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10725442 No.10725442[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>wake up at 8.30 am
>browse internet on phone then read brideshead revisited
>go to gym
>go to full time job and leave after 20 minutes because I have nothing to do
>go to drink coffee in central London but realised I have less money in my bank account than I thought so decide to go home
>teenage boy and girl talking loudly on the underground train which triggered me because women are disgusted by me
>get home and eat and browse internet
>go through an engineering maths textbook but realise going through entire chapters is pointless and I have no motivation
>leave flat and am currently drinking coffee in central London in a place much less busy than daytime

I'm just so low energy and demotivated. I will never get friends. I will never get a gf. I will never have a successful career when you have to be an ubernormie in the working world. I wish I could be productive when I get home after work but my motivation is dead.

>be me
>be an ugly beta 27 year old male with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, never been to pub, club or party
>too ugly and not normie enough to pass job interviews for better jobs
>become the ugly loser loner nobody talks to within one day of all my jobs

>> No.10725479


>> No.10725527

fuck yeah! it's the lonely london guy, haven't seen u in ages my dude! where u been? u got banned for off-topic or what?

>> No.10725543

You again?

You need some kind of spiritual path.

Go do some meditation classes and retreats. Read some books about raja yoga and Buddhist meditation. All your problems are imaginary. I know they seem real to you right now, but that's because you are "identified" with the ideas of these things. You seem to recognize that outward things can't satisfy you, that's good. Even if you had these things you wouldn't be truly happy. Something is still missing. That thing can only come from inside and through the correct efforts. That all these things you mention 'matter' is just something you have been programmed with by our culture. Its literally a dream produced in you from outside yourself. You can wake up from this, if you want.

But you've posted this thread a few times now so you seem more like the kind of person who just wants to complain rather than do some thing about it.

>> No.10725656

wake up before sun rise. it will motivate you.

>> No.10725660


They'll get what's coming for them Londonfrog, in about 40-50 years, hopefully you'll live to see it.

>> No.10725667

to echo the above poster.

“Further, as no land is so well off as that which requires few imports, or none at all, so the happiest man is one who has enough in his own inner wealth, and requires little or nothing from outside for his maintenance, for imports are expensive things, reveal dependence, entail danger, occasion trouble, and when all is said and done, are a poor substitute for home produce. No man ought to expect much from others, or, in general, from the external world. What one human being can be to another is not a very great deal: in the end every one stands alone, and the important thing is who it is that stands alone. Here, then, is another application of the general truth which Goethe recognizes in Dichtung und Wahrheit (Bk. III.), that in everything a man has ultimately to appeal to himself “ or, as Goldsmith puts it in The Traveller:

Still to ourselves in every place consign'd Our own felicity we make or find.

Himself is the source of the best and most a man can be or achieve. The more this is so—the more a man finds his sources of pleasure in himself—the happier he will be. Therefore, it is with great truth that Aristotle[1] says, To be happy means to be self-sufficient. For all other sources of happiness are in their nature most uncertain, precarious, fleeting, the sport of chance; and so even under the most favorable circumstances they can easily be exhausted; nay, this is unavoidable, because they are not always within reach. And in old age these sources of happiness must necessarily dry up:—love leaves us then, and wit, desire to travel, delight in horses, aptitude for social intercourse; friends and relations, too, are taken from us by death. Then more than ever, it depends upon what a man has in himself; for this will stick to him longest; and at any period of life it is the only genuine and lasting source of happiness. There is not much to be got anywhere in the world. It is filled with misery and pain; and if a man escapes these, boredom lies in wait for him at every corner. Nay more; it is evil which generally has the upper hand, and folly makes the most noise. Fate is cruel, and mankind is pitiable. In such a world as this, a man who is rich in himself is like a bright, warm, happy room at Christmastide, while without are the frost and snow of a December night. Therefore, without doubt, the happiest destiny on earth is to have the rare gift of a rich individuality, and, more especially to be possessed of a good endowment of intellect; this is the happiest destiny, though it may not be, after all, a very brilliant one.”
Excerpt From: Arthur Schopenhauer. “The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer: the Wisdom of Life.” iBooks.

>> No.10725668
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id be your friend londonfrog!

>> No.10725697

someone find this fagot and poison his coffee

>> No.10725730

Being brutally honest with myself (OP), I am still not living how I want. I am acting for the pseud cred. Ironically I read the fountainhead within the past year and like it yet I can't resist being a second hander (I'm also a moocher and looter but fuck others desu)

I have almost finished brideshead revisited but this isn't an achievement, it's consumerwhoring and and gaining pseud cred.

I went through an engineering maths textbook (pretty big achievement for me to not procrastinate) but I realised going through entire textbook sections was pointless. I was only doing it to feel like less of a pleb. The bit I was working on was boring and pointless.

I read books on my phone in commutes. I was reading how the world works by Chomsky and got bored 2/3 through and almost didn't give it up for pseud cred purposes.

I am going through SICP and getting bored but it gives the pseud cred.

I just want to wake up and think I can do what I want guilt free.

My proudest achievements in recent years have been negative ones. Putting no effort in to my work or degree because I disliked them. Now I need to point that attitude towards something I want.

>> No.10725742


Oh yeah, and let's be srs, I'm not 100 % idealistic. I'm crawling on my journey over the broken glass that is also known as being an ugly person. Treated like a pariah, seen with disgust.

I refuse to adopt this haughty pseudo intellectual attitude of shit like this not mattering. It does. To sit at home and read when the normies are having everything handed to them kills me inside.

>> No.10725743

its pasta you should kys

>> No.10725889

why are there only helpful posts in these threads
hes been spamming these for over a year

>> No.10726589

It's Love, anon.