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10700532 No.10700532 [Reply] [Original]

Post five books.

Other anons choose what you read next because you're retarded.

>> No.10700534

homer's odyssey
akutagawa's rashomon and 17 other stories
orwell's down and out in paris and london
thoreau's walden
freud's the unconscious

>> No.10700558

>hurr vote for bernie, don't u want free college and free healthcare and free immigration and open borders?
>trump is evil! evil I say!
lol that guy is so funny (aka stupid).

>> No.10700577

just a reaction pic bro

>> No.10700596
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Isherwood - A Single Man
Gibson - Neuromancer
Kafka - The Trial
F Scott Fitzgerald - Tender Is The Night
Lindsay - A Voyage To Arcturus

>> No.10700610

Moby Dick
Heart of Darkness
Crime and Punishment
Blood Meridian
Slayers vol 5: The Silver Beast

>> No.10700620
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The catcher in the Rye
As I lay dying
The death of Ivan Ilyich
The Trial

>> No.10700633

For you I recommend

H G Wells - The Island of Dr Moreau

>> No.10700642

Odyssey (read iliad first if you haven't)

>> No.10700651

>post 5 books
That we have already red or that we are planning to read ?

>> No.10700658

As I Lay Dying

>> No.10700661

i have read it first, really enjoyed it

think it's obvious when the next sentence mentions one of the books will be the next book you read, dude

>> No.10700662

Plotinus' Enneads
Mishima's Golden Pavilion
Joyce's Dubliners
Lacan's Ecrits
Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling

>> No.10700667

No it's not.

>> No.10700668


>> No.10700669

madame bovary
doctrine of awakening
oráculo manual y arte de prudencia (the art of worldly wisdom)
a discourse upon the origin and the foundation of the inequality
reign of quantity

>> No.10700673

The Children of Men, P. D. James
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Phillip K. Dick
Three Body Problem, Liu Cixin
Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut
The Sellout, Paul Beatty

>> No.10700695
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Im reading that atm so thanks

>> No.10700719

Moby Dick
Moby Dick
Moby Dick

>> No.10700724

The Red and the black
El Aleph
One, no one and one hundred thousand

>> No.10700731

don't care about techno pop djs' sexual life

>> No.10700741

Babel-17 by Delany

>> No.10700757

fun fact: moby is literally related to herman melville

>> No.10700771


>> No.10700780

No way

>> No.10700784

>Moby was born Richard Melville Hall on September 11, 1965, in New York City, and raised in the suburb of Darien, Connecticut. His nickname, which he has had since he was a baby, is based on the novel Moby Dick, written by his great-great-great uncle, Herman Melville.

>> No.10700791
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>> No.10700890

The latest JRE with him was great. I thought he was cool.

>> No.10700904

Is that Christian Slater

>> No.10701254

any 5 books? okay
The Magus-Fowles
The Sound and The Fury-Faulkner
Portrait of the artist as a young man-Joyce
Don Quixote-Cervantes
all of em in order plez

>> No.10701260

Trump is ebil doh

>> No.10701274

The Recognitions
Les Miserables
Anna Karenina
Faust (Goethe)

>> No.10701278

Anton Chekhov - The Duel
Vilhelm Moberg - The Emigrants (book 2)
Kafka - The Castle
Orwell - 1984
Hemingway - Death in the Afternoon

>> No.10701286

Read in chronological order

>> No.10701349

Republic - Plato.

>> No.10701353

Rules for radicals.

>> No.10701357

Already read that

>> No.10701359


>> No.10701367

Then this -----> >>10701359

>> No.10701409

Book of the new sun
Brave New World
Rats in the walls (lovecraft short stories)
Old Testament

>> No.10701416


>> No.10701546

You have me intrigued, thanks for the only good suggestion in this thread.

Other than the moby dick guy of course, bless you

>> No.10701583

mods are asleep
post cucks

>> No.10701619

How's akutagawa and thoreau?

