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File: 586 KB, 1024x1426, 1024px-Jean-Jacques_Rousseau_(painted_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10714979 No.10714979 [Reply] [Original]

"A woman's real resource is her wit; not that foolish wit which is so greatly admired in society, a wit which does nothing to make life happier; but that wit which is adapted to her condition, the art of taking advantage of our position and controlling us through our own strength. Words cannot tell how beneficial this is to man, what a charm it gives to the society of men and women, how it checks the petulant child and restrains the brutal husband; without it the home would be a scene of strife; with it, it is the abode of happiness."

Based Rousseau understood inequalities between genders without resorting to a petulant binary "this is better than that" idea.

Based Rousseau.

>> No.10714989

>without resorting to a petulant binary "this is better than that" idea.
Literally only /pol/shitters do that

>> No.10714996
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>Intersectionalists HATE HIM!
>Enlightenment philosopher has found a way out of the gender disparity conundrum
>CLICK NOW to learn the truth

Also do you think he enjoyed being whipped by a dominatrix?

>> No.10715007

no, but he did like impregnating low-class harlots and abandoning his progeny to foundling sanctuaries aka baby murder factories

>> No.10715057

He shared the love of his life with two other men.

>> No.10715070

Sounds like a huge effeminate fag who had daddy issues desu

>> No.10715152

He has a tirade in Emile against effeminate men in general.

Basically he was just an individual who had views of education contrary to the tend of public schooling. Obviously he disliked the convent of the Catholic nations and enjoyed the more private education of the Protestant ones, simply because the public education produced qualities in women which were undesirable and unbecoming.

Great book, Emile, quite long but the discussions in Book four on theology make the whole thing worth it.

>> No.10715165

lol what a pussy

>> No.10715175

Rousseau was a complete and total fucking idiot.

>> No.10715200

Wrong. He was very wise. He approached political philosophy very empirically, very similar to Machiavelli.

>> No.10716461


>> No.10716469
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daily remainder that Rousseau's noble savage was an asocial Chad, not a kumbaya hippy

>> No.10716522

I think that Rousseau's noble savage is vastly misinterpreted.

I think that there is a zero percent chance that Rousseau thought that civilization was inherently a mandatory evil.

He thought that to participate in civilization was a voluntary contract to a necessary evil for man. In fact, he even has some good things to say about the subversion of property to law, that it nullifies the natural brute superiority man would have over man into something else entirely (not necessarily based on any mental struggle of course, no one would be so stupid to assert society creates a mental struggle like a physical one)

>> No.10716538

>A women's real resource is... that wit which is adapted to her condition, the art of taking advantage of our position and controlling us through our own strength.
In other words, women exist to facilitate men's lives, not to have lives of their own. Pretty standard fare.

>> No.10716569

not facilitate like a car facilitates travel. They exist as the quality control of society. They have the power to make life Good or Bad, all they need do is use their abilities for a better Mankind.

What your saying is like telling a lion not to use his fangs because it serves the purpose of the vulture to have dead zebras.