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10719722 No.10719722 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you read any occultists? What did you think of the experience.

>> No.10719740

No, I'm redpilled

>> No.10719747


I've read extensively of the occult. It's not always easy to understand. I tend towards chaos magick, which is very sensible to me.

>> No.10719757

Blavatsky: interesting, controversial, kind of hard to prove with any facts but still worth a read
Crowley: way too edgy, loser druggie, tryhard
Paracelsus: legit god tier, brainlets will never understand true purpose of alchemy
Kyablion: mindfuck
973ehtnamuh: supermindfuck
Manly P Hal: great self-help, debatabley better than Peterson
Papyrus of Ani: repetitive but gives the impression the Kangs really knew about the afterlife

>> No.10719758

I have and I guarantee you it is a waste of your time and energy.

>> No.10719764

Was it a waste of your time and energy?

>> No.10719781

>not being green pilled

you're a fag

>> No.10719783

Yes, but it was not until I was already down the rabbit hole that I had this realization.

>> No.10719786

not this guy but yeah it really is, you're never going to get a clear answer about what you're looking for. The "Occultists" are all over the place and contradict each other all the time. and the info is pretty fucking useless

>> No.10719787
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STEMfag tries to do something... and his autism doesn't let him.

>> No.10719789

And what did you believe before going down the rabbit hole, and while deep inside it, before your realisation?

>> No.10719792
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I tried to get a copy of the Magical Revival by Kenneth Grant but holy fuck is it expensive.

>> No.10719798

Everything except the weed smoking. Should I just kill myself?

>> No.10719801

Because the "occult" is merely a blanket statement covering many different schools of the esoteric. You can wither follow an Eastern Path, Hermeticism, or just use little snippets of occult practice like meditation, or astral projection. The sad fact is that the occult just won't work for certain people.

I feel like you've just read The Secret Teachings of All Ages and decided you knew everything there was to know.

>> No.10719805

no im this guy >>10719757
i read all of these, i just grew out of it as i got older

>> No.10719807

How "far" down this "rabbit hole" did you go down? Did you actually join an organization like The Rosicrucian Order?
How do you reckon the Freemason's influence if the occult is a waste of time and energy?

>> No.10719826

why are you putting "rabbit hole" in quotations? Occult is by definition a rabbit hole, even the greatest occultists die still trying to find meaning in it. And anyone claiming to know all of the secrets is lying

>> No.10719833
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I've been reading about David Bowie's time in Berlin in the 70s, and how he got into a Fraternal Organization that worships Saturn, whose Sex Magick rituals were unlike any other. It's all very interesting.

Explore OP. Franz Bardon is a good start. He was the occultist the Nazis took a particular interest in during WWII (read Gravity's Rainbow, you'll find out all about the War's Secret Occult Practices) to help with the war effort.

Hard Red Pill: Reality is completely malleable as its all sound; all eddies in the current of the Aether; and you can tune yourself to its pitch, and partake in the Astral Weaving that can unfurl from your face.
These Occult Orders really do control the world.

>> No.10719840

>even the greatest occultists die still trying to find meaning in it

holy sound the charlatan alarm!

>> No.10719860


>> No.10719872


>> No.10719888

You know what you are talking about

Ima copy this list you made, got any specific recomendations if Im interest in the cycle of humanity and the individual?

>> No.10719915

The New Atlantis by Francis Bacon

>> No.10719951

>Hard Red Pill: Reality is completely malleable as its all sound;
Is there a spell for making me more attactive in tinder type apps?

>> No.10719966

squats, get someone to take your pic for you

>> No.10719984

Why would i need a bigger ass?

>> No.10720002

its works all your muscles dingo

>> No.10720025

Because it's all mental masturbation. Occult writings may sound wise and deep if read in a vacuum but any quick search on their modern legacies will show embarrassing results that "occultists" try to rationalize with feeble no true scotsman appeals. Theosophists were dead wrong about Krishnamurti and Crowley was dead wrong about the Aeon of Horus. At one point you start wondering that all these hidden masters and secret adepts aren't really in hiding; they just don't exist.

>> No.10720034

Are you eighteen or something? So you've read maybe three books, watched some videos, and now you think you know everything there is to know?

You make me laugh to be honest. You're about as close to a fedoralord rn than you'll ever be

>> No.10720038

To squat a big number you need a strong back and core. But generally start lifting. Do lots of pulls, squats, and presses.

>> No.10720077

Crowley was right
so were the discordians
ironically, so was /pol/ right up until the election

>> No.10720081

>it's just too deep for you, you need to read more bullshit to understand it

Show me one instance where the world we live in in is any different from a world where occultism isn't real.

>bro just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. They are just invisible undetectable manifestations, but they are still there!

>> No.10720086

Magick is real, the catch is you have to actually believe it will work in order for it to work, it's part of the willing/synchronicity-utilizing. There's frankly many different ways to utilize the power of your own will and the gift of boons from occult sources like gods, nature spirits, guardians, and any established magickal order or school is just chaos magick that has developed into an established path. Be careful with what you wish for though, magick can be very dangerous, and many go crazy in the process.

>> No.10720092

Then why did he die broke and penniless, his supposedly world changing religion now a slowly dying fad?

>> No.10720103

Can you stop shitting up this thread? You're no better than people who try to position themselves above religion. Yeah, we get it: you're smarter than traditions dating back to before the Great Flood! Yay! Now go run along!

>> No.10720106

>you need to fool yourself into believing it works in order for your fooled disposition to believe it works
Occultists are mentally ill.

>> No.10720110

Stop shitting up this thread.
Why are you so angry?

>> No.10720131

Because these are questions that demand answers. When you make sweeping claims like occultists do and then reality doesn't face up to those claims, just sweep it under the rug? Does it matter if Besant is enjoyable to read when her organization was blatantly wrong about the next World Teacher?

>> No.10720144

You're being irrational and confrontational.
A mind like yours doesn't deserve to be anywhere near any serious occult practice.
No one on his site is really mature enough at all.

I hope you can come to terms with your anger towards the world.

>> No.10720152

I'm so confused by how accurate this is in describing my worst qualities and by how good it feels to be called once gifted. I'm guessing these have something to do with each other but I'm just not quite sure what....

>> No.10720154

>muh argument from authority

>> No.10720157

he stopped being right when he died

>> No.10720165

Smoke a joint, and then kill yourself.

>> No.10720168

Evasive as always. Sorry to crush your bubble with a reality check. Enjoy your larping.

>> No.10720193

You've already made up your mind.

Really though. Do you really believe the higher echelons of society are free from occult practices? Do you not know anything about Talmudic Judaism? Masonic aims for society? How do you reconcile the proliferation of Masons in the last thirty years? Is your reality really that cloistered and matter of fact? Are you a STEMfag?

>> No.10720199

Oh god you're one of those tinfoil types.

>> No.10720205

>reality check
anyone who utters this phrase is usually a fat incel with literally nothing going on for them in their life, so they resort to pontificating about matters which they know nothing about, and using their wicked skepticism to remain ever in control.

how does it feel being a faggot?

>> No.10720210

Oh, you're a fucking retard! Makes sense!
How much of a normie are you? Are you a shitposter? A shill? I have no idea!

>> No.10720214

Interesting response.
OP I've read Kybalion and Manly P. Hall.
Both of them are worth reading.

I liked Manly P. Hall's commentary on the various texts. I'm not sure if he's right or misleading, but his main point was that the occult are secret teachings for enlightenment and spiritual elevation. Using the arcana for personal gains is evil.
It makes me think that all the secret societies people talk about are perversions of the original teachings, something Hall also talks about.

The Kybalion is a mindfuck and worth the $5 on Amazon. They are either the best larpers in history or actually knew.

>> No.10720215

You sound upset. Maybe you should do the LBRP.

>> No.10720216

there's really no excuse to know nothing about freemasonry in this day and age, anon.
you're blue-pilled as fuck, holy shit. go back to watching anime or something lmao

>> No.10720220

I get it! You've read Crowley, and you're upset that he got to fuck super hot bitches, so now you just shitpost in every thread.

>> No.10720242

>anon is angry that someone meme'd him into reading Crowley, and the red herring Crowley initially wanted worked, guiding plebs like this away from the Rosicrucian Gregorian Chants that open the Sky Ladder that Baphomet descends from

Low IQ plebs should not get into the occult. Manly P Hall literally says idiots aren't allowed. It won't work for them. Extradimensional beings decide who they manifest for.

>> No.10720244

So instead of occultists you read chicken farmers who read occultists?

