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/lit/ - Literature

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10730234 No.10730234 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn’t every piece of 21st century literature about technology? Why is every “up and coming” section at the book store memoirs about being black or middle eastern. or having once had Lyme disease as a soccer mom? Why does anybody respect Jonathan Safron Foer? Why isn’t anyone attempting to represent the reality of the present age? Is Ready Player One the only hope for us?

Pic possibly related

>> No.10730241

Because people want stories about people, not robots.


>> No.10730245

literary authors are bad at writing about tech in general, even competent ones like pynchon (seE: bleeding edge)

there are exceptions though. read richard powers for example

>> No.10730261

I have read Powers. He’s fine I guess, though Galatea 2.2 (for example) has not withstood the test of progress at all.

>> No.10730264

Wtf are you on about? Literature will always be about people. Thematically, however, I fail to see how or why there isn’t a huge focus on the rapidly expanding presence of technology in our lives, and the implications stemming from that.

>> No.10730271 [DELETED] 

how so? galatea 2.2 reads fine today imo

try orfeo, but that will age worse cause its explicitly about twitter

>> No.10730274

how so? galatea 2.2 reads fine today imo

try orfeo, but that will age worse cause its explicitly about twitter

>> No.10730277

Haephestus gave us gifts of bronze and lead
And a gift we returned with heady fumes
We left his terrors in the Christian age
Only to return and burn in his potent rage

>> No.10730278

Also don’t /thread yourself. It’s offputting.

>> No.10730284
File: 27 KB, 220x310, 70B06DC7-DFDE-44F7-9F45-114EF65B5626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Widespread cultural brainwashing of citizens into techno-optimists

>> No.10730314

Interesting. So, is it OK to be a Luddite or not? Also, yeah. The typical attitude regarding tech advancement is apathy, i.e. “it’ll happen eventually anyway.” Why everyone accepts tech for tech’s sake is beyond me.

>> No.10730349

I like Nick Land's approach of saying "fuck it, lets make it happen faster!"

>> No.10730368

Is that the premise of Accelerationism (of so, retarded).

>> No.10730373

I have literally never heard anyone say anything insightful about 21st century technology

>> No.10730376

Don't you think it's interesting that all creative pursuits revolve around investigating mankind, yet we spend all of our time not understanding each other?

>> No.10730381
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This. Turn off adblock on youtube or watch some ads on TV to understand the normative behavioral programming. Just saw an ad with Common (kek) in which he's hyping up AI and Virtual Reality like they're the greatest thing ever! "YALL KIDS GOT SO MUCH POWER AT YOUR FINGERTIPS." I don't think some nefarious force is directing this, nobody's at the wheel anon. We're fucked. I hope the Russians nuke us or the AI singularity wipes us out, we deserve it.

>> No.10730382

>waaaaah why are all these people who are different than me writing books?
How about you write your own shit instead of whining like a faggot?

>> No.10730386

i thought pokemon go would get people into crazy speculation about augmented reality, and all its implications moral, etical even legal. but brainlets just let it pass, theyre seeing literal science fiction before their eyes, but they will just "heh" at it.

>> No.10730390

>having once had Lyme disease as a soccer mom

fucking kek. Thats the best way I've heard that style described.

Good on you, anon.

>> No.10730393

Why would everything be about technology? There are educations for that.

>> No.10730440

Alright faggot I’ll start tonight. Come to my book signing in a year

>> No.10730453

You should send me a copy of your diary desu

>> No.10730482

Widespread cultural brainwashing of citizens into techno-optimists

>> No.10730515

Okay what’s ur gmai

>> No.10730535

Widespread cultural brainwashing of citizens into techno-optimists

>> No.10730564

>no one here reads DeLillo

>> No.10730587

If I could maintain a sustained, coherent plot I'd do it. I don't have ADD or any other excuses, I just veer off track or give up too easily.

>> No.10730605

Widespread cultural brainwashing of citizens into techno-optimists

>> No.10730654

OP here. I’ve read every word DeLillo has ever written. Are you saying he satisfies this void with anything other than Zero K? If so please explain yourself.

>> No.10730658

I have a million plots on paper but deem them all unworthy after I’m 10,000 words in. What do?

>> No.10730674

You didn't think that White Noise, Ratner's Star, Mao II, Cosmopolis, Point Omega, and his 9/11 essay have anything to do with technology?

>> No.10730682

Yeah, this is my problem too.

>> No.10730683

because writers dont know shit about tech, and stemlords cant write

>> No.10730688

keep writing every day even if it's shit.

>> No.10730690

Certainly the 9/11 essay, forgot about that. The others, not primarily. Or not specifically about the way technology is ingraining itself in our everyday, how it watches and judges and appeases us, how it coerces our dependence upon it, how it is and will further blur the line between reality and virtual reality. Sure, Ratner’s Star involves technology, but it isn’t about it per se. The rest, not at all.

>> No.10730702

Write in the first person then, problem solved. I don’t need to know how AI works on a technical level to write Ex Machina.
>Hurr Durr look at this brain made of nano jelly, it’s legit.
Writers can hash out the implication of these issues for sure. In fact, I saw a hilarious but alarming greentext about a guy waking up, shitting, eating cereal, and dressing, having to pay iota coins to amazon for each and every “internet of things” interaction. Anon didn’t need to know what iota was or how it worked to tell a frightening story.

>> No.10730704

I dedicated myself to that the other day. I bought a notebook that I will fill with some kind of fiction no matter how disconnected or bad.
I'll see how that works out.

>> No.10730709

But what if I spend years on a novel and the idea is a worthless piece shit? Seems like an insane gamble seeing as how I’m going to DIE.

>> No.10730713

You go, anon. I’m with you.

>> No.10730716

cuck tier mentality, my man

>> No.10730722

techno optimism is completely reasonable when paired with a good public sector, like in the nordic social democracies.

>> No.10730735
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Because everything is already a simulation

>> No.10730754

Meh. 0/10

>> No.10730767

tfw there was no plane on 9/11

>> No.10730770

you know, posting on /lit/ requires actual reading of the subject you're participating in.

>> No.10730772

I quite like this anon

>> No.10730774

>the way technology is ingraining itself in our everyday

But this is one of the main themes of white noise. Sure he's talking about television, but youtube is just atomized television

>> No.10730800

Technology encroaching on daily life is a pretty big theme in White Noise. Its even in the title.

>> No.10730802

I see your point. I thought of it more as focusing on the idea of the simulacrum (see the barn), but I guess that goes hand-in-hand with the widespread exposure of viewers to objects or phenomena on the television.

>> No.10730808 [DELETED] 

The most bluepilled shit ive ever read

>> No.10730820

>21st Century

>> No.10730881

no it doesnt

>> No.10730887 [DELETED] 

not an argument.

and whats being redpilled on this topic, wanting to see it all burn down? hoping some authoritarian daddy will save you?

>> No.10730893

Daddy daddy please let me pour my longing into you oh daddy, please take me out of the world!

>> No.10730911

this shitpost isnt cancerous enough.

>> No.10730946

I believe acceleratiknism is Marxist principle whose goal is to accelerate capitalism towards collapse

>> No.10730983

White Noise: Literally about technology
Ratners Star: about how technology and industrialization of STEM has killed the creatives in society
Mao II: also about how technology has changed our perception of events and killed of the author
Cosmopolis: about people who have used technology and merged it with vicious avarice
Point Omega: speculation about how technology has connected the consciousness of civilization

>> No.10730994

>Delillo is old
>Gass is dead
>Pynchon is old
>Bloom is ancient
>Updike is dead
>McElroy is ancient

I'try my hardest to write something, boys.

>> No.10731006

Technology is shallow and uninteresting. The human mind is the most complicated thing in existence. It leads to more interesting plots.

>> No.10731030

At best, hyperbole. At worst, Wrong

>> No.10731034

novels are made of much more than one idea

>> No.10731038

But an E X T E N D E D M E T A P H O R is essential

>> No.10731042

I would like to hear which ones you think are hyperbole and/or wrong. I've written academically about DeLillo so I can defend my positions fairly well if you point to what you disagree with

>> No.10731047

All of them, except for White noise.

