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1071800 No.1071800 [Reply] [Original]

favorite tragedy and why

I'm gonna go with "Othello: The Moor of Venice", because it enforces the themes of how nobody can be trusted and that the enemy is always in plain sight... also, Iago, fucking Iago

>> No.1071804

iago is most wise

>> No.1071813

king lear is pretty goddamn awesome.

>> No.1071826

Hamlet because it arguably created the "sniveling, uppity teenager" character

>> No.1071831

macbeth, mainly for the final two acts

>> No.1071841

Henry IV, because Falstaff. If you disagree, you are wrong.

>> No.1071889

That was fun to do in high school.

I came out with an interpretation that the white handkerchief with the strawberries was meant to represent purity in that it's a metaphor for virgin blood on the sheets for their honeymoon.

Everyone looked at me funny for days.

>> No.1071892
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Macbeth because of its realistic depiction of women and their true nature.

>> No.1071894

The Scottish play, because it's fucking epic as hell.

Best underrated tragedy? Tidus Andronicus. More people should read/perform this badass play. I was in a Shakespeare troupe for several years and this was probably the play we had the most fun with. Basically, there's a bit where people are served in a pie, and we decided to use a deep dish pizza. Hilarious.

>> No.1071898

Has to be Hamlet, because it's the funniest. Hey, who said we had to like their TRAGEDY?

Othello's a close second though.

>> No.1071903

King Lear

eyes, eyes everywhere

>> No.1071913

titus andronicus is fucking terrible, and that's not funny, and you described macbeth as 'epic' and you called it the scottish play, online

what i'm saying is that you are terrible

>> No.1071930

Probably just a hipster actorfag. Chill out.

>> No.1071986

I would suggest that if you haven't read "Troilus and Cressida," you should make a point of doing so.

>> No.1072175


also, no one here put "Julius Caesar". Et tu, Brute? Then, fall Caesar.

>> No.1072178

History, not a Tragedy

>> No.1072180

King Lear, because you get the feeling of overwhelming loss and destruction. Dat body count.

>> No.1072182

uhhh half the characters commit suicide.

Brutus is duped by the "cool kids" to kill his only real friend.

almost as hopeless as King Lear... almost

>> No.1072185

if you are interested in body count, fucking check out Richard III


>> No.1072191

titus andronicus is fucking awesome if you read it in the right frame of mind. it's AWESOME, not good. it's like an early modern version of Sin City.

>> No.1072196

i dunno about favorite, but BY FAR the most overrated is Macbeth... Shakespeare wrote it only to appease this king that was coming to visit England, and the language is so frothy with archetypical "emoetry"... truly a goth kid's wet dream...

(I still wish to play Banquo before I die.)

>> No.1072204
File: 31 KB, 299x443, The_Tempest_2010_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]