>> No.10720259

>nutriding crowley this hard
Why would I be jealous of a sodomite? I'm just confused because Christianity is still going strong and Thelema is pretty much dead, when Crowley said the opposite would happen.

Read Fossil Angels for a true red pill.

>> No.10720267

A brief list of people whom the occult interested.

>All his plays contain clues to his interest in Rosicrucianism and the plight for Eternal Life
>Fineganns Wake is again an allegory for man's inner journey to adepthood, which entails Eternal Life... also notice the circular structure, the Ouroboros
Thomas Pynchon
>Need say more. All his books deal with occult topics in one way or another. GR deals with the occult side of WWII, which all parties partook in to aid the war effort; The Vrill Society was responsible for the foo fighter saucers Allied bombers saw. Against The Day deals heavily in neoplatonist occultism, and even features famous Occultist Nikola Tesla as a character

>> No.10720297

Of course Thelema is dead you fucking idiot. It was meant to die. You think too much about Crowley. I don't even like him.

You do realize Hermeticism is still alive and well, right? You do realize Thelema is just a retard-friendly version of it, yeah? You do realize The United States is a Hermetic nation, with its high-ranking officials practitioners? The Temple Of Set is one of the ways to gain speedy access to DC's circle. It always struck me odd that Wikipedia just recently deleted Micheal Aquinas' article.

When anyone talks of the "Secret Babylonian Religion" they're talking of Hermeticism.

>> No.10720306


>> No.10720313

In fact Franz Kafka, a very famous Kabbalist, may have dealt the world a heavy blow with his famous egregore he unleashed on the world: Gregor Samsa!

Get it? Spelling is literal spells! We're all Gregors now!

>> No.10720314

wtf I'm a Gregor now

>> No.10720318 [DELETED] 

>Because these are questions that demand answers.
You seemingly don't understand that you've a prescriptive bias as to how a question must and must not be answered: there are things in this world that won't ever fall in line with the trappings of logical positivism, they must be experienced. Now you can balk incredulous and claim that this is proof positive as to them not existing or you can take up the challenge to openly and earnestly try to understand them through different means. The choice is yours. The funny part is that your myopic modernist dismissal of anything outside the purview of logical positivism is only tacit admission as to how spiritually atrophied you are.

>> No.10720338

>Because these are questions that demand answers.
You seemingly don't understand that you've a prescriptive bias as to how a question must and must not be answered: there are things in this world that won't ever fall in line with the trappings of logical positivism, they must be experienced. Now you can balk incredulous and claim that this is proof positive as to them not existing or you can take up the challenge to openly and earnestly try to understand them through different means. The choice is yours. The funny part is that your myopic modernist dismissal of anything outside the purview of logical positivism is only tacit admission as to how spiritually atrophied you are.

>> No.10720341

Word salad! You're not even saying anything!

> there are things in this world that won't ever fall in line with the trappings of logical positivism, they must be experienced

This is a choice thing to say in the internet age! Kant would flip his grill over you!

Fucking stem those adjectives, holy moly. You're writing like someone with a huge stick up your ass!

>> No.10720359

A shitton of great figures were influenced by the occult and mysticism -- Goethe (a Freemason, had some contact with/interest in Rosicrucian ideas, Faust is full with tons of mystical and occult references), Newton (believed in alchemy, obsessed with old esoteric and alchemical texts, his forays into science were driven by a belief that God had fashioned everything purposefully and logically) , Leibniz was also obsessed with alchemy, Shakespeare has seeming references to Rosicrucianism in his works, the birth of the American and French Revolutions were heavily influenced and fomented within and inspired by Freemason lodges and Masonic ideas, with much of famous American imagery being Masonic in character, and people like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and the Marquis de Lafayette all being Masons. WB Yeats was part of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and generally obsessed with occultism, mysticism, and esotericism. Jung, an incredibly influential figure (even if you think he's wacky and disproved) was obviously very influenced by and interested in esotericism, particularly Gnosticism and alchemy.

The fucking foundations of Western literature and thought, Aristotle and Plato, were both evidently influenced by the religious mysteries and occultic orders of their day, as with the Eleusinian Mysteries, with Plato famously writing "As they say in the mysteries, 'Many carry the thyrsus, few become Bacchants'", and Aristotle supposedly being expelled from them for uttering one of their secrets and speaking against them.

Besides that, in the Middle Eastern Muslim world, almost all of the great and most famous Muslim poets renowned around the world were Sufis, Sufism abounding with esoteric and seemingly occultic order. Sufi philosophy and imagery united and inspired poets/scholars like Hafiz, Fariduddin of Attar, Rumi, Saadi, Ibn Arabi, el Ghazzali, Hakim Sanai, and Jami, these characters ranging in the dates they lived from for hundreds of years, and all their literature being connected with common Sufi themes, images, and ideas. Sufism, a seemingly occult/esoteric branch of Islam, arguably inspired poets and scholars to produce some of the best literature of the Middle East and world in general.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe in occultism. The fact that many other great figures believe in it and have been influenced by it, and the fact that their thought and works are some of the most important monuments in history and have influenced the minds of many others --- this alone makes occultism something real in the effects it has had.

>> No.10720367

>Word salad! You're not even saying anything!
I know. I'm an oldfag who has been studying this for a while, and I aint sharing nay-than wit u. All of you kids demand gnosis offered up on a platter. You don't want to work for anything. Shit, you don't even want to go about sublimating your rampant incredulity so you can even BEGIN to do so. No one owes you anything, mate. Keep laughing from the benches.

>> No.10720372

>spiritually atrophied

And what exactly does that mean to you?

>> No.10720384

>old timer can't make DMT so he does it the hard way

The Gnome Archons are cool.
Keep up, gramps!

>> No.10720394

Also as this anon mentions which I looked over stupidly >>10720267, James Joyce and Thomas Pynchon. Joyce also has references to Masonry, Theosophy and Hermeticism, particularly to The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn I just mentioned Yeats was in, from what I remember, in Ulysses.

>> No.10720398

It just seems fishy that whenever occultists make claims that border on being empirically testable, they are dead wrong. Perhaps they should stay adrift in the foggy banks of subjective experience and vague metaphors where there is no way of being proven wrong.

>> No.10720402

>haha you won't limit yourself to my anemic epistemology you are so stupid and crazy
I bet you think prayer is just an emotional salve too. Keep being too modern and enlightened for poor old Gramps..

>> No.10720414

So study numerology Greek style?

>> No.10720415

"Gnosis" is merely a drug trip. Ophite Gnostics literally slaughter children, drain their blood, the blood oxidizes, creates andrenochrome, and the initiate drinks it, creating an intense high in the same realm as DMT, if stronger.
Collective thought forms manifest during these rituals, as the rituals are in place to hit beats in the human subconscious, to get everyone involved in roughly the same brain frequency. This is what the elites do. This is the basis of all Abrahamic religions.

Believe me or not. I know this much to be true. This information comes at a heavy price. I kind of wish I never went down the occult paths. I have great nostalgia over my older, innocent worldview.

Why do Rabbis suck the wound of circumcision? It's real. Look it up.

>> No.10720427

I didn't know David Icke posted on /lit/.

>> No.10720432

Did I wonder onto a YouTube video comment section?

>> No.10720433

>This is what the elites do. This is the basis of all Abrahamic religions.
Citation needed

>> No.10720441
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and the shills come

so fast now too. literally every single time. sorry for revealing 33rd degree secrets... not really tho
second renaissance is coming

>> No.10720445


>> No.10720447

>people react strongly to the crazy shit I say on the internet, thus they are shills

>> No.10720453

All I know is sigil magic is real, its fucking real man. I don't know how, I don't know why, but it'll give you what you want and then it'll show you the consequences of 1) having wished for that in the first place 2) fucking around with magic

>> No.10720463

>ritually jerking off onto a piece of paper
Occultists are mentally ill.

>> No.10720466

"magic is real"

Ok, can you at least shoot a fireball from your hand without fuel? No? Sorry bruh I'm not interested in buying your book.

>> No.10720474

>and the shills come
You can't see that you've turned so paranoid you've become tyrannical in your own right. Imagine writing off all the experiences of all the adapts, saints and seekers in every Abrahamic religion because there is evil in the world. You would look at someone like St. John and write him off as an elite psyop victim? It doesn't make sense.

>> No.10720478


>> No.10720480

nice dubs
magic is definitely fake but the psychological effects of believing fake things (or seducing others into believing it) are real enough
you can read crowley like an early genre-fiction author if you reeaaaaly want to

never ever buy books though that's retarded

>> No.10720488

>YouTube-commenter tier guy actually posts YouTube videos in response to his assertions

>> No.10720493

Not embracing the horror

>> No.10720503

This. There's nothing wrong with being a fideist and embracing a belief in magic and fairytales as a means to relieve despair and stave off suicide.

