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/lit/ - Literature

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10723713 No.10723713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to be a Petercuck

be virgin
be American
speak one language
have no familiarity with the development of literature
have no interest in history, philosophy or literature outside of youtube and 4chan
enrolled in community college
need a self-help seller guru with a patreon account to tutor you
regularly post on reddit
heard of Jung last year, muh archetypes
I'm a Nietzschean, Nietzsche was had nothing to do with the development of postmodernism
never read Kafka but I know what postmodernism is
never read any of the classics but I know the terms modernism and so on
I have a high IQ
I'm artistic

>> No.10723717

Oh and I forgot,

>be middle class

>> No.10723722
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>> No.10723738

consider the lobster

>> No.10723740

>ywn be this angry

>> No.10723749
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imagine him throwing lobster type reasonings at Zizek at the debate

also, >arguing with a quotes account

not being angry at the obvious sight of a philistine is the sign of being a philistine

>> No.10723759

being a petersoncuck is an order of magnitude better than being a politically correct bluehair queer(tm) with a victim studies degree

>> No.10723764


>> No.10723772

Oh boy here we go

you're imagining blue hair tumblerinas as your postmodernist enemies, this is LITERALLY A STRAWMAN

you set up a weak imaginary oppenent that everyone already hates

you are the other side of the politically correct bluehair queers on the dumb coin

>> No.10723785

>have no interest in history, philosophy or literature outside of youtube and 4chan
lol. this is what's bothering me the most. this board gets spammed with fucking youtubers. it's pathetic honestly. petercucks are salvable though. nietzsche and jung truly are great authors. just skip the youtube daddy, read a book, and save yourselves.

>> No.10723800

"petercucks" are the ultimate fuckwits

>> No.10723827

wow you're such an intellectual OP

>> No.10723833

True Hitler's my real daddi

>> No.10723834

ask a petercuck if he's a virgin and he never answers yet he's all into the macho man ideas of daddy peterson

>> No.10723840


>> No.10723848
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Of anything, they aren't getting enough hate. These freaks are the priesthood class of a budding secular theocracy. Gay rights were a mistake imo, we should have understood these 'people' are mentally ill and sick from the very beginning. It's about time someone stood up to the screeching victim class.

>> No.10723853
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I challenge anyone and everything reading this to enter a discussion with a flatearther on >>>/x/

Then enter a discussion with a Petersonian

Try to find which is harder

>> No.10723857


>> No.10723915

At least flat earthers will give sources.