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/lit/ - Literature

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10726318 No.10726318 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.10726365

What the fuck, that's not a tapir

>> No.10726368

I don't have any novel ideas - only old ones

>> No.10726373

the novel begins with to demons (not related to hell still working on that )discussing aspects of the human life and way they act. the focus then shifts to public transport in an American city. a man tries to rob a woman on the bus and point s a gun at the main character.the criminal is detained and the story shifts to the MC's apartment where he's working on his sculpture. doorbell rings and a man in a red suit arrives at the door and hands him a book. MC opens it an basically finds the pages blank. he then breaks down and his past experiences and contemplates suicide until eventually the doorbell rings and the man in the red suit says he got the address wrong to which the man agrees and returns the book. afterward, he continues to work on his sculpture and the novel ends.

>> No.10726387


Dragons arguing

>> No.10726499

The novel, or possibly short story, will examine the contemporary existence of working class/underclass white men living in northern England. Their existence will be encapsulated and summarised by a night out in the city centre, bar hopping until the early hours I the morning. Central themes will be violence, male insecurity, power fantasies, mass immigration, and the general malaise and meaninglessness of their existence, which has been imposed onto them by an elite that has given up its duties to the country.

>> No.10726510

Novels are dead. Short fiction is the future of literature

>> No.10726520

A gorilla bereft of novel ideas goes on a quest to find the Tapir of Inspiration

>> No.10726538

How many words should a short story be?

>> No.10726842

>Maximals, maximize!

>> No.10726886

>the elite has duties to the Cuntry
lol stupid prole

>> No.10726895

T. Marxoid

>> No.10726898

I think we're going to see a resurgence of mainstream poetry thanks to Rupi. Not even memeing but once normies get into something it can shift a trend. Then we follow up with new romanticism before getting back into modernism but with a brighter outlook.

>> No.10726903

That actually would be pretty good

>> No.10726919

On second thought, you're right, they've given up their duties all together, not just to the country. They've given up on the philosophical foundation of our civilization.

>> No.10726925
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a guy spends his entire life posting tapirs on the internet only to reach the realization that his tapirposting is unhealthy escapism that is keeping him from doing more productive things with his life

so he starts posting gorillas instead.

>> No.10726983

it's about a string of school shootings

>> No.10727019

It is about a kind of nature preserve where dinosaurs are cloned with frog DNA. I call it Billy and the Clonasarus

>> No.10727252
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What the fuck? OG tapirbro here. Your gorilla is not welcome.

>> No.10727254
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This man is an imposter.

>> No.10727258

I don't have any ideas. I've never had any ideas.

I'm George Costanza

>> No.10727454

Literally fuck off, gorillas are fucking shit and I will defend Tapirs until I fucking die

>> No.10727664


Some imagery lifted from Death Note.
Why would he cry at an empty book handed by a weirdo?

>> No.10727683
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the age of the tapir is ovar
the tiem of the goriller has arived

>> No.10727722
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grrr fuck off buddy this is possum postin' territory

>> No.10727973
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Tapirbro army stand resolute. The reckoning of the gorilla menace is at hand.

>> No.10728014
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>> No.10728045

I am proud of /lit/'s display of integrity by not posting many novel ideas itt. Good job bois keep it up and remember tapir is here to stay.

>> No.10728075

A young man discovers the letters of his recently deseased grand grandfather, as he reads them he quickly realized that the old man was a time traveller that travelled to the future and the last date he visits its just a few days in the near future.

The protagonist has a moral dilema about wether he should trace the foot steps of his old man and see him for the last time as a time traveller, or maybe he should just ignore it everything and continue with his life.

>> No.10728113
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A comedy about a middle age balding monster that haunts people on their dreams during the 30's on a small town in California, but suddenly the people of the town discover how to fight the dreadful dark being in their dreams, leading to a bunch of tragic comic situations with a pretty dark and sour sense of humour.

The book is narrated in 1st person and sometimes the monster has bizarre monologued and rants about how much of a loser he feels.

>> No.10728122

anybody saved that pic with bugs, dfw a tapir and a gun?

>> No.10728145

An Amish teen on his Rumspringa descends down a dark spiral of hedonism and debauchery. I haven't decided what his fate is yet.