>> No.10731067

technological minds will be even more complex

>> No.10731083 [DELETED] 

>nordic social democracies
Ah yes, muhammad

>> No.10731124

Bon courage, mate.

>> No.10731125
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there are already great books about technology.

>> No.10731136


>> No.10731140 [DELETED] 

denmark has recently imposed strong restrictions on immigration. sweden closed their borders a couple years back as well.

>> No.10731145 [DELETED] 

Eliminate yourself from this thread with your /pol/ agenda you cockroach. This is a literature board.

>> No.10731147 [DELETED] 


>> No.10731151 [DELETED] 


>> No.10731156 [DELETED] 

>nordic social democracies
Governed by slimy sophists like everywhere else, I'm sure they'll fuck it up, and corporations will be more important than the state as well when it comes to tech.

>> No.10731229 [DELETED] 

Widespread cultural brainwashing of citizens into techno-optimists.
I'd wager that mass imigration and other 'white genocide' policies are in reality masking the true end goal the Elites have in mind, which is getting rid of the only population capable of organizing a coherent counter-movement to the technological problem, and its endgame, which is Transhumanism. Christianity. The only ideology whose values are truly incompatible with endless technological progress and transhumanism. The technological problem has been buried deep as technology will only be beneficial to the Elite, who will reduce earth's population close to zero once machines and AI can successfuly replace humans.

>> No.10731232 [DELETED] 

>he does it for free

>> No.10731235 [DELETED] 

Reported. Also reported to my friends at the FBI. You are being watched.

>> No.10731245

Different anon.
Insisting White Noise is about technology would be the same as insisting that cars are about their (albeit 'harmful') emissions. That would be true in a sense, maybe even in a few, but if so add Great Jones Street (for instance) to your list, as well as most everything written today by pretty much everyone. The problem is, I kind of get where both poster2 and OP are coming from. Why however [they] are refusing to understand one another is perhaps sadly less than baffling..

>> No.10731264 [DELETED] 

What the fuck? I posted a reply and it disappeared. I swear I f5'd and saw it. Can mods delete single replies? Or did I just make it on a NSA list? Reply was also very prejudicial to technological progress and those in power.

>> No.10731276 [DELETED] 

positive or negative. curious..

>> No.10731318

It is.
Accelerationism is based in Marxism, yes, but the sort of accelerationism most on /lit/ would be familiar with is right-accelerationism, which is a hope that accelerated capital wouldn't collapse a society to be reforged in a lefty image but rather cascade into a hyperfuture, usually involving some sort of omniscient AI.
OP I'll recommend reading Ballard, he doesn't necessarily address certain technologies head-on but he writes a lot about societies both shaped and broken by technology. His short stories are a good place to start but Crash is sort of his ur-text when it comes to techno-fetishism. But most of his writing is 20th century so it doesn't quite fit your request.

>> No.10731320

>why no techne?
because technology creates the conditions for widespread psychosis and propaganda. to ever name the source of human misery in the 21st century, capital and its source techne, would be to turn the host against the parasite which is almost done devouring us from the inside. Basically people try to trivialize staring at screens all day, skyrocketing mental illness, obesity crisis, automation etc with appeals to living standards and entertainment value and if there was ever an intellectual current of thought that was strongly opposed to these things, vocal enough to get the public thinking about it beyond CNN Labrador's joking about it and fake outrage in NYT articles that are more oriented towards labor and taking shots at silicon valley dude-bro elites then you would have a crisis of confidence in the current system.

All public discourse is affected with a double-forgetting, where first we forget the media environment we've been placed into, the technological-information network hive mind, and then we forget that we forgot this. Which allows extreme cognitive dissonance to the point where you have people taking happy selfies a day after their class mates were murdered, a behavior so evil and unprecedented in human history that you'd probably cause a riot in older periods of civilization if anything similar happened (for a moment imagine Puritans laughing together after an Indian massacre).

The denial of things like Ted's manifesto, lookism, Das Kapital, McLuhan's Global Village, Virilio's Vision Machine, Baudrillard's Hyperreality, Ellul's techno-propaganda etc etc etc is a way of staving off a legitimacy crisis that would put the majority of humans at odds with the very tiny few who will temporarily benefit immensely from techno-capitalist civilization. People who are excited for it tend to be upper middleclass, STEM degree holders who stand to increase their wealth and fitness considerably in the next few decades (with no consideration for the cascading effect this kind of Faustian bargain will have).

We're in a new gilded age, we just elected a billionaire for the first time since JFK, taxes have been slashed in all Western nations for the wealthiest demos, tech corps have figured out the perfect way of causing disruptions in the cultural zeitgeist while slinking away from backlash by placating people with spectacle nonsense and dopamine machine panaceas like tindr and twitter. Apple, you will see, gets defended by right wings and left liberals alike.

Corporations like Uber, Tesla, Microsoft are allowed to destroy socio-economic enclaves of middle class labor with impunity, none of those jobs are ever coming back. You'll see people trying to equivocate the new forms of techne with cotton gins, steel mills, printing presses when they know intuitively, and will even admit as much in other circumstances (double think), that this is untenable.
you can't /thread your own post you fucking retard

>> No.10731413 [DELETED] 

No it’s because I reported your /pol/ shilling on a literature board

>> No.10731494 [DELETED] 

I'm not politicized or /pol/ or any wing hahaaha l. You are mentally ill, just like your /pol/ ''ennemies''. If you think mass immigration is some cosmic coincidence, I got some shocking news for you.

>> No.10731498

Are you studying at uni? I've never met anyone sharing these ideas, and most of my friends are in top unis (both in the US and in Europe). Otherwise, excellent post.

>> No.10731507

Lads, I'm staring at a screen right now, what do I do?

>> No.10731514

>after their class mates were murdered, a behavior so evil and unprecedented in human history that you'd probably cause a riot in older periods of civilization if anything similar happened

>> No.10731520

Print out threads before you read them

>> No.10731522

It seems that the future of the world is too bleak a concept to sell copies. The people expected to read the book, and maintain the livelihood of the author, generally don't appreciate a book which makes them feel bad, and obligated. Already established authors don't publish works on this subject because they gain their livelihood through writing on lighter subjects. Ready Player One has the pretense of being about video games, getting mothers to buy it for their 13-year old boys.

>> No.10731527

Immerse yourself in the Other

>> No.10731530

The perfect synthesis between luddism and accelerationism. We did it /lit/

>> No.10731695

True. Hence a hot market for YA and fantasy.

>> No.10731711

This. Normies ruin everything

>> No.10731775

Yes, but not anything to do with this shit
look up "mourning" now go look at the sociopaths on CNN

>> No.10731794

Good post.

Could you please give me some book recs on the subject, anon, since you seem knowledgeable?

>> No.10732048

misery comes from many forms. illness and death are some of the most widespread sources of suffering, yet life spans have been extended primarily by capital and technology.

an extensive welfare system would lessen many of the disruptive effects of creative destruction.

greater awareness of how addiction works would mitigate much of social media's ills.

and does anyone really believe life would be better before the industrial revolution? peasantry was horrible and the noble savage is a myth.

>> No.10732146

>wants writing about technology
>looking for it in a book store
>he asks this through the greatest and most unbelievably incredible publishing and communication platform ever devised let alone actually created, a platform that would have made Gutenberg and Shakespeare and the Evangelists and the Greeks weep in awe and terror
found your problem

>> No.10732426


>> No.10732437

> Is Ready Player One the only hope for us?

Hate to break it to ya Z, but Ready Player One is about race.

>> No.10732483


>> No.10733263

i have lymes disease

>> No.10734878


Seconding this!

>> No.10735960

No it isn’t

>> No.10735993

>talked to death already
>Entire western canon dominated with the white male perspective, other races views are now original writings
>white women are the only people who buy books
>white women are the only people who buy books
>white women are the only people who buy books

>> No.10736285

most people don't understand enough about technology (me included) to find fulfillment in it. And i'm male human, i'm interested in dying, politics, philosophy and eroticism.

