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10714201 No.10714201 [Reply] [Original]

Shelf Thread: Also post where you like to read edition

>> No.10714207
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>> No.10714299

in the tub

>> No.10714314
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Get ready to be triggered by my non-fiction section.

>> No.10714909
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And the fiction section.

>> No.10714950
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>tfw i needs shelf
reading in the hammock outside with birds

>> No.10714959

decent, no dubliners, you make me cry
not edgy at all
for woman that read romance and genre fiction and write poetry on a type writer

>> No.10716660


Look again friendo, closely at bottom left. Green and red spine with the word Dover on it...

>> No.10716697

too ikea-ish
too teahouse-y
>100 Days that Changed Canada
What happend in these 100 days?
too anglo-oriented
You seem to like Tolkien very much.

>> No.10716712


>what happened in these 100 days?

It's not referring to a single 100-day period, but rather 100 individual dates which shaped Canada. Here's a little sampler:
-day of confederation
-Winnipeg Strike of 1919
-VE Day
-War Measures Act (October Crisis)
-The end of Terry Fox's run
-Toronto's G20 summit

>too anglo-oriented

Fair enough. If it helps, I just ordered Steppenwolf and The Devils on amazon.

>> No.10716762

>If it helps, I just ordered Steppenwolf and The Devils on amazon.
Sure, but don't you have a local bookstore to support?

>> No.10717587

We have a lot of the same books but I got some ideas. Thank you.

>> No.10717596

who likes to read in a chair without arms tho?

>> No.10717934
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No shelves cause I use ereader.

>> No.10718290
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Pls no bully

>> No.10718302

Where can I find that ?

>> No.10718333


No. My general experience with used book stores over the years is that I end up finding something to buy instead of buying what I was looking for.

>> No.10718411

This, unless its Sidartha, used book stores rarely have any Hesse.

>> No.10718450

my book store has 3+ copies of every Hesse novel. It's harder to find one that won't disintegrate upon reading though.

>> No.10718556
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How many of these books on your shelves have you guys read? Because the kind of posts I see on this board do not reflect any of the ideas/language proposed in the books I've seen.
I'm being serious about this, too. I get worried that I'm going to read a huge shelf of books and in the end be no better than a typical shitposter.

>> No.10718623

>the kind of posts I see on this board do not reflect any of the ideas/language proposed in the books I've seen
People who actually read a lot don't have much time to shitpost, so it's natural their contributions are needles in the haystacks of crossposting teenage autism. Not to mention that the more literature you read, the less you're likely to want to come here and revel in the same old sophomoric rehashes of philosophy or theology and incessant /pol/yp bickering.

>> No.10718634


You have to recognize that choosing a book to read does not guarantee any results. That's why you want to read as many books as possible so that the 10-15% of them that really hit you in the gut provides something substantial. I've disliked and had to slog through many of the books I've read. It wasn't until my mid-twenties that I even stopped reading and didn't finish a book I wasn't enjoying. Before that, I felt like it was my duty to finish every book I start.

If you want to get a wide and varied perspective on the literature out there, you have to take your chances and try different stuff, even if it's a bust.

>> No.10718728
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>> No.10718746
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>> No.10718767
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Philosophy/Nonfiction, what doesn't fit on the other shelf

>> No.10718923


>> No.10719196
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What IS so enigmatic about Japanese power?

>> No.10720058
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>> No.10720185
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this is both

>> No.10720204

many books that are either on the road borrowed away or 5 meters across. next to my bed. so id prefer not to photograph the singular shelves yet

>> No.10720221

That's the enigma.

>> No.10720233


>> No.10720247
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I don’t have a shelf but these are on my iBook collection right now

>> No.10721361


>> No.10721406

Nice shelves.

>> No.10721439

Sell the maculature, buy an e-reader and move out from this WG shithole.

>> No.10721464

I like this

>> No.10721597

more chomsky less hitchens and dawkins

>> No.10721674

Thanks. I made the fiction shelf myself upon moving into this place a couple of years ago. The phil shelf is an Ikea Expedit and the leftover phil/nonfiction is in a nice built-in right next to it. If you were complimenting my collection of books, then thanks for that as well. I haven't bought any in a while because I've created quite a backlog for myself with what I already have.
So to answer >>10719196, I'm not sure, as that's one I haven't read yet.

>> No.10722321

maculature directed at the four or five titles that are decipherable, which are mostly picture books?

>> No.10722677

Holy shit the e-reader shills are in full force these weeks.

>> No.10723277

>implying that famous authors/readers can't be simple shitposters to
You make me kek.

>> No.10724183
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>> No.10724250
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>> No.10724834

How often do you guys clean the dust off your shelves and books?

>> No.10724856

My cleaning lady does it once a week

>> No.10724905

>no infinite jest

>> No.10725224
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>The Gulag Archipelago in fiction

>> No.10726679
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Nb4 I get called a nazi again

>> No.10726762
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is that this copy of C&P? how's the translation?

>> No.10727170
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just for shits collection from goodwills/garage sales/estate sales

>> No.10727267
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My upstairs library has a comfy couch in front of a bay window, so I like reading there.

>> No.10727276
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This shows the couch and window better.

>> No.10727387

I give it 6 out of 12

>> No.10727809
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>Le funni monke

>> No.10728342
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First time I see the blurb on the spine of the book, mixed feelings

>> No.10728414
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It's real nice and cold outside, boys.

>> No.10728417

I'm really curious about the content of your notes and stickies

Comfy spot by the way

>> No.10728431

I just write down anything that I want to remember and stick it somewhere. One of them says, "Mayumi Saito—Drowned her infants in concrete. (Four)" Another one reminds me of the German definite articles, and there's another that says, "Dalai Lama sleeps at the bottom of a pool filled with mineral oil." I don't even remember writing down the last one, but I suppose that that was a dream or something.

>> No.10728437

You need a rug, only thing keeping it from being cozy

>> No.10728463

What do you do for a living

>> No.10729012

How are you liking Long Ships?

>> No.10729074

dat handwriting tho

>> No.10729101

I was impressed until I couldn't find a copy of On Writing, or am I blind?

>> No.10729262
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if you subscribe to the school of "on writing was his only decent book" then its very absence can be seen to "complete the meme" described by that image.

>> No.10731398

what sort of gun is that? looks comfy af

>> No.10731418

clean your room holy shit

>> No.10731843
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Here’s my shelf. I just read in bed usually. Sometimes on the porch if it’s nice out.

>> No.10731852

What’s that Chomsky book?

>> No.10731924

>taking unregulated sugar pills

>> No.10732051
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That's a fishing pole, anon.

>> No.10732367
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>> No.10732372
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>> No.10732840
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Post pic related, if you have some. Whenever I live in or pass through a place, I try to find one and keep it as a memento.

>> No.10732853

Nice Bond collection! How was The Long Goodbye? Did it make more sense than the film?

>> No.10732859
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>> No.10732946

>not taking the vitamins your mom brought over when you were sick

I do what my mom says anon

>> No.10732995

Why the crossing of the Delaware?

>> No.10733105
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New haul
I’m loving it.

Gonna pick up a Hesse book and war and peace.

Who loves to juggle between books?

Comfy af

>> No.10734321
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>> No.10734342

this is a brilliant graph and completely accurate, thanks anon

>> No.10735267
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Thank man, recommending the bond books he's a much more 3 dimensional character than in the movies. The long goodbye movie is a pretty liberal adaptation of the book but I'm a big fan of Chandler. If you like gritty stuff he's your man.

>> No.10735269
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