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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 203 KB, 1200x630, 04-encounter.w1200.h630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10702397 No.10702397 [Reply] [Original]

>a-anon... the canon... s-save... the... canon... uh... c-cervan... tes... a-anon...

>> No.10702406

I will, father. I will.

>> No.10702412
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Right in the feels, anon.

>> No.10702414

Tes canon? But what about muh c0da?

>> No.10702432
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>> No.10702443

What is that expression trying to convey?

>> No.10702446

>god damn i wish i wasn't so old fuck

>> No.10702447

The horror at what he failed to stop

>> No.10702452

you just know there's a horde of autistic marxist professors just waiting for him to die.

>> No.10702458
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He always looks like that. Disdain for plebs now mixed in with feeling old.

>> No.10702461

now that's a reaction image

>> No.10702471

I unironically think about taking up the mantle of Bloom and shilling for the canon sometimes

>> No.10702478

if i succeed in my ambitions to become a professor i intend to do the same. i think there's a lot of people coming up that agree with him, but don't have the stature to be relevant yet.

>> No.10702488

I will be there at the barricade along with you, brother or sister. Let the canon bloom.

>> No.10702490


>> No.10702497

he just looks like a kike snob holding in a fart in this
here it looks like hes staring into the abyss

>> No.10702500

Taking the mantle of Bloom isn't easy. He was a genius and had an incredibly vast erudition and even him couldn't stop the school of resentment. Also you must be a grumpy old democrat which is impossible to do with the state of the current left.

>> No.10702507

We are all gonna make it

>> No.10702516

I could continue the canon other than bloom is interily boring and Id get nothing creative out of it

>> No.10702521

While I doubt that any of us are as smart as Bloom alone, as a collective of people who share views similar to him rise, they will find power together. The road there will be perilous however.

>> No.10702528

Can some one post the image of him fading away

>> No.10702540

>tfw /lit/ is literally collectively inheriting the mantle after Bloom

>> No.10702541

Yeah that's what I meant
I'm a freshman in college but if I do end up becoming a professor like I've been thinking about I'd definitely try and have my students develop an appreciation for the canon.

>> No.10702551
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For the Canon, brethren, we shall fight!

>> No.10702554

Are we strong enough to defeat the school of ressentiment though?

>> No.10702568

Defeat it entirely? I doubt it. But we can contain it, because I think Bloom's position is one that most people would identify with. Excellence trumps "equality" every time.

>> No.10702569

Honestly I doubt all of /lit/ has read as much as Bloom alone, and surely not even half as deeply. It’s a nice goal though.

>> No.10702577

If this were an anime Bloom would be the wizened master who knows the secret knowledge but is too frail to fight while /lit/ would be the plucky young hero whose heart is in the right place even if he lacks experience

>> No.10702582

I think the depth of his reading is very important to the admiration he garners, but I think the most important factor is his opposition to debasing art.

>> No.10702585

Never underestimate /lit/. Just look at the recent existential novel we wrote in a day.

>> No.10702587

As a Marxist, I don't see why there's anything wrong with the literary canon. I'm not really sure how Marxism became a force in literary criticism, instead of, you know, economic sociology or something, or if it's just a bunch of Foucault post-communists. Anyway, it's doubtful whether academic Marxism is a positive force, it seems to me that Harvey is the only genuine one.

>> No.10702591
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>currently taking a deep dive in Classic Greek tragedy
We will finish what he started.

>> No.10702598

No, we’d be the comic relief friend of the hero who can’t get a girl because he keeps mentioning that he won’t read niggers or women. Do you even browze /lit/? Come on

>> No.10702603
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Why contain it? Let it spill over in the schools and universities, let the classics pile up in the bonfires.

>> No.10702613


>> No.10702619
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>Are we strong enough to defeat the school of ressentiment though?

Why defeat it? Accelerate it so it eats itself.

>> No.10702620

>It's like in an anime when a farmer boy pulls a sword from a rock
>And there's a labyrinth and a minotaur in it, you know, like an anime

>> No.10702622

They'll have to throw me on the pyre with it. The burning of books is the ultimate degeneracy (damn /pol/ for co-opting this term).

