolved to focus on the passage of time relative to the life cycles of other species and the seasons
Why would you assume it's evolution, rather than the fact in our natural state we only perceive the present and the past we have experienced, and as such are incapable of focusing on anything else other than that.
Can't stand people who assume all parts of our existence are due to evolution and not other factors desu

>> No.10755120

because evolution is the only plausible explanation for our existence and its various attributes that has ever been proposed

>> No.10755155
File: 255 KB, 961x759, 1475524315294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, our physical existence is explained by evolution but almost every man made creation is not a result of evolution. There's also no evidence to suggest behaviour is a result of evolution, in fact it's the contrary when you consider animal behaviours like bird singing which varies within species.
Do you believe philosophy and art to be a result of evolution?

>> No.10755168

>Do you believe philosophy and art to be a result of evolution?
Yes. If one-celled organisms never evolved those ideas wouldn't exist.

>> No.10755169

>There's also no evidence to suggest behaviour is a result of evolution, in fact it's the contrary when you consider animal behaviours like bird singing which varies within species.
I am literally just sitting here laughing my ass off, and I rarely even smile. Thank you anon

>> No.10755176

That wasn't me, I don't necessarily think he's wrong though.

>when you consider animal behaviours like bird singing which varies within species

Variation within a species is fundamental to evolution.

But I agree that trying to shoehorn philosophy and art with purely evolutionary explanations is naive.

>> No.10755191

he means the cultural evolution of birdsong which is indeed not biological evolution. It was just hilarious because it was so extremely wrong about its basic premise and poorly expressed. And also the fish picture

>> No.10755199

One doesn't argue with village idiots. They exist to be mocked.

>> No.10755204

Lmao its the Godard manlet poster from /tv/, why dont you use the regular "I could spring your neck like a chicken"

>> No.10755215
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1509066234586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "anon purposely misinterprets a statement to think he's right episode"
getting sick of this rerun

>> No.10755218

>implying he's wrong

>> No.10755228

You sound like a very sad and pathetic person

>> No.10755233

i remember back when christians and other religious nuts denied evolution, now it's the leftist who deny evolution! i swear to fucking god ever since trump came on the scene we been living in bizarro world where right is left and left is right

>> No.10755250
File: 5 KB, 250x174, 87B6728B028B4931A751DD0A340AD5A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not subscribing to biological essentialism is now evolution denial
The state of reddit

>> No.10755253

>explaining a behavior with evolution is now 'biological essentialism'

>> No.10755266

Evolution is problematic. Get used to it white boy.

>> No.10755291

I don't see how the claim that all behaviour is genetic could be anything other than biological essentialism

>> No.10755302

if you say that sexual preferences might possibly have something to do with evolution you will be called a bio essentialist. The entire 'debate' is a joke

>> No.10755593

I feel exactly the same
Politics has become increasingly alienating for me

>> No.10755897

how are the YE creationists going these days?

>> No.10756460
File: 161 KB, 1200x1200, charles-darwin-9266433-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>just some meek Bible-lovin' autist on a boat
>take a trip to some island, stare at birds, and write about the birds
>publish these writings
>unleash endless cavalcades of steaming butthurt for all eternity

>> No.10756931


They're as few and irrelevant as they've always been.