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/lit/ - Literature

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10710118 No.10710118 [Reply] [Original]

Write what’s on your mind

>> No.10710126

My gf left me and i went crazy and then got into writing, now im a writer and im getting her back ( i was a royal jackass). Cool?

>> No.10710147

I want to be a joyous king
I want to have a powerful
and majestic queen
Who will make me bend at the knee
I'll make emptiness fleet the white paper sheets
with loves notes to covet thee

>tfw no gf

>> No.10710155

Why did God invent us black people? It's the thesis of my life. Dead serious.

t. dark hearted dark skin

>> No.10710158
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Is femdom the most /lit/ fetish?

>> No.10710160

what's on your mind

>> No.10710171

My grandmother once saw a group of russian POWs in the camp passing bricks in a line, she pointed at them and said "They look just like us"
The officer heard that and order the prisoners to turn around facing away from her.

>> No.10710172

There's always one faggot

>> No.10710179

What was your grandmother doing in a POW camp?

>> No.10710189

idk but i just want a cute girl who will worship my /fit/ body by making me her personal love slave

I want to feel used by the abuse of venomous lust, i want to feel the wrath of the sexual plight

>> No.10710192

Apprenticeship as tailor, also it wasn't a POW camp but a concentration camp, the actual prisons you see today were just fractions of the KZs with the SS parts being about 20 times larger

>> No.10710195


Miles, I swear to fucking God, I will destroy you and all your friends, you thirty year old bald fuck!

>> No.10710203
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>> No.10710217

im a lonely man
a stranger in these lands
who is me
who can be
around me
every one evading me
this lonely clown
stay around
i am just a lonely man

>> No.10710224

big spoon or little spoon
you decide
lone moon, crescent soon
changing tides
growing cocoon, gentle bloom
I reside

please come
and stay by my side
big spoon
little spoon
i cant decide :(

>> No.10710238

Back in high school, I remember speaking to a girl that was so nice, I thought she was interested in me romantically. After a bit of time, though, I realized she spoke to everyone that way. It got me thinking: Are some people just naturally like that? If not, would it be wrong to aspire to become more like that? The initial reaction is, "Of course not", but here's where it gets tricky. On the surface, one might appear to be Christ himself born anew, yet act that way for selfish and egotistical purposes. A kind disposition is predicated on kind sentiment; Otherwise, it's dishonest. Buddhists draw clear distinctions between the two modes, and the proper one is distinguished by complete freedom from greed, anger, and fear, with a higher karmic reward in turn.

To become kind, then, isn't to match the image of a friendly and kind person, but to cultivate kind feelings and make the right action with the right intent. When this becomes a habit and defines your approach toward life, then you will appear kind without any effort, and perhaps without even realizing it. That is what it means to be selfless.

>> No.10710246

just marathoned that post
wasn't worth it

>> No.10710250

ive become like that
im sorry, i cant help it
i feel one as the fae
out to live, just to play
just a guy, waiting for his time.

>> No.10710251

we can't really destroy capitalism, can we?

maybe it's better not to try. reading critical theory, capitalism critiques, accelerationism and those kinds of stuff can drive a person insane

>> No.10710259

no, unfortunate, but its not for not
capitalism rides on a philosophy much older
much like theology, it is cold, machine like
runs like the breeze
Turns cogs naturally, curls the economy without a twirl of thought
capitalistic testimony of trading domini

>> No.10710269

Borrowing from Churchill, capitalism is the worst economic system except for all the others. I think we will move beyond capitalism some day but to a form that hasn't been invented yet. In the mean time, planned/highly regulated capitalism (as opposed to free-market capitalism) should be our immediate goal.

>> No.10710278

stop relying on Churchill you pseud
You didn't borrow anything, you've but borrowed your mind into someone elses ideology
>capitalism is the worst economic system except for all the others.
This isn't borrowing, since it doesn't even edge in on the gaps the Churchill tried to vanquish.

come up with your own ideas pseud

>> No.10710282

I have been experimenting with AI for decades. I have hundreds of bots wandering azeroth. They are scripted to interact with people and have growing friend's lists.

>> No.10710284

Here are my 5 unskillful states of mind. If I eliminate these there will be nothing stopping me.

1. Sluggish boredom. The ordinary is not unbearable but only a thing to get through. Bus rides staring out the grey sky, with not a thought of inspiration or hope for the future. Not pessimism because a pessimist sees the world with bleakness. I see nothing but the void, empty of hopelessness and cheerful hopefulness.

2. Fearful and anxious. Fear of not any physical harm but of looking stupid in public. Anxious and impatient. The eternal tapping foot. Wasting energy by dedicating a lot of mental power in processing what I think people think of me. Constantly evaluating and being self conscious, afraid of looking stupid.

3. Anxious egotism. Anxious over trying to look and act as good as possible. Trying to impress others but without trying to directly talk to or make my intentions clear. End up looking stuck up. Cannot sit still, still impatient. Confidence under the guise of false superiority. Easily diverges into Fearful anxious when confidence/delusions wanes.

5. Neediness. Desperation and loneliness. Mind-reading and predicting the worse judgement of others. Walking alone and not being confident. Thinking that others are judging because I don't have a friend or a partner, this exemplifies being needy. Wanting approval from others. Wanting to please others which is driven instead of having the intent of sharing/spreading well-being.

I know what to do. These are all mental sufferings that I have created. And I will destroy them. I will not go to a psychiatrist nor take a damn pill. The reason being is whatever I create and think, I can easily uncreate and unthink.

" Phenomena are preceded by the heart, ruled by the heart, made of the heart. If you speak or act with a corrupted heart, then suffering follows you — as the wheel of the cart, the track of the ox that pulls it. "

>> No.10710299

You really think everyone should come up with their own economic theory? Most people will never be experts. I never claimed to be one. I'd be a fool not to look into the ideas of others. I'm not even a Churchill fan, btw, it was just a relevant quote.
So what's your completely original and workable economic system that's going to save the world? Hope it doesn't borrow from anyone else's ideology.

>> No.10710326

I'm really annoyed that this thread was moved to /adv/ to languish and die >>/lit/thread/S10684028

I didn't create it but I was saving it in a tab to reply to it later, because I admired what the OP was doing and how he was going about it. Of all the shitty worthless fucking threads on this board that last for days, that one could have snowballed into an autodidact resource thread and a discussion of how to attain to college/academic standards of education without being in the institution, for people who don't have the opportunity.

Seriously, just of all the shit awful threads on this board, THAT one gets /adv/'ed? That isn't even a thing that happens here.

>> No.10710335

Here are my 5 unfulfilled states of mind. If I fix these there will be nothing stopping me.

Thuggish freedom. The ultra-ordinary must once again become musical and mystical. Bus rides staring out at the grey big faceless bay, with the spiralization of wonder and sincere sunder drifting me back to aspiration for the sake of reestablishing that I see beauty.
Prideful and Tyrannical. Proud of my own physical limitations basking in onlookers sight, unopposed yet by self judgement. Calm and ready for the next step. Washing energy dedicated to the now, mental harmony with being one with the sheep. Looking for my next pupid.

i got bored and didnt want to finish

>> No.10710336

There was once a time where I was carefree, and did not care at all what people thought of me. I was uglier, fatter, ruder, and intentionally tried to dispel all social expectation of deceny and question and pointed out everything that make us act the way we do in society (like Larry David, without the bald head).

If my younger self saw me as a separate person in the street, acting the way I do, he would laugh at me and call me a pussy. Then I would feight confidence but he will see right through it, just as a mere defensive position to a stranger's opinions.

When I was younger, I talked to more people. I challenged them and remembered their names effortlessly. But as time went on, the box that society created for me, the one that I would have stepped on as a child, I voluntarily step in and limit myself. My fear of societies opinion of me grew stronger. I began to act more "civillized". Afraid to smile, afraid to think and no longer bright-eyed. It's not so much bleakness, nor apathy, but a growing mask of egotism, the need to not look stupid and be laughed at. Yet I am richer, more educated, more physically fit. It's as if I have created a self which is now valuable but must now protect it from shattering like a precious fragile china. My younger self would have destroyed this pristine, self-conscious, self-focused, self-absorbed self, and pissed on the broken glass.

Was it because my younger self had little capacity to picture himself in other's shoes? Or did he just not have enough time to process how a stranger might think, and only had enough power to process what he thought?

>> No.10710344

I'm just saying the context you provided to Churchill is ambient to the general discussion and isn't wise to tact it upon an individual.

>> No.10710349

you have no problems you're just a stupid narcissist

>> No.10710360

I hate capitalism.

>> No.10710364

>The ultra-ordinary must once again become musical and mystical.

I've fallen for this trap. It's just daydream. It gets tiring and nothing gets accomplished. It has to become something more disciplined, a much more controleld craetive outlet. One can freestyle and play music in the subways and the streets... you know, just being able to let the subconscious speak.