>> No.10702625

I don't even watch anime senpai chill the fuck out

>> No.10702639
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>he will die in your lifetime

>> No.10702643

I think there's more to be gained by fighting them.

>> No.10702646
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, 190bf1a560ae95808c03134aa23eea13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your time is over, old man

>> No.10702650

Can you please link it, anon? I remember seeing the thread but then forgot about it.

>> No.10702654

It's not officially finished though. OP died and someone else will probably take up the publishing touched.

>> No.10702664

It's not even Marxists. It's intersectional feminists and critical race theorists. This what one of them told me "the problem with the Canon is that it was assembled by old men. Usually white. Usually conservative".
They're like fascists but with white males instead of Jews.

>> No.10702676

They see literature as a means to a political end, and the Canon as a tool to further their ends.

>> No.10702709

>Peter, why are we filming my scenes first?

>> No.10702735

>Usually conservative
Not while they lived, though.

>> No.10702746

The weird thing is that even if they are doing their "job" and trying to deconstruct the Western canon so as to prove some kind of hegemonic white male propaganda, how the hell is the story of Don Quixote, or the Iliad designed to further white male privilege?

I mean, a noble lie from a politicians' mouth might do that, but a fictional story of hundreds of pages of immense depth and creativity?

Bitch please.

>> No.10702747

Yeah obviously.

>> No.10702867

Thanks, anon.

>> No.10702887
File: 35 KB, 1023x630, roberto_bolano_alfaguara_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post non-academics who defended the canon
Pic related
Not being a professor is not a excuse

>> No.10702889 [DELETED] 

The sad thing is most people who are, or will become, lifelong readers (solitary readers as bloom call them) are avoiding lit courses intersectionalist. At least the handful that I know.

>> No.10702908

The sad thing is most people who are, or will become, lifelong readers (solitary readers as bloom calls them) are avoiding lit courses beacuse of intersectionalists. At least the handful that I know.

>> No.10702918

I know Bloom is in poor health but is there any chance he could be interviewed about Jordan Peterson?

>> No.10702927

>not Lusiads
>Lusiads who?
Cervantes isn't exactly endangered.

>> No.10702974

This is actually interesting, I know /lit/ resents JP because of his popularity with normies and the self-help stuff but I think him and Bloom are actually very similar in their views of the importance of the western canon and defending it from what Bloom calls "the school of resentment" and Jordan calls "postmodernists"

>> No.10703003
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>> No.10703043

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.10703141

Explain the Ozymandias meme to me

>> No.10703145

Fuck off brainlet

>> No.10703149

JP is the exact same kind of pseud that Bloom opposed at the time when academia was dominated by TS Eliot
Fuck off

>> No.10703166


>> No.10703220

>peterson is an eliotic christian
Just lol at the pseuds on this board

>> No.10703259

>JP is the exact same kind of pseud that Bloom opposed at the time when academia was dominated by TS Eliot
Care to elaborate on that theory?
They both see the western literary tradition as an essential bedrock of our civilization and worthy of defending. They've both said the exact same thing about the absolute state of the humanities in modern academia.

>> No.10703834

Tfw you will never be a young man reading Emerson again

>> No.10703840

I get how Ozymandias is applicable here.

>> No.10703927

Harold "Harry potter is absolute slop" Bloom

>> No.10704336

he's right you know

>> No.10704348

*don't get

>> No.10704383

Just like Lovecraft vanquished Edmund Wilson so has Rowling pummeled Bloom. And no one will remember Bloom in 10 years.

>> No.10704392
File: 601 KB, 1738x824, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... No no no YOU WILL DIE

>> No.10704393

top kek

>> No.10704400

c0da is pretty cool honestly

We can start talking about canon in Elder Scrolls once Bethesda stops incorporating material originally published outside the games

>> No.10704406

Wasn't just Lovecraft. Tolkien and Chandler outlasted his put downs. But at least it took decades for Wilson to fade from memory. Bloom is still alive and his relevance is already fading.

