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10721922 No.10721922 [Reply] [Original]

so what's tao lin doing during these trying times?

>> No.10721938

probably shop lifting

>> No.10721958


>> No.10721961

writing his new book I hope! :3

>> No.10721968

I wish Carles was still blogging 10+ times a day like he was in the Tao Lin days

>> No.10722015

fermenting cabbage

>> No.10722210

buying women's clothes for his next author pic

>> No.10722232
File: 157 KB, 1280x1024, misakiPuzzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

judging from his interview with the stoner podcast, i think it goes somewhat like this:

- wake up late
- drink some coffee
- do some writing, probably 1-2k a day
- go on a walk to the park
- get stoned
- read a book
- go home
- get more stoned
- do exercise
- eat some kind of weird root or fruit
- watch stupid conspiracy theory youtube videos
- listen to podcasts
- secretly bump threads related to tao lin on /lit/
- sleep

looking forward to your book on terence mckenna, tao. do you ever listen to the psychadellic salon podcast?

if i ever get as famous as you i'll acknowledge /lit/ too. just gotta get through the gatekeepers first.

>> No.10722249

The way you described being friends with book characters in The Paris Review video, I felt that way with Paul from Taipei. Thank you Tao.

Looking forward to your next book

>> No.10722444

i am also really, really, really pumped for the book on terence mckenna. i think we can all expect quality psychedelic discussion from tao. i wonder if he did acid in china.

>> No.10723227

Did Tao lose all his NY pseud friends now that he's woke?

>> No.10723266

>quality psychedelic discussion
the bar is still low enough for him to do this by simply ripping off /r/researchchemicals posts. His only competition is that skinny kike on vice.

>> No.10723389

>now that he's woke

>> No.10723462

He thinks 9/11 was an inside job done by the U.S. gov and vacinations give you autism. Hes been in contact with tom delonge and they have been discussing the existence of aliens. Hes quite the changes man.

>> No.10723567

Tao Lin on Infowars WHEN

>> No.10723754

Why does Tao Lin speak like that? What is that?

>> No.10723787

>mfw Taoposting memed me into preordering his new book

>> No.10723798

it's just how people from arizona talk, check out john mccain, its the same dialect

>> No.10725401

Anyone know why he stopped being vegan?

>> No.10725435


pray4carles, hope he didn't drop out of life via 'the clonazepam slam'

>> No.10725457

surplus of whale meat

>> No.10725465

But he's chinese

>> No.10725922

keeping women in his basement

>> No.10725996

are you sure you aren't chinese?

>> No.10726264

i came here to say this

>> No.10726293
File: 1.39 MB, 1210x1098, 1517448462631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished his non-fiction work on McKenna, writing his next novel, walking the beaches of Hawaii with his qtgf smoking good weed and eating health foods.

>> No.10727427

>His only competition is that skinny kike on vice.
Hamilton Morris?

>> No.10729156

He is basking in the glow of an advance review by the highly influential Publishers Weekly of his new book, Trip:

"Novelist Lin (Taipei, Shoplifting from American Apparel, etc.) chronicles his experiences with various psychedelic drugs in his first nonfiction book, weaving autobiography, history, and spiritual journey together to pose existential questions. Drawn to psychedelics by the life and work of Terence McKenna, an advocate for psychedelic drugs, Lin begins documenting individual trips on substances like psilocybin and salvia as well as the history of each substance. In detailing his own history of drug use, Lin separates addictive, mood-changing drugs like cocaine and caffeine from mind-altering psychedelics, which he credits with providing the imaginative, profound experiences that have reshaped his lonely, empty worldview into one more routinely populated by awe and magic. The psychedelics Lin zeroes in on are all naturally occurring, and he is best at examining and questioning the illegality and societal suppression of substances that he contends allow him to safely explore topics like time and consciousness. A lengthy epilogue, in which he switches to a third-person narrative, follows Lin to San Francisco on a visit with Kathleen Harrison, McKenna’s ex-wife and a strong proponent of psychedelics herself. It’s here that Lin’s tendency to rattle off precise measurements and scientific terms in quick succession starts to feel a bit long-winded. He eventually steers the epilogue toward a level of personal clarity that perfectly punctuates an introspective work of this depth and caliber. (May)"

Buy your copy today!!!

>> No.10729222

working on his recovery