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/lit/ - Literature

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10723341 No.10723341 [Reply] [Original]

I bought this book. What can I expect and how hard was I memed on?

>> No.10723351

Not much.
Very hard.

>> No.10723399

>buying a jordan memerson book
lmao holy shit

>> No.10723418


they'll never learn

>> No.10723423

wtf, we were supposed to be all in on the joke, who let this guy in?

>> No.10723470
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>Top 12 most antidotal to chaos rules for life
>I tidied my room and you won't believe what happened!!!
>foreword by Norman Doidge!!! (not clickbait)
I'd say you got memed pretty hard

I saw a clip from the joe rogans podcast where jordan b peterson said you can't be opposed to capitalism and interact with commodities produced under capitalism. he's about as smart as someone who isn't very smart

>> No.10723480

make a patreon, record a video of yourself crying in your tidy bedroom and see the NEETbux start flowing in

special bonus if you have big tits

>> No.10723498
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Actually read the damn thing to completion---and if you like hard mode, to sufficient comprehension of his arguments and how his stream of consciousness is put together.

The memes and posts won't be stopping anytime soon thanks to how Western culture has found itself in; you may as well learn to attack/defend/criticise him coherently unless you find joy in being a brainlet memester.

Do so, and that will pull yourself ahead from these crabs-in-the-bucket that can't disconnect themselves from the Entertainment Matrix.

Living life well has always been the ultimate insult.

>> No.10723505

You can expect platitudes and an expectation that you should behave like lobsters, because apparently you should follow nature when it fits your ideology. except when it does not fit your ideology then you're supposed to fight nature.

I don't know either man

>> No.10723521

>trad lifestyles are best

He's basically telling you what you already know to be true

>> No.10723647

His point was that bitching about how useless capitalism is and being completely unable to admit that it has positive effects while using one of the amazing (non-essential) technologies it has given us is what birdbrain freshman communist women do

>> No.10723652

I pirated it

>> No.10723669

>because apparently you should follow nature when it fits your ideology.
He’s never once made a naturalistic argument and said it is moral to act by your nature. He just said that we have built-in ways of doing things and those ways may sometimes be the most beneficial/efficient/stable way to act, depending on your idea of benefit, and he has laid out his idea of benefit pretty thoroughly.

>> No.10723672

I think Peterson doesn't go far enough, we gotta bring the war to the freaks who are destroying america, AKA the politically correct lgbtsjw community.

>> No.10723680

/lit/ has me convinced that hating this guy was the smart thing to do for months but I’m finally starting to realize that 85% of the arguments against him are painfully thin. I thought it was a meme but a lot of the backlash against him is coming from angry self-identifying Marxists who feel certain some smart person out there somewhere has already beaten all arguments against Marxism

>> No.10723687
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>buying meme "self-help" "books"

>> No.10723697

epic reddit pasta

>> No.10723786

That wasn't his point, not even he is stupid enough to make that point.

>> No.10724590

I finished it. It was a great book!

>> No.10724595


>> No.10725278
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>read the book
>enjoy it
>come back to /lit/ and shit on it so you don't deviate from the groupthink

That's all we do, bucko

>> No.10727085


>> No.10727323

I bought it too
It's largely the same material as all his YouTube stuff. So, if you've followed him very closely you have sort of already read the book. Still, it's good you bought it, the sales are helping liberals hear his message and how stupid they are.

>> No.10727336

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.10727348

There are plenty of legitimate arguments against Marx, but Peterson doesn't even engage with Marx's theses. J.P. just retreats to lazy, Nietzchean meta-arguments and calls it a day, without tackling Marx on Marx's own terms.

>> No.10727359
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bible wasn't very good
Melville wasn't very good
I'm listening to a joe rogan podcast right now
last book I read was Pimp because of the dave chapelle comedy on Netflix
now I really hate capitalism

>> No.10727366

pls be bait

>> No.10727374

what are the rules, really? like, can you guys give me the name of the chapters or something?

>> No.10727384

i remember reading that ryan holiday book on viral/guerilla marketing, and there was this part about how pissing off feminists is the best way to sell a product because they give it free advertising and then dudes will buy it just to not feel like cucks, in fact he would spam out fliers to feminists groups on colleges telling them to protest whatever he was selling lol well we can see peterson has used his blue print and cashed in bigtime, the rest of ryan holidays crap sucks ass, but that first book had some insights

>> No.10727385

No, see you can tell it's working by how many social "science" majors are getting butt blasted and calling everything bait because he attacks their rote learning and indoctrination. The man is an absolute hero.

>> No.10727410

1. Stand up straight with your shoulders back
2. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
3. Make friends with people who want the best for you
4. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who someone else is today
5. Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
6. Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
7. Do what is meaningful (not what is expedient)
8. Tell the truth - or at least don't lie
9. Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't
10. Do not vaccinate your children
11. Do not bother children when they are skateboarding
12. Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

>> No.10727416

I'm a physics major. I still hope it is bait.

>> No.10727431
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>10. Do not vaccinate your children
based bait poster

>> No.10727432

Sure. You're not going to Einstin-Rosen bridge your way out of still needing to grow up though.

>> No.10727435

>Still, it's good you bought it, the sales are helping liberals hear his message and how stupid they are.
So did you even read the book or did you just block out everything you couldn't use to ANNIHILATE SJW SNOWFLAKES

>> No.10727438


>> No.10727441

There's nothing uglier than an old infant.

>> No.10727451

Sorry, it was a physics joke. I am not surprised you didn't get it.

>> No.10727455
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>> No.10727459

I agree but it sounds like your projecting yourself on me anon

>> No.10727469
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>> No.10727478

i still dont get how fags can get so buttflustered over this shit, it's just basic advice your dad would have told u if he wasnt a useless soy

>> No.10727482

Books that unironically call themselves 'antidote' made me realize I'm a postmodernist.

>> No.10727485

oh i actually i think it's peterson's betafriend who kills himself, that part where the betafriend purposely burns dinner because he resents having to do women's work despite being a
'feminist' probably hit a little too close to home for some soys

>> No.10727493

It's 100% that Peterson is hitting too close to home for a lot of Kathy Newman types on /lit/.

>> No.10727511

Thanks based anon

Not a Peterson fan, nor have I read the book, but I'm guessing it means "don't try to prevent your kids from having bad experiences" in a more abstract sense

>> No.10727516

This board has gone into the toilet since this meme guy became "famous"

>> No.10727518

based anon here
rule 10 is actually "be precise in your speech"
I wanted to have a laugh but didn't expect to be afforded that much trust
Sorry dude

>> No.10727522

We had one of our best threads I can remember just today >>>10724290

>> No.10727538

The absolute state of memerson cucks