>> No.10728163
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>> No.10728241

One of the angels locked under the earth in the Book of Enoch for 777 generations escapes to the modern world. There he engages in fetishy sex with anthros for many many pages in various situations. At the end the authorities of heaven catch up to him to drag him back down below but an intercession by Jesus, which is prompted by the impassioned defence of aforementioned agent by a law student and his supervising barrister, suffices to save the angel from Hell.

More fetishy sex ensues.

>> No.10728246


>> No.10728275

Russ, an underwhelming yet competent hired hand of the top dog in the black market of a nice beach city, tries to locate a cache of hand guns. The clues he finds lead him to absurd characters.

I can write interesting characters and show details well, but I can't for the life of me do plot. I feel like a retard with a 9 inch dick.

>> No.10728280

More of a collection of short stories where I write about different scenearios that I have imagined for myself at different moments of my life. It would be like an agglomeration of an idealized image of myself with the attributes and life experiences I have dreamed of having. I'm still trying to figure out how to structure any of the stories.

>> No.10728281

make it some paranoid pynchonian thing tying it back to a fbi gun running program and the russians are trying to stop it before al-qaeda gets it but it was all masterminded by the cia to disrupt the election

>> No.10728287

Mad max kind of world with some steampunk elements

>> No.10728288

Good advice, cheers m8

>> No.10728307

this is actually kinda sad in terms of how un-aware/naive it is.

>> No.10728341

You could take it even further and throw in the really outlandish conspiracies like illuminati, jews, reptilians and so on. Go all They Live with it.

>> No.10728396
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I want to try and write a modern interpretation of the Iliad based around the dying Japanese MMA scene representing Troy against the growing western MMA world, representing Greece. I'd like to base it around one of the last tournaments and create analogies between real fighters and ancient counterparts. For example, I'd like to get create a modern counterpart to Achillies in a Connor McGregor type character, also borrowing aspects of Stephen Daedalus's so it can tie into Ulysses. I feel like the honorable Japanese bushido culture fits well with Hector's ethics. I think it's easy to find analogies between the Trojan War and fighting, my biggest problem is going to be not bullshitting the Japanese aspect. I have a (Losing) fight record, and I'm going to Japan in December anyways to watch a tournament and do some training at a few gyms while over there, but I feel as if I shouldn't write about a nation that I don't understand through and through.

>> No.10728412

so, mad max?

>> No.10728470
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Horror Comedy anon here;
how much fetish shit should I put in my story?

>> No.10728512

No wtf

>> No.10728555
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holy shit, will read

>> No.10728744

might as well post what little of the outline i've got so far, i'd love critique and recommendations
inb4 virus/cp/etc, it's literally just a word doc

>> No.10728748
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>MKULTRA slave's life leading to his abduction, training, and final role as Harambe
>basically Into The Void reincarnation scenes thereafter
>ends in new body as octegenarian masturbating to Jane Goodall documentaries
>his final act before cardiac arrest is stealing Tapirbro's thunder
>his body is eaten by a clutch of raccoons nesting in the attick
>not found until St Patricks day
>hazmat opens the front door
>the signed jacketsleeve of DREAMS OF MY FATHER is lying on the ground
>it becomes apparent the entire place is boobytrapped
>OP is cremated with is collection of Gorilla refridgerator magnets and semen encrusted MLP figures.

>> No.10728749

Can't wait, this is a winning idea, could see it becoming a movie to.

>> No.10728773

I like the worldbuilding you've done. It's good to know everything about the world you're writing so continuity errors, naming mistakes, etc are rare if at all.
Sounds like a pretty dope fantasy novel, I believe in you Anon

>> No.10728785

thanks, but i'm still not entirely happy with how I'm handling the interaction between Gadol and his demigods, and I'd really like to throw some of Krita's relatives in here but I don't want it to feel too forced. got any pointers?

>> No.10728810

A book about typical human struggles/worries disguised in a mesh of seemingly simple plot lines, set at the precipice of a much different near-future the author envisions, in somewhat recognizable prose that hints at said anticipated change. You have to be pretty smart, clever and lucky to pull this off, so I doubt it happens.

Note: I have barely read since college so I'm probably completely off and there's too many of these "pretentious" books already

Source: Faulkner, Joyce, Huxley, Clarke, Bradbury

>> No.10728815

Did the demigods stay with the mortals or did they manage to get back to the Above? You could have a subplot where only some of the demigods made it back or something like that. Otherwise, the interaction seems pretty decent. Maybe Gadol could curse the demigods to mortality? I'm just writing the first things that come to my head so sorry if it doesn't fit in with the lore.