>> No.10704410

why are old people so depressing

>> No.10704415

They remind you of death and the transitory nature of your life

>> No.10704420

he sounds like a Peterson fanboy


>> No.10704431

except he knows enough to use the term pseudo before those labels

>> No.10704436


>> No.10704440

>he sounds like a Peterson fanboy
people say kill yourself a lot on this website, but in this case I actually mean it. Kill yourself. Please.

>> No.10704441


>> No.10704446

No Peterson is a Bloom fanboy just as anyone who even has the pretense of intelligence ought to be.

>> No.10704452

>Tfw work as a cashier at a hardware store part time and some old dude buying caulk broke down about his wife dying recently.

I was just like uhhhh sorry buddy. I'm not even that socially awkward but whoo buddy that was unexpected and I really did feel bad for that old fella

>> No.10704481

>can’t get a girl because he keeps mentioning that he won’t read niggers or women
Implying girls don't like that.

>> No.10704508

>It's not even Marxists. It's intersectional feminists and critical race theorists.
Implying they are not the same thing.

>> No.10704521

>Edmund Wilson
But he was actually unworthy of being remembered and Bloom is right. Big difference.

>> No.10704543

People still read Edmund Wilson's literary criticism.

>> No.10704548

Unless I'm mistaken and this board really has become pseud city, I imagine nearly everyone on /lit/ knows who Edmund Wilson is. You can't really open any Fitzgerald novel without seeing his name.

>> No.10704552

And the Quran. That doesn't make them good.

>> No.10704599

Bloom’s great but his subtext readings are sometimes ridiculous. Dude thinks Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers, were all written by a woman, that Shakespeare was a bisexual, and that Blood Meridian is about a need for gun control in America. He’s just as bad as your average Literature professor in this regard.

>> No.10704738
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he always reminds me of jerry

>> No.10704892
File: 15 KB, 332x499, 31DFbAeR7DL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calvino loved them so much he wrote a book about it

>> No.10704898

Eh, Calvino was an academic at heart.

>> No.10704939


>> No.10704983

The way he talks about why we read is actually pretty beautiful.

>> No.10705021

Only a white male could care this much about "high literature" when there is real inequality in our society.

Just shows how much privilege ya'll have.

>> No.10705028

I'm half black and grew up below the poverty line and this is really important to me, you condescending fucking cunt.

>> No.10705037

Edmund Wilson was unironically a top tier critic
Also his feud with Nabokov was hilarious

>> No.10705123

That sounds embarrassing

>> No.10705130

h-has he ever been happy?

>> No.10705134

There's still hope you will die first.

>> No.10705137

Remember when that Krugman article convinced him that Dubya was involved in some right wing cabal plotting to launch an effective coup

>> No.10705156

It's not just in old age that some become depressing. Some /lit/ posters are depressing even now, in their teens.

>> No.10705237

Bloom is a canon slave lezter mensch

>> No.10705244

Hadn’t heard that one but it doesn’t surprise me.

>> No.10705266

>Dude thinks Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers, were all written by a woman
What’s embarrassing about that?

>that Shakespeare was a bisexual
Isn’t that the general consensus?

>that Blood Meridian is about a need for gun control in America
That does sound kind of stupid.

>> No.10705272

you are a racist

don't mind him, anon -- people like that only try to drag others down

>> No.10705299


>> No.10705428


>> No.10705868

The c0da is a piece of shit excuse for all the glaring mistakes the canon has. Not to mention all the gay ass fanfictions it created.

>> No.10705994

Bloom is a humanist gnostic aestete interested in the Sublime, in the solitary act of reading deeply, in High literature.
JP is a populist pseud whose audience is a bunch of frustrated youngsters who get all their information from the interwebz xD and from youtube video. He can't go one second without mentioning le dominance hierarchy and jungian nonsense. His interest are gender pronouns and men not getting their dick wet, and whenever he takes interest in literature it's only because of the aforementioned jungian nonsense. They're similiar only on a superficial level. You've probably never read one of Bloom's books or you would know this.