>> No.10720524

it's like I'm reading Umineko again!

>> No.10720604

>magic is definitely fake
Incredibly wealthy people know that it isn't fake. Incredibly poor people know that it isn't fake. Yet somehow it's always the middle to upper-class that convince themselves that their empty materialistic notions are all that there is. There is a saying that goes "millionaires don't believe in astrology, but billionaires do".

>> No.10720683

t. shill

>> No.10720699

>There is a saying that goes "millionaires don't believe in astrology, but billionaires do".
That's a nice quote, when did you first make it?

>> No.10720703

Nice strawmen.

>> No.10720733
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You're right I made it all up you got me. Life is back to normal now. It was just a silly ruse.

>> No.10720807

No, Occult circles were just honeypots created by intelligence services. Crowley especially was nothing more than a spy

>> No.10720819

they killed millions of sulphurs to create billions of gold

>> No.10720885

Occultist L. Ron Hubbard was sent by the CIA to fuck occultist Jack Parson's wife and steal his boat.

>> No.10721363

There is definitely some good stuff in there.

>> No.10721394
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dude the clearest view is atop of your dead selves lmao
>100 pages of egyptian nonsense and chakra quantum pseudoscience

>> No.10721408

whats so special aboyut the kybalion? what can i get from it?

>> No.10722109

There are certain subjects that must be studied to fully develop a well rounded understanding of the western occult tradition: alchemy, Kabbalah, tarot, mythology, philosophy, comparative religion, shamanism, etc.

You will gradually start to see parallels and overlap in different systems of thought and that will help guide your studies.

The mystical experience is 100% real; that I can assure you. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. If you seek, you will find. This is not an endeavor to take lightly... It is a life long quest. You have to build your discipline in all areas of life with the general goal being detachment from worldliness in the pursuit of spiritual ascension. You will be tested and challenged and it is a very difficult road, I’m not going to lie, and I’ve had many failures myself.

I began self-educating myself in the esoteric sciences and occult tradition by reading Manly Hall and Joseph Campbell books. Then some Carl Jung and Israel Regardie etc. Start with whatever interests you most. Blavatsky, Crowley, Agrippa, Mathers, A.E Waite, John Dee, Eliade, etc are all names very relevant to the discussion as well.

The “exoteric” is not to be discounted either as a familiarity of say, bible stories, will help unlock understanding for you as well.

There’s much to learn and no time to waste. It took me 5 years of continuous study (granted, I got a BA and MA in unrelated subjects during that time) to really get a decent grasp on everything.

Good luck and never stop seeking truth and self-improvement. If you have any questions or want me to expand further into specifics, then just reply.

>> No.10722256
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>seemingly occultic order. Sufi philosophy an
Occult reading as hermeneutic practice is valuable. Northern Shia isn't Arabist, but reified indo-Persian/Aryan. Tracing the different origins/strains of Gnosticism (Persian, Greek, Abrahamic, Assyrian ...) takes one down different paths.
>that said, there's enough chicanery and bullshit to sift through you may as well go another way

>> No.10722304

US is Judeo-Masonic nation just say what they are

>> No.10722609

>When the student is ready the teacher will appear. If you seek, you will find.
Can you expand on this? Perhaps I'm interested in what you're explaining, vague as it sounds(on purpose I'm sure). What makes occultism/mystism different than just converting to a mainstream religion? I have very little understanding of all this stuff really. In fact this whole thread creeps me out. However, maybe I have a devotion to truth and self-fulilment based on the discovery of such.

>> No.10722622
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>Low IQ plebs should not get into the occult. Manly P Hall literally says idiots aren't allowed. It won't work for them. Extradimensional beings decide who they manifest for.
and this lucky 4channer has got the ticket

>> No.10722635

Hi, Seth "Kynokephalos" Russell

>> No.10722680

>occultist rule the world

Then they're either incompetent or malevolent.

>> No.10722684

Wild guess here but I'm going to say that the people who rule the world are probably malevolent.

>> No.10722687

related problem: deciding whether "brave new world" is utopia or dystopia.
a magus like giordano bruno would probably create something similar.
a mystic would rather go full communism, like tommaso campanella.

>Dion Fortune made an applicable observation about the difference between a mystic and a magus. The mystic, in the classical Christian sense, is one who strips away all the elements of this world in order to free that spark of the divine within us to fIy upwards to its natural place with the divine. The magus fulfills the same task by embedding themselves into this world and by calling the divine down to their own level.

>> No.10722731

Yes. I think most of /lit/ would enjoy Magick In Theory and Practice, or The Secret Teachings of All Ages.

Research the Thule society. Look into the Thule society's Invocation of Charlemagne, just before Hitler got involved.

Blavatsky was outed as a fraud multiple times, and Theosophy is kind of a joke among occultists. Hall was amazing, though. it was hearing his voice by chance that led me to serious magick.

>> No.10722735

Grant and Mathers did quite a bit to put stuff out there, but they really did it poorly. Now that they're not the only game in town, their work gets quite a bit of criticism.

>> No.10722737

>serious magick
What have you achieved with it?

>> No.10722750

Baphomet has literally jack and shit to do with Gnosticism. Baphomet doesn’t exist anywhere outside of retard’s imagination. Any source or work that includes it basically outs itself with a trap street.

>> No.10722757

I used to be really into occult shit when I was younger but I grew out of it. You can find a few useful bits in occult writings, mostly self help stuff, meditation advice, etc, but for the most part it's a bunch of nonsense.

If you really want to learn about metaphysics study philosophy. If you really want to gain some kind of power or change the world do it directly and work hard instead of wasting time jerking off on sigils or trying to conjure up demons. The only real reason to read occult stuff is if you enjoy it as an aesthetical or historical/anthropological interest.

>> No.10722759

it's not actually calling you gifted you dolt
this is just the stereotype of someone who goes through education with their teachers and parents calling them gifted and saying they have so much potential when in actuality they turn out to be a depressed drugged up normie

t. gifted kid

>> No.10722760

It's obvious to see that "magick" doesnt work. If it truly did then the people who are interested in it would be powerful, beautiful, wise people. But instead they are a bunch of goth losers, mentally ill people, and /x/ posters.

>> No.10722763

you probably use money where occult losers left their gang signs.

>> No.10722770

>If you really want to learn about metaphysics study philosophy.
The two aren't mutually exclusive.
>If you really want to gain some kind of power or change the world do it directly and work hard
This also isn't mutually exclusive.
>instead of wasting time jerking off on sigils or trying to conjure up demons.
You don't know what you're talking about if you think that's a passable summation of occult practice. Sounds like you were some listless edgy kid who messed around with chaos magick for a bit and then grew out of it. You went through a phase - which is fine - but don't pretend to be speaking from any place of genuine understanding.

>> No.10722782

>You don't know what you're talking about if you think that's a passable summation of occult practice. Sounds like you were some listless edgy kid who messed around with chaos magick for a bit and then grew out of it. You went through a phase - which is fine - but don't pretend to be speaking from any place of genuine understanding.
The same applies to you, you haven't invested yourself into serious subjects, like the sciences, and a have a bias for superstition, since you've invested yourself entirely into it.

>> No.10722789
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>If it truly did then the people who are interested in it would be powerful, beautiful, wise people.
Well some of the people who are interested in it certainly are powerful. That's for sure.

>> No.10722794

Killed most of my bad habits, learned more in a year than I have in my entire time in school, read more this past year than I had in the years since graduating. Can now better carry on a convo in history, philosophy, literature, all of which I atribute to magick, as the root.

>> No.10722799

It didn't work because of magical power, but because you came to believe in it to so such an extent that it allowed you override your previous habits. A strong belief in anything can reshape your behaviour.

>> No.10722806
File: 10 KB, 267x400, 2151244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this instead

>> No.10722812

Read Crowley's Magick In Theory and Practice, and Jung's "Approaching The Unconscious". He who has the how cares not for the why.

>alternatively, muh quantum physics woo-woo

>> No.10722824

>The Rothschilds live inside a literal skeleton

>> No.10722825

For most of us, it's 90% parapsychology / turning yourself into a Manchurian Candidate via ceremony and the virtue of belief. No one's predicting the future through the drawing and arrangement of some shuffled cards, or the throwing of yarrow sticks, but it does decipher pre-existing information in the jumble of the subconscious, into an organized form which the conscious rational mind can accept and digest.

