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10721177 No.10721177 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.10721183

Dragons arguing

>> No.10721184

Is than an anteater? Not a fan desu

>> No.10721197

thieves in Hong Kong

>> No.10721226

Basically a worse version of Narcissus and Goldmund. I had the idea before I read the book.

>> No.10721250

French pilot crashes close to the Hoggar mountains in southern Algeria, is rescued by a passing group of Tuareg (desert nomads), and becomes a point of tension among the group since salafist jihadis begin to recruit their younger members.

>> No.10721252

based tapirposting idea thief

>> No.10721354

It's a novel idea, where it's an author who resist the temptation to post his ideas in an increasingly surveillance state of the the year 2019

>> No.10721370
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It's about crime syndicates with a random guy making a new one, pissing every syndicate plus the government. The biggest tackle is that I'm trying to keep it realistic and not edgy. I don't want to do the "crime doesn't pay" cliche

>> No.10721423

it's a novel about a self-proclaimed sadboi who talks about his resentment for his father that he suspects has a secret family, the divorce of his parents and how he never got over it, his views on women and why he became a misogynist, his musings on depression, nihilism and cynicism. It also contains rants that touch on his delusions of grandeur, his various complexes and his obsession with being seen as a brooding, tragic figure, when in reality he's just a loser that embarrasses himself and his peers.

>> No.10721427

What the fuck is that thing, I hate it.

>> No.10721662

Inside a mountain a group of miners are caved in and trapped and the only source of light is a single lamp that goes out after about an hour and a half. When the lamp is still on all the miners sit down and talk to each other while waiting for help. After the lamp dies everything is pitch black and the only form of description I use is sound. They get really depressed and go deep about their lives and get into messy blind fights.

>> No.10721714

How do I justify this?

>MC goes on a journey to the other side of the world with an old man and his granddaughter who can see the supernatural
>in each of the places they stop MC and the girl discover that a wealthy industrialist who knows the old man is some manner of monster (vampire, etc.) that they end up having to destroy

my idea is that the old man knows what they are and wants the kids to do a job he's too old to do, but that makes him look like an asshole, however the alternative is either that he just associates with monsters or that they keep running into monsters randomly

>> No.10721778
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>tfw haven't worked on my short story and have literally zero (0) ideas for anything new or original.

>> No.10721818
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>tfw I don't even care about ideas anymore and just want to write about people

>> No.10721856

I've been doing that too, I just write about people I know in real life, I've been reading Philip K. Dick recently and he has some really insightful things to say about people with his characters. I want to have characters like that, but there's no plot in which they fit, if I could even write them.

>> No.10721859

It's about a guy who goes crazy and becomes obsessed with killing Tapirs because someone keeps posting ugly images of them on an online literature forum.

>> No.10722213 [SPOILER] 
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A tapir shits gold after snuffling for truffles in a lost Mayan temple complex in the middle of a village.
>Falls in love with the Chieftess.
>Entire tribe follows him back to the complex, tripping booby traps along the way.
>Many fatalities.
>The ones that do make it go mad, taking turns sacrificing each other until the remainder also turn into tapirs.
>fucks the tapir chieftess
>F4 Phantom from the Vietnam War emerges from a thunderstorm and incinerates all of it
>Pilot ejects, cracks helmet on branches on th way down
>Awakens staring into the face of a tapir
>Tapir wants to fuck the pilot now too
>removes helmet: beard
>flying serpet badge on arm

>> No.10722235
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Near future sci fi no country for old men from the perspective of sigur.

>> No.10722247
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After a major recession in 2029 Central Banks regulate the internet to control increasing value and adoption of various cryptos. As more and more abandon fiat central bank issued (manipulated) currencies, cryptos are backed by precious metals in the foundation of new crypto-states emerge to fund explosion of order imposed by emergent robotics created police-bots an Orwellian combination of drone, animal robot and "crowdsourced" hunter squads all paid based on prompt apprehension/ elimination of "undesirables" or crypto-anarchists that use an exterior "meshnet" of quantum-encrypted communications to replace the now cesspool internet. one of these anarchist details his creation of a new system that makes ai of various kill bots destroy each other in live-streamed matches manipulating their machine vision to create adversarial examples out of each other in a fight to the deathmatches that can be wagered. Ill call it Battle-Bots

>> No.10722251

What is that thing? I love it!