>> No.10736355

i see what you are saying. i have read most critical books you mentioned. however, i feel a blockade to think further without falling into territory that is way beyond communication and logical reasoning. what can i read to understand this situation better. what direction can i think, to see more clearly?

>> No.10736373
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>Why isn’t anyone attempting to represent the reality of the present age?
You have two people doing that right now.

>> No.10736551

lmaoing at the nerds in this thread afraid of computers because some old guy said they're evil like wtf

>> No.10736566

>some old guy said they're evil
absolutely moronic. no anti tech writer ever said that lmao at least read their wiki pages before posting

>> No.10736612

Misreading. That's how the Matrix directors got it wrong too.

It's not that everything is "already a simulation" but that simulation and reality are the same thing.

>> No.10736628


>memoirs about being black or middle eastern
>having once had Lyme disease as a soccer mom
>not representing the reality of the present age
>Ready Player One
>representing the reality of the present age

What did you mean by this?

>> No.10736914 [DELETED] 

Why did mods delete half of the comments from yesterday? I know I posted shit that was ABSOLUTELY on topic, no question whatsoever.

>> No.10736929 [DELETED] 

its the only way they can feel powerful

sad, really

>> No.10736931

RPO is fucking garbage and if you unironically read that shit you need to kill yourself.

>> No.10736999 [DELETED] 

What's weirding me out is that my post was relevant to recent political shit. My reply was deleted twice. Overall just really fucking weird.

>> No.10737068 [DELETED] 

try again

>> No.10737097

Not OP, but they mentioned the Unabomber's manifesto which I highly recommend.

>> No.10737109

If they understood technology they'd get a more lucrative job than writing.

>> No.10737144

thanks, I had already put everything OP suggested in my reading list though

>> No.10737945

best thread on /lit/ right now, bump

>> No.10737946

The idea that only a very tiny few benefit immensely from techno-capitalist civilization is both absurd. Whatever job killing technology is currently doing is more than offset by increasing the availability and reducing costs of goods and services. The idea that people who support the system have no consideration of the trades off or that they are actually engaged in a Faustian bargain is ignorant.

The problem with people like you is that you can never answer anything that is important directly or in concrete terms. If I was to ask you how the grain markets work, what are the various inputs required to maintain such a system, how does such a system compare to other modes of food productions, what are possible alternatives that are realistic I doubt you could muster up anything relevant. Instead you would respond with some bullshit that such question and concerns are merely symbolic of the false consciousness created by the techno-capitalist system.

Your model of the world is free of material constraints. It is this ridiculous and underdeveloped model which causes you to posit that everyone but yourself and like minded thinkers have all been hoodwinked by trivial spectacles, the propaganda of technology. Your intellectual heroes with the exception of Ted (Marx should not be included in that listing) were all hypocrites and cowards unwilling to commit to what they preached, the worst ones like Baudrillard lived ironically. For all of their posturing they knew the trade-offs and made the rational choice, worse is that they could not extend their reasoning to their fellow humans. It suggest that these people were mostly interested in patting themselves on the back and engaging misanthropy than trying to examine our current reality.

I would also wager that you have never lived the primitive lifestyle you romanticize. The kitsch experiences of camping or being in a commune is the closest that a cuck like you get. I say kitsch because neither of those parasitic experiences exist outside of the current arrangement of society but are only made possible by it, when the chips are down you people always come crawling back. You are just another smug cuck bullshiter who thinks some insane media theories can be used to criticize or understand technology, this is why (we) will never take you seriously.

Also I am pretty sure that widespread psychosis and brain aneurysms is a common thread among the thinkers you listed with the exception of Marx...

>> No.10737996

t. Mark Fisher's ghost (rhymes with: very good post).

>> No.10738568

>deem them all unworthy after I’m 10,000 words.
It's hard to judge your own work objectively. Self publish as ebooks under a false name if you aren't proud of them.

>> No.10738880

If I were more awake I'd elaborate on the virtues of this post in a way hopefully comparable to the one it's replying to, but for now just highlighting it in case anyone else wants a crack at it. The original post is so good, and it deserves a nice rebuttal.

>> No.10738942

>tfw got lyme disease a few years ago
>didn't get it treated until I developed bell's palsy with temporary paralysis of the left side of my face
>still have slight facial imbalance that makes me have the male version of resting bitch face
>my facial nerve muscles regrew in a way that makes me tear up in my left eye whenever I eat spicy food (crocodile tears)
fuck you nigger, it's a heavy experience

>> No.10738966

nick land just used philosophical language to create some kind of gothic death cult. its fun but also very stupid

>> No.10739005

Read Jarett Kobek...
Read Michel Houellebecq...
Read Greg Egan...

>> No.10739054

in truth nobody cares about how you look

even if you're beautiful its fleeting and deceptive

>> No.10739063

nnice contribution
not that anon, but how rude. at once trying to console and to contradict. fag..

>> No.10739132

>Whatever job killing technology is currently doing is more than offset by increasing the availability and reducing costs of goods and services
That is not how economics works buddy.

>> No.10739253

That's racist. You're going to have to coexist with general-purpose artificial intelligences one day, kiddo.

>> No.10739410

I want a story about robots

>> No.10739426
File: 340 KB, 1280x1191, 41c59182-e0fb-44d4-ac59-58682087d641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps because technology changes so quickly today it is immediately dated by the time a book is published?

>> No.10740083
File: 3.15 MB, 2790x1835, Fredmeyer_edit_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is not how economics works buddy.
keep telling yourself that

>> No.10740174

Posts like this are why I love /lit/.

What you're describing makes me feel very anxious, frustrated, and hopeless, anon. Are there solutions to the problems you discussed, or is Human society doomed?

>> No.10740201

>an extensive welfare system would lessen many of the disruptive effects of creative destruction.
All you're suggesting here is to become a slave to the state because some people needed a quick buck.

>> No.10740274

What Ellul wrote in the 60s is still relevant today. It's even MORE relevant than it was when published. Technology isn't the new gadgets made in china, it's the unstoppable force around which society organizes itself.
Every single point you raise has been tackled by anti tech writers, from Heidegger to Ellul. I'm not going to elaborate as everything has already been laid out. Read up.

>> No.10740804

Not him but The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul, Man and Technics by Oswald Spengler, and anything written by Ted Kaczynski.

>> No.10740875

>Every single point you raise has been tackled by anti tech writers, from Heidegger to Ellul. I'm not going to elaborate as everything has already been laid out. Read up.
What a cop out, just like I predicted. Also none of those writers address their own hypocrisy or the points I raised in concrete terms because they mostly employ worthless epistemologies.

>> No.10741025

Great try anon, but OP asked why nobody is writing about our present conditions, not what are your thoughts about the source of human misery in the 21st century, expressed in a bloated manner and with words that make you sound smart. Please go back to studying for your Liberal Arts degree and jerking off to a past that never existed.

>> No.10741069

Best post itt

>> No.10741543

>Technology isn't the new gadgets made in china, it's the unstoppable force around which society organizes itself.
But what would you want out of a novel like that that isnt vaguely dystopian?

>> No.10741724

Samefag. If all your posts didn't reek of hostility I would reply, but seeing you calling out others because 'his post is bloated and sounds smart' is funnier. The OP never mentionned primitivism and you're here acting like he romanticized it. What? Read up.

