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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 78 KB, 905x1080, meme trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10719624 No.10719624 [Reply] [Original]

You have been here long enough to notice patterns, /lit/posters. Describe some "that guy" you know has been lurking in here for ages:

I'll start with an easy one:

>that guy who does every peterson thread

>> No.10719649

>that guy who's read all his books in prison

>> No.10719669


What does he post?

>> No.10719674

that guy with the 3000 file dfw folder

>> No.10719678

I was just referring to myself. I don't have any examples.

>> No.10719682

The falseflagging pol poster

>> No.10719699


you forgot

>all from that only interview where he has short air and does not wear a bandana

>> No.10719705

The 5'6 18 year old Marxist who shills in between his freshman year intro to philosophy classes at Starbucks on his iphone

>> No.10719708

>that guy who always gets defensive about catcher in the rye

>> No.10719810
File: 393 KB, 549x438, dfwcant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best interview desu

>> No.10719858

>tfw I sometimes falseflag as the falseflagging /pol/ poster to make him look even stupider
it's a dizzying experience

>> No.10719867

>That living meme far right guy who uses "sweetie" a lot and has a fuckton of cringe picture of leftists

>> No.10719878

>that leftie guy who has a bunch of magatard pictures saved and they get into incoherent cringe spam wars every time they meet, destroying the thread
always gives me a chuckle

>> No.10719891

>That guy who always posts poorly crafted tldr bait and gets bites anyways

>> No.10719900


>> No.10719907

>Sean Goonan

>> No.10719917

Im not marxist im 22 next week

>> No.10719919
File: 52 KB, 680x574, litguidetodebate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who constantly shills cliff and sadler even though literally nobody on earth gives a shit about them

>> No.10719923

That Jacques Barzun guy.
No wait, that's me.

>> No.10719928
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 1517278880778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting political beweefz

>> No.10719937

Semi-colon is not a meme!

>> No.10719938

>the person who comes up the iconic shit posts

Its the same 5 people everytime

>> No.10719941

>the Clouscard poster

>> No.10719947

get some new cringe pics leftie faggot your memes are getting stale

>> No.10719969

Impossible fellow poster
I am but a posing imposter
Please dont scream at me
I know to through a might elbow
If we must tussle, silly fellow

>> No.10719975

that one guy behind every Bleeding Edge thread

>> No.10719985

that other dotard who makes posts here sometimes
I see you vidya nerd

>> No.10719992

oh ya the fascist tranny

>> No.10720011

that one faggot with the award who takes every opportunity to remind everyone

>> No.10720014


You mean cliff?

>> No.10720018

>the Vollmann poster
makes me shudder just thinking about it.

>> No.10720026

That one guy who posted about himself in this thread.

Good lord.

>> No.10720030

>that mediocre poster who is never particularly clever, insightful, informed or funny, and as a result barely gets any attention and certainly isn't remembered by anyone

Hey fuck you, buddy, okay

>> No.10720041
File: 45 KB, 635x634, scromble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many individual regular /lit/posters do you think there are?

>> No.10720071

at least 4

>> No.10720074

>implying that each and every post here isn't about themselves

>> No.10720091

i.e. you

>> No.10720093

>that guy who posts stills from Bergman films

>> No.10720115

It's you, me, and the guy who types real fast.

>> No.10720133

and me. the mulatto.

>> No.10720141

there's also a black guy and a mexican, but i think the mexican got banned for gratuitous anti-semitism atm

>> No.10720147

i'm just a mulatto who went to jail and is a narcissist.

>> No.10720149
File: 56 KB, 710x521, latin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buzz me, mulatto!

>> No.10720158

>that guy who makes a post in every Kafka thread along the lines of "He was a bad writer, as all Jews are. There were thousands of writers at the time writing better than him. He's been put in the canon because he's subversive, so that alienated young teenage men are encouraged to become further alienated. I'm TRYING to HELP you all. No I won't name which authors I like; I'm above such display. Proust is evil too. And Catcher in the Rye."

>> No.10720173

I see you there, anon; I feel your presence; your eyes on your screen straining them, and your ears tuned to a piercing screech from your headphones; the waft of cock from your groin, from where you've tugging at your little winky all the livelong day. This 4chan thing really is it all rolled up into one, eh?


>> No.10720186

That guy who brags about his lit gf who makes him RP Hamlet and Ophelia when they fuck or something.

