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10713582 No.10713582 [Reply] [Original]

Is she the voice of a generation?

>> No.10713594

A large number of americans (latin americans too) have been brainwashed into believing that as long as your skin is brown, anything you write can be poetry if you simply fail to use punctuation and add irregular line breaks.

>> No.10713606

she's canadian

>> No.10713607

Why does the woman have a simpsons mouth?

>> No.10713613

The mutt is everywhere, and no matter the country hes in, itll always behave like an entitled american mutt.

>> No.10713619

Cringe. Good way to catch my knife in your belly, though, bring that shit off the internet.

>> No.10713622

The shit this whore writes reads awfully like some prescriptive text, a bible if you will. She has duties, warnings, and threats for everyone.

>> No.10713627

am i a
poet now
is this what
poetry is
in the
c e n t u r y

>> No.10713628

She was born in India to Indian parents and lives in Canada. What is this mutt shit you speak of?

>> No.10713631

>Good way to catch my knife in your belly, though, bring that shit off the internet.



>> No.10713635

Calm down, coldsteel. Are you a mutt by any chance? An entitled one at that?

>> No.10713643

are you implying that canadians don't have brown skin? are you some kind of ethno-nationalist? please go back to /pol and don't come back.

>> No.10713648

I fucking hate these stupid women who act like they're being enslaved because their hypothetical boyfriend might prefer shaved legs. If you aren't willing to do a simple piece of grooming for somebody you're dating, you are probably a selfish cunt. Or maybe you really do need a """man""" who is a little beta leftist cuck who will tell you your cactus legs are beautiful for feminist good boy points

>> No.10713651

Good bait

>> No.10713660

The most convenient thing
About poetry
Is that you can do whatever you

And claim that critics simply don’t

>> No.10713663

It's also strange to me how they pick and choose arbitrary shit to turn into feminist talking points. I can only imagine there's a shit load of girl who shave their legs and everything else but keep a little patch underneath their arms which they constantly include in selfies to let everyone know they will not be molded by patriarchal standards.

>> No.10713668
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>What is this mutt shit you speak of?
the mutt is a multifactorial entity. it can entail just genetic mixing, but also an attitude of entitlement towards the produce of another culture. you can be a genetic-cultural mutt, just a genetic mutt, or a cultural mutt, which are the worse of the bunch.

>> No.10713678

Lol you sound like a nigger. Only blacks are this insecure and impotently angry. Everyone hates coons and coon hyprids. The whole world revolts against them Humanity will win and subhumanity will lose. Stab all you want and nothing could change.

>> No.10713704


Why would someone point out something about their own home to itself?
Even if you ignore that this is supposed to be poetry it's just a pretty dumb metaphor.

>> No.10713717

remember when it was totally normal and fine to slap women as a reminder to behave properly?

doesnt sound too barbaric now, does it?

>> No.10713720

unfortunately, yes

>> No.10713723

this bitch is filled with hate.

>> No.10713733
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>> No.10713735

and you
will make

>> No.10713758

all cultural produce of woman is reaction. 100% hate filled reaction. its insane, its like a pressure cooker that doesnt stop letting out steam, also it seems when the pressure is getting dull, they invent more reasons to feel hatred, so the reaction goes back to full hate again. i cant believe this people is half of the earths population.

>> No.10713763

>only blacks are this insecure and impotently angry
You must be absolute shit at world history. My condolences :/

>> No.10713805

I don’t know, does this speak to the zeitgeist? Or, rather, is it emblematic of the zeitgeist of some particular group? I certainly know people who
uphold and value those principles, but I can’t think of any unified idea that every single one of my peers, regardless of age, gender, political leaning, personality, universally value.

>> No.10713830

she laids down the man hating zeitgeist quite well.

>> No.10713841 [DELETED] 

>assuming the gender of his S.O

>> No.10713847

Canadian culture is identical in almost every way to American culture just a tiny bit more liberal. T b h we should just Annex the shitty anglo part of Canada along with mexico so we can make one giant shitty mutt empire and then leave the only good part, AKA Quebec on it's own.

>> No.10713852

Can't unsee

>> No.10713853

heh, funny that. that thing about "boys", that is. fun fact: bull dykes can be quite harsh and are avid to violently fist fuck their gfs. i wonder when this whole womeme bubble will explode.

>> No.10713855
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that's an odd thing to say

>> No.10713858

Sikh girls have a reputation for being quite hairy so makes sense she would say this.

>> No.10713861

What if "she" points out?
Women are the ones always ready to criticize the appearance of other women.

>> No.10713869

then its a partriarchy brainwashed sister. women cant do wrong.

>> No.10713878
File: 352 KB, 500x213, anigif_enhanced-buzz-18764-1413567227-4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's genuinely insulting to me that whit liberals will hail a new writer who's probably middle class as a genius simply because ;
They write
Are colour non-white.

As a non-white person i don't need Keats to be brown to enjoy his work and I don;t need Rumi or Ghalib to be white.

Fucking state of late-stage PC Capitalism.

>> No.10713900

The most anti-women comments are said by women. They will not admit this but watch any women's popular programmes or simply sit and listen as I did growing up surrounded by women.

As a man this is what fascinates me with current PC trends; what is deemed publicly as Misogyny is almost regularly practiced as conversation among women themselves:

>Did ya see her?
>She's put on a few pounds?
>She slept woth x to get that job
>who does she think she is? she deserves xyz bad to happen.
>Is that her man? Heard she's a bit of a tart
>She thinks she's this etc.