>> No.10722262
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Gone Girl e xcept it's a guy and the twits is that they're gay and because they are a gay that mean they cannot be like regular couple. Second twist is that the main guy is also religious so he hate himself for being the gay and he punish him and himself.

>> No.10722281


>post scarcity future
>world government distributes currency to citizens
>amount received is based on how victimized you are
>victimization rate is measured using advanced technology that gauges public consciousness
>typically blacks get a little more, gays, cripples, retards, etc...
>identity politics have literally become the currency of the world
>mentally ill invalids dominate the sexual market, marrying one ensures prestige and security
>collusion wherein participants engage in willing rape is rampant for govt compensations
>meanwhile the most functional members of society are ostracized and hated
>their discontent is disregarded in a world where historical revision is a national past time
>time travel is invented by the withering quondam middle class to try and change the future
>discover that history is immutable but observable
>this observable objective past plunges society into chaos, world currency collapses
>civilization slowly adopts a new-sinceritysque return to historicity
>eugenic programs instilled to undo years of purposefully breeding the mentally ill
>improvements in society conflated entirely with use of eugenics, world on track to a Nazi styled future
>the cycle continues

>> No.10722303

By the wits of my brain bits, I ascertained that only one enemy remained. I mean two because God counts too.

>> No.10722320

It follows a lieutenant on a nuclear submarine, it's a not so clever modern parallel to the ship of fools. The world ends in the end.

>> No.10722334

One of God's beautiful creatures

>> No.10722386

>somewhere between Brazil and Argentina
>farmer and gaucho get in a fight
>farmer kills the gaucho
>they were Cain and Abel all along

>> No.10722702

Your diary isn't a good idea for a novel

>> No.10722755

Did you know that gaucho means libtard in french ?
Eat some culture kiddo

>> No.10722833

this actually sounds really cool. would read desu.

Mine is still the comedy horror epic I've been working on.

Cartoonish secret organization fucks up, blows up a secret lab. Causes liminal spaces around the american continent to be completely displaced from reality.

MC is a 20-something drunk asshole, who somehow ends up trying to save his stupid shithole town. Plot twist: they don't.

I'm hoping if I can finally sit down and finish a single story, then I'll finally manage to finish other stories, too.

>> No.10722846

Haunted supermarket

>> No.10722912

>It's set in a small town in Texas during the Great Depression.
>A man, Vincent, after serving time in prison, comes into a small town seeking money from his older brother, Leonard.
>Leonard rejects and refuses to take him in due to his past transgressions
>Leonard suffers from PTSD after serving as a French Foreign Legion volunteer in Verdun. His condition increasingly worsens.
>He is given Laudanum by a country doctor.
>The younger brother lives in the streets, living off of scraps. The daughter of the older brother, Annette, brings her uncle bread and keeps him company.
>Annette continues to see Vincent, and brings him Leonard's Laudanum as he requested. Annette slowly become addicted to the Laudanum at the recommendation of Vincent
>The local organized crime attempt to shake down Leonard for a protection racket. Leonard refuses and expels the thugs with a revolver
>Annette dies suddenly, Vincent is the prime suspect
>Vincent is imprisoned, Leonard rallies the town and pushes for a lynching, but the Crime Syndicate protects Vincent as they have a common enemy
>This is when the Pale Man enters the story. He is completely paralyzed, yet he is able to run the organized crime syndicate. He is never outrightly shown but is always present in the main actions of the syndicate
>Vincent goes to court and the evidence against him is overwhelming
>On the day of the verdict he accepts his fate and realizes that he is going to be hanged
>Miraculously the jury rules in his favor. He is freed immediately.
>Vincent is taken in by the Pale Men. He finally finds the family that he has been searching for his whole life
>Vincent is sent to shake down his brother, to reverse the power dynamic that had paralyzed him his whole life
>Vincent is struck when, upon entering the hardware store, he finds Leonard with a gun to his head
>Vincent manages to talk Leonard down
>Leonard weepingly apologizes to Vincent, that he shouldn't have been so hard on him, and that he only knew war, he only knew conflict, he only knew Verdun, now and always.