>> No.10706125

>Dude thinks Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers, were all written by a woman
I'm not debating your point, I'm just pointing out he never said they were written by a women but edited by one. Also it's not his own theory; he says specifically that we will never know who wrote/compiled the bible so he tends to accept others charming speculations since it can introduce an interesting reading/perspective of the text. I'm sure he still engages in "therapeutic readings" and none of those positions listed are hills he's willing to die on.

>> No.10707528

Peterson uses the term 'neo' to be fair

I was tearing up especially when he mentioned getting older

>> No.10707571

Shakespeare was a buysexual. Whenever he wanted sex he had to buy it.

>> No.10707583

hey folks! check me out, I'm really down with poc folks and their lingo. If you're not down with intersectionality™ you're not cool and woke like me. Better check your privilege guy!

>> No.10707628

>he fell for the meme and actually studied the humanities
I'll have an extra large big mac meal please.

>> No.10707641

Keked out loud. Kill yourself you worthless 18 faggot. You haven't eread 5 books off the sticky, let alone the canon

>> No.10707653

Maybe in your autist populated basement cultivated neofedora fantasy land

>> No.10707667

Just because youre a pleb doesnt mean everyone is

>> No.10707681

Shakespeare was bisexual. Are you illiterate or do you just refuse to read?

>> No.10707695

I'm unsurprised at how many took this bait.

>> No.10707718

>he never said they were written by a women but edited by one
No, he pretty explicitly said he thought it was written by a court lady in The Book of J.

>> No.10707742

What evidence is there?

>> No.10707902

>Todos los días recibo correos con el mismo lamento: ‘Leemos basura'

>> No.10707912

Sonnets nigger.

>> No.10708138

Who is taking these pictures, and why?

>> No.10708284

Which one?

>> No.10708297

all of the ones written to a pretty young man, 1-126, dedicated to a Mr. W.H.

>> No.10708300

I write sonnets to my best friend all the time, but the balls never touch, so it's no gae.

>> No.10708311
File: 112 KB, 640x480, 24214505752_7e8729961c_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I took them all

pic related it's me and mr bloom

>> No.10708316
File: 22 KB, 600x337, Bloom-y-Flavia-1920-2-1024x575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


another pic of me and mr bloom

>> No.10708318

20, for instance.

>> No.10708348

writing sonnets at all makes you gay with a capital HIV

>> No.10708370

B-Bloom hasn't read Foucault!
What a fraud!
t. leftypol

>> No.10708376

>Foucault's approach to sexuality, which he sees as socially constructed, has become influential. Foucault's resistance to identity politics, and his rejection of the psychoanalytic concept of object choice, stands at odds with some theories of queer identity.

>> No.10708761

>I...I...am so glad I spent my life reading the entire canon...

>> No.10709540

Imagine being Foucault and coming back to life to see SJWs quoting your theories to support their ideological crusades. He would probably like his work being misappropriated in some perverted self degrading way desu.

>> No.10709552

Someone who hates Bloom

>> No.10709565

Yet another thinker ruined by the angloamerican """academia"""

>> No.10710032
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>As a Marxist
hilarious; never fails to amuse

>> No.10710232
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>> No.10710751

What does he think of trump?

>> No.10710782
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Yeah, but its not an anime, now is it, Sparky?

>> No.10710827
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holy fuck

>> No.10710835

Don't think he's ever said anything about him. He did say during the election that Hillary was a crook and Republicans would probably win though.

>> No.10710877



>> No.10710956
File: 410 KB, 221x196, American Psycho Ending.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if the pills I just swallowed do their job. It's been a good one, men.

>> No.10710960

stupid nigger

>> No.10711246


>> No.10711300


>> No.10711348

>In 1984, when I was a new Ph. D. about to take a job in the Yale English Department, a senior faculty member at Stanford took me aside and warned me that Harold Bloom was notorious for sexual misconduct with women and I should be on my guard. She was not the only one who offered me a warning or an account of sexual misconduct and its psychological and professional cost.

>> No.10711447

I'd listen to Santeria with bloom

>> No.10711743

based bloom