>> No.10720189

That zealot croat

>> No.10720194
File: 20 KB, 421x512, johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"the waft of cock"
Okay honestly, this is by far the worst phrase ever put together in this language. Fuck you and fuck the causal chain of events that created you. I hope God erases you from the pattern of possibility so that your perverse obscenities never trouble sentient beings ever again.

>> No.10720211

>your little winky

i can never get into those femdom humiliation videos because i have a massive dick, there's just too much dissonance between some chick telling me i have a small dick while i have this big ass shaft in my fist, idk, i mean think they seem hot in theory, but i can never get into it

>> No.10720245

How in the world is being 'humiliated' arousing? If someone behaved like that to me irl I'd abandon them immediately.

>> No.10720251

>vanilla sex pleb

i hope u don't have any fantasies of being a writer cuz u aint gonna make it

>> No.10720257

>How in the world is being 'humiliated' arousing?
Ask your mom.

>> No.10720265

That guy that pretends to believe in God for trolling purposes.

>> No.10720284
File: 89 KB, 883x990, 1517170337043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I opened this thread in a narcissistic attempt to see if my posts had become somehow recognizable to you after almost two years on this board.
Apparently they have not.
I am now fully anonymous.

>Forgive me, mother. You told me I could be anyone I wanted, and I still did not listen. So, much like Odysseus but without adventure, without the tons of nymph's and goddess pussy, I became nobody.
I am the builder of devices, the liar, the many-shaped anonymous. All monsters called my name for works and deeds, I answered I was nobody from cave depths - the cave where infinite 2D Calypsoes wait for me every night in black-white robes.
And now it's late to turn the steer, oh mother.
No weaving gf waits for me at home; my Ithaca has been swallowed by the sea.
All comrades lost, and no Nausicaa appears among what's left of my shipwreck.
Therefore I'll leave again, for other threads, waiting for death foretold - death by the sea, he said, and sweet, for one can find no sweetness in this desert of wine-colored waves.

>> No.10720290

That's why you need humiliation pov more based on your own incompetence. Find out your biggest insecurities and jerk off, I believe in u anon.

>> No.10720298

There was that one guy who used to avatar with beautiful old paintings of women. He would always make threads that had something to do with the literary lifestyle. Working a minimum wage job while the only thing more certain than suicide in a few years is never getting published. Think he once lamented over admiring the aesthetics and companionship of a homosexual relationship and yet hating himself for not having the ability to pursue one as a heterosexual. Haven't seen him in a while, I miss him. His posts were my favorite.

>> No.10720303
File: 57 KB, 449x317, steaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you honestly think that the only two option are entirely vanilla sex and bizarre self-degradation?


>> No.10720305

yeah i'm always paranoid some autist is using a deep learning stylometry algo to doxx us all, but if he is i see he hasn't fallen for our ruse

>> No.10720317

>not sensing that domination is a key part of mammalian reproduction

dude ur fap sessions must be boring as hell, maybe that's how these guys can go so long with nofap, all they fap about is like the thought of fondling big titties or something banal

>> No.10720327

Guenon poster
Girard poster
Weil poster
Evola poster

>> No.10720362
File: 84 KB, 960x685, 27750902_1992574344104654_6684541210906131798_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We are one and the same, anon.

>> No.10720378

Have you actually read anything on mammal sociobiology, or are you a memester?

Are you a woman? Men don't masturbate to 'thoughts', we masturbate to images. Honestly any image will do, as long as the subject is vaguely attractive.

>> No.10720382

Something about the combination of the timing and the way that I opened this image, the content of the image, Evola in general, and the idea expressed in your post, and the Vangelis I'm listening to, all came together at once to give me a memory of something I don't think is an actual memory

>> No.10720390

woah, but who was phone?

>> No.10720397
File: 37 KB, 136x166, 543765764543586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's called anamnesis anon. It was intended and it is not a coincidence. Tell me all about it.

>> No.10720412
File: 85 KB, 300x467, clouscard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fug I'm famous xD

seriously though... read Clouscard

>> No.10720417

is that what your learned on your pua forum?

>> No.10720419

Did based Gassposter die along with the man himself? Were they one and the same? Haven't seen him in a while.

>> No.10720420

That guy who thinks research into artificial intelligence has proved that gnosticism is true.

>> No.10720429


It was the ineffable quale of listening to The Highwayman with this melancholy music video

Disappointed the chariot of my soul didn't momentarily graze the clouds of samsara. But the song is about anamnesis, so what does that mean?