To incorporate her relatives, you could do something cheesy like her uncle regularly travels between the human world and the other world and he has one of the amulets

To be honest, it seems really good and I rarely read or watch fantasy stuff. Its got everything in there and its all fleshed out already

>> No.10728856

i appreciate the praise and the uncle idea, but i'd like to keep this pretty straight-laced and keep the cheese to a minimum, although i DID kinda envision one of her cousins following in her steps and turning into a head-of-state or some other important role that she needs to clash against. the demis were made to stay with the mortals as sort of ambassadors between them and Gadol in a way. it would be a cool idea to reduce the demis to long-dead mortals who come back if/when the 4 amulets are brought together, but that seems like a roundabout way to get to where i already am with their characters.

>> No.10730499

A shapeshifter on the streets of New York....
A string of grisly murders....
A drunk and down on his luck retired P.I. comes back for one more case.....
I call it.. "The Retired P.I. Chasing A Shapeshifter In New York 2: The First One."

>> No.10730705

Lmao. Classic Simpsons.

>> No.10730873

Underrated post

>> No.10731831
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fall tapirs, just don't fall on me...

>> No.10732058
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65k words

>> No.10732515

I'm stealing this.

>> No.10732547

Catch up, I’m 3/4 done!

>> No.10732583

Voyage and return, protagonists leaves home to find himself, realizes the journey is a lot harder than it is, want to do a little bit of deconstruction on human integrity and show that in reality if you have a long enough journey everyone around to support you will leave. Protagonist comes across paradise, the crew land there and turns out that it doesn't despite immortality on the island and hedonism, it doesn't crack up to be that great. The main feeling and sentiment of the protagonist is the feeling of missing out on things he can never be there for, which goes as a theme for the entire story. He ends up building another ship and returns home.

>> No.10732772
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100 WPM full-time NEET. Fear me faggot and thanks for making my new million dollar intellectual property for me

>> No.10733041
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Knock yourself out, junior. Fast doesn’t equal good.

>> No.10733576

Write it or I'll do it myself.

>> No.10733587

and one has to be a person of color dragon

>> No.10733618

A teenage super slut on the cusp of adulthood confronts her former childhood friend who, motivated by rage and resentment, has managed to manufacture a takeover of their high school student council and attempts to use his newfound position to reshape the social ecosystem in his image. The conflict that arises out of this collision challenges their convictions, morality, and selfhood.

>> No.10733691

should wait until you finish high school to write this

>> No.10733721

I'm a junior in college my man

>> No.10733723
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>> No.10733745

I only write horror short stories

>> No.10733939

haha lucky I found you before the trolls did. I think you mean "horrible" instead of "horror". Easy mistake to make, dude. I can't bear the thought of trying to learn a new language -- especially one as difficult as English, so good on you for trying. Glad I could help you out man

>> No.10733942


>> No.10734139

One dude running a privacy chamber providing service in a transhuman society slowly hedging towards post-scarcity has to investigate the theft of one of his clients' memories.

>> No.10734145
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>"The Retired P.I. Chasing A Shapeshifter In New York 2: The First One."

>> No.10734147

what the fuck is a privacy chamber?

>> No.10734153


Commoditized privacy. In a world so interconnected and digital, the only way to get alone is to lock yourself in a totally hermetical place--aka privacy chamber.

>> No.10734156

so it's a jerk off box?

>> No.10734158


Kind of indeed.

>> No.10734595

wait, so how would a guy's memories be stolen in the one place he's completely isolated?

>> No.10734656

There is a Vampire mayor of a small town in the deep south who gets involved in attempting to block a bill that would make it illegal to record the race or gender of those who donate blood.

The vampire mayor is a racist and wants to ensure that he will keep to get a supply of blood from young white women.
His main adversary throughout the story is a young black lawyer, who's really charismatic and shit.

The story is from the point of view of a journalist going to report on the debates around the bill.
The story ends with the vampire getting hella riled up and killing everyone.

The vampire will be a terrible caricature of Trump mixed with colonel sanders. With the heavy handed euphemism that conservatives are all racist vampires.

>> No.10734659

That's the wrong animal

>> No.10734718

Kinda reminds me of master and margaretta

>> No.10736378


>> No.10737897

That’s the plot.