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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 118 KB, 1080x1080, feemail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10709006 No.10709006 [Reply] [Original]

recommend some literature that deals with the nature of females

>> No.10709013

Read Pimp by Iceberg Slim and learn how to have relationships with net financial gain.

>> No.10709025

Okay Dave Chappelle.

>> No.10709063

I was reading Iceberg Slim well before that yellow fevered Muslim started talking about it desu.

It truly is great though, unlike Dave's new work.

>> No.10709068

Pimp is an American Classic, I had to read it in middle school.

>> No.10709081

I got super dope list.
Got any more pics of that chick?

>> No.10709089

wHo is this semen demon?

>> No.10709097

my diary desu~

>> No.10709107

can you tell more about it?
never heard of it before, but it actually looks like an interesting read

>> No.10709120

Memoir of a real deal pimp. nuff said

>> No.10709135

It's about a young mid century black guy's life as a pimp written by an actual pimp. It's a great story and he's also top tier at intuitive psychology.

It sounds edgy but it gives actual useful insight into the female mind.

>> No.10709230

The sun also rises

>> No.10709232

>The Lady: Studies of Certain Significant Phases of Her History
pretty good
>Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism
>The Fate of Gender: Nature, Nurture, and the Human Future
>Why Gender Matters: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know about the Emerging Science of Sex Differences
>The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex and Feminism

>> No.10709246

The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.10709295

The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.10709329

this guy

>> No.10709353
File: 85 KB, 700x700, arthur-schopenhauer-women-quotes-men-are-by-nature-merely-indifferent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize that the disintegration of society is due to it becoming more and more feminized
Women have no concept of loyalty or honor. They believe in no cause but themselves. They seek only gain and love spite more than they do success. They are childish and monstrous.

Read Schopenhauer.

>> No.10709363

My gf isn't like this, don't project, loser.

>> No.10709365

The Crimson Petal and the White

>> No.10709375

As-salaam alaikum, brother

>> No.10709475

thats the roastieplasmosis talking, pal.

>> No.10709491
File: 9 KB, 255x256, Stat+wise+venusaurs+pretty+alright+especially+with+its+mega+but+_d534e47ddd47e7981e2a441510e72ea8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls are pretty and nice and youre mean and probably not pretty

>> No.10709499

That's youbeingabitterloserwithnolovelifeorgfeverthatreadsthingsaboutwomenontheinternet talking pal.

>> No.10709564

She's probably gobbling Chad's cock while you're posting on a Mongolian tapestry weaving board

>> No.10709572

Read your genetic code, it tells you how to deal with girls and understand their nature.

None of your ancestors needed a book.

>> No.10709600

I read my genetic code and it tells me to beat up their boyfriend in public to claim the poon

>> No.10709609

She's sleeping next to me while I'm posting on Mongolian forums, actually. And she has posted on Mongolian forums herself.

>> No.10709616



>> No.10709618

I could recognize your shitty gay posts from miles away, never write anything at all again

>> No.10709628
File: 383 KB, 598x628, IMG_2230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm envious, anon

>> No.10709629

>Image posts Schopenhauer, the 40 year old neet who was too pathetic to go outside of his mothers house and too ugly to get laid
Incel detect

>> No.10709650
File: 310 KB, 500x283, original (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know i think we would get along iin person i have a very agreeable aspect and soft hands-- good shaking! we would be friends i think you and i

>> No.10709653

>the nature of females
Now THAT is some spooky shit right there.

>> No.10709702

I dont believe you and if you are I haate you even more for thinking it matters to me. Roastie.

>> No.10709712

post her physiognomy stats, what's her BF%, cheekbones, canthal tilt, eye color, forehead slope, nasal tilt, facial angle, does she have recessed jaw, how thick is her hair, how high is her hairline, how big tits, how shapely ass, hour glass or subhuman figure, did she play sports in highschool or dance, how many partners has she had, what skin tone and race, is she 20/20 vision, does she have white teeth, full lips etc etc etc

If no to more than 2 of these you're a faggot and you're either ugly or settled

>> No.10709743

You're weird..
Scandinavian phenotype, green eyes, blonde hair, 168cm, 59kg, DD tits, hour glass, 3 guys before me, white, Danish.

>> No.10709756

Do it, it's right.

>> No.10709761

so she is plain?

>> No.10709764

In what way?