>> No.10701819

Whats his name? I used to watch his show it was really funny.

>> No.10701829

Book of the New Sun

>> No.10701837

>The Sorrows of Young Werther
>Twilight of the Idols
>The Stranger
>The Odyssey
>The brothers Karamazov

>> No.10702124

The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Trial
The Inspector general (Peвизop)
The Great Gatsby

>> No.10702134

Adolfo Casares - The Invention of Morel

>> No.10702157

Last 5 I read:
The picture of dorian gray
Crime and punishment
The brothers Karamazov
The trial
Labyrinths by Borges

>> No.10702165

Tale of Genji
1001 Nights
Oryx and Crake

>> No.10702341

Looked it up on amazon, it sounds like exactly the kind of novel I'd enjoy

>Jorge Luis Borges declared The Invention of Morel a masterpiece of plotting, comparable to The Turn of The Screw and Journey to the Center of the Earth. Set on a mysterious island, Bioy's novella is a story of suspense and exploration, as well as a wonderfully unlikely romance, in which every detail is at once crystal clear and deeply mysterious.

And I'm a massive Borges fan

Thanks anon, I'm going to buy this soon

>> No.10702363

These are the last 5 novels I've read for pleasure and completed

Young Henry of Navarre - Heinrich Mann
Narcissus and Goldmund - Hesse
Crime & Punishment - Dostoevsky
Brothers Karamazov - Ibid.
Infinite Jest - DFW

>> No.10702475

idk dude its why i asked what to read my man

>> No.10702527

You're meant to post 5 books that you've read

>> No.10702552

Last 5 books I've read:
Fahrenheit 451
How to Read and Why - Bloom
Salt by Mark Kurlansky
Catch 22

>> No.10702584

Atlas shrugged
The divine comedy (the first part - the one with Dante's inferno)
Mein Kampf
Some gunsmith manual I found in the back of my couch

>> No.10702597

No, OP asked for five books because others tell you what to read from those five

>> No.10702606

Iain M Banks Use of Weapons
William Gibson Neuromancer
Martin Amis Money
Salman Rushdie Midnight's Children
Jack London Martin Eden

>> No.10702691

Yeah, the people in this thread are fucking idiots. That is completely obvious, yet the majority of these posters are responding with random books, or posting lists that they have already read.

>> No.10702726

dude did you even read OPs post

>> No.10702780
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Iliad and Odyssey
Virgil's Aeneid
Plato's Symposion
Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Wolfram von Eschenbach - Parzival

Also, you might want to add Vatsyayana Mallanaga's Kamasutram.

>> No.10702788

>Iliad and Odyssey
Start with the Greeks.

>> No.10702796


>> No.10702871

Arrian - Alexander the Great
Aristotle - On the Soul
Shakespeare - The Tempest
Sophocles Collection
Hemingway - Sun Also Rises

>> No.10702879

>The divine comedy
This one.

>> No.10702921
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I prefer my interpretation of OP's post. It's much more interesting to get a recommendation which is a new discovery (based on books you like) rather than have someone make a random choice out of 5 that you chose.

>> No.10702956

Shakespeare - Hamlet
DFW - The Broom of the System
Gaddis - The Recognitions
Williams - Butcher's Crossing
Shakespeare - Midsummer Night's Dream

>> No.10702973

>Shakespeare - Midsummer Night's Dream
Now do me >>10702871

>> No.10703011
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Hunger - Hamsun
Austerlitz - Sebald
In the Heart of the Heart of the Country - Gass
The Flying Inn or Orthodoxy - Chesterton
Underground - Murakami

>> No.10703075

1. The Dying Earth
2. Anglo-American Encyclopedia
3. Plague on Wheels
4. In The Realms of the Unreal
5. Mein Kampf

>> No.10703214

>Norse Myths (Neil Gaiman)
>Merchant of Venice
>Richard II
>Huckleberry Finn
>In Cold Blood
Zero shame.