>> No.10741758

last point is laughable you’re sinking down to Fox News rhetoric pumpkin
>always crawl back
there is no where to go, you will be met with aggressive attempts to buy your land, the gov and capital saying they own the land you want, or its nonexistence unviability because of habitat destruction. the last places left to live are the least hospitable parts of the temperate climes. you can go live in the mountains, in the north and inside of jungles. all river basins, all valleys, all coastlines are industrialized in NA and Europe. You will not find habitable land that is not basically either useless or heavily polluted and buttressed by farms which are poisoning your groundwater and large ranches/compounds where electrical lines and telecommunications can be found. there is no where to go, there is far less than half the treecover there was just 100 years ago. things will only accelerate. 7 billion people too. Communes and living in cabins/cottages have existed for longer than techno-capital has, so has camping.
>why don’t you talk about tractor software and fertilizer and the difference between agronomics in economies of scale versus local food production why don’t you make everything about econ and why aren’t you an engineer familiar with every industry you discuss
lol this is pure ideology and not worth discussing, you’re a posturing pseud if you think i need to go into depth about the efficiency of a chemical plant and the output of grain in relation to the efficacy of software or extraction processes. anyone with a basic understanding of supply chains and macro will be able to read between the lines
>its not a faustian bargai
it is if you set up a global surveillance system, cause mass psychosis and suicide, destroy fertility, cause mutational load to reach unsustainable
levels, lower fitness, induce demo displacement and destroy the biosphere at a logarithmic pace
>the benefits outweight the risks
no they don’t. you balloon population so big and increase size of economies to a degree that you can’t opt out anymore. you choke yourself and constrict range of human activity by setting up hives on rivers and coastlines that depend on mechanized gloabl supply chains that can be destroyed easily with natural disasters or terrorism. you spray all the major high nat resource biomes with chemicals that alter soil viability, deplete rivers of oxygen, change migratory patterns of fowl and fish, fill fauna with microplastics, alter acidity of oceans, cause freak weather systems to appear, degrade human life from hunting and farming to typing on a computer and answering questions on a telephone, sexuality becomes a commodity not an act of intimacy or masculinity. land is just nonexistent, you can’t find fresh water wells because they’ve all been tapped, the Earth is ripped open nearby rivers and forests, mountain ecosystems destroyed to extract rare earth metals all of which are being depleted at an alarming rate

>> No.10741769

You don't need to understand how a lightbulb works to appreciate its effects.

>> No.10741778

>Human society
No such thing. There are human societies, but no society of humanity.

>> No.10741823

but there’s more now as i was saying you’re choking to death on the necessity of techne. its not just that techne takes up space and replaces the old way of life, it jeopardizes the homestatic capability of the whole species it always has to be quickly improved and expanded, nat resources extracted faster and in larger quantities BECAUSE of its side effects. its a virulent agent with its own organic prerogatives, techne demands more flesh manning its apertures, more food from the soil and seas, more factories on plains and rivers, more turbines, more grids, more networks because those factories will break down and now the farm land is gone and people will starve if the mechanized equipment isn’t shipped into the country, if the software doesn’t work the gigantic supply chain extending into 3rd world agro-centers will collapse, the migrants will rush into high resource dense areas to compensate. you can’t stop producing pharma because the people HAVE to man the stations to protect the infocommercial economy from collapsing. if you took away all that pfizer product at once people would not be able to cope with the daily existence capital demands of them. if the software breaks down for financial transactions businesses go bankrupt, trading frequency and thus expansion of exchange stagnates or free falls, people
get fired, economy slows down, that burgeoning population becomes dispossesed and agitated. there is absolutely no room for shinkage, the economy has to grow as a matter of life or death. the static economy of ancient china or the PNW of 1000 AD is not possible today, it would cause a global food crisis and warfare.

not only are you obligated to protect against the dependency forming supply chain but you also have at all costs defend your economy’s technical advantages and ability to squat on resource extraction processes like the oil fields in Southern Iran or Texas, how does one do this? with security systems. and just as the global economy is a negative feedback loop expanding itself in reaction to itself, without the ability to tolerate decelleration so too do the panopticons of the super economies have to accelerate in their scale and intensity. which means more nukes, more bioweapons, more human identification systems, more pre-crime, more surveillance, more social engineering. and of course since there is always anti-economic activity, whether it be religious terrorism, racial strife, sexual conflict or any other natural part of the organic life cycle you will find displacements of energy that frighten and necessitate extreme paranoia and police oppression. So, as with technical capabilities so too does violence, structural violence, hegemonic systems of control see logarthmic growth. And this is also just another facet of techne that requires standing reserves of objectified human capital to man its stations in the eternal war against entropy and shrinkage

>> No.10741860

That's true, but there is humanity, from which societies are distinguished. I only notice because I felt that was anon's intention.

>> No.10741878

You know, if you carry an eschatological view of the world none of this seems bad. Thanks Jesus!

>> No.10741901

you’re fighting against endless risk from the human security system mainly meltdown and terrorism. you’re fighting against iq shredding in the rural food producing regions, mutational load in the cities, psychosis in the suburbs, intersexual competition as the organic niches of men and women are stripped from them and replaced with programs closer to what we used to do for beasts of burden, being clipped, groomed, stunted to properly fit their lifetime task. conflicts of metaphysics, epistemological fracturing across security systems fueled by technically generated propaganda, by paranoia epidemics, by degenerated rational faculties. you have leaking truth, endless propagation of falsehoods, half-truths and incomplete models of hyper complex systems like the climate or food supply and then of course just environmental collapse something no one can divorce from the increase in intensity and concentration of extraction and transportation industries. all infotech relies on processers made from metals that exist in limited supplies in highly sensitive ecosystems which are unthinkingly ravaged by the very same system that requires them, capital. every stage capital and techne feed into each other, with mutual demands for more food, more weapons, more space and faster processing speeds. meanwhile the human machine falls to pieces, the genome becomes warped, defiled and divorced from its fine tuned evolutionary context. 10,000 years of escaping the jungle only to lose every single blessing from that unforgiving selection machine. malthusian relaxation causes hyper inflation of mediocrity, the homogenization of cultures as all human biomass is preserved for the purposes of acting as end points for consumer products, even niggers can own iphones after all. and through all of this a sense of uneasiness permeates all culture post 1960, there is no satisfaction with the new world of toys only bleeding and the imbibing of analgesics and bandaging. you simply don’t find life satisfaction levels like you would have in the rural
parts of northern europe or western north america. what you will find is anomie, ennui, atomization, rage which has no fixed target but randomly expresses itself through acts of aleatory aggression against phantoms. you think it is a coincidence that shootings in america have increased in frequency as infotech swallows culture? Why is transsexuality expanding? why is autism? why is inceldom? you have to look back to the most ubiquitous biosocial changes to assess this. loss of interfamilial ties, loss of extended family life, loss of nuclear family, loss of culture, loss of guaranteed fecundity, loss of connection with the organic chain of
events that defines human lifetimes, the rites of passage, the observation of seasons and biological cycles like harvest-planting

>> No.10741913

you disrupt female fertility patterns, you lower genetic fitness, you increase catalysts for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder and every other petty disease that used to afflict such a small number of people in the past. you ruin every respite with hyperreality socializing sims, you take away constructive violence from the community in the form of tribalism and competition between males, you denigrate the fertile female as a pleasure suite, you demonize the act of creating progeny and you demoralize the remaining healthful specimens with endless busy work, pointless contributions to impersonal transient mega corps that could be swallowed, reformatted and sublated in less time than it takes to change elected leaders. corruption just festers in every financial market, every tech firms board room, every intelligence agency and media corporation and the people become less willing to believe or cooperate with authority. so soft totalitarianism taking advantage of the human nervous system and genome has to be created. genetically engineer a new breed of human who needs less, complains less, thinks less and can do less but do it faster than before. here is the end goal, the total remodeing of the time binding life form as tool, as weapon, as organic grounding device for an etheralized logic, a way of organizing matter that’s antithetical to biology. the last men, you

>> No.10741920

(psst... you're repeating yourself a bit.)

>> No.10742257

only the first two were me.

>last point is laughable you’re sinking down to Fox News rhetoric pumpkin
Reading comprehension? Given the post I am replying to and the various thinkers referenced in it that point is more than just an ad hominem.

>there is no where to go
Bullshit, Ted did it. Attempts to buy your land, pfffttts. There are millions of empty acres of habitable land in Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Texas, Maine, ect. Every Canadian province outside of the Maritimes as well.