>> No.10709781

>actually responding
yup, you're the type of faggot who's girlfriend I fuck when they need more than easy security and an emotional dump

>> No.10709790

>muh peeny in vaginny
women detected

>> No.10709821

i dont like you guys

>> No.10709833

Dh Lawrence

>> No.10709844
File: 23 KB, 645x773, 1518646770506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will come to know the truth of my words in time, and at great cost. You have my condolences and pity for your willful foolishness will make the betrayal to come all the worse.

What matter physical attractiveness? One ought to judge by the substance of another's character. And unlike the female's appearance, her character is constant and unyielding. What you value in them is fleeting, and it deceives you to their truth nature.
If by that you mean one of the greatest thinkers who ever lived and whose influence far outweighs that of 99.99% of people who ever lived -- and most certainly you, yes. The truth is to be admired, and that is what based Schopenhauer gave us. Take your prevarications elsewhere, we do not deal in such crude coin.

>> No.10709854

Read books by females.

>> No.10709857

>he needs to larp on vietnamese basket weaving congeries
>in said make believe he still has to be the 4th in line to fuck his fictional girlfriend
the toppest of keks, you're a cuck even in your fantasies anon holy shit

>> No.10709890

not my diary, desu

>> No.10709894

>being this jealous
Tell yourself whatever helps you sleep, fat boy manlets.

>> No.10709900

If you ever fucked my gf, I'd put you in a coma after beating your head in with a hammer. So be careful from now on in case you fuck with the wrong guy.

>> No.10709908
File: 85 KB, 719x511, 1518824741805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat boy manlets.
at least put some effort into your non-arguments
give your imaginary girlfriend one tap on the tookus for me reddit-anon

>> No.10709910

You're pathetic mate, you must be ugly as fuck.

>> No.10709913

you neglected describing her physiognomy, blonde with green eyes and “DD” tits isn’t a description. ugly women have big tits too.

>> No.10709915
File: 117 KB, 583x727, waifuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her, here, for all you ugly resentful manlets to gall at.

>> No.10709917

Maybe have your imaginary girlfriend write your posts for you? This is getting embarrassing, all you can do is regurgitate buzzwords and ad-hominids.

>> No.10709919

lol damn that pic actually made me think

I guess sharing sex toys and toothbrushes is different because they're sterile inanimate objects but I mean when you fuck another person you're already dealing with another person's funk so what does it matter hygienically if another dick's been in there as long as she doesn't have herpes or aids or whatever

>> No.10709920
File: 18 KB, 470x251, hominid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10709921

seems legit

>> No.10709924

please stop writing like this

>> No.10709925

So? I posted her before on /sp/ when people were looking for slags mid-game. Champions League gets guys horny.

>> No.10709930

ugly shapeless face
dress creating an allusion of curvature
looks like she is sitting on an STD ridden bed for a porn shoot
1/10 would not bang

>> No.10709942
File: 267 KB, 1280x1920, taylor-swift-casual-style-out-in-nyc-march-2014_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice anon
here's a picture of my wife too

>> No.10709962

Fair sure she's like 17 here. Pedo cunt

>> No.10709981

ugly layered clothing with puke bag for starbucks between blowing any producer to get on a microphone.

Other than all of those great attributes, as a six she is technically allowed to blow me with that giant ass shuttle bag over her face.

>> No.10710001


>> No.10710011

You're a faggot

>> No.10710013

All you can do is accuse me of having an imaginary girlfriend because you're jealous. Whatever helps you sleep at night. It must suck being confronted with something you want but will never have.

>> No.10710043

it's called a checkbook

>> No.10710080
File: 243 KB, 358x493, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 10.55.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10710291
File: 131 KB, 1059x722, 1517339558566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely people, many of those I love are women. They're pretty amazing

>> No.10710312

Sex and Character - Otto Weininger

>> No.10710871

Women are bad for you avoid them

>> No.10710902

My mother and my wife are both kind and loyal women who always see to my well-being before their own and help those in need. Isn't the contrary selfish, childish and monstrous, to strive for personal success instead?

>> No.10710929

she's a bit on the thicc side but, Jesus Christ, her face is gorgeous

>> No.10710939

Send me your address and I'll show you what a real tough guy looks like when I pound your boipucci and creampie you infront of your gf

>> No.10710943

The point is that he compared women to objects and implied they're just holes to fuck(That's the case). In short you want unused hole for yourself

>> No.10711406

god I wish that were me

>> No.10711472 [DELETED] 

How often do have such a thought? Would you say you're typical for your type?