>> No.10720431

That guy who uses Blacked reaction jpgs of women mid-moan in all his posts

Haven't seen him in a while

>> No.10720437

no, i'm just describing my personal subjective experience and generalizing it

>> No.10720440

probably pushed his nsfw luck one times too many and got baned

>> No.10720444

That Culture of Critique shill who tries to make it "the new meme trilogy"
Also I miss Pynchonposter

>> No.10720448

Wolfsheim :)

>> No.10720455

Fine work, anon. Have read six or so of his books, including the latterday tome. His earlier works reference early 20th century authors still worth reading. Glad I live in a University town that 'rents' library cards to locals, $25/annually. Read From Classic to Romantic late last year..

>> No.10720458


>> No.10720460
File: 12 KB, 260x358, 1518743617332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You already know, anon. You just have to remember.
Think about the song, blessed man. What does it remind you of? What does it sound like?

>> No.10720479

That guy who posts pictures of pensive women with sad existential questions like "Is it possible to be free?"

Oh wait that's me :)

>> No.10720494

LMAO you're not a proud degenerate like me? you must be a virgin pua!!!

>> No.10720495

Are you that white collar inmate?

>> No.10720498

I've always assumed the Weil poster to be a very pleasant albeit very lonely fellow. Life is soo unfair. But, maybe, religiously speaking, that's not so bad a thing.

>> No.10720502

And you left with your head filled with flames

>> No.10720533

That guy who keeps posting Marie Calloway stuff.

>> No.10720535

>tfw no one mentions a guy that posts shitty poetry and mocks other posts with said poetry

Oh woe is me

>> No.10720552

Christina's World poster

>> No.10720556


>> No.10720567

>tfw it gets deeper
>doing research in library
>realize I've been reading A. James Gregor on Evola entire time I've been posting in this thread


How do I unlock my racial memories, anon?

>> No.10720587
File: 70 KB, 1240x775, TommyWiseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This elation was what Joyce must've felt.

>> No.10720595


>> No.10720606

"Doggo wan a fishy" raccoon poster

miss that boy :')

>> No.10720610

That guy who only reads Doby-Dick at 6-10 pages per hour and want to know if _________ will help him read faster.

>> No.10720615

>infinite jest is good
every time
>that guy who posts about infinite jest
oh wait

>> No.10720618

The only distinct character I notice is londonfrog. He posts less frequently now, which is good. For a while there he had like two or three threads a day.

>> No.10720633

based Buckley poster

>> No.10720636

Like or it not, anon, I am inside you now—the sheer torrential power of my shitpost has penetrated your gelid disposition, and you've opened your heart to something transient in the Aether, this emotion of disgust, from mere words, into your being; to crawl deep down and curdle in some part of you, to calcify into the sinew, till death. I've affected you, anon. We've connected. We're together.

>> No.10720675
File: 16 KB, 475x445, evola rg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It has to go beyond even that, beyond anything biological.

You are but one of many masks circling the only one true face. You have to turn toward the inside.

You have already met him. It was you, but in the eyes of others, in the words of others, talking with their mouths. It was inside and outside. It was the thoughts that were not in you but came to you from outside like a wave.
It is the stranger you always knew.
The familiar in the unknown.

Now Turn your head.

>> No.10720685

If a ban is enough to keep him away, he doesn't deserve to post

>> No.10720705

>that slightly suicidal Larkin fan

>> No.10720751

are you the socialist that kind of hates identity politics but kind of not?

>> No.10720817

Nope, I'm a racist who despises blacks, and I'm an overt fascist. No foolin. I also really love Pynchon, Joyce, and Gaddis.
I shit on Tolstoy because he's a slave fucker, and Nabokov, but less because his uncle made him suck his dick. I also was shitting on Gass up until he died, I really attacked him daily, and suddenly the guy died, so I feared my power.

>> No.10720830

r u that canadian kid from hwndu

>> No.10720832

nope. never involved in any potential fame gaining activities. just a mulatto with a chip on his shoulder.

>> No.10720837

>be last night
>have dream you are at a party and shia lebouf walks by
>"hey look everybody its shia lebouf. he will not divide us!"
>whole crowd joins "He will not divide us! He will not divide us!"
>shia lebouf lunges at me with knife
>wake up

>> No.10720839
File: 233 KB, 900x567, trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a racist [...] mulatto


>> No.10720843
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Fine. I hope God destroys me too. Better not to exist than to put up with your foul bullshit.