>> No.10710368

Happy Birthday


>> No.10710384

good job you listed 4 things instead of 5 and now you look stupid in front of others (judging you VERY harshly rn)

1 can be fixed by taking up a hobby, reading for example
>but no hobby can satisfy this void
then chances are you need a direction in life

also, 2 can be fixed by taking a more rational approach and stopping yourself to think "do i really stand out more than anyone else right now?" or "will anyone even remember this?", it's hard to stop to think about that kind of thing, but eventually if you try you'll learn to stop yourself

3 can be fixed by never overstating, stepping back and allowing room for others to critique whatever it is you've said, and by taking a conscious effort in presenting yourself to others
you also should try to fit the format of others around you

5 is simply insecurity, which can be fixed by being confident in who you are
it seems paradoxical that someone who overstates can be insecure, but in reality narcissism and overstating is a reaction to insecurity
a lot of this goes away with experience, the rest goes away when you find your life's purpose

also yes, it is all in the mind, no drug or book or item could fix the problem, drugs would just convince you you don't have a problem
hope you actually bother to do something about it unlike my roommate who whines about depression half the day and watches videos/plays games/does some other instant-gratification thing and wonders why his life is so empty

>> No.10710388

Isn't narcissim having intense love for oneself and no one else?

>> No.10710396

then it looks like you forgot why you used to love to live

remember it
find it
stick to it

>> No.10710400

narcissism is loving yourself more than others or believing you specifically are better than others, not just an absence of love for others

>> No.10710409

I can't tell if Dr Seuss is good or not...

this is the most interesting post in this thread

>> No.10710416

w-was this post made by an AI?

>> No.10710418

Omfh fafa uhph papa
That's what I say when I can't take it any longer.

Oo, oo, oo'0clock
Hands crossed
Pink nails, thin bones.

I wish I could sue him but he's already dead ommpapa he's a man how do I say no. What do I say when two kids is not enough. He's dead yknow.

Ah ah aggh hey hey hey that's what I say when it's coming out i don't really know.
Comes and goes, goes and comes oh lala it drives me nuts. It's been 4 days must be more.

Kind of things it's like you are a traitor, I'd like to shoot him, Jim not like I'd do it but he's already dead must be some kind of a scoundrel he doesn't want money he wants a mother.

He said his name is an idiot or something.

I'd like to get back or, I don't like to touch it it's hard to eat.

He made me to go get into the septic tank, I said he's in pain I'm in pain so you figure out a way.

The cancer is eating away. I want it to go away.

My grandma went into hysterics while shit clogged up her intestines for a week and the pain began to be so intense from it being unnoticed by the doctors/nurses. You could tell she didn't want to worry me, there was no one else left but me. So instead of yelling swears she would say ommmf papa and omf Lana or some shit to try and convince us it wasn't so bad she passed two hours later just needed this off my chest.

>> No.10710423

Maybe not destroy it, but reform it. Stop harking on the dangerous of communism, and take some ideas from it and supplant them into Capitalism 2.0 we know he pitfalls now, let's create something greater.

I think crypto poses a greater threat to capitalism than communism ever could

>> No.10710426

Post chat transcripts

>> No.10710435

I can no longer sleep naturally these days. I have to drug myself with sleeping pills or some sort of analgesic. Perhaps I have adopted my mother's habit of drug abuse

>> No.10710443

I like listening to old sad country songs, and drinking on Friday nights. I write everyday, learn guitar, two foreign languages, and a programming language. Yet, I still feel like I'm a failure.

>> No.10710451

i just want friends to do stuff with
i just want to be useful and in bliss

>> No.10710454

make that two, bud. now that i'm here

>> No.10710456

three pal, i was here first. get in the back of the line.

>> No.10710457

once you get friends you'll long for something more, with the exact same magnitude as now

>> No.10710458

Hmm but I don't believe I am special. Maybe self-conscious...

>hope you actually bother to do something about it

I am and I have tried but my intent was in the wrong place. I am taking care of not falling for the trap of spiritual materialism now.

>> No.10710461

i want a gf to

i dont think you know what i mean by friends

i want to explore with them into the unknown, in all areas.

>> No.10710465
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>got ghosted again
i thought we really hit it off this time too

>> No.10710468

Man you made tear the fuck up, anon.

I just had so many flashbacks of watching Cosmos, watching space documentaries, being in awe of the night sky....

>> No.10710470


>> No.10710482

forgotten cosmos in the night sky, why
oh why, do you leave my eye?
lost by my decadent light, dimmed
by the brim of new sights
I glint at these worlds pray bring me truth
fantasy twirls by fear to keep my youth

>> No.10710485

And it’s a long fall from the top
And it doesn’t stop
And it doesn’t stop
And it doesn’t stop
And it doesn’t stop
And please make it stop

>> No.10710487

Stop clinging

>> No.10710503

I like maths and cryptography and all but I feel I haven't ejaculated artistically for a while now.

Anyone know the feeling? Should I start finger painting like a kindergartener?

>> No.10710507

doing it with word
is up there with the birds

>> No.10710513

you likely believe that others are generally uninformed in life and that they simply don't pay attention to the minutiae as much as you do, when in reality others have likely had similar thoughts
this can get carried to the extreme when you start overstating and presenting yourself as a professional when inside casual environments, and gives the impression of a narcissist

try not to assume yourself as the leader of the conversation, you'll get exactly the impression you're looking for if you're able to casually explain complicated subjects without paying any attention to how you sound or look saying it
and rather than, for instance, saying "well just take a derivative of both sides and then use this identity" say "couldn't we just take a [...[?", as it makes you seem more passive than aggressive

a lot of this requires a major change in how you approach conversations, and it requires you to consciously think about and reflect upon your conversations throughout the day

prepare for much disappointment then
used to want the same thing but failed to find anyone willing

>> No.10710516

im already beyond disapointment
i do things of my own appointment with muse

>> No.10710531

beauty of organic
leaves and trees and branches and grass
I've been able to see "films"
very specifically, a scene of a prince and princess dancing together
through the intermittent sparkling sunlight as filtered through the branches a tree waving in the wind
I don't know what to make of it, it was a real experience for me
I only feel that perhaps all is well

>> No.10710532

I don't know if I'm blue collar living white collar or the other way around.

>> No.10710535

pls by a girl

>> No.10710536

whatever collar you want to be just go to goodwill and select that color and wear it and viola you're color coordinated

>> No.10710542 [DELETED] 

my paranoia is completely out of control, i need to get a fucking grip, every time i wake up in the morning and look at the paper i feel like it's only a matter of time

>> No.10710543

what if one is blind to all society and worth?

>> No.10710548

Best post I've seen on this website all year.

>> No.10710549

>and rather than, for instance, saying "well just take a derivative of both sides and then use this identity" say "couldn't we just take a [...[?", as it makes you seem more passive than aggressive

Can you elaborate on this?

>a lot of this requires a major change in how you approach conversations, and it requires you to consciously think about and reflect upon your conversations throughout the day

i am conscious of how I present myself, to the point of anxiety...

>> No.10710586

addressing your second part, if you constantly think "oh god i fucked up", that isn't doing shit
you have to actually reflect on it and say "what could i have done differently?"

thing is, for it to be meaningful you have to already know what it is you're _supposed_ to say
once you know that, your anxiety becomes constructive as it allows you to reflect

as for the first point, it's about talking unassertively
acting assertive is useful in professional environments, however if you act assertive in casual conversations (even when it's about studying or working on a project), it'll make you seem stuck up
you have to be assertive in some situations, but you really have to learn to speak as if you could be wrong (even if you know for a fact you're right) until you're able to gain enough of a reputation

it's pretty difficult to address this point and give you solid advice since i learned to talk like this many years ago

also it might seem a bit self-contradictory but you have to realize that talking as if you're uncertain is completely different than actually being uncertain
you could be uncertain but talk as if you're certain, for instance

the reason this was written so assertively was because you were explicitly asking questions and i was providing answers, by the way
the main reason you see so many fights on 4chan is because you see others acting assertive to each other when they're both trying to solve a problem, but have different perspectives. if one were to be less assertive in a debate, you'll see that the debate progresses much smoother

>> No.10710594

Why are these threads always filled with trite drivel?

>> No.10710599

These are the thoughts people have most of the time. Life isn't constant profundity.

>> No.10710602

I hate my current life and I need to take some serious actions before it gets worse.

Also writing a short story (in spanish).

>> No.10710604

Try are these dreads aldways willed tith twite fivel

>> No.10710708
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i like that i am here posting. i like that i am a part of this underground literary movement. for that is what it is, is it not?

>> No.10710709

Thanks anon. It's a lot to consider but you say to reflect and I see how meaningless all these man made problems are.

I saw the other thread... I'd much prefer man vs nature problems.

>> No.10710716

My gfs breath lately has been fucking weird and idk how to tell her. Like it gives me headaches

>> No.10710719

There's either not enough, or way too much, hours in a day.

>> No.10710724

There's a now rotting piece of meat stuck in her teeth. That or she's been tonguing ass.

>> No.10710731


>> No.10710732

a lot of it is meaningless, but for most lifelong goals you usually need to give a decent impression to others

it's meaningless if some random girl on the street thinks you're weird, almost under any circumstance, but it's a bit more meaningful if you give your manager a bad impression

it seems obvious but these things need to be stated before we make grandiose assertions about all social interaction ever

>> No.10710733

excellent post anon

>> No.10710735

I whistled Do You Hear The People Sing in the library today and a cute girl whistled along and I wish I had been smooth enough to get her number without being creepy about it, but I have six different forms of autism engaging in constant civil war for control of my brain, and it would have come out as "DO YOU.. DO YOU LIKE NUMBERS?" or something.