>> No.10703288

bump someone tell me what to read

>> No.10703313

Childhoods end

>> No.10703341

The Name of the Rose
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Brave New World
The Adventures of Tom Saywer and Huck Finn
Cairo Trilogy

I put series together because I go through them without stopping usually.

>> No.10703349


I read it, took 3 months but I took a two week break around 40 chapters in. I suggest the Royall Tyler translation.

>> No.10703354

I actually kind of agree. It would be cool if people looked at the 5 you've read and then determined something you might like from your history.

>> No.10703377

Old man and the sea
Brave new world
The grapes of wrath
The catcher in the rye
David copperfield

>> No.10703380

I posted a selected history >>10700596 and got what looks like a great recommendation. Why don't you do the same.

>> No.10703381

Catcher in the rye then brave new world. Might as well hammer out the high school shit asap.

>> No.10703382

from my list please, just as OP intended, thanks

>> No.10703400
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The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda - Noam Chomsky
Ride the Tiger - Evola
The Four Pillars of Investing - William Bernstein
The Republic - Plato
The Illuminatus Trilogy - Robert Shea

>> No.10703405

Here's a list of 5 books I've read then.

Tale of Genji
Notes From Underground
Clash of Civilizations
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

>> No.10703415

The Republic is the obvious choice seeing as how it's a seminal work.

>> No.10703537

The Picture of Dorian Gray it won't give you cancer and kill you

>> No.10703552

>it won't give you cancer and kill you

How can you say that and not say more? Now I'm curious.

>> No.10703573


>> No.10703574
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Name of the Rose will curse you with Sean Connery. Everywhere you go, you'll see him. Around every corner, in every darkened apse or slender penumbra of doorway you'll know he is there.
>Brave New World you will never know or experience what a pneumatic woman is. In a frustrated rage you will try to design your own ending in a rather messy embarrassment and the ruination of one perfectly fine Dyson cordless upright.
Tom and Huck the stolid wit will prematurely gray out your hair and you will constantly go around asking young children if they want to go on adventures in caves. A long jail time follows.
>The Cairo Trilogy - mummies, bro. all they do is curse. Cancer would be a blessing at that point

>> No.10703600
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Taiko by Eiji Yoshikawa
The Red Sphinx by Alexandre Dumas
The Pupil by Henry James
The Sonnets of Shakespeare
Billy Budd by Herman Melville

>> No.10703605


These are the last five books I read btw

>> No.10703639

Are his books worth reading?

>> No.10703937
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History of the Idea of Progress - Robert Nisbet
Beyond Good and Evil - Nietzsche (re-read)
Marxism, Fascism & Totalitarianism: Chapters in the Intellectual History of Radicalism - A. James Gregor
Stalin: The Court of the Red Czar - Simon Sebag Montefiore
Rules for Radicals - Saul Alinsky

>> No.10703945

Mastery-John Greene
Being a Millionaire for Dummies
Stop being Mr Nice Guy
How to make Friends and Influence People
Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

Roast me

>> No.10704003
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stop reading self help books

>> No.10704009

One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Dead Souls - Nikolai Gogol

>> No.10704020

from my list, please

>> No.10704062

What a polarising thread
Will it be remembered in years as a misunderstood classic?

>> No.10704091

not unless someone please picks a book from my list! >>10703075

>> No.10704482

Hitler’s Art Thief
Another Shakespeare play
The Consolation of Philosophy (Boethius)
Or Some of Orvid’s poetry, in Latin?

>> No.10704489


>> No.10704512


>> No.10704518

Huckleberry Finn

>> No.10704532

Okay, but did you even like them? How can someone recommend you shit if you don’t say which ones you fucking liked? Are you fucking stupid? That’s why that doesn’t work.

