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10714371 No.10714371 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you like him?

>> No.10714430

Dumb jew

>> No.10714439
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He sperged out at Karl Pilkington

could have just respectfully disagreed but no act like a spaz

>> No.10714461

Karl has an IQ of like 95 and was being a complete lazy tit wasting his time.

>> No.10714463

Looks like a dumb Anglo desu

>> No.10714475

I think he was just taking the piss
Eh, in some ways I find someone like Karl far wiser than a yappy Oxbridge goon like Will Self.

>> No.10714499

He seems ok even though I'm not a lefty. But I dropped one of his books after ten pages. It was unreadable

>> No.10714626

I love the man because he is a very useful person to have in sight. Will Self is basically the archetype of what most /lit/ 18-25yo guys want to be. He's an Oxford graduate, well-read in continental philosophy and canonical literature as well as experimental fiction, he's up on modernist classical composers, has published numerous respected novels, and is praised by Harold Bloom along with many prestigious modern critics as a great (and well-paid) writer.

And yet when you hear him speak he's dull, not particularly insightful or witty, and his books are extremely 'meh' and miles from the masterpieces you'd expect them to be. He's a helpful reminder that the accolades and pseud badges that so many on this board secretly lust after really don't count for much at all, in terms of creativity or the quality of the man himself.

>> No.10714684

How has he become so well known? As other posters have said, he's not exactly known for his charisma and his books aren't great either. Yet he's one of these faces you see in the media every once in a while.

>> No.10714689

>Will Self
His name is too Schopenhauerian.

>> No.10714715

Good agent

>> No.10714722
File: 173 KB, 600x398, will self 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a meltdown after brexit.

>> No.10714724

He btfo of zizek

>> No.10714726

Is Self the epitomy of the gentrified left intellectuals that Orwell warned us actually despise people like Karl Pilkington and the "unwashed masses."

>> No.10714731

Absolutely pristine demolition.

>> No.10714735

Good post

>> No.10714754

everybody did.

>> No.10714755

buttowned by peter hitchens on question time, he was so right he had to start screaming like an idiot.

>> No.10714764

I have no idea kek. All I see is that Self is a man very reliant and comfortable with posturing whilst Karl is not so much bothered about that kind of thing, yet only the latter is widely considered an idiot. Fairly apolitical to my mind, but maybe you know more about this than I do.

>> No.10714765
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Link pls

>> No.10714766
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>> No.10714793


>> No.10714794

this it's somewhere in this clip

>> No.10714923

Makes me wanna do a virgin Will chad Peter meme.
>boldly goes out and says whatever bullshit comes to him
>stammers because he genuinely thinks before speaking

>> No.10714987

>extremely 'meh'
Can you even read?

>> No.10714992

do it

>> No.10715024

I don't find most fiction writers from the past twenty or thirty years compelling, particularly those writing in English. Is Will Self really worth reading?

Who else from the past 20-30 is particularly good? I like some of Jane Smiley's books, and Geoff Dyer's nonfiction can be nice. I liked God of Small Things a lot, and outside of English, I think Houellebecq's early novels are quite good, as is Victor Pelevin's work from before the 2000s. I also love Ludmilla Petrushevskaya and Bolano.

I'm certainly a formalist by temperament, so I'm frequently disappointed by the limpid and frequently turgid realism of contemporary Anglophone fiction. Plenty of great poetry out there, though (especially Merwin and Ruefle).

>> No.10715158

hahaha m8 just hustlin’ it trying to get by as an common oxbridge jewish man

>> No.10715172

>Who else from the past 20-30 is particularly good?

W.G. Sebald

>> No.10715179

Good post desu

>> No.10715185


>> No.10715229

>And yet when you hear him speak he's dull, not particularly insightful or witty

I've always considered that to be the reason he tries to deliberately say outlandish things as a means to provoke.

He is simply not engaging, so resorts to troll-like tactics that are out of step with his character, which is extremely dull.

>> No.10715253

>same sex marriage is ontologically impossible
I had forgotten about this

>> No.10715289

Yeah, thanks. Forgot to mention Sebald, I've read all his novels. One of my favorites.

He's right on the edge of the period I'm talking about, but Bernhard is great, too, and very much of a sort with Sebald. He's more misanthropic and less pensive/saturnine (lol) though.

If you like Sebald, you should really check Petrushevskaya's book The Time: Night out. I read it very recently and loved it. It's Sebald with a protagonist who suffers from something closer to borderline than depression. Also, the protag is extraverted rather than introverted (in the Jungian sense). She's also a woman. Interesting counterpoint to Sebald's work. Couldn't stop thinking of Sebald and Bernhard while reading it.

>> No.10715323
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the absolute madman, thanks anon. I think regardless of your political views it's impossible not to respect the fortitude and dogged independence of Peter. The most enjoyable thing about that was seeing him absolutely rip apart Cameron and that babbling hack of an MP, Justine. Holy shit she is the epitome of a politician who stands for nothing but to get re-elected.

>> No.10715333

good taste anon

>> No.10715373

John Lanchester is one of the better contemporary English realists. Check out Mr Phillips

>> No.10715566

Checked, and thank you, anon.

Thanks, I'll read this soon and make a thread. Hope to see you there!

>> No.10715591

Having had a borderline gf I think I'll pass. I still get flashbacks ten years on. Hateful creatures.

>> No.10715595

Yeah, it's a real intense book. My mom has borderline and my childhood was super fucked in a lot of ways, it definitely hit me really hard.

>> No.10715600

i never read him, I am too dumb to learn french

>> No.10715620

Well if you've crawled from that car crash unscathed, godspeed. You're likely suffering c-ptsd or borderline yourself. Pray it's the former, and read Pete Walker to sort that out.

>> No.10715640

I coped through dissociation. I used to have a lot of issues with dissociative disorder, but I got treated very effectively three years ago.

>> No.10715691

That was a bit that they were both in on. Probably even written by karl and ricky gervais.

>> No.10715698

Gervais is a good example of how you can be genuinely funny and talented comedian but a total hack when it comes to politics/religion.

>> No.10715722

Tough Tough Toys For Tough Tough Boys is fantastic, the Umbrella, Shark (particularly) and Phone triptych is good but gets to be a bit full of itself.

His shorter works are great, and some articles he's written are very good but his overall novels are lacking in some regard