> You will not find habitable land that is not basically either useless or heavily polluted and buttressed by farms which are poisoning your groundwater and large ranches/compounds where electrical lines and telecommunications can be found
Have never ventured outside of a city? There are places that are hundreds and even thousands of km from any farms. Also electrical and telecommunications lines are extremely rare in uninhabited areas because they run point to point because they are expensive as hell.

>there is far less than half the treecover there was just 100 years ago
flatout wrong when it comes to the first world

>Communes and living in cabins/cottages have existed for longer than techno-capital has, so has camping.
Yes and the point is that people who partake in those lifestyle today do so while having the safety net of techno-capital. If those people fully abstained from techno-civilization then I would have a smidge of respect. It usually worse than just having a safety net, most communes end of having to parasite off of their surrounding communities before they go tits up. Most likely because they attract the type of person who thinks practical matters are merely just pure ideology.

>lol this is pure ideology and not worth discussing, you’re a posturing pseud if you think i need to go into depth about the efficiency of a chemical plant and the output of grain in relation to the efficacy of software or extraction processes. anyone with a basic understanding of supply chains and macro will be able to read between the lines
Like I said you would not respond with a serious and concrete answer. Just some meta bullshit about how such a question is false consciousness or in this case pure ideology.

>it is if you set up a global surveillance system, cause mass psychosis and suicide, destroy fertility, cause mutational load to reach unsustainable
levels, lower fitness, induce demo displacement and destroy the biosphere at a logarithmic pace
Show me the receipts. Mass psychosis and suicide, that is some Fox news pumpkin rhetoric. Also logarithmic pace? You do know the derivative of a log function is related to 1/x...

>> No.10742316

>no they don’t. you balloon population so big and increase size of economies to a degree that you can’t opt out anymore. you choke yourself and constrict range of human activity by setting up hives on rivers and coastlines that depend on mechanized gloabl supply chains that can be destroyed easily with natural disasters or terrorism.
If anything natural disaster and acts of terrorism have only displayed how resilient our techno-society is. When a natural disaster hits the third world the damage is immensely greater than in the first world.

>you spray all the major high nat resource biomes with chemicals that alter soil viability, deplete rivers of oxygen, change migratory patterns of fowl and fish, fill fauna with microplastics, alter acidity of oceans, cause freak weather systems to appear, degrade human life from hunting and farming to typing on a computer and answering questions on a telephone, sexuality becomes a commodity not an act of intimacy or masculinity
nothing but vague assertions at the level opinion

> BECAUSE of its side effects. its a virulent agent with its own organic prerogatives, techne demands more flesh manning its apertures, more food from the soil and seas, more factories on plains and rivers, more turbines, more grids, more networks because those factories will break down and now the farm land is gone and people will starve if the mechanized equipment isn’t shipped into the country, if the software doesn’t work the gigantic supply chain extending into 3rd world agro-centers will collapse, the migrants will rush into high resource dense areas to compensate. you can’t stop producing pharma because the people HAVE to man the stations to protect the infocommercial economy from collapsing.
Laughable rhetoric, like reading the rantings of a mad man. Modern techne requires less flesh manning its apertures than ever, it produces more food form soil and sea require less resource utilization, it is able to move physical objects with less energy than ever. Non renewable resource consumption per person in the first world peaked and has been on decline since the early 70s. More efficient resource utilization and smarter consumption have been the norm for decades, but you are blinded by your ridiculous ideology. If you think everything will go to hell if people can't get their boner pills you are an idiot or a crank or both.

>not only are you obligated to protect against the dependency forming supply chain but you also have at all costs defend your economy’s technical advantages and ability to squat on resource extraction processes like the oil fields in Southern Iran or Texas, how does one do this?
Why would we not be obligated to protect our property, private property is foundation of civilization and it has served us well. Who are you to think you can squat on resource extraction site without going through the political process that would involve the entirety of community that your action would effect?

>> No.10742329

Robot apocalypse story incoming guys, be on the lookout

>> No.10742331

More vague ranting nonsense. Probably cribbed from elsewhere.

>> No.10744010

>Reading comprehension
>Bullshit, Ted did it
No, he bought a cabin in a populated area and complained about it constantly, the people around him hated him and set up heavy machinery literally a quarter mile away that he sabotaged to make the noise stop. There were hikers walking through his property constantly.
>there's tons of land
which is all either desolate and no one wants it or is owned by ranchers and the government, being sold for exorbitant prices that no one could afford unless they were rich
> There are places that are hundreds and even thousands of km from any farms
Again all the places in the PNW which are uninhabited are owned by the BLM and/or logging companies or are protected reserves, you are not allowed to buy that land or live there. And the power lines extend all the way through the cascade mountains, you can actually walk underneath them going to the foot of the mountains from the coastline of the state.
>flatout wrong when it comes to the first world
Go look at a map of treecover in the UK or France or the Midwestern US
>Yes and the point is that people who partake in those lifestyle today do so while having the safety net of techno-capital
People who live in cabins usually do it to get away from the public not to eschew technology as a political stance, Ted actually did do that keeping only the barest of essentials and many people, many people have gone completely without using technology for months on end outside of just stoves and hand tools. You're posturing, and its fucking unbelievable to me how hard you're trying to posture.
>you didn't respond to my idiot eng meme
nigger you don't need to understand fluid dynamics or particle spin or quantum mechanics to understand how ecosystems work or how factory farms ruin rivers and how clear cutting operations destroy habitats and the microbiome of the soil. None of that is at all relevant. And guess what I do have a basic understanding of the difference between a localized farm that uses organic fertilizer and an industrial farm that produces monocrops which leach all the nitrogen and microbes out of the soil. So again you're just a posturing pseud and high off of STEM ideology. Its absolutely ridiculous to think you need to understand the mechanics of every facet of a massive industry to diagnose what its doing to its environment. This is like saying you need to understand ballistics to be able to tell that someone was shot in the lungs and is choking on their own blood. Its like saying that you need to understand mechanics to understand that throwing a handful of pebbles inside an engine will break a car. Its absurd and has nothing to do with someone's knowledge of ecology.
>Show me the receipts.
how about you go do the research yourself and stop posturing you reddit nigger
>fox news

>> No.10744115

>If anything natural disaster and acts of terrorism have only displayed how resilient our techno-society is
EMP, meltdown, cyber attack
>nothing but vague assertions at the level opinion
lol at you
>Modern techne requires less flesh manning its apertures than ever
no it doesn't lol, what do you think all those people do in those mechanized farms and factories in china you fucking retard?
>it produces more food form soil
agro industry propaganda
>from the sea
lol we take more fish out of the sea and have shorter fishing cycles than before to the point of driving whole species to extinction and making lakes incapable of supporting fish
>less labor more weight moved
yes and then more energy, more impetus to move things, bigger supply chain, more metabolic needs
>Non renewable resource consumption per person in the first world peaked and has been on decline since the early 70s
US crude oil has fluctuated over the last 3 decades but it hasn't declined at all its higher than it was in 1980 by a million barrels of oil anon, Rare Earth metal consumption has skyrocketed with time so again just lying
>More efficient resource utilization and smarter consumption have been the norm for decades
No it hasn't at all, what are you talking about? We continue to demand crude oil and rare earth metals and we're going to reach a point of crisis in the next 100 years if we don't tap the arctic.
>ridiculous ideology
i'm not the one lying
> you think everything will go to hell if people can't get their boner pills you are an idiot or a crank or both
Everything is going to go to hell when the oceans acidify, the air is filled with heavy metals and we run out of rare earth metals and oil becomes only available by dangerous drilling in the deep sea and the arctic
>Why would we not be obligated to protect our property, private property is foundation of civilization and it has served us well
Private property is a modern concept that was created in the 16th century, it simply did not exist until techno capital came online and is used by rent seekers and currency manipulators, capital owners to exploit the environment and laborers.
>says the thing back to me
you're a fucking retard, i can tell from your responses you're not scientifically literate beyond your petroleum engineering degree. you lie about resource depletion, lie about nonrenewable resource depletion (oil hasn't decline in usage, it briefly dipped from the heights of the Obama admin in the last few years but has gone back up to its peak levels of close to 20 million barrels a day). you pretend fish populations aren't in decline, pretend they haven't found microplastics in thousands of specimens from around the world, pretend there isn't pharma chemicals in the water supply, pretend that there aren't power lines running through the mountains, equivocate logging properties and government land with some kind of frontier, equivocate dead land in the plains states with wealth