>> No.10704535

The Dying Earth

>> No.10704565

thank you. I can be at peace now

>> No.10704616

The Dying Earth

Pale Fire
To the Lighthouse
The White Goddess
The Sound of Waves
Cat's Cradle

>> No.10704638

Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
White fang - Jack London
1984 - Orwell
A bunch of short stories by Poe

>> No.10704690

All Quiet on the Western Front
My Man Jeeves
The Metamorphoses
The Double
Bleeding Edge

>> No.10704694

Blood Meridian.

>> No.10704748
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1. Actually a real book, but a fake one in Hyperion
2. Fake book from Borges, Tlon etc.
3. Fake book. Kilgore Trout wrote this
4. the 1500 page manuscript by crazy person Darger
5. obvious bait
would it have made it easier if I put the Voynich Manuscript in there?

>> No.10704832

The Sound and the Fury
Tender is the Night
The Iceman Cometh
A Rhetoric of Motives
Mason & Dixon

>> No.10704856

Robinson Crusoé
Orange Clockwork
Les liaisons dangereuses
The Kingdom of God Is Within You

>> No.10704858

Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
It - Stephen King
The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
We The Living - Ayn Rand
Mr. Mercedes - StephenKing

>> No.10704859

i started with the magus already
any other order?

>> No.10704870

God damn just choose your own order you child.

>> No.10705000
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Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, by Jordan Peterson
Beyond good and Evil, by Friedrich Neiztche
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, by Julian Jaynes
The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins

>> No.10705034

The Essence of Christianity, Feuerbach
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche
Either/Or, Kierkegaard
Gargantua and Pantagruel, Rabelais
The New Science, Giambattista Vico

>> No.10705095

Don Quixote
The Brothers Karamazov
Inside the Aquarium
Romance of the Three Kingdoms

>> No.10705177

Bleeding edge
The iceman cometh
Clockwork orange
Atlas Shrugged
Gulag Archipelago
The new science
The brothers Karamazov

>> No.10705795

OP: good idea, next time I'll try that instead.

Sorry if my original post wasn't clear

>> No.10705901

Yeah you were kinda vague dude. But it's fine, there's a strange mix of good recommendations and trolling that somehow works I guess.

>> No.10705922

Big Sur, Jack Kerouac
Hamlet, Shakespear
Ghosts of my Life, Mark Fisher
The High Mountains of Portugal, Yann Martel
Flash Boys, Michael Lewis

>> No.10705945

>Archipielago gulag
>Where the air is clear
>LOTR: the two towers
>The brothers Karamazov
>Paradise Lost

So? Pic unrelated

>> No.10705951

Hamlet is my favorite Shakespeare work, go ahead anon

>> No.10706868

Two Towers, might as well finish the trilogy.

>> No.10706978

the three towers?

>> No.10707690

Mastery-John Greene
Being a Millionaire for Dummies
Stop being Mr Nice Guy
How to make Friends and Influence People
Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

>> No.10708046

Set all of them on fire, and then yourself.

>> No.10708169

I usually read business books, would like to read some fiction, or sci-fi. Pls recommend me sth!!

>> No.10708697

A Fighting Chance: The Moral Use of Nuclear Weapons by Joseph Martino
Seems like left-field rec, but you'll like it.

>> No.10708706

How was the Cairo trilogy? Have you read other Mahfouz you could compare it to?

>> No.10708773

The City and the Stars- Arthur C Clark

>> No.10709034

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne-Jones
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

>> No.10709461
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Currently reading Gravity's Rainbow. I recently read Stoner, V., The Crying of Lot 49, L'étranger, and Lolita.
Some books on my shelf I've been meaning to get to:
Kafka - The Castle / The Trial
Hill - The Nix
Sōseki - I am a Cat
Davis - Miles, the Autobiography
Ross - The Rest is Noise: Listening to the 20th Century

Read Androids. It's cozy and quick.

>> No.10709541

That’s weird, you wrote the Stranger in its native tongue like a pretentious faggot, but the other foreign books you didn’t. Strange.

>> No.10709909
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Thanks, It's queued up.