>> No.10710736

Have you tried to figure out why instead of calling her weird and dismissing her

>> No.10710741

Indeed it is! Remember to pin a spark on your lapel so fellow members can identify you in public

>> No.10710744

that always puts me in the mood for suicide

>> No.10710778

I need to get over myself. .. allow myself to make mistakes and worry less of what strangers think. I get that. But in real life it's just so hard to be not anxious over what strangers think of me. I see why narcissism was the initial diagnosis. It's a self absorbed form of anxiety.
Is it just a matter of practice then? And intentionally be vunerable and take risks in public?
Perhaps cultivating tranquility and equanimity and going full monk mode for a while. .

>> No.10710812

>Is it just a matter of practice then? And intentionally be vunerable and take risks in public?
yes, it's exactly this

it's really fucking difficult and you'll mentally berate yourself for it every step of the way, and you will absolutely fail for a good few weeks
after a year you'll probably get the hang of it all, assuming you don't stop jumping in social events

there's a lot of other advice i didn't give you but you'll likely figure it out on your own
oh also should mention this now since i'm about to go to bed, what really helped me at first was just (while reflecting) imagining i was the other person in the conversation and thinking about how that person would continue the conversation. it opened my eyes to how much differently i talked than how others do (it's not really actionable but it at least provides answers)

>> No.10710831 [DELETED] 

ok late night confession and this is some real shit i don't want to deal with but maybe i should write it. last time i fucked a chick she was super hot like model tier but i came so fast it was like a waste of time for both of us, and i haven't even tried to fuck a chick or even really wanted to fuck a chick since then. i still get mesmerized by bubble asses and stare at tits, but like i just don't even consider making a move, like i'm pretty autist so i'm surprised she took a chance on me and let me hit, and it was just bad, i used to be all autistic when chicks that would show interest like agonize about how to get their number or escalate to sex, but now i don't even consider it

>> No.10710908
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Absence. Isn't it something, isn't it haunting. That an absence is present. That we notice the zero in space, or that we see that something is gone because the space is filled with absence.


The trade has been agreeable and yet I still pine, though less vividly. I'm able to construct, but have no breath under the water, I'm not getting this whale moving, and the currents are filled with gore. I suppose I need to enter the fire bath in pyramid and go off seeing again. I suppose the vision I had was a gift, but it must be strange for others to believe what I must be after or for, to believe I cannot do, or that I can must mean that I do so for such reason. But what can I do to fill in an empty space in an others mind with a key to help the door be locked opened other than oblivious tricks that no one wants, but that keep me entertained? Towards here, I have at least a negation of what my life is, the absence a presence, the earth hostile and man nefarious, and I'm tired, I'm tired of your kindness tonight as your holy path. Lay down your life against the earth and see if it isn't unkind, that it doesn't desire. Look into your flesh and see the organisms that work for you, with you, because of you, and those that are destroying you, the parasites that feast and in order to keep feasting praise your kindness and tell you that it is higher, that it is praiseworthy above negation, above death. This is the path of those who hate with sincere kindness, that hate the world enough to wall themselves in rather than as they say, expand themselves outward into the cosmos. Existence is violence, the serpent has shit an earth of suffering for pigs to become more filthy. Glory be to destruction - but I have nothing to hate except this day ... and I'm tired and need to sleep.

>> No.10710914
File: 87 KB, 692x723, 33EE0D13-29FA-4609-816E-DF7B14F7DE87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can keep his griefs in their prime; they use themselves up. The same is true of homesickness, of any nostalgia. Regrets lose their luster, wear themselves out by their own momentum, and after the fashion of the elegy, quickly fall into desuetude.
What then is more natural than to establish oneself in exile, the Nowhere City, a patrie in reverse? To the degree that he revels in it, the poet erodes the substance of his emotions, the resources of his misery as well as his dreams of glory. The curse from which he drew pride and profit no longer afflicting him, he loses, along with it, both the energy of his exceptional status and the reasons for his solitude.
Rejected by Hell, he will try in vain to reinstate himself there, to be reinvigorated by it: his sufferings, too mild now, will make him forever unworthy of it. The cries of which he was only yesterday still proud have become bitterness, and bitterness does not become verse: it will lead him beyond poetry. No more songs, no more excesses. His wounds healed, there is no use pointing to them in order to extract certain accents: at best he will be the epigone of his pains.
An honorable downfall awaits him. Lacking diversity, original anxieties, his inspiration dries up. Soon, resigned to anonymity and even intrigued by his mediocrity, he will assume the mask of a bourgeois from nowhere in particular. Thus he reaches the end of his lyrical career, the most stable point of his degeneration.

>> No.10710947

4. Become cuck

>> No.10710965

Don't most people here just enjoy the dream that they'd have a girl around long enough to become a cuck. Aren't all the /lit/tles deprived of sex and see sexual power as the only measure of their manhood? Aren't you also, like that devout consumer, saying you are needing to be measured by your normy manhood? Shouldn't you be worried about me becoming a bull too?

>> No.10711008


>> No.10711829



>> No.10711863
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I'm worried that I wasn't made to be a writer. I write and write and write and it's all trash. None of it goes anywhere. I'm scared I'm wasting my life.

>> No.10711868 [DELETED] 

mix 2 parts live dust with 2 apples

>> No.10711869

I need to study for upcoming exams but all I wanna do is read read some Keynes books and masturbate.

>> No.10711894

No, cuckoldry is.
>tfw wife gets banged and I have more time to read

>> No.10711905

1. Stop masturbating

>> No.10711919

my dream is to be trilingual and have a library of books in all three languages.

>> No.10711926

we all have a place in God's plan, my nigger

>> No.10711933

illest nigga in tha cut
ye ye what up
gettin dat cash flow
making my dick grow
stick it in that snow

>> No.10711951

Dobby relished his groinsaw's roar as he withdrew the flesh-choked blade from the astronaut's ruined skull. He turned to Harry, thrusting his bloody, retina-covered pelvis with elfin fervor.

"How does Ronnie Ron taste, master?"

Harry spat out an eyeball. "Like some kid with eyes."

Dobby ducked an astronaut's poison barbed fist, digging his groinsaw into the beast's abdomen and letting the spray of viscera wash over his elfin space armor. The skulls' eye sockets on his shoulders grew brilliant with an infernal cast and vomited a bolt of light through an astronaut; he was thrown back against the deathwall, his flesh boiling in another dimension.

Harry slapped Dobby, who giggled.

Harry reminded himself to kill himself later.

"Master, look out!"

Dobby's groinsaw screamed as it flew off the armor, rocketing through the air like an early dream of mankind. It flew through three astronauts who dropped their hellspears as the saw cut a hole in the ground beneath them so they fell to hell forever.

>> No.10711958

what is a groinsaw

>> No.10711963

An ant I tried to save, but crushed,
DNA mush

>> No.10711966

A chainsaw that protrudes from the groin

>> No.10711979


Exactly, I'm quite confuse what are my decision in life. Scared of thinking to myself that I'm gonna waste my time and effort for nothing. My mind is just blank, just pure nothing. I don't know what's gonna happen, thinking that I would be a failure if I continue on.

>> No.10711983

I'm worried that I will never really try to write.

I took the STEM path and now I only scrape together some words every couple of days, making short stories to submit to places.

I really just want to quit my shitty job and do creative work full time, but I'm afraid of failing and ending up in a worse financial position. Beyond my savings I don't have much support to fall back on, and the dilemma is that long term, those savings are guaranteed to serve me better if I invest them wisely than if I whittle them down spending maybe 2 years of my life on a moonshot at my real dreams.

Yet... on the deathbed I know which choice I'd regret more.

Just getting sick of trying to do things on the side. Work completely robs you of your time.

>> No.10712015

You probably have more time than you think. For one you’re on 4chan. It takes 20 minutes to scrape up a little piece. 20 minutes each day ? It’s a process. Quitting your job for art is good but only if you can afford it. Stem Work is a break for the right brain.

>> No.10712480

I've had this dream for a while now, that what I want in life is a small house in the countryside, a little bit of land to call my own with a river, or maybe a lake. Work some job in a small town where I'm helping people. Maybe have a family to come home too. Something simple. I'm not sure if this is just my laziness, or not wanting to step out of my comfort zone. That's what I've always been told it was. My father is constantly pushing me to do better, to do more. I got an internship for my STEM degree at university, for the spring and the summer. But it's not being an astronaut or an engineer at NASA like I told him I thought would be fun a few years ago when people asked me what I wanted to do. I love him for it, always wanting the best for me. I'm not all in on my degree, I don't feel this deep passion for it, I find it more annoying, or even boring at times. Maybe again this is just me being lazy, and wanting to take the easy route and not work hard. But even in my dream I realize it will be hard work, but that kind of work is something I want to be able to do. To fix up a house for me and my family, to spend the day helping others, even if its just packing their groceries. I know I'm romanticizing small town life a lot. I unironically miss my summer job of watering trees.

Am I just a loser who wants the easy route and not to step out of my comfort zone?

>> No.10712499

My heart is aching, and not from feels. I hope i will survive until the morning.

>> No.10712571

Just tell her. I had the same thing and I just said "hey, I gotta tell you something. And I'm only telling you this because I like you. But your breath kinda stinks"

>> No.10712654

Eh, he's just getting old and projecting a bit too much.

>> No.10712659

Hating black people is currently in style. The wheel comes back around again.