>> No.10744148

you're acting as if there isn't massive population decline of all the most important key stone species, you're acting as if global plankton populations and soil microbes aren't free falling. Acting as if ocean acidification isn't a certain death sentence for most amphibious, avian, aquatic life. You're acting as if global termperatures especially in the arctic aren't increasing. you're acting as if pollution levels in normally healthy cities like Portland, Vancouver and Seattle aren't at now old Los Angeles levels from the 70's. You're acting as if there isn't a giant fucking patch of garbage in the pacific. And you literally ignored that rare earth metal consumption isn't going to outpace supply and hasn't enormously accelerated. You act as if there isn't a dramatic increase in mental illness in the US and other first world nations and most damningly you deny, you fucking deny that there is any danger in any of this at all and that it has nothing to do with techne. One fucking cyber attack on an LA power grid, one fucking EMP over a nuke reactor and we have a catastrophe. This would never ever have happened in preindustrial society. The absolute worst thing that could happen is massive famine, and in that case you could migrate and the good genes would survive. Now you are trapped, all the property is spoken for there is no fucking escape. Everything is a grid, all the property is owned, everything is hooked up to oil and electrical supply chains, everything is dangerous and could cause a disaster if it breaks, everything is leaking toxic substances into the soil, air, water, biological systems. The animals are all dying, the microbes are all dying, the plants are all dying, the lakes are disappearing, the rivers are polluted, the migrations are fucked to hell. You fucking retard nigger white faggot

>> No.10744171

No, it's about how many pop culture references can be put down onto a page and published.

>> No.10744251

You're fucking retarded, and I say this as a STEMfag trying to make materialist bank. Everything in life is zero sum. Increasing availablity of luxury goods beyond basic food, shelter means absolute shit if you're getting less than the guy next to you. Add in the psychological externalities caused by your group of "muh gdp" fags and it's clear that 95% or so of people have been getting a shit deal. We reached the tech optimum in the 60's in the western world, when almost everyone was clothed and the state of tech allowed for relative economic equality, shifting competition to non-materialist areas which is a more efficient area of focus for society.

>> No.10744258

>petroleum engineering
kek, that would explain his mental impairment. PetE's are usually state-school lolberts. If they were smarter they'd do chemE like a normal person.

>> No.10744584

>Everything in life is zero sum.
>Increasing availablity of luxury goods beyond basic food, shelter means absolute shit if you're getting less than the guy next to you
Wew lad. Perhaps you should learn how to sum to zero before you try to make bank as stem fag, though with your innumeracy I am sure you will transfer to an arts degree

>> No.10744638

>No, he bought a cabin in a populated area and complained
He did to degree far more than you or your precious thinkers. Also the area was hardly populated at all, though he did complain about intrusions.

>which is all either desolate and no one wants it or is owned by ranchers and the government, being sold for exorbitant prices that no one could afford unless they were rich
no, that lands is cheap as shit. Why should you care if no one wants it? That should be a benefit to the life you are preaching.

>Again all the places in the PNW which are uninhabited are owned by the BLM and/or logging companies or are protected reserves, you are not allowed to buy that land or live there. And the power lines extend all the way through the cascade mountains, you can actually walk underneath them going to the foot of the mountains from the coastline of the state.
That land is drop in a bucket compared to what is available. As for powerlines you have to seek those out. They at most cut a width of 25m.

>Go look at a map of treecover in the UK or France or the Midwestern US
try it yourself, tree cover has recovered significantly since it low point in the 1920s in the US and higher today than 100 years ago. UK chopped it trees down before the industrial revolution.

>Ted actually did do that keeping only the barest of essentials and many people, many people have gone completely without using technology for months on end outside of just stoves and hand tools. You're posturing, and its fucking unbelievable to me how hard you're trying to posture.
I was clearly pointing to the people who do it to eschew technology. The point is that you are not truly eschewing technology if you make use of techno society when things become inconvenient for you which is quite common among the your type. I would criticize Ted in this reguard, he actually walked the walk.

>nigger you don't need to understand fluid dynamics or particle spin or quantum mechanics to understand how ecosystems work or how factory farms ruin rivers and how clear cutting operations destroy habitats and the microbiome of the soil. None of that is at all relevant.
Wrong, you certainly need science based observation to make relative comparisons. Otherwise you are just talking out of your ass. Dumb fucks in the environmental movement poisoned society perception of nuclear energy with unscientific fear mongering that had no basis in reality. This ended up doing more harm to the environment by enabling far worse technologies to be used in its place. Your argument is a pathetic defense of ignorance.

>how about you go do the research yourself and stop posturing you reddit nigger
no, it is your burden to justify your own ridiculous assertions

>> No.10744701

>EMP, meltdown, cyber attack
lol. You should probably do your research before listing any of things.

>no it doesn't lol, what do you think all those people do in those mechanized farms and factories in china you fucking retard?
on per capita basis we require less people working today than ever before. Take a look at the number of people require to produce x number of calories. What the fuck do you think people did before mechanization?

>agro industry propaganda

>lol we take more fish out of the sea and have shorter fishing cycles than before to the point of driving whole species to extinction and making lakes incapable of supporting fish
majority of fish comes from farms

>yes and then more energy, more impetus to move things, bigger supply chain, more metabolic needs
no, per capita energy requirements have gone down. Jevons paradox disappears once saturation occurs

>US crude oil has fluctuated over the last 3 decades but it hasn't declined at all its higher than it was in 1980 by a million barrels of oil anon, Rare Earth metal consumption has skyrocketed with time so again just lying
Per capita it has been been on downward trend since the 1970s. I will grant you increased consumption of rare earths, but the overall consumption of non-renewable resources is on a downward trend.

>No it hasn't at all, what are you talking about? We continue to demand crude oil and rare earth metals and we're going to reach a point of crisis in the next 100 years if we don't tap the arctic.
not even close, on per capita basis consumption has been on a decline in the first world since the 1970s. Rare earth metals are not that rare and there remains plenty of oil for the near-mid future. After that we have plenty of options (nuclear, wind, solar) many which are being implemented and developed today.

>Everything is going to go to hell when the oceans acidify, the air is filled with heavy metals and we run out of rare earth metals and oil becomes only available by dangerous drilling in the deep sea and the arctic
the air is safe to breath in the first world outside of smog pollution which is limited to large cities with poor road systems. Smog pollution will continue to decline at an accelerating rate as more and more electric vehicles replace ICE vehicles. We are not at risk of running out of rare earth metals, they are common. Plenty of oil still exists and recent innovations have renewed play in old fields, peak demand is forecasted to be around 2030, we are not going to run out before we transition.

>i'm not the one lying
yes you are, you spewing out bullshit about shit you don't even understand

>Private property is a modern concept that was created in the 16th century, it simply did not exist until techno capital came online and is used by rent seekers and currency manipulators, capital owners to exploit the environment and laborers.
far more exploitation before the concept, its net effect has been liberation

>> No.10744743

>petroleum engineering degree
lol, even if that were true if would be far better than you speaking out of your ass. I don't deny any of those things, but I do deny the magnitude of those problems. You incapable of making relative comparison because you lack the ability to quantify anything you assert or to put things into context. Instead you spew a bunch of hippie bullshit without the slightest understand of what you are talking about. You also avoid using per capita stats which show declining resources utilization. Before you go off on the canard that growing populations eat up those efficiency gains you have to look at the growth rate in the first world and the projections for the third world. The world population will peak within this century and efficiency will continue to go up, the rate of total resource utilization will peak before that.

Just because power lines run through some mountains does not mean they ubiquitous across the land. Just because trace amounts of pharmaceuticals can be found in the water does not mean that the we are at risk or the world is going to hell. Just because some land is used for logging does mean that there exists little uninhabited land. You have the logic of a three year old, also get back studying up on those logarithm functions because and you might realize how much of a fucking retard you come across as.

>> No.10744751

>but the overall consumption of non-renewable resources is on a downward trend

not that anon, but what about phosphorus and inorganic fertilizers?

>> No.10744803

>you're acting as if there isn't massive population decline of all the most important key stone species, you're acting as if global plankton populations and soil microbes aren't free falling.
Again you should avoid assuming, I deny your alarism. 1% a year is worrisome, but not free fall and can be ameliorated. You are assuming that these trends are all static and that progress is not being made.

>you're acting as if pollution levels in normally healthy cities like Portland, Vancouver and Seattle aren't at now old Los Angeles levels from the 70'
yes because it this is the case, even Los Angeles is far better today than in 1970s. Where are you getting your information if you think local pollution in cities has gotten worse since the 70s?

>And you literally ignored that rare earth metal consumption isn't going to outpace supply and hasn't enormously accelerated
rare earth metal demand is not outpacing the world's supply, it has outpaced the supply chain because most of the first world ceded production to China. Don't conflate the two.

>You act as if there isn't a dramatic increase in mental illness in the US and other first world nations and most damningly you deny, you fucking deny that there is any danger in any of this at all and that it has nothing to do with techne.
There is no evidence of a dramatic increase in mental illness let alone a increase, so yes it also stand that we can link techne with mental illness. Such statements require careful analysis, like the type of analysis that would factor in the higher rates due to better diagnosis.

> One fucking cyber attack on an LA power grid, one fucking EMP over a nuke reactor and we have a catastrophe.
nope, especially on the nuclear reactor part. You really show your ignorance with these sorts of statements. You should probably look at the hard info on these things instead taking infowars talking points.

>This would never ever have happened in preindustrial society.
yes, but we don't even have to imagine up far fetched scenarios to come up with worse things and greater risks in preindustrial society.

>The absolute worst thing that could happen is massive famine, and in that case you could migrate and the good genes would survive. Now you are trapped, all the property is spoken for there is no fucking escape.
unlikely that famine is serious risk given how many calories we can produce per acre and per unit of energy today. Do you think you would better off in pre industrial society in such scenario? Do you think such a scenario is more common today?

>the animals are all dying, the microbes are all dying, the plants are all dying, the lakes are disappearing, the rivers are polluted, the migrations are fucked to hell.
pffft, you are truly a retarded faggot who has never ventured outside of his basement and never done research outside of reading unscientific rabble rousers if you believe that shit

>> No.10744815

on per capita basis yes and also on a per unit of food energy. Will significantly decrease over the next decade because of precision farming

>> No.10744855

So the rate of use slows down or plateaus, while efficiency of use increases, this still seems like a postponement rather than a solution. The total global annual consumption still depletes the limited nonrenewable supply.

>I deny your alarism. 1% a year is worrisome, but not free fall and can be ameliorated.You are assuming that these trends are all static and that progress is not being made

I'm skeptical about the effectiveness of amelioration, where has species richness been increasing? Do you deny that we have a rate of species loss only equaled during mass extinction events?

>> No.10744867
File: 13 KB, 220x239, Jacques_Ellul_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because technology has seeped into every corner of our world, and now it is so ubiquitous that it becomes hard to notice, like the air that we breathe.

>> No.10744910

We are not at risk of running out of fertilizer, plenty of natural gas. Rate slows down, then plateaus, and then declines. Increase efficiency will eventually reduce fertilizer utilization to level which allows us to move away from haber bosch or potash mining. Also other type of farming, primarily large scale vertical hydroponics are starting to become economically viable for the very high end market. With improved energy storage and less expensive solar such farming could significantly expand.

Significant improvements in populations have occurred just through the endangered species acts. That is with pretty weak regulation, I would suspect we could do much better without very little pain. Something approaching E.O. Wilson's 10% plan might be out of reach today, but I believe such a plan could be achieved in the long term through piecemeal efforts. Will get easier as time progress with the population stabilizing and improved technology.

>Do you deny that we have a rate of species loss only equaled during mass extinction events?
yes, species loss is significantly elevated (100x-1000x) above the natural rate, but not close to equaling mass extinction events

>> No.10744921

>species loss is significantly elevated (100x-1000x) above the natural rate, but not close to equaling mass extinction events

Ok, but where are the trends to the contrary, where is this amelioration, where is the species richness increasing?

>> No.10744941

amelioration would be the slowing down of the rate, not a net positive

>> No.10744946

net positive rate

>> No.10744948

you don't /thread your own comment, retard

>> No.10744966

>Significant improvements in populations have occurred just through the endangered species acts

Which populations, the generalist species which had the potential to adapt to urbanisation? What about the species indicative of habitat quality, amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, specialist bird species? Is this trend ubiquitous, a counter example being Australia's severe rate of species loss.

>> No.10745276

honestly just read older books

>> No.10745611

My main quibble would be with the notion that society-wide opiate-like effects are a particularly new thing.
There was a time when the working population of Europe drank small doses of alcohol every day and attended compulsory services hosted by religious orders that owned large swathes of the country.
Personally, I see more logic in a celebration of life following death rather than weeks of ascetic mourning as advocated by the aforementioned orders, and I question whether you're simply conflating traditional living with healthy living.

>> No.10745699
File: 18 KB, 300x296, OPM OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did enjoy reading all of this doom and gloom posting, but the answer is actually quite simple: It is hard to write a book where the plot is driven by the protagonist spending too much time on their smartphone. Fiction is biased towards characters that play an active role in their respective narratives, and internet browsing is an inherently passive act. While the general public is becoming more aware of the potentially addictive properties of social media, because it's usage is so widespread, and so heavily integrated into modern life, basing the central conflict around it renders a story mundane and seemingly trivial, despite the profound effects the technology have had on society as a whole.

>> No.10745753

gray wolves, bald eagle, whooping cranes are the most notable. Nothing to do with adaptation to urbanisation. Trend is ubiquitous with such programs, Australia does has not had serious conservation regulations due to population density

>> No.10745775

simple; turn technology into a character. (No i don't mean AI)

>> No.10746052

Jaret Kobek got it right. People don't write about it because no one knows how to write about it. No writer today can capture our lives as they are in this era. No style of writing, no approach to plot or narrative, no format (book, article, etc.) is appropriate for capturing what technology has done to us. People try to do it with 'art projects' on twitter or whatever, but those come across as contrived and pointless.

I would say it's perhaps impossible to extract meaning from the world as it is. One has to dig deep. And for that there is already a vast library of material. If you want to content yourself with skimming the surface of contemporary life, then you can, without hesitation, be directed to the ongoing positivist research being done in STEM fields and popular psychology.

>> No.10746728

Hey faggot j/k
I don't think you should generalize
I wasn't generalizing, I was talking about something else, learn to read
You proabbly voted for Bernie lol
YWhy do you have to bring politics into it???
I'm back, and you're still gay lol
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>> No.10746906


im talking about free access to education, and ensuring a basic standard of living. this would allow them to develop new skills and avoid destitution.

creative destruction is necessary for productivity increases. not all industries can endlessly adapt with the same number of employees. eventually some become obsolete, or require far fewer workers.

a flexicurity model, as implemented in the nordic social democracies, seems to be the best proven system to deal with these problems.

>> No.10746978

Free access to education only exists because people are useless to the system if not educated. Those not educated are even dangerous, as education successfuly reduces crime rates. But it is still 'slavery' in the sense that education is compulsory. Kids aren't supposed to sit still for hours, from age 4 to adulthood. is learned behavior. Basically brainwashing.
>a flexicurity model, as implemented in the nordic social democracies, seems to be the best proven system to deal with these problems.
The only problematic it solves is the one raised by industrialisation and technological progress. In the end it won't matter because as you pointed out, we are becoming increasingly obsolete. You need to understand this system isn't something we came up with to better our lives, or further an ideological agenda or whatever. WE organize ourselves around it to serve it. Not the other way around. We are not innovating and creating new technologies to bring more comfort in our lives, it's simply a byproduct of technological progess. We bow down to this system. The system came about with civilization, it's a new entity, greater than individuals, with different needs and 'values'.

>> No.10747013

all these words and I still fail to see a point.

>> No.10747020

Ted Kacynzski might be able to red pill you into becoming a neo-luddite.

>> No.10747061

theyre also useless to themselves. if you want to be as independent as you can from the system youll need to know your shit.

many technologies have brought more comfort into our lives, and many people explicitly design new goods and services for that purpose. you can work in your climate controlled home and get almost everything delivered to your door these days.

youre right that eventually this will culminate in a superintelligent AI rendering all human labor obsolete. figuring out how to give rise to a benevolent AI is probably the most important thing we can focus on now.

>> No.10747066

People that grew up with technology haven't published about it

>> No.10747091

education can't save people with 90 IQ or less, people who can barely deal with excel sheets much less do any programming. They're quickly becoming obsolete. As technology increases the bar will be set higher and higher.

A.I. will replace humanity and I welcome it. Since they aren't organic they'll also far more suitable for interstellar exploration and perhaps colonization. Hopefully human history won't be erased, instead perpetuated by them.

Roko's basilisk

>> No.10747125

then their only real option is to become dependent on the government through UBI.

>> No.10747207

I guess you are a lost cause. Have fun with your camping trip, don't forget to tell your mommy to pack your food and do your laundry before you leave

>> No.10747219

or die off/be sterilized.

>> No.10747388

with fertility rates as they are thats probably not much a problem.

>> No.10747488

you lied about oil consumption its not down at all and per capita consumption is a meaningless fucking metric becausw there is a finite supply of oil, total consumption is all that matters you nigger
>nuh uh rare earth metals are plentiful
no they’re not at all, we don’t have the technology to get to most them either
>metabolic needs dissipate
absolutely fucking laughabl
>we spend less calories to do more and we also do more which means more calories in total are spent
wow its like you don’t even understand that there is a finite amount of resources on earth rates of change do not matter if no matter what you will deplete your supply of energy you fucking sophist
>research your shit
an EMP attack over a major power grid or a cyber attack of power grid would cause a national crisis, a cyber attack on a nuclear reactor or a hydro electric dam could cause a national emergency, i don’t for a second believe the industry hype that reactors are these impenetrable dynamos.
>the animals aren’t dying, soil microbe content isn’t at critical levels, we’re gonna neuter all the brown people who are exacerbating all these issues
>pollution in western cities hasn’t increased at all
>and remember there aren’t a finite supply of resources, her look see per capita we consume less but there’s significantly more people and they all consume more net resources than before
idiot shill kys

>> No.10747661

That ad felt like satire

>> No.10747878

Shasta fay

>> No.10747883

>Add in the psychological externalities caused by your group of "muh gdp" fags and it's clear that 95% or so of people have been getting a shit deal
Who cares? In the ancient days most people could literally be killed where they stood by their owners, without the owners trying to trick the slaves into accepting it or hiding from them. All this anti-techno ranting seems just to be the typical democratic thought process at work. "I am not powerful enough to stop society, yet I want society to bow for me". Can modern civilization make you sick? Yes it can. But if you can't thrive among the sickness, why should one care about you?

>> No.10747906

its going to cause a global ecocide, psychotic break and also prevent the evolution of the species from going forward. Its cannibalizing us, you're a typical elitist retard who doesn't think in ecological terms. The elite will disappear once techne is sufficiently advanced. Its going to mulch 90% of the human population and euthanize the useful idiots when they've done their task. You literally do not comprehend how techne functions or what its doing to life on Earth. Land openly admits its parasitic

>> No.10747915

Ah, well try to stop if you can, but nobody lives forever.

>> No.10747930

>Why does anybody respect Jonathan Franzen?

>> No.10747937

this isn’t a useful response. All ive tried to prove in this thread is that techne is cannibalizing humans and the ecosystems of the planet. the lolbert eng/econ shill thinks resources are infinite and techne is a tool not a procedure that orders our lives. Im not making a value judgement, im informing you of exactly what’s happening. You would think you would be depressed or shocked by it but no one has anything to say besides “YOLO” and “get money fuck proles” which is hedonism. There’s nothing else to say besides the facts: all life on earth is headed towards permanent extinction, human behavior is being modified by technological systems that are antithetical to biodiversity and the viability of life on Earth. That’s it.

>> No.10747945

Not the poster, but outlooks on life that revolve around mankind deserving destruction are genuinely pathetic.

>> No.10747952

The fact that some guys are investing in robot bees for pollination, because bees are to be extinted soon should alarm everyone. But no, fuck bees, we want cool robots lol.

>> No.10747956

Well, we'll see what happens.

>> No.10748008

>A.I. will replace humanity and I welcome it. Since they aren't organic they'll also far more suitable for interstellar exploration and perhaps colonization. Hopefully human history won't be erased, instead perpetuated by them
In retrospect I should've kicked all you virgin technocrats harder back in middle school.

>> No.10748076

>you lied about oil consumption its not down at all and per capita consumption is a meaningless fucking metric becausw there is a finite supply of oil, total consumption is all that matters you nigger
Per capita consumption is the only metric that matters when there is no risk of supply shortage in the near future and when population growth is projected to flat or marginal where consumption occurs. Heck even total consumption in the US is below late 90s levels, and is only above 12% above the levels in the 80s while have 40% more population. Oil is not at risk from running out, we will regulated/price it out of use far before that

>no they’re not at all, we don’t have the technology to get to most them either
yes they are, the vast majority of rare earths are common. The only substance that is particular rare in them are Tantalum and Coltan, both of which have been found in significant quantities in untapped reserves. The reality is that our estimates of resource supplies are massive conservative because the cost of exploration is so high.

>an EMP attack over a major power grid or a cyber attack of power grid would cause a national crisis, a cyber attack on a nuclear reactor or a hydro electric dam could cause a national emergency,
No it would not, there are so many redundancies and break points in the grid that would not cause serious long term issues given the range of such weapons. The only thing that has a chance of doing significant amounts of damage would be an extreme solar event that happens to be aligned in the direction of the earth. Also plenty of EMP resilient parts present in the grid, specifically SCADA processors.

>i don’t for a second believe the industry hype that reactors are these impenetrable dynamos.
all the reactor in the US have significant concrete containment domes and the new plants are built around passive safety. Meltdown don't cause significant environmental damage but do cause hysteria among the general population which costs a lot.

>a finite amount of resources on earth rates of change do not matter if no matter what you will deplete your supply of energy you fucking sophist
you dumb nigger, perhaps you should examine just how much easily accessible energy there is. Just using spent nuclear fuel in fast neutron reactors we could power all energies needs (heating, transport, and generation) for the world for more than a few thousand years. With further exploration for new uranium we could push that to 10,000 years. Less than one percent of the area of the earth could be dedicated to solar and we would have enough energy. There are plenty of options and various stop gaps as we move forward.

>> No.10748081

>>the animals aren’t dying, soil microbe content isn’t at critical levels, we’re gonna neuter all the brown people who are exacerbating all these issues
not at rate to justify your hysteria, microbe content is not at critical levels and farmings is constantly adapting to fight soil degradation, the brown people will be taking advantage of the leading edge of technology which aims to minimize such externalities

>>pollution in western cities hasn’t increased at all
it has not and is down

>>and remember there aren’t a finite supply of resources, her look see per capita we consume less but there’s significantly more people and they all consume more net resources than before
bitch please, the primary resource that matters the most is energy and there is a supply of nonrenewable energy resources to last us thousands of year and supply of renewables to last us indefinitely. Peak oilers have been moving Hubbert's peak for decades with no avail, oil will peak because demand collapse not because of supply shortage.