>> No.10722826
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>since you've invested yourself entirely into it.
No I haven't. Where did I say that? Who said I gave up the sciences?
>you haven't invested yourself into serious subjects, like the sciences
Who could possibly give up the sciences if they were serious about the occult? Do you not have the most cursory understanding of the inter-disciplinary requirements needed to take this seriously? Do you actually think there is one separate and distinct field of study called the "occult"?
>geometry and physics? bah! mathematics and magnetism? never! none of that for me, thanks. I prefer to study the occult.
You absolute dunce. You read a book or two and then gave it up and pronounced it useless because you're a slouch.

>> No.10722837

Occultists are just leeches, leeching of scientific discovery and claiming its knowledge for themselves. While you sit around believing in your superstition, people are actually discovering the laws of the universe. It wasn't until a few centuries ago, when people consciously moved away from your lunacy, that science proper was born. Now fuck off back to your delusional mental masturbation.

>> No.10722862

>Is there a spell for making me more attactive in tinder type apps?
It's called confidence, buddy. I have awful skin and I still have a gf. Be confident and realistic.

>> No.10722865

Are you heated because you didn't really understand the various inter-disciplinary streams that went into constituting actual occult study and instead naively pronounced it a field wholly separate and at odds with the sciences? Is that why you're so heated?

>> No.10722869

The occult of today is the science of tomorrow.

>> No.10722870

Your superstitious nonsense has not led to one useful discovery, stop trying to attach it to science, you retard. Stick with your make believe world.

>> No.10722871

>consciously moved away from your lunacy, that science proper was born.
are you implying bacon or leibniz or newton were pre-scientific because they treated alchemy as idea generator and mnemonic aid? your history of science requires more spooks than magick itself.

>> No.10722873

The occult of yesterday was not the science of today, so I'll dismiss your statement as your own desperate subjective attempt at justifying your beliefs in the occult.

>> No.10722875

>when you put on your smart boy mask to play dress ups but you want to take it off now because the sweat is starting to make you itch

>> No.10722877

None of them used the occult when they did science, so what is your point? In which part of calculus do you need the occult? I'll wait.

In fact, Newton wasted his talents studying occult nonsense, but you can't blame him, he was born in a dark era and did the best he could given his environment.

>> No.10722880

See, that's the thing, is that science done correctly picks this stuff up
>muh quantum woo-hoo
but it was beaten into this materialist box of strict predetermined conclusions of what can and cannot be, regardless of findings. So, the science v. magick debate is kind of a false dichotomy. Putting ink to Papyrus and transmitting thoughts was magick, the mathematics of the pyramids was magick, chemistry was magick, now this is rational and accepted.

>> No.10722885

Do we use geometry?

>> No.10722892

Actually, occult mathematics had to be rediscovered, and quite recently, comparatively speaking. Again, occult just means hidden. The magick of today will be explicable tomorrow. The main difference today being that some believe having the how negates a need for any why, and that others believe the why must be understood before the how can be taken to use.

>> No.10722911
File: 935 KB, 3452x2184, Leibniz.Ars combinatoria.1690.title page and frontispiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newton didnt "waste time" with alchemy, it was an integral part of his personality and useful science was a byproduct. your problem is that once occult methods are placed in the service of science, they cannot be related to occultism anymore.
people have no problem with gambling as the source of probability theory.
but they go apeshit when somebody suggests alchemy as source of most science, it's too immoral.

>> No.10722921

Magick is real
Scientists are magi

>> No.10722925
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mah maggi

>> No.10722926

As you seriously going to attribute geometry to the occult? We teach basic geometry to children just fine, without any appeals to the occult.

>> No.10722929

t. coping superstitious losers that are wasting their lives reading literal nonsense. Tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.10722930

>but they go apeshit when somebody suggests alchemy as source of most science, it's too immoral.

it's just plain wrong really, nothing immoral about it
causation =/= correlation
but i suppose that's too scientific for you

>> No.10722935

You showed your hand on this one. Way too over the top.
>5/10 overall

>> No.10722940

The fact people, who had no knowledge of modern science, attributed occult attributes to basic mathematics (at the time profound) does not necessarily mean it is born out of the occult, nor does it presuppose the occult. The fact is you need to find something tangible to tie to your beliefs, so you can justify them in relation to the contemporary world. You a simple charlatan, with a superstitious streak, that duped himself into nonsense.

>> No.10722952

>newton didn't "waste time" with alchemy
Yes he fucking did, he wasted the remainder of his life on garbage like alchemy and deciphering messages from God. The founding of chemistry had VERY little to do with alchemy. Only a complete surface level pleb would tie the two together because of superficial similarity.

>> No.10722970
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That was very rude. I hope you're happy.

>> No.10722981

Geometry is a part of mathematics, which itself is a formal science. Geometry provides useful models for solving real life problems. And yes, we do use geometry.

>> No.10722984

While your occult nonsense is a bunch of unjustified claims for no life neets who need to believe in magic in order to make their life palatable.

>> No.10723034
File: 50 KB, 220x384, 4DAEE2B1-1D29-474A-869D-8B3DF9A3A484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vagueness wasn’t intentional, but what you may discover for yourself is that some things on this path will be ineffable, and have to be experienced and not explained. Furthermore, some writers will shroud their message in ways that only the well-learned will be able to decipher, or will have taken oaths of secrecy to different magical orders which have prevented them from speaking on certain things with too much liberty... so be prepared for that in your studies as well.

Having said that... a mythological motif that Joseph Campbell calls attention to in his work “The Hero with A Thousand Faces” is what he phrased as “external super-natural aid.” As soon as the hero answers the call, the universe will recognize that and support him. That is something that has to be discovered for yourself though once you take a leap, or set out on the journey because it is simply beyond being captured by words.

But yes, when the student is ready he will find that the master has been waiting... when you embark on the path for greater understanding in the mysteries you will encounter those that have the answers you are looking for, or who will assist you to getting further along.

As far as the difference between occultism and mainstream religion... I’d first like to stress that they aren’t mutually exclusive... I think occultism just unlocks more; and is not accessible to everyone. Take for example the major arcana of the tarot or the tree of life, the truth contained in these can be studied and utilized by the practitioner of any religion. And I’m not referring to divination with the tarot, and although the tree of life has connections with the Jewish tradition- it can and should be more appropriately approached as a blue-print for life.

Now here is a question for you to reflect on yourself... do you want to be a materialist carrying on in life enjoying simple animalistic pleasures, baseball and bar-b-q, tv shows, alcohol, and pursuing consumer goods that you can’t take with you when you die... or do you want to take a chance and see if there is something more the human experience has to offer you?

If you start reading occult books, or practicing a mainstream religion, you may find that there is more purpose to your life and much work to be accomplished. You may rearrange your priorities in life as well once you discover that what you thought was real is actually an illusion, and what you thought was valuable was actually worthless.

Oh, and another comment on the occult in its relation to mainstream religion. What I’ve found is that occultists are more accepting to other faiths than just an average person that subscribed to a mainstream belief system and I attribute this to the occultist recognizing the truths and validity of other religions. Manly Hall writes that different religions should be viewed as different branches of the same tree, and I’ve reached agreement with that.

>> No.10723127
File: 79 KB, 634x621, fatso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should instantly set off alarms is that there doesn't exist a single occultist that has actually managed to harness the supposed power of occultism. There doesn't exist a single person that has demonstrably shown that he or she has any significant degree of control over reality. Absolutely none. In fact, quite the opposite is the case -most occultists are fat, ugly, bald and -in one way or another- drug addicts.
If you think somebody like pic related had any semblance of actual power, you're balls deep in self-delusion. He couldn't even keep himself from shoving food down his throat and shooting up heroin, let alone manipulate reality to a significant degree. There are many such cases. Name any occultist of renown and they're almost guaranteed to be inferior human beings. Same goes for your average occultist, who's usually a fat Goth chick or some cuck trying to be edgy hoping it'll give him some semblance of social standing.

Some practitioners are aware of the Occult's painful lack of experientially verifiable results, and as such, in a desperate attempt to justify their LARP, employ a method of 'appropriation'. Science is magick, philosophy is magick, psychology is magick, everything is magick, they claim. This is obviously a nonsense way of clinging to occult aesthetics by wrapping up something that is actually tangible in a 'cool' occult package.

Show me an occultist that has tangible powers -and not bullshit 'powers' like 'more confidence' that can easily be ascribed to other phenomena such as psychology- and I'll start believing in the occult. Until then you're all LARPers.

>> No.10723162

>excluded: LARPers, they employ a method of 'appropriation'
so you require someone who is detached from any real world domains but still could earn your respect somehow.