>> No.10713903
File: 383 KB, 389x610, Screen Shot 2018-02-17 at 3.46.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rupi Kaur is the voice of a generation, her writings appeal to the beleaguered 'minimal self' of late capitalist culture, a nominally free self that however has been deprived of any control over his/her life and reduced to almost pure corporeality. 'marginalization' is a consumer product and everyone is 'marginalized'. Rupi Kaur's experience is universal amongst the post-industrial tatters of the middle classes.

>> No.10713907

You used words
poetry is now entirely shorthand text speak and emoticon/emojis.

>> No.10713915

>bit of a tart
oh you brits

>> No.10713956

Holy shit the savage.
Her poetry just makes me more certain that I need to read classics and contemporary literature is shit.
You know how it is: need to tell my middle to upper class friends in college that I am a rebel. It give me points in twitter and social media.
Millenials are the problemas and you know this, anon.

>> No.10713987

This is so weird. My gf is obsessed with making sure she has no body hair. I've never once needed to tell her. She thinks it's weird for women to have it. In fact, most women I've met in my life, including all my ex gfs, all believed the same thing, more or less. Where do these lunatic feminist types come from because I've never met any.

>> No.10714044
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A slag with a bright personality and ultimately good intentions?
>Tart with a heart

>> No.10714053

The fact
that this is
is depressing
in of

>> No.10714060
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absolute madman truthsayer

>> No.10714065

Nah lad, it's much ado about class and mass media capitalism too.
And it sickens me

>> No.10714135

hahaha holy shit i cant stop laughing

>> No.10714218

>Recent controversies about the contemporary culture of "narcissism" have revealed two quite different sources of confusion. The first, alluded to already and examined in some detail in the first of the following chapters, is the confusion of narcissism with egoism and selfishness. An analysis of the siege mentality and the strategies of psychic survival it encourages (the subject of chapters 11, Ill, and IV) will serve not only to identify characteristic features of our culture- our protective irony and emotional disengagement, our reluctance to make long-term emotional commitments, our sense of powerlessness and victimization, our fascination with extreme situations and with the possibility of applying their lessons to everyday life, our perception of large-scale organizations as systems of total control-but also to distinguish narcissism from ordinary self-seeking. It will show how the prevailing social conditions, especially the fantastic mass-produced images that shape our perceptions of the world, not only encourage a defensive contraction of the self but blur the boundaries between the self and its surroundings. As the Greek legend reminds us, it is this confusion of the self and the not-self-not "egoism"-that distinguishes the plight of Narcissus. The minimal or narcissistic self is, above all, a self uncertain of its own outlines, longing either to remake the world in its own image or to merge into its environment in blissful union. The current concern with "identity" registers some of this difficulty in defining the boundaries of selfhood. So does the minimalist style in contemporary art and literature, which derives much of its subject matter from popular culture, in particular from the invasion of experience by images, and thus helps us to see that minimal selfhood is not just a defensive response to danger but arises out of a more fundamental social transformation: the replacement of a reliable world of durable objects by a world of flickering images that make it harder and harder to distinguish reality from fantasy.

>> No.10716071


>> No.10716147


>> No.10716266

> catch my knife in your belly

haha holy shit this tism deserves a (You)

>> No.10716268


>> No.10716275

>he next time he points out the hair on your legs is growing back
tell him he already has hairy legs, gosh its not hard

>> No.10716294

i am rupi
i do poopy
stinky stink
poo poo
I do it because
I am girl
now whipe my
bum you
misogynist scum

and look
here's a drawing i did
in mechanical pencil

-rupi kaur

>> No.10716300

not bad why don't you publish a book or something

>> No.10716315

The next time he points out the hair on your legs is growing back remind that boy your body is not his home - he is a guest. Warn him to never outstep his welcome again.

>> No.10716507

I already have technically. I'm Rupi's ghost writer.

>> No.10716563

the next time she points out
your bushy pubes make flossing superfluous
remind that girl
your body is not her home
she is a guest
warn her to never
outstep her welcome

>> No.10716574
File: 350 KB, 1186x370, Screen Shot 2018-02-11 at 11.54.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As an antidote to OP's pic, I humbly present you all with "The 48 Laws of Pimping". 'Night!

>> No.10716583

Does this bitch write in Hindi or Punjabi and then it is translated?

>> No.10716588
File: 450 KB, 500x338, 1496798921627.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outstep his welcome

>> No.10716592

lol, she's highly Canadian. A real pooinloo woman would never write such frivolous and entitled verse as this. They tend to be acquainted with a truer and less easily explicable suffering.

>> No.10716595

it's poetry so anything goes XD

>> No.10716618

poopie for a rupi

>> No.10716620

when was the last time you shaved your legs for the chick that was letting you huff and puff on top of her?

>> No.10716623

>implying i don't shave my balls
>implying i like shaving my balls
>implying the only reason i shave my balls isn't so that people other than me who have to deal with them aren't grossed out by my short and curlies

>> No.10716664


I hate this "poetess" with a passion. Here's a very interesting article slamming so called instagram poetry and ruri kapur in particular:


>> No.10716692

So, never.
Also, if when some entitled airhead told you "Ew, your balls are prickly, go shave" your reaction was ever righteous indignation, you were Rupi, and I hope the chick was swiftly reminded not to overstep her welcome, so to speak.
And smooth balls are awesome for masturbation, wtf are you talking about.

>> No.10716700

That's a chin

>> No.10716713

I feel like I just lost something after reading that. I'm deeply disturbed by this, anon.