>> No.10711484

How often do have such thoughts? Would you say you're typical for your type of girl?

>> No.10711491
File: 406 KB, 800x430, 1508241821914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10711498


>> No.10711534
File: 95 KB, 1280x854, 3892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're typical for your type of girl?
I can usually self insert more easily as a dark haired, skinny girl, especially if she isn't that confident or assertive (for a girl I mean) but just wants to please.
I usually have these thoughts when I'm browsing here or just extremely bored. Maybe when I feel how soft my butt is when I get dressed, if I haven't gone out for a while to be around others or been lethargic I'll feel it more like a loop in my head. Sometimes I'll get really confused when I'm about to cum because I feel like I want to cum for the girl and be with the girl even though up until that point I've wanted to be the girl (usually what makes me feel the urge to masturbate and get rid of these feelings), if this confusion happens I get lonely and sad as compared to just feeling a bit ashamed and grinning.

The only way I can cum without self inserting as the girl for certain is to femdom cbt, helps if I use the same women I've been watching for quite a long time.

>> No.10711553

Disgusting freak

>> No.10711565

>I'll feel it more like a loop in my head
How intense and for how long?

>Sometimes I'll get really confused when I'm about to cum because I feel like I want to cum for the girl and be with the girl even though up until that point I've wanted to be the girl (usually what makes me feel the urge to masturbate and get rid of these feelings), if this confusion happens I get lonely and sad as compared to just feeling a bit ashamed and grinning.
Didn't ContraPoints do a video on this?

>> No.10711576

Malleus Malificarum

>> No.10711621

thats the stuff kek and maybe the movie "last tango in paris" and the japanese movie "in the realm of the senses" and always remember, woman are as different as men differe from each other, especially in regards to weininger. i come from the same city as he did.

>> No.10711885

is this THE ultimate redpill on women?
>inb4 "no its schop"

>> No.10711967

>women give birth to babies they bad!
I can see where you're coming from, grassschopper

>> No.10712049

uuuhm sweetie sweetie sweetie schopenhauer fucked everything that moved in his youth and got a working class girl pregnant

his babby was stillborn though

>> No.10712066

im halway it.

when he started he literally dressed as trap and sucked guys in alleys for some bucks. well life aint easy you know.

>> No.10712069

is this true? so he fucked everything then became recluse?

>> No.10712081

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

>> No.10712082

> hey nah, nah man. That’s a hammer... nah man that’s a hammer.. man nah that’s a hammer

>> No.10712108

these aren't dd cups tho. They are BB or C at most

>> No.10712109

The pulps of James Cain

>> No.10712111

i know this is just bait but i hate the meme that women arent actually attracted to men. it’s made me feel like i was some kind of faggot in a womans body my whole life because im VERY attracted to men.

>> No.10712122

first of all this image is clearly photoshopped, second of all you clearly do not know how bra sizes work
>thinking double B exists

>> No.10712128

> We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men.
> Lesbian
I suspect you are not a real woman. My friend is a lesbian, and her experiences do not match yours.

>> No.10712131

Listening to a youtube playlist of marina & the diamonds songs would probably benefit you infinitely more than reading any book in this thread

>> No.10712142

Read fanfics, and remember that they all are small scale “Confessions”.

>> No.10712233

There are measurement systems that consider BB. It doesn't matter, tho. Then these tits are no DD.

>> No.10712283
File: 48 KB, 732x344, 6D6D35A1-F847-4539-A6D5-5B5CC84616DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are measurement systems that consider BB


anyway it really doesnt work how you think it works. cup sizes have honestly more to do with projection than with actual volume, also the band sizes have an influence on the shape of the cup. without measuring her you have no way of knowing. and you definitely have no way of knowing from an image shopped like this one

>> No.10712286
File: 99 KB, 576x635, schops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got wiser with age i guess. he wasn't really a recluse though. he lived by himself but went out every day. he's his daily routine when he was older:

>>From the age of 45 until his death 27 years later Schopenhauer lived in Frankfurt-am-Main. He lived alone, in ‘rooms’, and every day for 27 years he followed an identical routine. He rose every morning a seven and had a bath but no breakfast: he drank a cup of strong coffee before sitting down at his desk and writing until noon. At noon he ceased work for the day and spent half-an-hour practicing the flute, on which he became quite a skilled performer. Then he went out for lunch at the Englischer Hof. After lunch he returned home and read until four, when he left for his daily walk: he walked for two hours no matter what the weather. At six o’clock he visited the reading room of the library and read The Times. In the evening he attended the theatre or a concert, after which he had dinner at a hotel or restaurant. He got back home between nine and ten and went early to bed. He was willing to deviate from this routine in order to receive visitors.