>> No.10723187

Because those real world domains have absolutely fuck all to do with occultism. Science, philosophy, psychology, mathematics, etc. are not in the slightest contingent on the existence of the occult. It's the other way around. LARPers take things that are actually tangible and than slap the 'magick' label on it.
The whole point of 'occultism' is that there's some kind 'unreal domain', something beyond what we consider common, realistic and material. Except when asked to step up to the plate, occultist can't produce anything viable.

>> No.10723198
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Not to split straws but you are confusing the occult with black magic.
From my brief study occult is basically a symbolic look at religion and the universe, one that is ultimately rooted in faith in God.
It's more of an instruction for living than a magic manual.

Now some claim that by divine revelation the ancients had knowledge of "magic". They use this to explain the pyramids etc. Some people today still can use it but they won't reveal it to random people.

Likewise some people argue that at the top of world governments there are occultists, but these should be seen as perversions. They made a Faustian bargain.

>> No.10723366

I've read 12 rules to life by Jordan Peterson.

>> No.10723395
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then compare the least occult society with a society that carries occult legacy.
soviet union vs the west
who had the least "contaminated" science and therefore should have won the technological race?
alchemy and science belong together like imagination and memory. both are useless in isolation.
ok, praise homo ludens.

>> No.10723645

You're so wrong it's hilarious. You don't even know what it means.

>> No.10723801



>> No.10723858

>Christianity is going strong
Walk into any "modern" christian church in america and you will realize how wrong you are.

>> No.10724454

so... where/how can I learn sigil magic? since we're on /lit/, can I haz a book?

>> No.10724554

I feel like starting an Occult general on here. I'll write up an OP featuring actual recs worth checking out, instead of Faggot Crowley, and various great minds in which the occult attracted... to at least sway away all these fucking Fedora "Reee Prove it To Me Now On 4chan Reee" retards.

>> No.10724636


Liber Null and Psychonaut teaches the basics

>> No.10724662
File: 42 KB, 499x767, Valentin_Tomberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read Valentin Tomberg? Is his book on Tarot worthwhile or just crazy babble?

>> No.10724678

Read Franz Bardon instead. The Nazis put him in a camp for refusing to help them! If the Nazis wanted him, then you should too.

>> No.10725750

The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding. I am not sure how you found Alchemy and Mnemotechnics useless, unless you never tried to apply them.

>> No.10725865

Stop making sense, that's not welcomed here.

>> No.10726036

>he doesn't know

>> No.10726092

I don't really believe in any of it, but it makes me feel fuzzy inside when I'm going through a rough patch. Also, some of it is creative and adds to my poetic unconscious.

>> No.10726198
File: 104 KB, 960x540, 1485558843059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings, fellow wizards! I have but one question: does meme magic real? Please substantiate your answers. Thank you and may your spells never misfire.

>> No.10726299

MotT is brilliant.

>> No.10726380
File: 44 KB, 480x491, Die Geheimlehre - The Secret Doctrine - Blavatsky - Deutschland und Ostmark - Peter Crawford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me some books to get me woke.

>> No.10726542

>3 years in a concentration camp
>arrested by Russians thereafter
>dies immediately

>> No.10726779

might be awful web skills but can't find anything about thule society and hitler visavis charlemagne. any help?

>> No.10726808

Vrill society is what you're actually wanting to start looking for.

>> No.10726812

not him but

>> No.10726943

any more wisdom to impart? reading this is wonderful.

>> No.10727037

Anyone familiar with Atkinson beyond the Kybalion? Mental Alchemy seems like an incredibly practical approach to basically becoming an ascendant wizard.

>> No.10727052

isn't mysticism a large part of your religion?

>> No.10727688


can you give me a rundown of who/what each of these are


>> No.10727748

Can you use wikipedia?

>> No.10727799
File: 90 KB, 663x1000, 663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me five years ago
>hiking near shadow hills
>suddenly a decrepit church appears
>it says 'the mystery fellowship' in front
>the receptionist, aids tyrone, walks out
>hands me some course material
>it's all purple prose
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.10727986

>the Kangs
They weren't niggers so never call Egyptians that again.

>> No.10728197
File: 142 KB, 650x1156, BE1CA3EE-1C59-42DB-AB05-AE266F07A39B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddha said: “A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle.” I’ve found this to be very true as well. The truth seeker on a mystical quest must turn inward and identify and then confront their own shortcomings, imperfections, weaknesses, impure desires, bad habits, poor temperament, and many more potential obstacles to spiritual advancement and self-improvement. Most people in society will never even reflect on such matters, fewer will attempt to change, and even fewer will have success in their attempts.

I’ve noticed that often times when people visualize this battle between good and evil it’s usually an external conflict. It is seen as existing “out there” or “in the world,” ...however the real battle is the one that exists within. This is the great work. This is the principal transmutation spoken of in the alchemical tradition. This will likely be the greatest challenge in your life.

Again, most people in the world will not in their present lives even discover the task at hand. However anyone reading this thread is at an advantage for even having a curiosity about the topics, books, and people being discussed here. I encourage everyone to keep digging deeper and discover truths for yourself. The astute observer will notice I haven’t encouraged or promoted one system of thought or one author above others; I simply promote education in these matters.

I wish I in fact did have more wisdom to pass along to you and others in this thread... indeed, when the traveler goes far enough east, he will realize that it’s not about excluding others, or secrecy, or cryptic symbols... it’s about helping their fellow man. But I’m spreaking from a position on the path I try to walk... those who are instead on the “left-hand path” would likely have other advice to impart to you.

I’ll also humbly offer you a word of caution pertaining to your studies: Far fewer people actually know what they are talking about than those that like to give off the impression that they know what they are talking about. As I said in one way or another in my initial post- studying the occult is something that requires serious dedication on the part of the student. You will have to have the academic self-discipline to work through countless texts; Years of reading... a lifetime of it. Not everyone has the necessary mental faculties for this... or even a strong enough desire. You have to have a love for knowledge... which I’m sure many of you know is the etymology for “philosophy;” “philia” being a Greek word for love, and “Sophia” meaning “wisdom” in Greek. What I’ve found is that the more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know... and yes, I’m aware that’s the “Socratic paradox.”

If any of you appreciate or continue to find value in my posts, let me know it’s worth my time to type them and I’ll contribute more.

>> No.10728205


>> No.10728235

>the fascist shits on the woman who set up the school of thought the Thule society stole from
yes research the Thule society and Himmler, and how he wanted to summon dead archons with a mass blood sacrifice which was what the holocaust was
>if I keep posting the book filled with lies it becomes more true, king nazi said so
but it is, and always has been all the way up to the 19th century this was the case
yes, they imprisoned Theosophists and Freemasons, Hermeticists as well; really interesting that Hitler disbanded the Thule society and then attacked all these other groups, while Himmler was doing blood rites inside his castle in the Black Forest with Jewish infants and Aryan twins, but you know these things are just oddities, not worth studying
>if i make the idiot contrast people will forget the nazis through him in a concentration camp and also killed some 3-4 million Jews, 2-3 milliion slavs in camps, and probably half a million Germans-French-Central Euros in camps
propaganda good; Goebbels' ghost bark, you jump
yes, and remember to research blood sacrifices and German mysticisms flirtations with black magick and human sacrifice, and the connections between the Theosophical movement, Ariosophy and the later Thule Society which turned into the SS and finally esoteric Hitlerism which has respawned as the meme magicians online and on the tv screens. That too!
this is punished severely in occult schools of thought, don't let other people teach you how to think, or construct bodies of knowledge for you; you see names? Search out the information pertinent to each of them. This place is not a good place to be taught anything, in fact you're liable to be misled and exploited much like you would in jail or a mental institute or public school
they were not whites either LARP fag

>> No.10728248

And you do? You have Seth’s super secret reading of the Bible mastered? You have the Mandaeans first script written by Abatur? If so anon I’m sorry I made fun of a made up demon used to persecute the Templars and other groups.

>> No.10728298

>reads the Bible
>thinks there is a cryptic meaning "unlocked" by ciphers etc
>dismisses the actual words themselves as if they're just a cover for something

Why are occultists so retarded?

>> No.10728340

This has been a common thought for ages and you’re missing the point. Assume the bible is important to you. Now emember how people tend to use symbolism and hidden messages. Imagine God did that. Boom.

>> No.10728421

Thanks for the posts. I'd like to hear any thoughts on mathematics. Or whatever.

>> No.10728670

This has nothing to do with pseudo-Zoroastrianism, dumb-dumb. I was certain a scholar like yourself would be able to identify a symbol for the enlightened being, ala the dancing shiva.