>> No.10712695

every single one of us is capable of killing
and if you're not, you're a failure of an animal

>> No.10712698
File: 160 KB, 248x454, 1501883453280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hating black people is currently in style.
>Implying it ever wasn't in style

>> No.10712821

In life I have come to the realization that I must choose pursuing money to support a family and have good things, or scrape by pursuing art. There is no in between. I don't know which to choose, and I'm worried I will make the wrong decision. This weight hangs over my life and consciousness and every thought I make. Am I destroying myself?
For the past few years I have been pretty socially successful. Most people liked me, I got along with people and they thought I was funny. I got invited to parties and people wanted to be with me. Now, in senior year of high school, I find myself with more social control that I ever had. However, first semester I let my power get the best of me, and lorded it over people. Now, many people resent me for this, and everything I worked for throughout the past three years is proving itself to be vapid and unfulfilling.
I still want as much control as possible until school ends, so I've restrategized and my new approach is to be meek and refrain from asserting my power. I am also trying to be nicer to people. However, this isn't because I was to be better, it's because I want power and control. Will this all collapse on me? When?
I think I may also be destroying my body, and people around me don't respect that. I justify it to myself by saying it's ironic and I do it for art. Nothing extreme, just sleep deprivation, drinking too much coffee, drinking alcohol, irregular eating habits, eating poor quality food, etc. This doesn't sound too haram, but it's really bringing down my productivity. Also, I'm spending more & more time online, and don't like other people as much.
I have become more willing to take advantage of women. I’m fairly attractive (I’ve heard 7/10 from multiple sources, and the people I hang out with tend to be in this bracket) and people think I’m clever. This tends to appeal to women who are in my vicinity, but don’t know me well. I wish women who I knew and loved would be more attracted to me. That being said, I also am barely attracted to lasses anymore. I haven’t masurbated since August of 2017 and have little desire to copulate in general.
On Valentine’s Day, I asked out a good looking co worker to go see a movie with me, and she, surprisingly, accepted. Then I realized I didn’t want to go through with this, so I pulled out and made up some excuses, telling her we would do it later. I don’t like my willingness to play on unsuspecting girls’ attraction to me, and am trying to stop this. That being said, it is so satisfying knowing that I can have my pick of most lasses on the outer reaches of my social circles.
It’s not satisfying enough. I don’t know if I want love or if I want to avoid people the rest of my life.
I’m basically conflicted in the most cliched way. I don’t want to be trite, but is this what life is like?

>> No.10712997

lol you just had to use that hard 'r', didn't you?

>> No.10713024
File: 42 KB, 564x373, c5e8bc655d70cc36e38a0cd84c40f9d7--kierkegaard-quotes-soren-kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I destroying myself?
kierkegaard did it first

>> No.10713033

I just saw a webm. of a Ghost Stories scene and now I want to watch the whole show again. Reading Ryu Murakami, so I guess it fits the mood.

>> No.10713368

i mak doodty

>> No.10713401
File: 11 KB, 640x360, knaBPxr_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe the biggest factor for a "normie" being given what he is, is the lack of craving for the challenge or thrill. A normie does not feel the need for a book or videogames or movies or wathever because he does not feel like he needs it.

Also cocona from flipflappers is really cute.

>> No.10713414

>was getting caught part of our plan?
seriously though, why are we here
Like Father like son i guess, God could have erased the problem of racism by having us not recognize group superficial mentalities, a small amelioration but he must hate us niggers lol

>> No.10713426

Schindler's List is the most antisemitic film ever made. It presents people as monsters whose only redemption is bending over backwards for Jews.

>> No.10713463

the biggest factor of being a normie is if you have or have had a gf. if yes, normie. if no, not normie.

>> No.10713508
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, Cocona_CR-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a bf

Now I'm all ronery again

Do I get my neet weeb Id revoked?

>> No.10713556

no, it is loosing yourself in yourself. canceling the other as something radical different from you.

>> No.10713583

i know two states that felt really good: brutal egotism sometimes mixed with sadism (the kind nietsche and de sad advocated) and a state of bliss, calm and equanimity related to ego death. oh, and lucid dreaming is also exciting. Egoism and sadism is no sense sustainable and leads eventually to missery. bliss and equanimity is superior.

>> No.10713671

A normie, I think, finds joy in things most others do. So he enjoys the "norms" but when someone can't find joy in the normality of it all is when that person delves into introspection.

Or maybe I'm just autistic.

>> No.10713737

sounds about right

>> No.10713887

Alone where is your new blog
pls I need my fix

>> No.10714081

I'm on the edge.
Below I see books to read (around 1500), but all I do is procrastinating, like I always have. The edge = destroying my PC with a sledgehammer, and buy a phone you can only message and call with.
I need to escape from myself.

>> No.10714165

>saying "nigga" like I'm some kind of hoodlum

>> No.10714286

Is happyness always momentary? I don't think the future looks too bright for me, I don't mean the near future but I just kind of predict a disaster eventually

>> No.10714367
File: 37 KB, 720x387, 11-1455899248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but yes.
Have you seen Deadpool? He puts it so eloquently:

>"Life is an endless series of train-wrecks with only brief, commercial-like breaks of happiness."

>> No.10714660

I've realized that I form very strong emotional attachments to things. You know how you can listen to certain songs and associate them with moments in the past? I experience that but with loads of other things. I look at my pen and don't just see my pen, I see what I used to write countless love letters and poems with. I look at my copy of Moby Dick and feel like I'm back in one of those snowy winter nights I stayed up late reading next to the radiator by the window. It's like my emotions and memories have somehow been imbued into the objects.

Can any anons relate? I thought this was normal but I was trying to describe it to someone and they looked at me like I was insane.

>> No.10714964

Do you think it's safe to say that social media is actively uprooting or at the least drastically altering every part of Western society?

>> No.10715033

I’m drunk and high sitting on the couch while everyon is having fun

>> No.10715047

Goodreads is a leftist shithole but the only good tracking/catalogue system out there.

>> No.10715133

I could probably make money playing poker at this point if I had time to review Sklansky and Janda, but instead I will probably be dead soon, oh well.

>> No.10715137

thinking of quitting my job tomorrow which means i can read again

i have a coworker who owes me $100 but she had her bank info stolen and she was recently hospitalized and shes like in her 40s and i dont know what to do

i want my money back but all i can do is just remind her she owes me money

>> No.10715157
File: 35 KB, 333x499, 1502504847222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely there is some way of obtaining the money I need to survive that wouldn't make me miserable, r-right????


>> No.10715166

Not a leftist shithole. Just a dumbass normie shithole. Leftism is actually the correct answer to all of humanities problems, it's just been taken over by the fucking normalfags.

>> No.10715173

social media is western society what you mena to say is “is social media destroying humanity” and the answer is of course silly
try to get up, go over and make contact with one of them, you have a limited number of opportunities to socialize. i hate you for being a faggot normie but you deserve a chance to be happy
just do it before they come for you or you die from whatever drug
the labor market is hell in America i would be cautious, leave her be if she is working a job where $100 is a big deal and is in her 40’s, call it a loss and let the woman suffer the guilt of it.

>> No.10715199

i lent her $200 and she paid back $100 within a week or two and this was literally months ago

said she was gonna give the $100 once she could but

>> No.10715218


I don't have a bankroll or really even enough money to live. Not a drug addict.

>> No.10715221

I absolutely feel the same way. I think it's normal. We necessarily associate memories, feelings, emotions, etc. with objects in order to make sense of the world around us.

I once wanted to get a really good pen to write with while studying mathematics, so I spent a few hours watching autistic Youtube videos on pens. I finally came to the decision to buy a particular Japanese gel pen. I loved that thing. It felt like "my" pen because I spent the time to research it. I was sad when it finally ran out of ink, as if I lost a good friend. The cynic will call this consumerism, but so be it.

>> No.10715258

>social media is western society
Not sure how to take this, but I do feel that one of the core problems with America is that the country is inseparable from the trends and technologies of the day in a way unlike anywhere else. You can't really pin down some core time period as the traditional U.S. since we've always changed so rapidly.

Destroying humanity is an overstatement, though. We've been through worse.

>> No.10715274 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to save up enough so that I never need to rely on a wage to live. My life has been reduced to the accumulation of capital. Stocks and bonds and real estate and numbers in a spreadsheet determining my level of independence. I became so obsessed, so driven, so inwardly focused that I slipped three years into the future, and now it's 2018, and I've abandoned my dreams of making music, and I've lost contact with most of my friends, and I'm stuck.

>> No.10715281

I think /pol/ should be subject to pogroms. The mods should pick a day each month, totally at random, and on that day they should ban every single person posting on /pol/ at that particular time. Mass-ban every single person on the board, and make it at two-week ban at least. I think this would be a good antidote to how uppity /pol/ has gotten.

>> No.10715286

stop being a fucking baby, you're not truly an adult until you let your childish dreams, "making music" in your case, die. that's why people who become rich and famous early in life are such tools, they never had to abandon their dreams and so never grew up

>> No.10715295

Imagine being so bitter about your own failures that you justify it as "becoming an adult" and then wish such suffering on other people.

>> No.10715297

give her grace period, she sounds like she leads an awful existence working a job where that kind of cash is pertinent to her survival. if she has kids you should let it go. if not, pester her a week later than you would normally
are you in the third world? if not you can scrap together the means to eat every day non. if yes, im sorry.
nothing in human history compares to the damage of chemical shitstorm+vision machine+atomization anon, we’re falling apart genetically; becoming schizophrenic culturally and losing our ability to socialize and communicate.

>> No.10715324

>imagine thinking u haven't "failed" because you'll write that nobel prize winning novel for sure next year! yes, my friend, u haven't failed, next year you will hit the big time and be the star u are destined to be! grow up.