>> No.10722954

could be aight

fund it

>> No.10722958


>> No.10723011

I think the first option is bettter, but you need you need tomake little changes ir coincidence that help mc and the girls destroying the monsters. For example, some sword fell from the SKY and help them kill the monsters. And then later un the book reveal that the old man was secretely training them for killing monsters, because the best traching is yo let the student learn alone and just intervine when they almost Die

>> No.10723051

I was just planning on taking a shit load of amphetamines, writing whatever came to mind in a night, sending it to publishers and hoping I can get this all done before my heart explodes

>> No.10723082

Sounds pretty good, but more like a short story than a novel. Maybe Heart Of Darkness length.

>> No.10723105

A guy has the ability to see a persons future once he anally or vaginally penetrates them.
Opens a business called "the all seeing (japs) eye"
Hilarity and tragedy ensues....

>> No.10723290

The Adventures of Sir Percivale

A TV series, set in King Arthur's court,centering around the exploits of this singular knight. I only know him from Mallory, but he impressed me:a simple outlook on life and chivalry, yet surprisingly deep. He is one of the three to achieve the Grail,and skilled enough in arms to stand against Lancelot and Galahad. But it's his uncomplicated attitude that makes me want to base stories of Arthurian legend around him.

He is first to undertake the burden of cursed objects after some poor soul encounters one,simply to bear them fellowship. His sister warns him not to enter the ship bound for Sarris(I forget exactly where) because if he falls short of the perfection needed for Holy things,he will be destroyed. His reply? That if he were a "miscreature or an untrue knight,there I should perish",welcoming death if he failed at his attempt. A character worthy of exploration.

He would travel about righting wrongs with three supporting cast members:His squire,a young man there to absorb the life lessons found like strange treasures along the path of honour, his niece, around the squire's age and love interest,but also the expert in courtly graces and protocols, and a wizened man at arms to balance the sublime in context with the real world. And one other aspect of these stories that Sir Percivale would have an epic struggle to overcome would be...trying to stay a virgin! At one point in the Mallory he stabs himself in the thigh to punish his weak flesh after resisting some feminine wiles,so I can imagine him getting into provocative situations with "knight groupies" that would love to get knocked up by a member of the Round Table,and scheme to find their way into his bed,while trying to keep his niece out of his squire's . Much comedy potential there. Some laughs,some chills,some revelations and cheers. All stuffed into an hour episode.

>> No.10723298

>actually a good idea
and if your heart DOES explode, that's good publicity.

>> No.10723406

So, basically a Gaimen-esque stroy about a sentient internet, due to so many people jerking to it, in a chaos magick sort of way.

>> No.10723413


>> No.10723435 [DELETED] 
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>tfw excited to share my idea with /lit/ and get feedback
>but terrified it's actually worth exploring and someone will steal it
>know that even if someone from here did they still wouldn't ever accomplish anything
>and neither will I
>can't bring myself to post it

>> No.10723439
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>> No.10723445

Post it. We're all useless assholes working on our own novels.

>> No.10723454

That fear makes no sense. Moby Dick is just "a guy goes whaling and his captain's a loonie," but that doesn't mean I can steal that idea and make a novel out of it.

>> No.10723463

I'd buy a copy.

>> No.10723474

Sacred..... more I desire.....

>> No.10723484

Well, it worked for PKD and Nick Land.

>> No.10723590

I fucking hate that image. What the fuck is that thing? I hate it.

>> No.10724023

Short story: an actor who quits Hollywood.
Novel: WWII vet builds children's playground.

>> No.10724053

>WWII vet builds
Have you seen Americana? Weird little film David Carradine made himself. It's kinda unsettling.

>> No.10724125

900 page novel about taking a shit

>> No.10724126

An overthrown dictator escapes from justice after killing 2000+ people. He goes to live in a wooden cabin located on a mountain away from any town.
He goes nuts after hearing noises, seeing objects moving on their own, seeing blood stains on the mirror, etc. Ends up committing suicide with a rifle shot.
Finally there is a plow twist and everything takes place in the future, 200 years after the suicide: the government of the same country sends travelers
in time to drive the ex dictator crazy and create a comedy tv show of it. The show reaches its peak when the daughter of the former dictator finds the corpse.

>> No.10724515

Novel: An expedition through the Far East.