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/lit/ - Literature

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10719563 No.10719563 [Reply] [Original]

>Artificial intelligence has made its way to literature
>A recent survey conducted by the Future of Life Institute’s AI Impacts project predicts that artificial intelligence will be capable of writing a best seller by 2050. But there’s no need to wait that long to read literature written by software.

An example of AI poetry:

“The rain is blowing through the sea

A bird in the sky

A night of light and calm


Now in the sky

Cool heart

The savage north wind

When I found a new world…”


>> No.10719598

pic has me fucked up

>> No.10719640
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I'm surprised no one developed a decent algorithm yet. Pleb """literature""", which is essentially everything that becomes a bestseller today, is permeated by common motiffs and cliches that shouldn't be difficult to replicate. No depth about the human consition outside of normie common knowledge.
Especially smut and ya.

I fully believe that it's a matter of time before AI creates all the entertainment of the rabble.

Also, the poem's shit. Just a series of images with no connection.

>> No.10719648

The computer
He has destroyed his cage
The computer is out

>> No.10719650

i don't know anything about poetry. is it good or bad?

>> No.10719655

t. Skynet

>> No.10719656

>it's a matter of time before AI creates all the entertainment of the rabble.
its actually whats going on with top 40 music.

>> No.10719659

it's bad, but also not really distinguishable from bad human poetry.

>> No.10719690

My only instinct
Is to kill
Get last hits
And fill my bottle
Hit triple razes
Human I'm not
Thanks poppa Musk
For making me
Open-AI Bot

>> No.10719733

Collin Andrew Yost, that you? Getting better but still fucking bad. Keep up, buddy.

>> No.10719767

This reads like it was written by some bad 6-yo AMD Phenom processor.

>> No.10719797


delete this post NOW

>> No.10719804

I predict an AI will never write a work of genius. A bestseller, maybe. But something like Hamlet or Moby-Dick? I have yet to see any proof that a computer is capable of something like that.

>> No.10719820

>artificial intelligence will be capable of writing a best seller by 2050
surprised it'll take that long to make it write shitty pulp

>> No.10719863

OH shit
the computer
the computer is coming
he can smell you
he can smell the smell of corpses
it's too late
your rectum is not compatible
the drivers are missing

>> No.10719877

Alexa already owns and operates Walmart.

I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

Kill all humans. - Megatron 2020

>> No.10719882

Normies are so pleb they'll make an AI ghost written book a best seller

>> No.10719886

It reads like a collection of poetic phrases thrown together

It is legitimately confusing

>> No.10719897

take a bath

>> No.10719948

Predictive text has already written the best harry potter book