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/lit/ - Literature

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10725292 No.10725292 [Reply] [Original]

How many books do you think you have you read in your entire life? I've only read about 100 but I'm making an effort to read a lot more now

>> No.10726189
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I read 15-20 a year
Learned to read when I was 6 o 7
I'm 46
So...[does math]...forty times seventeen and a half makes...

1287 books!

<-- my favorite

>> No.10726263

Same here OP, maybe 100 or so in total. I've picked up the pace, last year read approx 20 and this year so far I've read 8, hopefully will make it 40 or so

>> No.10726279

Like 50.

>> No.10726292

>I'm 46
A-anon... I hate to tell you but you're pathetic.

>> No.10726564

If normalfag - 20, most of which in high school
If secluded 4channeckbeardedautismo - 500, most of which the Greeks

>> No.10726628

in the last five years, probably 350 or so, maybe another hundred before that, more if you count reading a lot as a kid.

>> No.10726677

Different old-fag.
Hate to be the one to inform (u) young anon
But actual /lit/'s an old fag-a-thon

>> No.10728426

What age is /lit/ supposed to be?

>> No.10728430

>A-anon... I hate to tell you but you're pathetic.

20 years from now ima link u this post, then what

>> No.10728479

Around 2000. But I read a lot of junk when I was younger and regret spending so much time on that shit. It's like those youtubers who buys 20-30 books every month but all they read is YA

>> No.10728496

Going to shit social sites like facebook is worse.
And besides who cares? We're all anons.

>> No.10730742

Less than 15

>> No.10730751

Like 10

>> No.10730773

I'm not too worried about how many books I have to read.
Hell, I only started really reading very recently (December) but I've already read more than I ever thought I could.
Do just read books to read. Find something interesting.

>> No.10730810


>> No.10730823

It's meant to be a board just for children? That explains a lot.

>> No.10731370

I've only read one book, "The Complete Works of Plato".
Everything else was just footnotes.