But no, you're a literal LARPer it seems.

>> No.10728691

The term you’re looking for is proto not psuedo. And you’ve done nothing to disprove Baphomet being an excuse to persecute the Templars. Funny how it only became relevant when 18th century occultism hit fever pitch. Baphomet is a joke and anything associated with it is in the same garbage pile as the Enochian language and Jungian thought.

>> No.10728706

No, it is pseudo-Zoroastrianism. You'll quickly realize all these obscure "gnostic" texts can be merely relegated to human's predisposed abilities to notice patterns. All Native American lore is essential your pseudo-Zoroastrianism nonsense.

Have you read any of the OTO's ritual work?

>> No.10728709

>same garbage pile as the Enochian language and Jungian thought.

You're saying nothing! You're putting together word salad just like Jordan Peterson!

>> No.10728711

So, you've never read Hammer Purgstall, A.E Waite, or Eliphas Levi? You're just some fake Eastern Mystic?

>> No.10728718

>Funny how it only became relevant when 18th century occultism hit fever pitch.

What are you talking about? The Renaissance happened hundreds of years before.

>> No.10728779

Occultism died off slowly but surely after the 18th century. However, it still existed in a meaningful fashion to both the masses and the enlightened beforehand during this time. I will give you a bone and say it still extended into the 19th century, but not in any meaningful fashion in academia past the later years. As for fever pitch, do you really want to compare the treating of foreign texts as mystical and the actual creation of original works as comparable?
Let me make this simple. Both those things and Baphomet don’t exist.
>Naming literal /whos/ from some European hovel.
No thanks buddy. Don’t need my occultism directly suckled from the teat of a confused and scared lower-middle class clinging to an afterlife.
Yes, but Mandaesim might have come first. Zoroaster’s beliefs aren’t exactly the hardest concept to create as you demonstrate. As for Crowley’s love child what did you expect from a man who adored Swinburne.

>> No.10728802

You know absolutely nothing. Stop posturing. You get all your info off wikipedia articles.

You're a literal retard.

>> No.10728811

>Thinks Gnosticism is a monotlithic entity; knows nothing about the Ophites
>Believes World War 1 Propaganda involving the Templars
>Disregards the most influential Occultists that Joyce and Pynchon nod to in their work

Go back to listening to Mac Demarco or some shit, kid.

>> No.10728825

Nice retort. Shouldn’t you be using this time to spread salt over your windowsill? Best get to it before Baal, I mean Beelzebub, and Dagon spook you!
You assume I assume it’s a monolithic entity. I don’t.
No see we have letters and reasoning showing why the Templars were wiped out. Assuming otherwise is foolhardy. Or are all those confessions just some huge conspiracy to hide their true teaching? Get real.
Wow almost like people can know dumb things and not be dumb themselves. Hold up man I gotta phone my buddy Issac with this piece of news. Groundbreaking stuff you’re speaking about here.

>> No.10728828
File: 114 KB, 347x344, 1513958853680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even talking about now?

Can you stop shitposting?

>> No.10728833

>we have letters and reasoning
>Mark! We have Letters And Reasoning, Mark! Oh hi Mark!

>> No.10728835
File: 40 KB, 720x736, 1518858447421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have letters and reasoning

>> No.10728839

>Baal, I mean Beelzebub, and Dagon
You do realize these aren't the same at all, yeah?

>> No.10728845

This is why you shouldn't take occultists seriously. Any criticism is deflected with 2deep4u "you need to dedicate your life to this before you can have an opinion" posturing.

>> No.10728847

Stop samefagging when you get exposed as a retarded charlatan.
I know it's you.

>> No.10728852
File: 2 KB, 125x92, 792DF14C-7209-4D17-9066-32EE3FC4A215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to imply Baphomet is real and all those Templars weren’t forced into false confessions? That they successfully hid away all evidence of their worship? Even though they were so eager to give information? They were tortured into giving false confessions and killed. Give me proof the Templars worshipped Baphomet. I’m sure you can’t so I’ll attach a file here that will sync with your reaction file.
No shit Sherlock. Why do you think I mentioned the third one? Sorry, I assumed you were just that stupid that you would start to believe in Lovecraftian dieties lifted from ancient religions.
It isn’t though.

>> No.10729054

8 301 7 194

>> No.10729203

I like the idea of a proper thread and a recommendation list. Is Crowley really not worthy? I always thought Blavatsky was the boring, but then again I haven't read much from either. I am here as an atheist who wants to learn so I can say even if it is mental masturbation is damn entertaining. Also the occult is underrated mental gymnastics and good intellectual challenges.

Only read The New Psychology but was pretty good, if Atkinson has something nearly as good as that in the other works then is totally worth it.

>> No.10729811
File: 65 KB, 950x715, 730560a7d7ff68be8723a145e5b36f5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished pic related.

>> No.10729823
File: 175 KB, 907x1360, 058986934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops wrong image

>> No.10730379

that is a badass cover

>> No.10730392

It's full of quacks

>> No.10730593

>and the shills come
They're not the ones trying to sell anything

>> No.10730604

be gone, inter-dimensional vampiric pedophile!

>> No.10730623

How dare you? I'm no pedophile!

>> No.10730632

>literally a whole generation of occultists reference Baphomet
>Manly P Hall, the most normie-friendly even does
>Believes the few documents contradicting it

You're delusional, pal.

>> No.10730726
File: 858 KB, 1200x1533, Duerer_-_Ritter,_Tod_und_Teufel_(Der_Reuther).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats going on in here?

>> No.10731334

I always believe universal literature hides information about the world, Pynchon especially caught my eye for long time. Now I am reading gravity's and the atmosphere... Something very special is there. The first pages of the book, I could smell the Death and the inevitable of it, but the message is essentially of hope. About fight back as soldier with the tools you have even is they are improbable.

>> No.10731380

Fuck these books. I wanted a book to help me decipher and control my dreams. They gave me a vision of the apocalypse.

>> No.10731400

Why anon? IT's so comfy!!!
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." - Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Mason, exalted in The United States, especially in DC.

>> No.10731421
File: 35 KB, 300x432, elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called "occultism" because "obscurantism plus ritual fetishism for dummies, fringe thinkers and charlatans" isn't catchy enough. Into the trash.

>> No.10731471

>The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
oh it does alright, the fucking problem is they drag everyone else into it their fuck up. Because surprise surprise nuclear winter is a very real thing. Croplands across the world fail, millions die from starvation and the cold. Gas will become more valuable than gold. Solar Power if fucking useless with all the soot in the air.
>hen everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
Implying that luciferists and atheists don't get their shit kicked in by the Abrahamic relgions. Implying the atheists and luciferists won't be used as a scapegoat for the problems that the jews and muslims were responsible for.
Whats worse is that ww4 would just be a war between Judaism, Muslim, and Christianity. With winner complety reinventing themselves and their religion by wars end.

>> No.10731502

Pretty much all occultism after Levi touched upon the Kantian problem, friendo.
You're just a brainlet reductionist.

>> No.10731615

Fuck me if the case of Vril is not weird as fuck.

>> No.10731658

You're a retarded butthurt fag, occult doesn't imply superstition.

>> No.10731673

>Show me one instance where the world we live in in is any different from a world where occultism isn't real.
Art would be really shitty and there'd be a lot less of it for one.

>> No.10731683

its funny you say this because Socrates and a significant number of ancient philosophers and religious figures talk about parable, ciphers and hidden meanings but whatever man keep drinking blood and eating your savior's flesh

>> No.10731696
File: 2.74 MB, 3209x2360, Tara Bodhisattva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great posts. I've saved them for later reading <3

>> No.10731712
File: 81 KB, 500x662, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow what're the chances that a random 4chan poster has unlocked so much hidden knowledge.

>> No.10731724
File: 263 KB, 972x1675, tumblr_o3ealyfGjt1tm2gavo2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that like anon? Any good? Know where I can find a PDF?

>> No.10731735
File: 7 KB, 171x237, yhvh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that you may read about occultism, but you should never, ever worship occult deities or engage in occult rituals. The world that we live in today, as shitty as it is, was brought about because YHVH defeated these primordial entities and banished them to oblivion. These pagan gods have insignificant influence right now because of the small number of followers, but if people worship en masse, their power will grow and will cause the world as we know it to cease to exist. Reality will be fundamentally changed. It's a good thing that the Christian God banished these false idols to the depths of darkness

>> No.10731753
File: 1.93 MB, 2755x2833, AnonSharesInfoOnTheOccult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume these were all made by you?