>> No.10712294

Mia alves

>> No.10712319

my diary desu
really though just imagine yourself as a girl and then you'll understand why women suck; liking women too much almost turned me gay

>> No.10712405

>158 IQ
>still dumb
IQ really is a meme

>> No.10712408


>> No.10712434

lol I forgot to remove that. I'm larping in a /pol/ "High IQ" thread, pol/thread/160832833

>> No.10712446

hahaha love this
were you also the same anon with the name "6000000" who double posted something and changed his name back?

>> No.10712448

At birth men and women are the same

>> No.10712449


>> No.10712454

what do you mean by projection in this context

>> No.10712495

how far horizontally the breast projects from the rib cage. bc different breast shapes play a big role in this. for example. my left breast is larger than my right one, but the right one projects further because they are different shapes.

>> No.10712538

Unironcally Milk and honey. That's as deep as most females go.

>> No.10712543

how do you find a fitting bra if you've frankenstein man bewbs?

If you say projects you only refer to a distance rather than a volume?

>> No.10712577

new copypasta

>> No.10712596

it’s difficult but not impossible, especially if youre buying bras from some reputable company that actually cares about the bra as a support garment rather than someplace like victorias secret or w/e that creates bras which actually degrade your muscle tissue and cause breasts to sag over time.

best thing you can probably do for the shape, firmness, lift of your breasts is never wear a bra (and never have a baby lmao)

also yes i am.

>> No.10712598

One of us

>> No.10712611

>Read Schopenhauer.
Shouldn't I read his books instead?

>> No.10712626

>What matter physical attractiveness?
If it didn't have some use our biology wouldn't focus on it. Attract traits are learned over thousands of years and can change depending on the needs of the place or time.

>> No.10712637
File: 29 KB, 337x404, 1508355233709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10712644
File: 5 KB, 176x249, 1509795250584s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(and never have a baby lmao)
pic related. what do you mean by lift, tho?

>it’s difficult but not impossible, especially if youre buying bras from some reputable company that actually cares about the bra as a support garment rather than someplace like victorias secret or w/e that creates bras which actually degrade your muscle tissue and cause breasts to sag over time.
Are you bitching?

>> No.10712653
File: 86 KB, 992x744, elliot rodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My twisted world

>> No.10712881

Then why does 4chan accuse them of tending to become socialists?

>> No.10713048

severely underrated

>> No.10713059

public gain for no payment
public attraction without effort

Both similar.

>> No.10713076

Kekked pretty good

>> No.10713125

W-wait, really? I think I kind of feel for the idea that women aren't physically attracted to men that much, it's more of a mental/emotional thing

>> No.10713156

Just because you are more emotional doesn't mean you ignore the physical, anon.

>> No.10713166

Lel no, I'm a dude, I'm just describing my impression of his women work.

>> No.10713180

Are you really a woman? Can you answer Some questions for me? Is it true that women masturbate just as much as men do?

>> No.10713186

Please post evidence

>> No.10713216
File: 161 KB, 523x874, ChristabelbedPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best copypasta I've ever seen. Shall abide by my Amazonian's wishes and procreate this into the future for her highness, most supple and beautiful mother deity.

>> No.10713237


>keeping a select few men as "studs"
>still obliged to make use of a "syringe" - a penetrative, phallic piece of technology - to do what she wants

Part of what makes this pasta so good is how it establishes between the lines how all woman still want/need/crave dick, despite their best efforts.

>> No.10713526
File: 20 KB, 512x288, 1510833576294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age of man will end but it wont be women who inherit the earth.

>> No.10713623

Portrait of a Lady, Kristin Lavransdatter

>> No.10713654

Adam Eagrit?

>> No.10713658

>We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy

You're "curvy" alright

>> No.10713677


This desu. The age of humans is rapidly ending, male or female.

>> No.10713771

jesus fucking christ.
imagine being this good-looking. FUCK.
>she will never look me in the eyes, let me hold her face in my hands and whisper that she loves me
why even live at this point?
Dont check her instagram you'll get depressed.

>> No.10713782
File: 194 KB, 884x870, alves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10713801

me on the right

>> No.10713810

Go read Carl Jung and come back later.