>> No.10715330

>nothing in human history compares to the damage of chemical shitstorm+vision machine+atomization anon, we’re falling apart genetically; becoming schizophrenic culturally and losing our ability to socialize and communicate.
Every time a radical technology comes into being, people freak out, and then it turns out the world DIDN'T in fact go to shit. This is a tired point, but nobody ever listens, so here it is again.

>> No.10715335

>implying every ambition is actually a delusion of grandeur
ur projecting m8

>> No.10715339

>wanting to do something creative in your life is the same thing as having ridiculous delusions of grandeur
Grow up.

>> No.10715344

if you're planning on saving up to be a neet and sit at home trying to figure out ableton, forget it. If you really care about music then make time to do it

>> No.10715360


>thinks fantasizing about being the next skrillex while making bad edm in a pirated copy of fruity loops is "creative"

wow i don't think it's possible to be more "teen"

>> No.10715386

all that we've proven here is that you're the only person confirmed for holding onto a puerile delusion until adulthood

>> No.10715433

I keep paper on my desk and when I'm bored or sad or whatever I'll write or draw random shit on it. It's usually a mixture of (poor) sketches, terrible rhymes, jumbled poems, words I like, names of people I like, little expressions of sadness, cries for love, etc. When I fill up a sheet I add it to the top of a pile of similar sheets. The pile is fifty or so sheets deep now. I decided to leaf through it for the first time in months and FUCK I'm a fucking madman. Jesus christ it's the ravings of a lunatic. There's a random journal entry from a couple months ago that's just the word "bad" scrawled across the page, surrounded by the word "minimum" written over and over again in cursive. There's half of a love letter crammed next to "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud". There are some random pages from a story I was sort of writing. Fucking hell how am I such a mess?

>> No.10715442

wow this guy legit has a my diaru lol do u keep this collection doodles and crushes names in a trapper keeper?

>> No.10715476

write some crazy pseudo-troll fiction accessible to hipster faggots like house of leaves and put all that shit intherer

>> No.10715482

I just wrapped my belt around my neck to break up the feeing of horribleness I feel half the time.

>> No.10715505

Fifty sheets is nothing. I say embrace your eclectic-ness. There's nothing interesting to be found in the world of conformity.

>> No.10715513

did u fap?

>> No.10715558

How would you define "reddit" as a derogatory adjective? I'm struggling to come up with a concise definition. Is there an existing word that captures what it means to be reddit?

>> No.10715576

It's literally a pile on the corner of my desk

I would but I have no idea how to even begin typesetting it. There's no discernible pattern or organizational structure.

The fifty sheets are just from the past few months, I have a bunch more at my parent's house.
>tfw worried about mom finding my crazy diary thing now

>> No.10715583

Anything I don't like.

>> No.10715627

No. It wasn’t sexual. Nor was I genuinely trying to kill myself. Just breaking up the monotony, I guess.

>> No.10715700

trader joe's has some good shit for cheap, but their french vanilla coffee fuckin sucks, this shit tastes like burnt plastic

>> No.10715743

Had the most boring day for a long time. Couldn't be fucked to read or write, couldn't play Vidya or watch TV....just meh. I had three desultory wanks. Boring wanks.

There was an earthquake in the afternoon, the first of my life. The internet went crazy.

Still bored after though. Can't be arsed to wank. Probs just buy some wine.

I'm glad she's gone. She was a twat.

>> No.10716274

im gonna order a copy of that new odyssey translation by that chick and u cant stop me

>> No.10716278

>every time this thing that was just accelerated to a logarithmic rate of growth which has evolved like an organism (a virus) at such a pace that its causing massive mental illness epidemics is just like when the wheel and cotton gin showed up
i don’t think you have thought about this carefully

>> No.10716474

hate work so much. Not the idea of expending effort and enduring stresses to achieve personal goals, that is admirable, but the institution of work as it exists in modern Western society. It's absolutely intolerable, I seriously don't know how people can stand it for forty plus years, unless they have some sort of fantasy dream job. I know I couldn't do it. Right now I'm only working so I can one day escape this hellscape, because if I don't then I'm sorry but it's suicide for me. Yet the Asians just can't seem to get enough of it. What is wrong with them? Don't they have any higher goals or ambitions than social approval and material pleasure? What is going on in those insect brains? They disturb me. How could somebody willingly choose to work themselves to death for some faceless corporation? It's such a repulsive and terrifying attitude towards life

>> No.10716480

You're not existing in your natural environment, anon. You're a hunting mammal: it's natural that you'd feel fucked up in this weird society.

>> No.10716633

People seem to be more intrested in telling me what I am than asking me who I am. People seem to be more intrested in telling me what I said than listening to what I have to say. People seem to be more intrested in telling me where I'm going than seeing where I've been.

It doesn't make me mad or anything, I just find it strange and it makes me question why they are like that.

>> No.10716635

Goodreads is fucking bizzare, man.

I've apparently had people publish some of my old fanfictions to that site, it's weird.

>> No.10716679
File: 13 KB, 222x228, FB11BA0A-E044-4CD7-BF1B-3AAD6F4C4450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl I dated for a month got asked out for a date by some other guy and she immediately broke up with me and she told me that i was just a worthless distraction.

The fact that she likes another guy more isnt even the thing that bothers me the most its the fact of how quickly she turned hostile.

>> No.10716770
File: 62 KB, 532x502, 1518605391853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ii'm sorry anon. Just remember the best revenge is living well.

>> No.10716778

Sounds like you're well rid of her. Her hostility reflects poorly on her, not on you.

>> No.10716783

I want to know things but I can't be bothered to read things so I won't learn things.

>> No.10716801

Ugandan Knuckles are simply militant Taoists asking you if, you know the way and if, you don't they spit on you.

>> No.10716802
File: 141 KB, 898x1024, DCoIIafXYAIx50v.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were with the wrong girl. Don't feel down though, there are all kinds of people, and obviously she is an indecent girl.

>> No.10717409

Fuck anon, that's terrible. Try to realize that she didn't "turn hostile", she was always a bitch. You're better off without her.

>> No.10717417

Time to read Marx

>> No.10717475
File: 30 KB, 600x553, 211C7203-0ED6-4C57-8330-E05B03B8BD75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice I will try my best to be the better human being

>> No.10717494

>tfw i treat women like utter shit all the time
>tfw chronic patronizing
>soften it with a joke now and then and a sincere compliment
>women love me

>> No.10717559

What took them so long? I need to pe*.

>> No.10717565
File: 47 KB, 500x529, Priorities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling sad that a girl that really likes me seems to want to end, because I don't give her enough attention and don't spend enough time with her.
I told her I need some time for myself these days, beginning of semester, started boxing and want to focus on myself a bit. She completely understood and still agrees to meet me as a language partner (she's Chinese, I'm learning her tongue).
But this weekend something has happened and now she's ignoring me. I guess it's my own fault for not wanting to spend time with her, but she's such a sweet girl that really loves me. I don't really know how to proceed. Then again, I guess I got what I wanted - loneliness.

Sometimes I wonder why I do what I do. I think I really can't let go of my guards and love someone else, because I don't really love myself. I'm succesful in school, attractive, have many 'friends', but I still don't love myself. How do I get to the core of this problem? I want to love me, I'm pretty awesome, or so they say, but how do I convince myself of that?

Anyway, good day.

>> No.10717598
File: 78 KB, 318x378, 1518541611761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how I'm totally impulsive but never do anything, day after day, empty and identical. It almost sounds contradictory, until one recognizes that this is a kind of cowardice, more rout than routine.

>> No.10717602


is your name Neo cause you dodged a bullet there son

>> No.10717792
File: 136 KB, 1013x718, 1518841662269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have ideas and I know how to write them. But how do I act on any of it?

>> No.10717977

I should really read something from my backlog but there are so many other books I've learned about and am excited to read.

>> No.10718043

>massive mental illness epidemics
People have always been mentally ill or retarded. It's just getting diagnosed more.

>> No.10718072

I unironically think straight-up anarchism is the way to go. We have layered our true desires with the abstraction upon abstraction we call culture. At this point, we don't even know what our desires are anymore. For all we know, the irony we perform at every moment of our lives could regress infinitely. What does it really mean to be sincere? Fuck if I know. Hell, my first sentence here is partly ironic, even though I claimed it was unironic.


>> No.10718074

I had an exposition of my life written and I was ready to post it then immediately thought better of it.

I really just want the same shit that Faust wants.

There is my thought for the day.

>> No.10718085

Is 'Love Minimal' a cool name for a spaceship?

>> No.10718088

I feel the same way. Every time I start a book, another book catches my attention. Maybe ADHD really IS real.

>> No.10718097

Watch that Shia Lebeouf video. Or read Sartre or something.

>> No.10718130

I'm stretched between various ambitions, and I always gravitate towards the same old; masturbation and video games.

I sometimes see kids who had done cardio since youth excel in things such as force recon. I feel like I need to project my style of masturbation and video games onto my ambitions.

I enjoy managing stocks much more when it's a game, and there's a window of monetization that actually exists when this is done.

There are three core aspects of trading: technicals (the statistics of the stocks performance), fundamentals(how good the company is) and sentiment. Sentiment is the most important one ultimately; it is how people feel about the stock. There are periods where a stock is live and the megacorps don't have enough time to price in their bets. This is called volatility, and simply being good at guessing allows you to scalp the market. I figure I should specialize in this, because I can apply my skills from masturbation and video games to it.