>> No.10720864

Yeah? And? My father is black, and worthless. I've lived in ghettoes and upscale white neighborhoods. Lived in East St Louis for a bit, sold crack up near Chicago. I've been everywhere in the american experience that doesn't require vast sums of money and high societal contacts, and I know I've never felt the way around primal niggers that I ever have around even the poorest white trash shitheads. Look, I'm racist. I have my reasons for it. I don't care if my views are aligned with yours. I know that the voracious beast of primal wrath rests within me, tripping up my actions just when I feel I'm escaping from criminal acts and violence against innocents.
You will never know what it's like to carry these genes of evil, how gimped the blacks truly are. And let me tell you, they're fucking gimped.

I am the mulatto poster. I have been here for years and will be until I cannot come back.

>> No.10720868

There was one mega autist who would keep posting about how the anime Eureka 7 is the greatest work of art ever made

>> No.10720878
File: 369 KB, 1296x968, americana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold your genetic superiors!

>> No.10720882

>a mulatto actually making me feel sympathy
god bless you

>> No.10720892

ice cold, god damn

>> No.10720910

Yes, they are. Competent, though fat and gullible entities, floating around without the innate feeling to cheat, lie, steal, and hurt others at every given possibility. I had to learn empathy slowly, over so long, to finally get out of my sociopathic tendencies. It took me so long to discover where all of this was coming from, and I finally have, and guess what, pushing it down, depriving it of power, has done nothing but devote to me the greatest years of my life.
I have a chance to live, though forever disabled, by the merit of my avoidance of half of my family, and half of my very mind and instinct. I think I'll take it over bullshit grandstanding on race relations and holding hands and video games or movies having a dozen more blacks in them.

>> No.10720927

enough talk. gonna go hang out with my old white grandpa and watch movies he used to when he was a young man, and try to make up for the fact that i used to smack him around when i used to be nothing but a god damned nigger.

>> No.10720935

Just trying to play devils advocate here but why don't you resent the white half of your family? Aren't they the one who got you into this mess by messin around with a different kind?

>> No.10720938

the chances of any of those people committing a violent felony are extremely low, even in the grips of opiod addiction they might turn to prostitution or writing bad checks but they're not going to roll into walgreens shoot the pharmacist and fill a duffle bag with oxys

>> No.10720969
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The guy with all the DFWs

>> No.10720986

the guy who warps all the dfws

>> No.10721026

based mulatto poster is now my favorite poster

>> No.10721275
File: 951 KB, 2160x3600, kek9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow liberalist praise kek!1

>> No.10721305

oh he's a good one I forgot

>> No.10721315

this guy is great. he always has the same schizophrenic phrasing too, "whites need to learn about the jewish methods"

>> No.10721333

he's cute desu

>> No.10721381

>sean goonan shilling his own book
>girardfag talking to himself for a whole thread and then being complimented on it
>butterfly tripfag apearing out of nowhere to recommend feminist scholars and getting rekt by literally everyone else
>the guy that insists in denying mishima was gay
>the guy that only reads weird hermetic stuff and always recommends rené daumal or bruno corra on threads about lovecraft
>the guy that keeps creating threads about latin american literature to brag about machado de assis
>the guy with a bunch of ugly houllebecq pics
>the guy that "finally understood" pessoa
>tao lin in disguise

>> No.10721388

how is it the fact that you're black and not just that you're a sociopath

>> No.10721403

>the guy that insists in denying mishima was gay
this fucking guy. i'm pretty sure he's responsible for some other autism on this board too - i vaguely remember recognising something that i'm sure he was responsible for because of the weird cadence and obsessional focus of it. i don't know how he appears in every thread even tangentially related to japan, homosexuality or mishima without fail.

>that guy who becomes seriously incensed any time someone makes a thread about ernst junger and urges them to read walter benjamin's essay on him
>that one guy who makes all the sadler threads
>the committed anti-semite >>10720158 mentioned

>> No.10721420


>> No.10721483
File: 849 KB, 1219x717, 1518983413618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym

>> No.10721488

fucking james joyce, that shit is hella funny

>> No.10721506

The Lewisposter who’s only read Babbitt

>> No.10722968

>tfw joyce's feets are off-screen

>> No.10722990

There are Lewisposters? If what you say is true, it's too bad he's only read Babbitt - though that (or maybe Main Street) is likely his masterpiece. An Elmer Gantry discussion would be fun.
Is Lewis even remotely good for non-Americans?

The fucking Sadler guy. Is it really just one kid?