>> No.10714072

>being this impressed with pretty people

I honestly don't get this.

>> No.10714076

>tfw all my thoughts about the concept of the Ubermensch, all my philosophical ponderings over how to live the correct life, the negatives of hedonism, the superiority of the life of art, the values of asceticism, all the knowledge about life and literature from the hundreds of dense tomes I have spent my entire life reading, all my theories and philosophizing about consciousness and the mind, all my thoughts about culture and the importance of art and the life of the mind in their ability to overcome death and to create a meaningful existence, all my ponderings about love and its supremacy, about God and his relationship to art, all my hours spent writing and trying to create characters and beautiful stories, my attempts to live an artistic and aesthetic life, my theories of the aesthetic and literary life and its importance, my ponderings about the correct culture that we have to create, the philosophically justified means of creating this culture, the very meaning of my life and my deepest desires and loves, all come crashing down after seeing a cutie and realizing that Chad will be nailing her in the ass tonight

>> No.10714234

im surprised you brought this up anon. its the truth but youre talking to the wind. the "schopenhauer was an ugly NEET loser" meme will never end. cioran is also criticized for this and likened to a "depressed incel loser". they both slayed.

>> No.10714613
File: 284 KB, 944x1740, 2018-02-15 22_11_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a guy from an Amazonian tribe, shortly after some faggots contrived first contact. In a sense, it could be considered on of the *earliest* accounts of the nature of females.

>> No.10715507

A true hero

>> No.10715967

i think we are just as attracted to men as men are to women. i think we tend to pick our partners with more than just attraction in mind, though, which is where the difference lies. i think women care more about emotional fulfillment in a relationship than men do, because men trick themselves into thinking their feelings dont matter. but yes we are just as attracted to individual parts of a man as men are to individual parts of a woman. though i do think we are more holistically focused as a rule.

i dont know because i dont think you can make a monolithic assertion about the masturbatory habits of every human being belonging to a gender group. i think on the whole the answer might be no, but i also think that girls discover masturbation earlier than boys. my boyfriend and i have argued about this a lot. i started masturbating at a much earlier age than him, though it wasnt necessarily sexual. he claims his masturbation was preoccupied with the actual idea of sex much earlier than mine ever was though im not sure i believe him.

i also think women tend to be incapable of orgasm at higher rates than men but i would argue a lot of that is bc of cultural stuff. i probably masturbate on average about as much as a regular well adjusted man does, though it varies pretty greatly over the course of a month from a few times a week to several times a day. i dont watch porn because i think it’s immoral, not that you asked.

basically i think the idea that women arent sexual is completely fake and dumb.

>> No.10715975

>the value of asceticism
universal literacy was a mistake
>jealous of a man who has anal sex

>> No.10715990

you might be surprised just how little ideas being fake and dumb actually matter in the long run

case in point: the immorality of pornography

>> No.10716052

3/10 you're simply not convincing enough

>> No.10716056

pornography is immoral in every conceivable way, if it is not immoral then nothing is

>> No.10716110

>i also think women tend to be incapable of orgasm at higher rates than men but i would argue a lot of that is bc of cultural stuff.
>i would argue a lot of that is bc of cultural stuff
>cultural stuff

As a man with a working penis, I can assure you that my orgasms are a mechanical certainty. No amount of cultural suppression could give me the orgasm difficulties women experience.

>> No.10716139

I think she was talking about how some aspects of culture make women less likely to have orgasms, not referring to mens' experiences.

>> No.10716170

>higher rates than men
>but i would argue a lot of that is bc of cultural stuff

It reads as comparison and suggested explanation.

>> No.10716185

Yes, it is a comparison and then a suggested explanation for why women currently have orgasms at lower rates than men.

>> No.10716192

I should clarify. Male orgasms are nowhere near as susceptible to culture. Whatever the cultural landscape, you can rely on the male orgasm. Therefore, the difference in rates of orgasm difficulties between the genders is more fundamental than culture.

>> No.10716220

people voluntarily create pornography; other people use it as a masturbatory aid
the fact that you have this silly idea is pretty funny though

>> No.10716224

I don't disagree, but I don't think that's what the OP was implying. What I think she was trying to get at is: Women's orgasms are more susceptible to culture than men's. If aspects of our culture changed, women would be able to orgasm at higher rates than they currently do, possibly approaching men's rates. Male orgasm rates would remain similar regardless of culture.