>> No.10731756

Where does Socrates talk about ciphers


t. U. Eco

>> No.10731779

Not that anon, but Goodrich-Clarke is an excellent scholar and you'lll definitely find the material enjoyable. I gave a friend of mine a xmas package with that, "Black Sun", "Arktos", and "The Religion Not that anon, but Goodrich-Clarke is an excellent scholar and you'lll definitely find the material enjoyable. I gave a friend of mine a xmas package with that, "Black Sun", "Arktos", and "The Religion of the Teutons" all together. They loved it!

It's all on libgen.io

>> No.10731829

Eco actually was an occultist himself.

>> No.10731834
File: 18 KB, 336x480, Saturnian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cronos has his net over all of us, cuckboy.

>> No.10731859

Being Brazilian, I'm familiar with Macumba and other primitive African rites, so I can safely say that you are on the same mental level as favela niggers with your magic tricks. Occultism is nothing more than European Macumba.

>> No.10731866

>Being Brazilian

lmao ok there pablo

>> No.10731871
File: 106 KB, 396x350, proportions renaissance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats their architecture like?

>> No.10731881

That's cool and all but I can't take your statement as good faith because you might actually mean something else based on the first letter of each word, or you might just be trying to cast a spell on me.

>> No.10731920
File: 560 KB, 3290x3178, 1508967058236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont be such a gabafool

eat ur gabagool (is really babby meeat)

>> No.10731953
File: 455 KB, 693x388, livia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ew it's full of nitrates and "white people who will admit after five hours of interrogation that they're only into this shit because they like the aesthetics of various pre-21st century literalists and it's actually just bastardized psychology and they don't actually believe in "magic" as it is defined by people who don't play semantics games", no thanks meadow

>> No.10731969

>it's actually just bastardized psychology

What? If anything Jung lifted all his ideas from occultists.
The Occult just doesn't operate in the realm of the mind either. What are you trying to prove?

I think you're thinking about one particular person who wronged you somehow.

>> No.10731998

whatever you say bud, just make sure you keep the incense away from the curtains, I don't want the house to burn down while you're trying to achieve gnosis so that you can live in an alternate reality and don't have to drink water anymore like Laozi

>> No.10732001

Who says anything about Gnosis?

Was it your ex, anon? Some other guy? Some fake deep bro? Who hurt you?

>> No.10732003

nick if you're in here i just want you let you know that i fucked your gf. she blew me good and licked my butthole as well.


>> No.10732007

The bottom three are me, but not the top one posted at 13:23. I’ll post again tonight.

>> No.10732008
File: 93 KB, 736x552, five nights at pepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's going over your head then I don't know what to say except that you must live in bizarro world

>expecting an obscurantist to be honest

wait, this better not be part of a ritual

>> No.10732020

You do know that the occult just doesn't pertain to Gnosticism, right?

Are you a cute girl btw? ;)

>> No.10732027
File: 52 KB, 500x500, KAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, sick!

>> No.10732030
File: 2.43 MB, 1608x1911, E89FFBEE-0458-4508-BC72-F1AA866A398A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, thanks man!

>> No.10732034


>> No.10732046

>hermeticism, the demiurge, western mysticism don't pertain to occultism

I'm gonna cut you if you keep acting like a lil shit

>> No.10732047



>> No.10732057

Now you're just turning my statements around.

>> No.10732103

I don't think it is all a mental masturbation, specially because I've also learned that even from bad sources you can learn, even from idiots you can learn, so it doesn't matter.

But it's true that a lot of it that is bogus in a way that is not even that deep. I've studied some Chinese books in uni and learned a bit about the history of translation of Chinese to western languages. The translations some western occultists were using were simply wrong, you can even trace why they are wrong and it has nothing to do with ambiguity or any secret to it, just plain error. And then some of the occultists just spout these texts out as if they were true.

What I think is simultaneously entertaining and a bit annoying is when the writer is saying again and again something of the likes of "if you don't believe this, you did not understood this, if you understood only half of it, you still don't get it, if you think you get it, you don't get it, you must understand it all, you must take it all in balls deep and you must give in to your belief in this and only then you'll understand it".

I think it's cute, I genuinely like the feeling. But then you see they work all that marvelous Truth from white man's cheap translations of some exotic shit no one could argue otherwise at the time, not even the chinese or indians agree upon, fuck that lol.

This is why I think occultism demands great responsibility. It's not that I believe in kamehameha spiderman magic powers, just that, whatever you are working on, if it is occult, it is information unprocessed by the usual normal social values, but that doesn't mean they are unprocessed at all. You have tools to deal with the turbulence of society, but with the occult, you are dealing with the unknown, quite literally.

>> No.10732224

>It's not that I believe in kamehameha spiderman magic powers, just that, whatever you are working on, if it is occult, it is information unprocessed by the usual normal social values, but that doesn't mean they are unprocessed at all. You have tools to deal with the turbulence of society, but with the occult, you are dealing with the unknown, quite literally.

You could totally still do this with honest philosophy and dispense with the brainlet magical powers fetishism.

>> No.10732823

What hidden knowledge have I claimed to gain? Or are you just to dense to see I'm taking the piss on you tinfoil bedwetters?
I'm going to assume this is sarcasm. If it isn't you really shouldn't be on /lit/. Focus on improving basic English structutre before mastering Kabbalistic aether Billy. If it is, sorry for being so aggressive, but you can't really be anything other than dominant against /x/ princesses.

>> No.10732846

Are you legitimately autistic? Fuck off, retard. Stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.10732867

>acts like a fucking retard

What? Are you okay? I honestly hate to imagine the type of mental anguish responsible for possessing you to do this.

>> No.10732880

Nice responses children. Still haven't gotten a single shred of evidence Baphomet exists. Reminder, any occultist who acted like it was is a hack fraud. Or is it too much to imagine your precious western occultists couldn't bother to source the demon before they used his imagery to act rebellious?

>> No.10732905

This is the first time on /lit/ that I've encountered one of you and felt legitimately bad. I really don't know what you're trying to prove other than the fact you can REEE repeatedly, never once thinking that the people replying to you are doing it for the mere keks of you putting forth effort?? (there's a discord, of course there is: there always is.)

I'll pray for you.

>> No.10732911
File: 70 KB, 1240x775, TommyWiseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you mentally ill or some shit? like sincerely mentally ill?

>> No.10732921

you acted like an idiot on 4chan! whoa so smart and clever!

>> No.10732948

Nothing triggers brainlets more than the term Occult desu

This thread proves it.

>> No.10732954

Well anons you can't admit it, so I'll make this simple. For the perplexed reader who has no fucking clue what this back and forth is about I will both BTFO the /x/ babies and explain to you in greentext this arguement's central point
>/x/ babies source occultists who believed and advocated Baphomet's existence
>Point out that Baphomet was a construct of King Philip IV who had a lot of reasons to need the Templars to be dissolved
>/x/ babies hide in veil of obscurity constantly saying I'm wrong but cannot offer proof Baphomet is real, for his existence is needed to protect credibility of their cited occultists
>ends with them reverting to class "lol you're too dumb to be told the truth." bullshit as always
In summary /x/ babies can't handle Baphomet's origin and any oculist who advocated his existence is by extension a fraud. Controversial take here at the end here. Magic doesn't exist and you're using a technological instrument that only seems like magic to you because you're a fucking retard /x/

For the truly perplexed just google King Philip IV and his relationship with the Templars. Research forms your own opinions and you can then decide who the retard is.

>> No.10732970

I've tried reading a bit of Occult writers and I just can't buy it. I've been wanting to get into Magick as a form of spirituality but I just can't accept equating magical thinking to scientific inquiry and process.

>> No.10732974

>no mention of theurgy or astral projection

Meme thread, useless.

>> No.10733001

Why are you still going on about this? IYou've been answered like three times with recommendations pertinent to your complaints.
You're just being an asshole right now.

>> No.10733008

/lit/ is full of rather close-minded people. kind of laughable considering how intelligent they always claim to be, how creative and deep... yet they can't even wrap their feeble minds around what symbolism means, demanding the utmost literal manifestation of proof. Those things would fly right over their heads.

I honestly think people here are exposed as charalatans, then decide to double down on their retardation instead of admitting fault. Seems about right considering the amount of Dunning Kruger that goes on here.

>> No.10733012


>> No.10733017

>yet they can't even wrap their feeble minds around what symbolism means
I understand what Symbolism, Synchronicity, etc. are I still think you're dumb.

>> No.10733025

>Retard gets triggered

lmao spotted the incel

>> No.10733029

Don't bother they probably have mental health problems impacting how they interact with people. Let them frolic in a field of synaptic dreams.