As for art and writing, those will simply take grinding and gitting gud.

>> No.10718240

This is why you always talk to the last ex a person had about them. They'll always exaggerate and only tell their side of the story, but it's still a handy trick for dodging bullets.

Ugandan knuckles are an updated version of that goblin dude from second life; an army of cockblocks for anime roleplayers.

>> No.10718311

I'm struggling to work out what I want to do with my life.

I work as a journalist for a relatively boring science-related trade magazine. It gives me the chance to practice my writing and I occasionally get to travel and speak to some interesting people. But my heart is not in the work.

I'm interested in politics and I've had a couple of articles published in the national press, but I don't know whether I'd like to move to the capital and write for a national newspaper. It would take a tremendous amount of work to make that a reality and I don't know if I'd be happy doing it.

I also want to learn more about history, philosophy, psychology and religion.

I have an urge to develop a unique worldview.

Ideally, I'd like to work for a publication where could report on real problems, see the world, and speak to every day people. I want to develop a worldview based on the combination of reading and life-experience.

My work said they'd pay for me to study for a diploma in journalism, which would allow me to become a newspaper journalist, but only if I stayed and the company for a ear after the course.

I need to find a way to balance (in addition to working 37.5 hours a week, lifting weights for 6 hours a week and having a gf) writing freelance articles, studying for the diploma, and reading.

I don't have a solid picture in my head of what my aim is, so I fail to motivate myself and end up blogging here instead.

>> No.10718427


I'm homeless schizo transsexual and uninsured. I can eat every day but I can't afford hormones or medication, so I will probably off myself soon.

>> No.10718493

act quicker with the next girl, that's all i'll say

>> No.10718694

I legitimately pity the untalented.

>> No.10718713

So you pity yourself then? :^)

>> No.10718910
File: 181 KB, 750x896, 1518933503842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored.

>> No.10718943

>really hit it off
nigger if she doesn’t kiss you or go out of her way to cuddle you by the very first interaction she doesn’t like you, women aren’t shy anymore you stupid faggot

>> No.10718957

I haven't had a drink in a week. I don't feel any different. I might even feel worse. Now I have nothing to look forward to but my sleeping pills. Hanging out with friends at the coffee houses has become especially hard. After two hours of drinking juice I just didn't feel like I belonged. I wanted to leave but then who knows what they would have thought. Me, the first to leave, is something unheard of. So I stayed. Sinking deeper and deeper into thought. Two or three pints would have had me in high spirits, telling jokes, laughing, being somebody else, that somebody whose company they enjoy. But now it's just a lifeless, sorry sack of meat, occupying a chair in their midst. I went to the toilet and cried. I came back sporting that fake smile of a stripper I've practiced so often it appears natural. I watched them finish their drinks. Then we paid and I went home. I got the idea to take a break after a friend counted on her fingers just how many were worried about my mental health and alcohol consumption. I jokingly shrugged it off. I wanted to show them that I didn't have any problem at all to take a break. I still don't think I do. But next weekend, the end of a 10 day break (a personal record) I might as well OD on that stuff. Save them the trouble of being worried. Save me the trouble of appearing alive and well.

>> No.10718981

>you will never have a cute, budding romantic relationship with a shy girl like in your animes
Fuck this world.

>> No.10719011

I sold my soul to 4chan.

>> No.10719080

my girlfriend is kinda ugly and likes 50 shades of gray. i think i should break up with her. she wants me to watch all 3 movies with her. she also writes very teenager-esque poetry and its just fucking bad.

shes also 19 so i'm not sure what i was expecting. i need something in my life, but it sure as fuck isn't a 19 year old idiot girl.

>> No.10719096

having regrets about meming urself to fame and fortune, eh peterson?

>> No.10719116

If it helps you in a cathartic manner, the reaction from others is redundant

>> No.10719122

The best part about being a hyper-literate sperg is that your social media anger-posts are so dense, so packed with subordinates, independent clauses linked with semi-colons (I really cannot express myself any longer without them; being laconic just isn't in my nature anymore) that amount to sentences usually exceeding over five hundred words, is that normies won't even stop to read them. That means I can vent and not feel so much shame afterwards.

My cyberpunk novel is gonna be sick.

>> No.10719145
File: 301 KB, 1920x1080, 1434003205983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realizing that success is generational from an objective standpoint really made me reconsider the way I live my life, but in a really bad way, because it made me realize that a lot of what I want to accomplish for myself is only stuff that will lead to it being passed onto my children, because it's impossible for me; and at that realization, collapsing into a state of shame for the amount of envy I have for other people around me that live the apex of perfection, already, knowing that if I want to ever achieve that for my children, it will be a lifetime's work to do so, and they will always bear the mistakes of my father and mother who brought me to be like this in the first place.

But that's only if I think about it objectively. But if I think about it subjectively, I just get really lost.

>> No.10719147

Anything lame or inoffensive that acts like it's epic and badass. Any lame joke that's been repeated a trillion times but people still act like it's funny. Anyone who has to make an epic pun or quirky joke but in actuality is just a pain.

>> No.10719234

1923 me too, thanks

>> No.10719249

She's probably not worth keeping, but you sound like a retard yourself. Get some life goals and find out what you want before you date girls.

>> No.10719397


>> No.10719406

>implying that you can truly know "what you want," let alone what you will want far into future such that you could draw up accurate "life goals"

>> No.10719451

>implying that you can't

>> No.10719515

Every single time, I lose the time. I go back to inactive pastimes and just continue my existence instead of being creative. I am extremely afraid of ambition and disappointing the others. I hate mechanical reading of the texts have nothing to do with my existence and with the future of this planet. Why should I care about Jewish feminism? I am not a Jewish woman. I am not even part of it.
I read much less than I should, but I remember most of it as I have a lot of time to think about the stuff I've read.
Now I have pretty much no friends as I have new university and everyone are "leftists" and when I give them my views everyone is like "YEAH YOU ARE RIGHT" but then next day they asked my to go onto simulated demonstration or other bullshit.
I want feel the awe again. I just want a piece of literature that will give me that, and that happens so rarely now.
to be honest either insanity trough rationality or simulated coworking with strikes and other bullshit demos, I just stand currently for nothing and just try to get away from "politics". I think if we get to the point where politics dissipate from public discussion it will be greatest success of humanity. Nobody should ever be interested in politics, they should just exist and work. Similarly to how sewage is managed politics are should be in the same way. They should be only talked about if something is wrong, and what we see is that something is wrong all the time.

>> No.10719584
File: 131 KB, 1305x506, anons life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since new years I've been keeping track of how I spend my time each day to try to improve myself and be more productive. I think I'm making progress.

Here's the graph if you want to laugh at me. The start is screwed up because it took me a week or so to get into the habit of marking the times down.

>Black: sleep
>Grey: fucking around
>Red: school / active learning
>Orange: chores
>Yellow: social (hahahahaha)
>Green: exercise
>Blue: "art" of any kind, including reading, writing, drawing, etc
>Purple: work (I don't regularly during school, hence why there's only a few blips here and there )

>> No.10719585

You don't know how to spell the word semicolon or use a semicolon correctly

>> No.10719592

Unless you can prove to me that you can, I will assume you can't.

>> No.10719596

I really like it

>> No.10719610

shit neat very good idea, I probs will also start doing it.

>> No.10719612

did u use an app or what? how u did it?

>> No.10719620

u know u can just excel for that (not the guy)

>> No.10719639

That's exactly what it is. The way I have it setup is a 24-column row for each day with each cell corresponding to an hour. I put a numeric code in for each "activity", eg, "sleep" is "0", and then have a formula to sum each day up. The chart is then just a seven day moving average of each total, the idea being that intra-week variations aren't very meaningful.

>> No.10719646

you can upload it without the data so we can also use it cause seems cool.

>> No.10719731

Imagine a world run by women.

Humanity never invents the following:

Humanity never makes it out of the stone age ever

Globally humans are endangered due to the ruling women reproducing with a single minority of men, the men who dont breed are brutally enslaved and forced to do labor that the women wont do and the sexy guys dont want to do either. The sexy guys are treated like gods by the women ruling the tribes. What is sexy guy depends on the woman, for example if the women are pedophiles they will force very attractive little boys to fuck them or very attractive teenage boys to fuck them. Women will be sexual predators they will openly molest the sexy males in the tribe, when angry the women will choose a non breeder and torture him slowly or quickly depending on their mood. When things go south for the tribe the nonbreeders are the scapegoats.

Eventually each tribe becomes inbred due to breeding with so little men and the spawn develop a genetic incestual attraction to one another increasing that inbreeding even greatly.

There is rampant violence and murder in the tribes as the men breed with are psychopathic meaning the spawn are psychopathic leading to chaos in tribes and eventually the total collapses of them entirely.

Within time the human species becomes extinct.


>> No.10719739

>Imagine a world run by women.

africa was the region with the most matriarchal organizations, nuff said

>> No.10719743

The women of course turn on eachother all the time blaming one another for problems this leads to murder since men are the only reason women act like cowards and dont attack you directly but if they were in control they would attack you directly.

If a nonbreeder even looks at a woman she can kill him with a stone weapon anytime she likes it,in some cases the women will cannibalize on the nonbreeder raw(Africa) or cooked(Eurasia).

Women also despite their Chadcracy still desire Chad for only them and thus only the ruling caste of girls in a tribe get the Chaddiest chads the rest get the leftover chads this doesnt stop the women in the tribe from violently assaulting eachother for having the chads in the first place. In our patriachal world women are cowards who rely on mental subversion to take away their competition in this world they are not instead they openly kill eachother in daylight quite casually for the glory of Chad cock belong only to them.