>> No.10723100

That one guy pretending to be a cuckold fetishist

>> No.10723202

I'm not pretending

>> No.10723223
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>> No.10723234

the cocaine pepe poster

>> No.10723299

That one guy who posts all of those reaction pics of that one anti-feminist youtube girl

>> No.10723323

That one poor guy who’s tried to get a book club going several times even though it always dies after like a week.

>> No.10723803

wtf that's me, what's wrong with that.

>> No.10723864

I don't know guys the kid on the right has some serious Elliot Rodger school shooter potential. Give him an AR-15 and no pussy and he'll snap.

>> No.10723945 [DELETED] 

Mishima literally wasn't gay in the Western sense though. That guy is right.

>> No.10723946

no one here actually reads lmao

>> No.10723956
File: 77 KB, 489x750, kimitake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a tremendously misguided (and deliberately obfuscatory) effort in academia to portray Mishima as a ''closeted gay man'' - Roy Starrs is one of the only Western scholars who has made an effort to refute this narrative. His primary source, of course, is Mishima's thinly-veiled autobiography, Confessions of a Mask. Confessions describes a boy who was emotionally maimed by an overbearing grandmother who prevented him from associating with other boys, who was emotionally incestuous towards her charge, who preyed upon the boy's introversion and sensitivity, and who demanded he suppress his own willful impulses. His other parental figures were a callous, workaholic father who was cruel to the boy on grounds of his physical and emotional frailty and ill-health, and a mother who had abandoned him to the demented and selfish wiles of his grandmother. The legacy of this was that Mishima the boy became alienated from the world - to the point that his sense of self and his developing moral core fractured irreparably. The introversion he relied upon to sustain an ''inner-world'' which was essential to his psychic survival rendered him increasingly unable to relate to the world and its demands as a complete person. As he grew older, he was forced to don ''masks'' to deceive others with an appearance of superficiality and emotional normalcy. In reality, he was becoming less and less normal as his mind matured. He was literally becoming obsessed by macabre and erotic fantasies and fascinations, the expression(s) of which would, if brought into reality, make him a monstrous and criminal figure.

>> No.10723962

That guy who kept posting entire parapgraphs about the 13 cents he makes daily off his self-published books about post-apocalypse scenarios.

Not sure where he went. I think he also wrote erotica.

>well actually im a published author with entire handfulls of sales

>> No.10723964

>that guy who posts long responses in Blake threads.

>> No.10723970

i read

>> No.10723981

At least /lit/ bans that shit
I swear /tv/ won't ban you even if you post explicit porn

>> No.10723982

why are you on here then?
you're just going to go back to the catalog and refresh, anon... don't lie to me

>> No.10723989

Gregory Berrycone

>> No.10724011
File: 75 KB, 429x400, dr sadler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not shill cliff. That is someone else.

>> No.10724206
File: 5 KB, 240x184, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize this isn't just a narrative quirk and you having his thoughts as you're listening to this is as true an experience as him having them
>tfw you are him fully him and he is fully you


>> No.10724334

I thought the butterfly menace had left us alone

>> No.10724339

>that guy who does OHP in the squat rack
>that guy who drinks water between each set
>that guy who counts the bar in his PRs

>> No.10724343

that story ruined me

>> No.10724352


Sadler is a big guy.

>> No.10725517

The anon who stole my heart...

>> No.10726035
File: 91 KB, 848x800, 1518354722919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the incessant /pol/ crossposters

>> No.10726053 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10726091

>that guy who uses the extreme quotes like """"""""""""women""""""""""""

i think he's a tranny or one of those leftist chicks who never gets the chad anarchist because veganism has made her ass flat

>> No.10726253

>that depressed guy who lives in London

>> No.10726352


>> No.10726359
File: 519 KB, 1134x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10726502

>that guy who posts about Evola

>> No.10726509

>that guy who's always charming and handsome and erudite

>> No.10726531

hey thanks for noticing :)

>> No.10726535

so charming :3

>> No.10726548

>the reductionist

This guy will argue that cigarettes arent bad because oxygen itself is carcinogenic.

>> No.10726630
File: 158 KB, 953x673, 1517609310825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10727030

And there are at least 2 Indians, and a few Brazilians and an Argentinian here.

>> No.10727039

was it my poetry or my prose??

>> No.10727070

The guy (unconvincingly) pushing the "Russell Brand is a serious thinker" meme.

>> No.10727072

I hate Brazilians outing themselves

>> No.10727097


>> No.10727143

No mention of the Ma'Lady poster? Where'd he off to anyway?

>> No.10727162

this is the insight into the human condition that I come to this shit board for