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/lit/ - Literature

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10714080 No.10714080 [Reply] [Original]

What book made you realize you were a plotpleb?
For me it was pic related

>> No.10714087

What do you mean by this?

>> No.10714093

What do you mean, "plotpleb"? I despised this novel, I must say. Every aspect of it contained the obnoxiousness of the french machismo veneer. And don't get me started on that fucking ending. christ almighty.

>> No.10714102

That I value plot and character developent over prose style. Standhal is amazing at both tho.

>> No.10714112

im not a plotpleb but most books without an overarching narrative go absolutely nowhere in terms of development of ideas.

this goes double for films.

>> No.10714125

I would say you're missing an integral aspect of literature, Themes.

Anyway, Stendhal sucked. His character development was less believable than some of the Dostoevskian abominations, his plots were so kitschy to the point of making one sick (She died hugging her children?) and his prose was no more special than any other author at the time and thereafter.

>> No.10714156

Not that guy, but I'm going to open up to a random page of this book and evaluate your claim,
yeah you're right about the prose. Looking over the French and there's nothing particularly compelling about it, but the readability is good.

>> No.10714179
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>tfw you realize plot is just macro-prose
>tfw you realize prose is just micro-plots

>> No.10714573

oh yeah, nothing brought me out of the book, it was entertaining enough to finish. the ending was quite melodramatic, and the events leading up to it were ludicrous.

>> No.10714598


>> No.10714612


>> No.10715730

His prose is excellent.

>> No.10715863

t. nu-male
Go cry to IJ jest while high on weed

>> No.10715884
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>he reads anything other than free-verse poetry

>> No.10716017

i don't smoke and i was just lauhing with my wife about how shit IJ is.
it's par for the course as i'm concerned. nothing that made me leap from my luxurious red leather armchair, drop my pipe full of Revelation (Einstein's favorite) or spill my Lagavulin 30. all right? it's frankly only decent.

>> No.10716672

>That I value plot and character development over prose style.

Oh, really early on then. I've enjoyed some abominations of writing in my formative years and I've been bored to tears by some very technically well written works that just didn't really have much substance to them.

Obviously it's nice to have good prose alongside the stories and the characters, but if you asked me to pick between something with an interesting plot and interesting characters that looks like it was written by a middle schooler and something that was written by a professional author who failed to tell an interesting story and who wrote boring characters then I would pick the middle schooler's work every time.

Mind you I probably wouldn't read either if I could help it, but you get my point.

>> No.10716986

Stendhal isn't particularly a great stylist.

>> No.10717000

Yet the Emotions are sublime… Comparing Stendhal to dosto is just fucking dumb anyway.

>> No.10717004

Dude literally recited la Chartreuse to his friend - he couldn’t care less about «prose» or «great style». Stendhal is about the heartz

>> No.10717005

>le lit en albionais

>> No.10717020

The most embarrassing thread of all times

>> No.10718564

Themes for the sake of themes are better done in philosophy. Literature is about aesthetic and creativity. Pure style is better done in poetry.
Also, you are a turbo pleb, Stendhal is one of the greats.

>> No.10718587

Dosto used 10 different names for the same characters. Every character in Stendhal have different shades. You are just too much of a brute to notice subtleties.

>> No.10718595

He is incredibly assertive, has the perfect balance of style and substance.

>> No.10719426

>all these Stendhal fags
Man, no wonder /lit/ has declined so drastically.

>> No.10719701

Because of plebs like you desu

>> No.10719727

>nuh-uh, you are: the post

>> No.10719761

aha you got fucking slammed kid, nice try though.

>> No.10719778

lmao i just finished fappin and need to clean up but you got me lollin hard man shit this awkward

>> No.10719790

More like prose pleb

>> No.10720080

>She died hugging her children
>The other had a fucking severed head under her shirt
>not just a frenchfag's pisspoor fantasy
For the love of christ, he was a fake chad, all the women drooled over him in court. It was godawful bullshit.
Grisham makes a more compelling story.