Family means nothing here there are no fathers only mothers and kids, the nonbreeders are slaves not fathers remember. A woman will murder her daughter if she attracts a Chad she desires regardless of that daughter's age REGARDLESS OF THAT DAUGHTER's age, and vice versa for the daughter.

Male offspring are molested by women in the tribe to determine if they are worth breeder or nonbreeder status, if nonbreeder the sisters of that brother will bully him for life and treat him like shit, often the mother will beat up the son for no reason while the sisters gang up on him as well. If the son is a breeder the sisters and mother may desire him sexually leading to internal strife in that family of course.

Friendships dont exist thats a male term women backstab eachother and use eachother to get attention from Chads thats their idea of "friendship".


>> No.10719763

>"The semicolon or semi-colon"

and no, that was a proper use of it, m8. You see the underlying connection between those two clauses, and they indeed can stand on their own independently, is the the fact they pertain to the subject of my vernacular, using it to emphasize the contrast between them.

Nice try tho lmao

>> No.10719766

and this was aimed at >>10719585

>> No.10719768
File: 114 KB, 347x344, 1513958853680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know how to spell the word semicolon (please insert a comma here to fix this awful run-on) (n)or use a semicolon correctly

literal subhuman scum

>> No.10719849

I think I'm going to kill myself pretty soon, maybe within the year but probably earlier. I've entertained the thought for a while, since I became a teenager, and I really think it's best I get it over with now while my life is fairly comfortable rather than prolong my existence any longer than necessary.

Today I spent the day lying in bed and read through Wikipedia's "List of suicides" entry. It's incredible how many people there are who were smarter and happier and more talented than me, and who also took their own life. And these are just the significant and admirable suicides. But what about the billions of insignificant suicides from across history, the suicides of WWII Japan and Ancient Rome?

If there is a God, I am fairly certain that no organized religion properly captures him and his tenets. And I have seen no evidence for an afterlife, though it is a very poetic idea.

Suicide can be beautiful. The pain it will cause to others will be tremendous, I must admit that this is a cowardly and selfish act, even hateful, but the others seem less sensitive to pain and stronger than myself, and though their lives will be damaged, their pain will also one day fade with their eventual death.

I am another expendable casualty of the information age. My parents will look back and remember how their son ODed on sitcoms, tweets, and processed cheese. Every touch hurts my delicate skin. Every thought hurts my wimpy, crybaby brain. It's time to extinguish consciousness and find freedom from this life. I feel very relieved.for having written this out.

>> No.10719865
File: 22 KB, 419x480, 1516937458105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw that pleb's deployment of a semicolon is not absolutely Mozartesque

>> No.10719881

Been there, done that... the only thing that kept me alive was the mere fact that I'd be known there after as just "that guy who killed himself," and would forever be an uncomfortable stain on everyone's life; every picture featuring me would be bogged down with dread, the certainty that awaited, brewing in that sad lad... and this seems like a complete joke of a legacy. To be relegated as a blunder that people avoid talking about out of pain.

Don't do it, faggot.

>> No.10719889

You can tell this poster was right simply from the wave of insecurity he provoked

>> No.10719890

I hope you know DFW was joking in that interview... btw he got his dick squeezed by Charlie Rose.

>> No.10719895

Jerry's fueling my mind
George's pumping my blood
Elaine's sucking my cock

>> No.10719898

not really. there's like three people on this whole board who actually understand grammar, instead of putting arbitrary commas in the places where they think are breaks.

>> No.10719905

nah, suicide can add dignity to a failed life, i knew some chick who was awkward and autistic, and i always tried to avoid her, but now that she killed herself she seems like so much more of a deep and profound person, mainly because i can project all the chick authors who killed themselves onto her maybe, but anyway it was a good exit strategy for her, rather than dying alone old and childless like 40 years later

>> No.10719906

I did this sort of thing for almost a year and then I realized it's completely autistic and unnecessary. It's an obsession with your insecurities. Just get on with life.

>> No.10719916

Nah... You're delusional, m8. Stop listening to Elliott Smith. Go seek therapy.

>> No.10719931

I'm not really interested in a legacy, and I'm fairly pessimistic about my ability to establish one if I stick around.

>> No.10719942

t. failed semicolonist

>> No.10719957

actually i am published and do freelance editing

>> No.10720015

I'll stop if / when I plateau, right now it's good motivation to keep the "art" line going up and the "fucking around" line going down.

>> No.10720019

t. samefag who tried to posture with semi-colonic knowledge but got BTFO

>> No.10720028

Thats actually kind of nice

>> No.10720043

heh actually I am a New York Times best selling writer who has just decided to write my next mega-thriller about a pseud who gets confused by semicolons

>> No.10720046

almost as bad as people who use semicolons as anything other than a break shorter than a full stop but longer than a comma.

>> No.10720055

Are you still upset over not knowing how to use a semicolon?
Calm the fuck down, Sperg... Jesus Christ.

>> No.10720066

It was a little shitpost, asshole. It was a proper use a semicolon anyway. Why are you so mad, lad?
You literally have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.10720076

stop samefagging
Spergposter was right in his use of a semicolon. Semicolons aren't even that hard to use. I don't understand why people get so fucking particular about them.

>> No.10720096

I'm a better writer than you. Really. I am. I can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

You're nothing. You're a piece of shit who probably doesn't even read. You spend untold hours on 4chan, and you've spent so much time here, that you can actually hold a conversation with a normie about literature, and draw upon what you've read here to pass as a reader.

I hope you die slowly. I hope you get fucked to death by men who will treat your corpse as nothing more than a fucktoy to be tossed out of a car at high speeds. You make me sick.

>> No.10720098
File: 294 KB, 1088x544, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that was my first post in this discussion chain

>> No.10720102
File: 37 KB, 390x550, interlinked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched Californication, season 1 epsisode 1 ten years ago before I ever had sex. Hank moody feld like an admirable character. And while I still think I should get back to getting more pussy, ending up like that makes me almost scared.
In 2007, things were good. I wateched Veronica Mars and studying time was comfy.
Now I wonder if I should stop consuming those right winger youtube videos. But if I want to consume any political opinion form others, then clearly it can't be left-wing, and they do nothing else than staw-manning. At least there are some reasonable people among the right-leaning. The leftists don't even bother getting familiar with their opponents. Makes me angry about them.
But more broadly, it's fucking strange how things have changed. I became a crypto millionair and now I feel bad even of the portrait of poor to middle class people, as I know that there are about 100000 people in the world who also have more money than they know what to do with, and so much potential is wasted and driving into this silly avoidable wage game, this time waste.

>> No.10720126

You probably don't even know how to use a semi-colon.

heh, nothing personal, kid

>> No.10720163

Getting mad on the internet won't help you learn how to properly use a semi-colon, friend

>> No.10720178


>> No.10720192
File: 1.71 MB, 320x180, 1426704625615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my manuscript for my first novel last week. Just waiting for it to get edited now before I self-publish. How much heartache am I in for?

>> No.10720222

i like this

>> No.10720231

There should be a Bureau of [Language] for all actively spoken languages. An organization that officially accepts new colloquial words, actively researches ways to improve the language in deeper ways than adding vocabulary, like fixing inconsistencies in grammar and spelling (think German language reform from a couple years ago), and handles things like business writing standards as one set entity.

God mode: The same, but for writing systems.

>> No.10720255
File: 157 KB, 1280x692, Naked.1993.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS.AC3.2.0-DON (00:40:12.998) 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is pure madness that pretty much all of our identity is created through consumed culture. I still act as if I was part of Kaczmarskis poem, and that is why run away from modern society as it lacks the romanticism.
This different cultural vision of myself now causes me problems with modern student community, which is much more serial leftists, where they see themselves as random revolutionaries.
To be honest for me politics are just attack on individuality and the best politics will be post-human.

>> No.10720258

Good Lord that sounds like a nightmare

>> No.10720266

This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

>> No.10720271

That's what the French Academy does, right?

Abandon all hope so any success comes as a sweet surprise

>> No.10720276

languages also should be given to the computers. they are the best Gods as their power in organization already ascended human (neural networks).
humans do not know how to manage giant sets of data.

>> No.10720281

Explain why without going "MUH NATURAL LANGUAGE EVOLUTION," for which I'd blow you the fuck out.

>> No.10720282

be hopeless.

>> No.10720288


>> No.10720292

Start with the late Wittgenstein

>> No.10720293

what did you think about post-human language management?

>> No.10720301
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1421958811526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, friends. I'm ahead of the game there. Hopeless is my natural state.

>> No.10720340


>> No.10720353
File: 88 KB, 750x1334, da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they poet say?

And what will post humanist look like?

>> No.10720355

I'll admit I never finished Philosophical Investigations, but I don't remember him speaking out against actively influencing language evolution. If you mean that languages inevitably adopt words and grammar structures when it requires them then I'll point out that "requiring" them is a terrible guideline to go by. That's like arguing prose doesn't matter and books should only be about plot: we don't want to express ourselves in a sufficient way, but in a way that conveys the intended meaning as accurately as possible (this includes the way the way we present the meaning influences the meaning).

>> No.10720357


>> No.10720360

What would be its policy on semi-colons?

>> No.10720395
File: 31 KB, 512x384, Igraszki z Diabłem - Jan Drda (01:11:13.000) 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The general views is building very historical identity, and trying to find the Zeitgeist and be embodiment of it and try to be not ahistorical while knowing that previous embodiments of Zeitgeists (Catherine II, Julius Caesar, Piotr Wysocki, Cassandra of Illiad, The 60s Astronauts, Holocaust victims, etc. etc.). Sadly it is polish so I can't help.
Well, it would be that people simply would not see the politics. As we can see modern politics descends into mad bureaucracy, and radicalisms just descend into ahistorical identitiy (leftists and far right still being in early 20th century), meanwhile everything now is depoliticized.

>> No.10720401

It would provide something like an official explanation on how they work, with some fancy examples to showcase their usage, and encourage people to use them when they're the tool that best allows their intended meaning to be conveyed. Ideally it would also encourage things like meme arrows in "proper" writing (emails, books, manuals, etc). There is no reason for us to enforce arbitrary restrictions on our writing system. Written language shouldn't have to try to be as similar to the spoken language as possible, there's nothing wrong with literary devices that can't be expressed in speech.

>> No.10720421

Pretty much, except held to a higher standard.

>> No.10720436
File: 12 KB, 288x175, believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the history part at all. Why would that help or be interesting?

And I also don't see what is depolitized.

>> No.10720443

When my heart beats fastest
I hear voices screaming twisting
In pain, of men distorted, laughing
when the empiricism has achieved 132bpm
Twitching muscles in my legs
Warn of fear to follow:
Whether to chase those screams,
Or stay locked upstairs

heart rate's going down
hardwood floors expanding across
imperial ballrooms of infinite land

>> No.10720451

It is how we will be seen in the future as history, and it is search for meaning through that.
For depolitization look at for example LGBT rights or legality of Marihuana, when it completely succeeds, it is the point where it dissapears from political discourse, so why not go all way and find that silent solution to each political problem as much as possible. It is the same why do we do not really discuss problem of slavery in any western country.

>> No.10720462

I was just having a meme m8, I don't give a shit about your autistic project

>> No.10720465

>government sanctioned meme arrows
I'm sold

>> No.10720486

I'm just rambling my dude, most of my post didn't even pertain to your question in specific. Do long posts intimidate you?

>> No.10720593

They're like listening to someone's thoughts.
If you read an old book, you can hear dead people.

>> No.10720627

No, but gay posts do

>> No.10720664

you don't know how to use a semicolon
it's irrefutable
good luck stealing bread loaves

>> No.10720821

yo man what the FUCK happened to the Dworkin thread, that shit was getting SPICY

>> No.10720874

Unless you can prove to me that you can stop sucking cock, I will assume you can't.

>> No.10720942

Im so tired of people telling me how great Catcher in the Rye is. Why wont they just accept that when I tell them that its pretty shitty, I'm right?!

Also, sometimes I stare up at the stars and contemplate space. The universe, the galaxy, life and the sheer size of everything we dont know. Cant help but feel that im wasting my life in a shitty house, in a shitty country when all that space exists. There has got to be more to life my dudes.

>> No.10720944

i feel stupid, out of touch with intellectuals.

>> No.10720959

Read the news and books.

>> No.10721003

No respectable intellectual would bother reading the trash that is the news.

>> No.10721004

I've had eternal angst since as long as I can remember. I have tried to get rid of it, but I keep winding up right back where I began.

>> No.10721029

how do you keep in touch with then?

>> No.10721036

>no respected individual would stay up to date with whats happening in the world
Stop being an edgy teen for a second and find a good news outlet.

>> No.10721053

There is no such thing as a good news outlet. Watch: I guarantee you are going to suggest some garbage like the New York Times or whatever.

>> No.10721058

i find the wsj to be quite bearable, only time it triggered me was when they wrote a front page column on pewdiepie saying "nigger"

>> No.10721079

But anon I'm too poor to pay for the news.

>> No.10721085

the audio version comes free with audible

>> No.10721132
File: 19 KB, 469x354, 1516135181338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. audible marketer

>> No.10721146

Der Standard

>> No.10721223

i'm in my last year of university and i've been having a mounting existential crisis over the past few weeks.

I have a job after school, I know where I will be living, and I am relatively set in most departments, but the idea of what comes next is terrifying to me. for the past 21 years i have existed in a cyclical routine of summer, school, then summer again, always with the knowledge that my teachers, my desks, and my buildings were relatively temporal. always nine months until another move. even leaving to live on my own during university wasn't a shocking change, for i was independent for the first time, but the routine stayed the same. but the rug is being pulled out from underneath me – i'll never be able to look forward to summer vacation, or the knowledge that if the going gets rough there will only be X more months until i get to start over with a new school year and a clean slate. for once, things are constant...and I don't know what that's like.

>> No.10721280

This isn't completely true. You will still be able to get a change of environment by changing jobs, even if such changes don't happen as frequently. If you do well with saving money, you may be able to take a decent break between jobs. (This all depends on what kind of work you're getting into, I suppose.) I suggest finding things you want to do over the long term, e.g. travel, or hobbies, or whatever. Don't let your work take over. Now that school is over, it is time to begin living your life.

>> No.10721283

The Economist is good

Just to preempt:
> le centrism
not being explicitly idealogical is not the same as falling for the "the truth is in the middle" meme

> it's leftist!
being against public sector unions and a minimum wage hike is not leftist

> it's conservative!
supporting increased immigration and a carbon tax is not conservative

> it's neoliberal!
yes it is, but so is the world order. May as well stay informed while waiting for the revolution, no?

>> No.10721303

>against unions and higher wages
>pro immigration

And people wonder why folks are becoming more extreme these days...

>> No.10721356

Immigration has very little correlation with wages, at least in the US.

The argument against *public sector* unions is that public employees already wield power at the "firm" through the political process and that unions shift the government from severing the public good to serving the good of government employees.

They're not against people making higher wages, they're against a mandated minimum wage because it distorts the labor market, ie, some people's labor is simply not worth $15/hr. They'd prefer other forms of redistribution, I believe they exercised cautious optimism for a basic income at one point.

>> No.10721375

>some people's labor is simply not worth $15/hr
Then you would have to find some other way to get that work done. Most people are not going to work for less than $15/hr because it's basically impossible to live off that in certain areas.

>> No.10721399
File: 218 KB, 1242x1233, 1516047398633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something interesting (and frustrating) happens to me whenever I try to remember something I have suddenly forgotten in the moment. This happens when I attempt to find the forgotten memory through tracing through my thoughts deeply, or by the process of association.

When attempting to travel through thought and find the memory, the very impression and fact that I have forgotten the memory tends to interfere in the process, and creates another mental substitute memory which then becomes another obstacle I have to deviate from or derive associations from in order to find the path to the memory, and by then, the paths of association are corrupted with a distorted idea, and ultimately I will not be able to find my way to the real memory I was originally intending to find.

This is a mouthful. Hopefully someone understands. It is really strange and I have noticed it much as of late. It as if though the very process (of association or finding the memory) becomes an obstacle memory itself. Strange.

>> No.10721608

Which is why when you forget something, you don't try to remember it. I just go focus on something else, and about 80% of the time the thing I was trying to remember will come to me.

>> No.10721738

It doesn't become an obstacle. You just realize you're thinking of something other than what you want to remember, so that something other looks like interference to you when in reality it's only there as vacuum filler.

>> No.10721837
File: 468 KB, 582x495, Commando Charls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked my gf this morning or yesterday whether she would write back to me (I sent her a letter and an album for Valentine's day). She selectively avoids questions. I asked her if she liked the album, but she just asked a silly question back. Then I asked her if she'd write me back and she hasn't said anything despite being "online" and surely having seen the message. I've been thinking about what to say and everything was a beta style passive aggressive inquiry. I can't believe it was an epiphany to just ask: "Why do you avoid answering some questions?" I could then add on various things that would include or explain my hurt feelings or could just leave it at that which is probably the least beta option. She may have written a letter, but I find this unlikely. I suppose this is divine punishment for masturbating again after I've abstained (for which I was rewarded the gf in the first place).

>> No.10721908

Read Armond White, rejoice in your patrician gf

>> No.10721943

Identity is formed via the social bonds between others. Religion, language, history etc. Political identity is usually a (poor) substitute for people who don't have a real one. The left harps about this when talking about White Nationalists but fail to realize this phenomena in their own ranks of makeshift "communities" such as the homosexuals, nerds or others.

>> No.10721951

Didn't the German language reform mess with ß? That's was gay and your idea is something already done via dictionaries and such at least in English. Read John Simon, he wrote an essay about this admonishing gays, Negroes and other assorted minorities for their misuse of language.

>> No.10722018

I got a choice between a 50 minute train ride and a 15 minute walk and I think I'll take the train ride because the walk means that I'd have to live around foreigners

>> No.10722029

what country? Sounds like someplace in Europe what type of foreigners? These are important factors.

>> No.10722046

Australia, mostly asians but our stats are so fucked and I'm so rural I can really only guess as to the proportion of them in specific areas of the city.
I just want to live among my countrymen unmolested by ethnics

>> No.10722058

Damn, you can spend your 50 minutes well and there really is no place better than living with your people.

>> No.10722312
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I'm great at writing code, but all I wanna do is create a novel and get it published so girls will suck my dick for my work instead of my charm and good looks.

>> No.10722993

Nothing more fun than feeling like you forgot to wipe your ass 24/7. Fucking hemorrhoids, man...