>> No.10716226

HAAAA FAGGOT, that's the type of girl who's ass I stare at while I'm pushing my maintenance cart down the center isle. How do you feel knowing an 88iq Walmart janitor is staring at your girlfriends ass? You won't do shit about it either you pussy faggot chad.

>> No.10716235
File: 409 KB, 500x500, pussynigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pussy faggot chad

>> No.10716248
File: 142 KB, 320x500, 2d5a6d16e6b3ac236031ab48b51f6575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10716251

>the toppest of keks, you're a cuck even in your fantasies anon holy shit
how many guys has chad's girlfriend fucked? certainly at least one or she's just not very attractive.

>> No.10716269


>> No.10716557
File: 63 KB, 960x960, slag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearly photoshoppped
Get your eyes checked, virgin.

>> No.10716685

It has actually been around for a while. It is just less frequently posted.

>> No.10716705

>3 guys before me


>> No.10716709


>> No.10716876

Read The Enchiridion by Epictetus
It'll teach you a lot
It ain't your fault anon

>> No.10716972
File: 53 KB, 413x648, 9781482248142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10717023

damn, this place has the best pasta aye

>> No.10719069

based indios

>> No.10719075

cioran was even a kept man, truly a pimp philosopher

>> No.10719210

where are these cioran slayers stories

>> No.10719211

Just have conversations with them, like I do, that way you will learn everything about them. And if you're symphatetic, they will reveal you some secrets about their nature and their way of thinking.

>> No.10719284

in terms of accelerated natural selection, peak attractiveness is currently a trap, but soon it will go full cycle and go back to men.

>> No.10719321

She's Love, she loves, and yet she is not loved.

>> No.10719959

You need to leave the great mother

>> No.10720009

It was the opposite for me. Her instagram revealed more of her personality, she seemed like yet another blank piece of meat trying to objectify herself

>> No.10720039

>following random sluts on instragram

is this what happens when u go nofap? just jack it to some porn and do something productive

>> No.10720059

Just came back again to say that I hate you for thinking im shallow again.

>> No.10720083

um what?

I don't have any social media

>> No.10720171

She's uggo, but post nudes w/ face cropped

>> No.10720490

>My mother and my wife are both kind and loyal women who always see to my well-being before their own and help those in need. Isn't the contrary selfish, childish and monstrous, to strive for personal success instead?
Why do morons keep posting this kind of shit itt? Isolated anecdotal examples to the contrary aren't proof or refutation. What's more, chances are you simply fail to see their true selves if you think your women are 'good' and yourself have been duped and domesticated.

>> No.10720534

My Twisted World - The Supreme Gentleman

>> No.10720611

This was true back in the caveman days when women needed the strongest man to protect them from predators and thus men were in high demand. However, nowadays with society women don't need that kind of protection and men are no longer as valuable as they used to be.

>> No.10720768

You act as though the behavior described is a function of people's environment and needs. This is ingrained evolutionary behavior. You don't undo millions of years of evolution with 100-200 years of improved quality of life.

I've never met a woman who wasn't petty and deceitful, working in an academic environment let me tell you it's absolute hell to have them here, and in some way the men are even worse now. They've become the women's creatures, overly sensitive tattletales ready to prove their loyalty to some loosely understood agenda they call law which demands their cowardice.

>> No.10722944

Review please.

>> No.10722964

>One of the greatest thinker in the history is irrelevant cause didn't stick his dick in vagina

>> No.10723973

Stoner. Even if your wife isn't as explicitly crazy, all married women are Edith at heart.

>> No.10723997

>The only way I can cum without self inserting as the girl for certain is to femdom cbt, helps if I use the same women I've been watching for quite a long time.
>helps if I use the same women I've been watching for quite a long time.
>I've been watching for quite a long time.
>quite a long time.


>> No.10724047

When he say things like that, we don't imply that our girlfriends, wives, or mothers are perfect people. They have faults and make mistakes, just like everyone else does, but overall, they are good to us. Our views of the situation are more realistic than yours, we don't place people in boxes, whereas you define people in absolute black and white terms.
I'm sorry that nobody wants to love you, but perhaps, it's entirely your fault. Maybe you're not a good person?

>> No.10724060

>everyone has to be a virgin
t. autist
3 guys before me is nothing and it's much less than the number of girls I had. In perfect world I'd be the first and the last, but we don't live in a perfect world.

>> No.10724120

nice female logic you got there

>> No.10724363

My twisted world by Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger