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10706446 No.10706446 [Reply] [Original]

Was the 17th century the best century for philosophy?

>My training as a scholar, and so to speak my spiritual home base, is in the 17th century, which I see as a brief period of tremendous openness, of liberality and of true love of knowledge, inserted in the middle of what has generally been, philosophically speaking, a long, dark history of tedious scholasticism, provincialism, and submission to authority. Not coincidentally, this is also the period in which most of the philosophical action was going on outside of universities.

>> No.10706693

No it was the 4th century before Christ

>> No.10708475

I read a text from Francis Bacon. It is refreshing to read his excitement over the method he proposes and the possibilities he thinks lie beyond. Legend has it he even died trying to discover a new way to conserve chicken.
But since then, science walked with its own legs. Philosophy had to learn to find a place for itself. Also, philosophers didn't contribute to science anymore.
But if you consider political philosophy, then you have new and exciting things in the XIX century.

>> No.10708498

There was interesting banter going on in 17th century philosophy. You have the objections to Descartes' Meditations, some of which are pretty amusing, and letters exchanged between Spinoza and Leibniz, and of course Spinoza making all sorts of politely phrased mockery of Descartes in his works. The 18th century doesn't feel as interesting to me.

>> No.10708503

FRom thumbnail i thought someone had photoshopped ugly asian girl's face onto Descartes.. but it was just Descartes