>> No.10733037

You can't get any more transparent, you're obviously mad as fuck and desperate to drive the final nail in the coffin for this "debate"

>> No.10733038

I can tell it's you, retard. No one else in this thread as the syntax of a fucking ESL student.

>Let them frolic in a field of synaptic dreams
You're on a literature board, you fucking retard.

>> No.10733045

>implying /lit/ is exclusively fiction
>implying there aren't books that are genuinely useful for the wide-awake world

>> No.10733048
File: 43 KB, 514x536, tism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefagger confirms he's samefagging

>> No.10733051

Because he's a moron who thinks he's on to something.

>> No.10733052

But it wasn't me. You really are suffering from some mental breakdown here, huh?

>> No.10733053

Are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.10733059

A genuine Triple Down on Autism!

Are you on prescribed amphetamines or some shit, nigga? Are you deriving pleasure from this?

>> No.10733065
File: 6 KB, 649x130, 8TEo8v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations on being a complete idiot!

>> No.10733084


>> No.10733089

>take a break from Pynchposting
>go here
>full of fags


>> No.10733090

It took you five minutes to accuse me of photo-shopping an image, lmao

>> No.10733099

dude please stop shitposting already
it's getting sad bro

>> No.10733104

You're on a board dedicated to the art of writing, you faggot

>> No.10733110

the art of writing is a time honored tradition featuring men the likes of hemingway

>> No.10733112

It's funny to watch you come up with more dumb shit that does nothing to counter my original statement

>> No.10733115

who are you even talking to now? take your meds, whacko

>> No.10733118

Man imagine being so BTFO you fail at baiting and then revert to biting bait while acting like you're still baiting. Imagine being so BTFO you take 5 entire minutes to complete a competent response. Imagine being this anon for a second...
Every year /x/ fags commit suicide from mental stress
You can help them out with one positive response to their imaginative posts on boards they accidentally wonder into
Thank you and remember /x/ fags everywhere need a home and your heart can be a start

>> No.10733124

>Man imagine being so BTFO you fail at baiting and then revert to biting bait while acting like you're still baiting. Imagine being so BTFO you take 5 entire minutes to complete a competent response. Imagine being this anon for a second...

you're literally talking about yourself right now and it's hilarious

>> No.10733125

Trying reeeeeeeeeally hard there mate

>> No.10733130


Stop samefagging and shitting up this thread.

>> No.10733131

Yeah anon that was me! You sure got me! You won, hands down, nobody questions you being the winner! Good job son!

>> No.10733133
File: 5 KB, 346x141, pMxOsj3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10733134

jesus christ man... calm down. stop trying to prove you're smart all the time; you will feel less stress and be happier as a man :)

>> No.10733138

it literally takes all of 4 seconds to cut out a block, copy said block, and paste it over your yous

do you think i was born yesterday?

>> No.10733145
File: 54 KB, 1035x648, TheManBornTomorrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon? You won. I mean no sarcasm when I say you won the argument. It was all me all along. But you stuck to your guns and called out my Photoshop when I relied on it most. I'm proud of you anon.

>> No.10733156

>huh? Occult thread? pretty sure im gonna find some highly aware individuals, developed to their max potential exposing their arguments, gotta see this!
>childish discussion worse than /b/ or /tv/
what a farce of a thread

>> No.10733161

pictures of your chosen web browser will not muddle the fact that you are a charlatan and have been exposed as one!

you were arguing against the existence of Baphomet in the occult! And you have been proven wrong with many citations of scholarly work.

I pity you.

>> No.10733162

Guessing you never visited /x/ then?

>> No.10733169

What did you expect?

>> No.10733171

there's like one sperg sperging out over baphomet.

Fedora lords literally ruin every thread.

>> No.10733181

i didnt expect literal magicians of millennia old knowledge calling each other "pleb" and "retard" and "samefag".

>> No.10733185

>thinking enlightenment has anything to do with being "morally good"

The occult isn't for retard plebs, anon. We do everything in our power to make sure retards don't fuck around with the elemental powers.

>> No.10733187

He wasn't talking about your morals he was talking about your intelligence

>> No.10733193

Aww the soyboy is hurt by Big Bad Words!

>> No.10733195

>"morally good"
never implied that. the discussion was low, very low level, it was like seeing soccer fans arguing.

>> No.10733200

what are you, some pacifist faggot? think you're fucking better than others?

>> No.10733201

good list right here.

>> No.10733205

I have to agree.

The entire point of occultism is understanding the higher systems of reality, stuff like the book of Solomon.

>> No.10733230

Kek so your god is called "Thot" no wonder

>> No.10733236

what a fucking joke

>> No.10733239


stop shitposting, Baphometfag

>> No.10733241

Thot is thoth as wisdom Kys

>> No.10733332

What did Crowley actually achieve during his lifetime? If he has so much power, what did he actually do? What has any occultist achieved actually?

>> No.10733435


>> No.10733482
File: 18 KB, 300x288, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga wat

>> No.10733489

Macumba is pretty cool actually my grandparents did it lmao

>> No.10733556

>What has any occultist achieved actually?
Besides dominate media, entertainment and banking to the point that they can wield the Western Powers as proxies to do most of their bidding for them at a whim?

>> No.10733567

/g/ here, is not necessarily photoshop as a simple trick in the page source

>> No.10733613
File: 60 KB, 500x436, occultism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy who didnt participate in the banter here. Ignore autistic screeching and make an OP with recommended reading for next thread as you promised, I am legit interested.

>> No.10733734
File: 159 KB, 400x498, 28B5958B-27DA-43A3-A863-3496298A05AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This post will be inaccessible to some degree for the novice, and even if comprehensible entirely... it still has to be experienced or it will remain the equivalent of a discourse among virgins about sex; based on a description in a magazine. But without further ado- here is a brief rumination of mine on the “threshold guardians” that WILL block your path.

Before the seeker of light can lift the veil he will grapple with and be tested by the guardians at the gate- repetitively. When this happens there will be no doubt in your mind that it is happening, and if you try to explain your situation or encounters with anyone else not on the same portion of the path as you (or not having been there previously) they simply won’t be able to comprehend or even believe the struggle you’re engaged in. The subjugation of the guardians is required for advancement. Until that task is completed your progress towards the crown will stagnate considerably and you won’t reach the sun’s sphere. Temperance will be key if you desire to ascend like an arrow.

During this portion of your advancement, reality will begin to unravel for you. You will likely wonder if life is in fact a simulation. Things won’t seem as they once were. There’s no doubt in my mind that people have lost sanity at this stage. The world around you will seem to, figuratively, melt. A sense of detachment may follow.

The entities you will encounter will likely take different forms for each individual; although some are definitely universal. I encourage you to not give up. Stay the course. And I warn you... they will manifest in a manner most disadvantageous to you. They will exploit whatever your Achilles heal is. Seek spiritual strengthening to counteract this. Don’t think that what seems impossible is impossible. Address what must be addressed and evolve. “The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts.”

I know this post may seem too abstract or come off as too cryptic for those who haven’t begun the journey or those who have not yet gotten to the aforementioned benchmark. But screen-cap this and it could be of great aid to you when the appropriate time arrives. I share this because I want others to succeed where I have failed. The worthy will transcend. Good luck, and when the task seems insurmountable, request the needed strength from your creator. When the sincere ask with good intention, they receive.

(Since this is a lit board, I’ll post a pic of some texts in my next post and talk a little bit about books I feel are important for one reason or another; it will likely be my last post because there is no time to waste.)

>> No.10733843
File: 2.77 MB, 1300x1200, Roman Zodiac and Planet Mosaic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate that I haven't attained the level of understanding to grasp everything you've alluded to here but I do have a vague idea about the problems that will be faced while traveling along this path. I will save this and your next post as the information you have provided is invaluable.

>I’ll post a pic of some texts in my next post and talk a little bit about books I feel are important for one reason or another
That would be fantastic thank you. I am still not entirely sure what works I should be looking into to get a better understanding.

>> No.10733887
File: 155 KB, 741x997, IMG_20180216_075012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone with 9000 hours in paint needs to make one of those 'What I Expected What I Got' things with:

>thinking occultism all summoning demons and black magick
>realising its all about the mind and meditation and your path in the universe

>> No.10734912
File: 107 KB, 1480x832, 160226beckcamachotease_oytujc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread when?

>> No.10734981

Make it.

>> No.10735110

recently i got sort of bamboozled to look into it again but instead i should focus on other more useful stuff, useful to me.. logic, stats, math, and lots of subsets of philosophy i was not really aware of that seems very important to what i am dong; got inspired by this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLvWz9GQ3PQ