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/lit/ - Literature

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10705446 No.10705446 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the male character in his novels always fail to "get the girl"? What's the moral/message there?

>> No.10705453

the author is pandering to his audience, which is mostly special snowflake girls
he's signalling that he isn't attempting to sexually address them, and is therefore more or less a woman himself in psychological terms

>> No.10705460
File: 135 KB, 1920x1925, mgtow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but also

this is what a feminist looks like tshirt roastie-panderers are a new species, and some of them publish books.

>> No.10705492
File: 26 KB, 258x387, turtles all the way down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It has nothing to do with the retarded soyboy /pol/r9k/ meme.

John Green is a genre author who desperately wants to be taken seriously as a serious writer of serious fiction. If you read Turtles All the Way Down, you will see that the male love interest is constantly posting literary quotes from Shakespeare and Toni Morrison, among others, on his blog. Green is practically screaming "See? I know about real literature, so my YA book can be just as good as the things I'm referencing."

This is the real reason his male characters fail to get the girl. He wants to write a great American novel and great American novels like The Great Gatsby, The Sun Also Rises, and Gone with the Wind are tragedies about failed love.

Obviously Green isn't able to match his ambition, but if he is a "cuck" for writing failed romance than so is Shakespeare and fucking Hemingway.

>> No.10705674

I'm confused
You say it has nothing to do with being a cuck but then described just that
care to explain yourself, mister?

>> No.10705692

he's repeatedly explained it in detail what the point of that was. The point is that he's explicitly trying to say that women aren't magical "if I get you my life will be better" artifacts. Manic pixie girls aren't real, >tf when no gf is a meme and chasing a woman down to use her to supplement your own happiness doesn't get you anywhere.
Of course, this is completely antithetical to everything 4chan believes, so everyone here is fucking butthurt about it.

>> No.10705694

every character in his books is a manic pixie dream girl, even the males
also, nobody thinks that other than you, you're projecting

>> No.10705706

The message is that young adult novels are like McDonalds. It’s fun to treat yourself every few weeks but don’t consume it every day.

>> No.10705710
File: 115 KB, 480x342, wdytya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody thinks that other than you

>> No.10705714

>eating cheerios someone has fucked before
makes you think

>> No.10705730

That's a fucking horrible analogy
For starters, food is an everyday requirement. Don't eat and you'll soon start feeling repercussions. Sex is recreational and the only side-effect from not engaging in it is the psychological fall-out that people experience from letting themselves be affected by the negative views that many members of society have on virgins
A high number of sexual partners would be more comparable to gluttony, as both of those actions come with higher risks and consequences
Eat more than normal or what you're supposed to and you'll risk health issues. Same thing with sex. The more casual you are in the way you think of sex and the more partners you jump around between the more you risk your health or becoming pregnant
Not to mention that a sex-crazed individual with 50+ partners is highly unlikely to be able to maintain a stable, loyal relationship, but that's a different discussion

>> No.10705739

not that guy but your comprehension skills are atrocious. hope English isn't your native language

>> No.10705745
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>comparing the most meaningful physical exchange possible between two human beings to a cheap, trendy commodity

>> No.10705756

>John Green is a genre author who desperately wants to be taken seriously as a serious writer of serious fiction.
>John Green is not a soyboy cuck

You may select precisely one

>> No.10707239

>your brain on /pol/

>> No.10707249

what about giving birth, anon?

>> No.10707270

not exactly an exchange, is it?

>> No.10707285

how do you think babbys are formed?

>> No.10707294

>sex is just like cereal dude
>lmao it's just reproduction nigga who cares just let her fuck as many guys as she wants and walk away nigga
is that a real image?

>> No.10707318

An unwilling one, but certainly an exchange.
>sex = giving birth

>> No.10707340

where did he even imply that
trying and failing to make a great novel doesn't make you a cuck

>> No.10707354

Welcome to the NHK did it better.

>> No.10707365

>trying and failing to make a great novel doesn't make you a cuck


>> No.10707397

>look at titty with the nipple out
>get hard wee wee
>put wee wee in vagina

so meaningful

>> No.10707462

>sex = giving birth
That's what it's meant for anon. But in this age where the signified and the sign no longer correlate it makes sense that you think that way.

>> No.10707465

t. virgin

>> No.10707476

not him but
>you don't like hookup culture? you don't like the commodification of human relations? top lel what a virgin faggot

>> No.10707492

Nice reduction. You showed him

>> No.10707499

What is the oldest profession in the world Anon?

>> No.10707506


>> No.10707510

>this stale meme
well if you're referring to the stratification and specialization of labor the oldest professions are farmers, priests and scribes.

>> No.10707525


>> No.10707626
File: 10 KB, 350x490, 1495563964637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting literary quotes from Shakespeare
>and Toni Morrison

>> No.10707638

>Food analogy
I hate this faggot so much
And that's not even correct, it'd be like if someone ate a cheerio, chewed it up then spit it back out

>> No.10707654

>Why does the male character ... always fail to "get the girl"?
read the Upanishads

In the beginning this was Self alone, in the shape of a person (purusha). He looking round saw nothing but his Self. He first said, 'This is I;' therefore he became I by name. Therefore even now, if a man is asked, he first says, 'This is I,' and then pronounces the other name which he may have. And because before (pûrva) all this, he (the Self) burnt down (ush) all evils, therefore he was a person (pur-usha). Verily he who knows this, burns down every one who tries to be before him.

2. He feared, and therefore any one who is lonely fears. He thought, 'As there is nothing but myself, why should I fear?' Thence his fear passed away. For what should he have feared? Verily fear arises from a second only.

3. But he felt no delight. Therefore a man who is lonely feels no delight. He wished for a second. He was so large as man and wife together. He then made this his Self to fall in two (pat), and thence arose husband (pati) and wife (patnî). Therefore Yâgñavalkya said: 'We two 2 are thus (each of us) like half a shell 3.' Therefore the void which was there, is filled by the wife. He embraced her, and men were born.

4. She thought, 'How can he embrace me, after having produced me from himself? I shall hide myself.'

She then became a cow, the other became a bull and embraced her, and hence cows were born. The one became a mare, the other a stallion; the one a male ass, the other a female ass. He embraced her, and hence one-hoofed animals were born. The one became a she-goat, the other a he-goat; the one became a ewe 1, the other a ram. He embraced her, and hence goats and sheep were born. And thus he created everything that exists in pairs, down to the ants.

5. He knew, 'I indeed am this creation, for I created all this.' Hence he became the creation, and he who knows this lives in this his creation.

>> No.10708229

Birth is most definitely an exchange.
The mother gives her child life, and in return the child gives their mother immense pain.
It is a testament to the strength of maternal love that mothers not only agree, but wish to make such an exchange.

>> No.10708291

>failing makes you a cuck
Go fuck off beta lefty

>> No.10708326

Exactly. I've only read two books of his, The Fault in Our Stars and An Abundance of Katherines, and both gave me the impression that Green is a mediocre author desperate to write something profound.

>> No.10708329

>This blatant deflection
i-it wuz better before

>> No.10708345

you asked a dumb question so you could prove a point with a stale meme and we answered it faggot

>> No.10709102

theres a scene in the faults in our stars movie (I'm assuming its in the novel as well) in which 2 teens with cancer make out in the room in which anne frank hid from the nazis and all the other tourists start to clap them.

who fucking knows why this guy does anything? why is he a published author? in any sane society he would have been stoned to death