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File: 20 KB, 320x480, hitch-22-a-memoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1070671 No.1070671 [Reply] [Original]

any of you read this /lit/? what did you think?

>> No.1070685

I haet this guy, what does he have to write his memoirs for? Being a drunk for 20 years? That's right Hitch, that's all you did in life apart from imitating the equally revolting Martin Amis.

>> No.1070694

I'll never get some people and their unwarranted popularity...

>> No.1070709

well, most writers write a memoir at that sort of age. as for what he's done he's done and seen quite alot, for example he's the only journalist to have visited iran, iraq and north korea

>> No.1070722

Christfag here - Hitchens is the only one of the ludicrous 'Four Horsemen' that I have any time for. He doesn't labor under the misapprehension that he's likeable. I may steal this book off of the internet.

>> No.1070727

i would recommend it anon

>> No.1070728

Another thing I love about Hitchens is that he's a IRL troll in the cause of truth-telling. He has heroic qualities, and I admire anyone who defies the Puritan neurosis of the Anglosphere. He comes on TV visibly drunk and then sends his interlocutors reeling. As a journalist, he's more entertaining than Amis is as a novelist.

>> No.1070731


Thank ye, I shall get on that...

>> No.1070759


>in the cause of truth-telling

You've got to be kidding me.

>> No.1070764

Bro, where can I get a copy of your transgressive buzzword Thesaurus?

>> No.1070777

What are you? A butthurt christfag or something?

>> No.1070803

Why the hate for Hitchens? u mad?

>> No.1070821


Erm... no.

>> No.1070847


lol wut

>> No.1070866

I read it.

Funny in places. Batcunt. Supercunt.

But cold and disjointed, fragmented. People like Hitchens and Amis often are. Unwarranted superiority, lack of basic common humanity.

Was sorry to hear he has the cancer though.

>> No.1070872 [DELETED] 


Common humanity? Take a walk, Christfag.

>> No.1070878

what made you say he has a lack of common humanity?

>> No.1070879

I enjoy how he was beaten up about five minutes from my house.

>> No.1070888


>> No.1070901


Some minor errors with the story - it was a roadsign for the SSNP that Hitchens grafittied, specifically because of their Nazi inspired swatstika hurricane logo. The sign, which looks like a standard traffic sign, is in commemoration of a suicide bomber that killed sever Israeli soldiers who were lunching at a nearby cafe.

The SSNP logo is all over Hamra (the neighborhood in question) and politics is one thing the Lebanese do not dick around with - acting like a stupid foreigner and vandalizing local monuments is a sure way to get your ass kicked.

>> No.1070905

i find it quite amusing that that article either deliberately or ignorantly manages to leave out the rest of the syrians arriving and fucking shit up despite the fact that it was mentioned in the passage they quoted