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10726363 No.10726363 [Reply] [Original]

did this motherfucker really not realize tuberculosis is contagious?

questions about books your reading thread too I guess

>> No.10726379

It's not but okay
Catch 22 and American psycho

>> No.10726401

Oh shit nvm it is

>> No.10726433


He's played by Werner Herzog so it's ok

>> No.10726453
File: 64 KB, 350x491, 7cee1a1ba572e155914fd640a5d26eb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the reference
btw I'm talking about the book

>> No.10726464

dude thought he was safe when he went through all that anti germ gas. he was also suicidal

>> No.10726527
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>tuberculosis isn't contagious

>> No.10727639

I started zauberberg a couple months ago (in no small part due to wind rises and norwegian wood references), and am looking for a reason to get back into it. Do anons recommend? What did you learn from it? Translation consensus? Also book/film suggestions like OP's pic related appreciated.

>> No.10727653

Did Hoffer really believe that the only reason communism was a danger was that it was backed up by Soviet military power, or was he just playing to contemporary American fears?

It sure seems dumbed down.

>> No.10729301

Mann also stayed at a Sanatorium and didn't contract it.

>> No.10729322
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> Werner Herzog says that humanity will one day end and that it'll be our own fault but it's OK because nobody will be there to miss us
> he was in Penguins of Madagascar

I can't place that guy. On one hand, he's a bit of a goof, but on the other he's all for nihilism and claims it to be optimism.