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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 368 KB, 1600x900, [HorribleSubs] Bernard Jou Iwaku. - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.29_[2017.01.07_20.08.28].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10700503 No.10700503 [Reply] [Original]

Are all of Murakami Haruki's books pretentious self observant piles of trash?

>> No.10700506


>> No.10700509

define pretentious

>> No.10700517

They don't strike me as pretentious. They're just comfy books you ready when taking breaks from playing Splatoon 2 on the Switch and eating fruit loops.

>> No.10700840

he's the John Green of chinese people

>> No.10700929

"Haruki Murakami"

>> No.10701226


I don't think even Haruki Murakami knows what he's writing half of the time.

>> No.10701397

I read 1q84 and norwegian wood. The latter was pretty good desu

>> No.10701400

they're not really pretentious per se but they are bad, yes

>> No.10701888

I read some of that one he did about the subway bombing. Dunno if it counts since it was an interview book.
I should have actually finished it, I don't think I even got to where he started interviewing ex members of Aum.

>> No.10702094
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Your sacrifice was for nihil


>> No.10702484
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I read Hardboiled Wonderland at the End of the World because of Haibane Renmei.
It was alright.

I want to read Norwegian Wood at some point, I heard its mostly just a comfy love story

>> No.10702536

pretty sure norwegian wood isn't "comfy." I'm not sure Murakami is even capable of comfy considering that his shtick is having women disappear. The closest one I would think is probably Dance Dance Dance which basically becomes like a harem anime by the end, complete with precocious loli and large breasted megane.

>> No.10702550

Comfy probably wasn't the word I should have used, melancholy would have been better

>> No.10702558

This man, in my country he is nothing.

>> No.10702570

tbqh that's like all of them, i can't really think of any of his books that end on a 100% happy note

>> No.10702576

Norwegian Wood is literally a YA romance novel, pick anything else

>> No.10702588

Some of his books are range from good to very good, but most are just ok.

Good to very good: Kafka on the Shore, Wind-up Bird, Hard boiled wonderland, Sheep Chase

everything else is only ok. some of the short stories are good but I can't be fucked to go through them all.

>> No.10702660

What does Wonderland have to do with Haibane Renmei?

>> No.10702666

I haven't read anything else but I'm starting with After Dark. I usually dislike anything dealing with urban life so I want to change my mind.

>> No.10702669
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>> No.10702683

The "End of the World" narrative is one of the inspirations for Yoshitoshi ABe in creating his Haibane Renmei, originally produced as a manga and later adapted as an anime series. Both works contain a city that people are not allowed to leave, a wall, a river, a library and a clock tower.[9]

>> No.10702708
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Haibane_Renmei_10_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[9E6C0B47].mkv_snapshot_12.45_[2016.07.09_08.05.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this guy said mostly >>10702683
They name drop the book on the back of the DVD, but its only similar in setting.
The show is mostly about self-forgiveness

>> No.10702717

What the heck, now I might have to read it. Loved Renmei.

>> No.10702725


>> No.10702823
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Bernard-jou Iwaku.

>> No.10702826

Have only read Sheep Chase and had fun with it. Thought it was pretty good

>> No.10702837

Which one are you /lit/? Pseud that pretends to read books here.

>> No.10702851

virgin, duh

>> No.10702868

haruki maruki

>> No.10702870

Oh look, they're all on youtube now

>> No.10702880

>not having all the episodes archived in 1080p

>> No.10702977
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How can one show capture /lit/ so perfectly?

>> No.10703074
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>tfw manga translation never

>> No.10703194 [DELETED] 
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season 2 if dubz

>> No.10703818
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>> No.10703859 [DELETED] 

>playing Splatoon 2 on the Switch and eating fruit loops
Well this sounds comfy AF. I'm gonna try that tomorrow.

>> No.10703875

Where to download pls

>> No.10703912

Not really, he's just a major Westaboo, with all his jazz and classical references

>> No.10703932

He writes his novels in English first, then translates them into Japanese iirc

>> No.10703971

Im virgin

>> No.10704160


>> No.10704208

Any books about this feel?

>> No.10704215

Stoner, maybe. Up until he penetrates the drunk whore of his wife.

>> No.10704223

I know he did that when he was just starting out, but has he said he kept up with that practice?

>> No.10704260

They're really popular with the Reddit literature subreddit.

>> No.10704270

/r/books, or does reddit have a more serious literature subreddit?

>> No.10704286

/r/books actually


These people are a more critical regarding Murakami from what I'm seeing in a few topics I found searching his name.

>> No.10704296

Fuck, I forgot to preface the link with a sentence saying I had accidentally remembered the board wrong. I use /r/literature more now and had a false memory.

>> No.10704381

You should go back.

>> No.10704389

Don't forget about Sputnik Sweetheart desu. Even if she vanishes, your memories together are forever. While they last.

>> No.10704427
File: 1.04 MB, 1494x1993, voices-of-a-distant-star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Marukami Harukami the Shinkai of literature?
For what its worth, Shinkai has never had a bad film.

>> No.10704557

Intelligent young men have always been drawn to stoicism. This is especially true in an increasingly westernized Japan. Processing loneliness, with grace, is part of the package, my friend. It's a popular trope in Japanese books/film. I'm sure other anons here can think of better examples, as there are several.

>> No.10704700
File: 276 KB, 1100x500, watched_bernard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never knew pic related would come in handy outside of /a/.

>> No.10704708

I read 1Q84.
It was good at first but the ending chapters kinda left everything open which was annoying. Haven't read Norwegian Wood yet

>> No.10704729

Pretty much this, but I liked his very first two books pinball/wind. Not super polished but I enjoyed them for that honestly. What did you think?

>> No.10704763

What'd you think of the former?

>> No.10704784

Jesus, it's /lit/ the anime, except replace Sherlock Holmes with Jordan Peterson

>> No.10705693
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>> No.10705708


Sounds like the comfiest life ever

>> No.10705732
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Only lit anime is picrelated.

>> No.10705740

The other sheep book "Dance Dance" is better.

>> No.10705755

But that one is shit. SHIT

>> No.10705838

He only ever did that once with the first page of his very first book.

Anyway Murakami is a highly prescient writer, incredibly tuned into modern life considering he started writing about this stuff back in the 70's-80's. An artist is a person who invents the means to bridge biological inheritance and the environments created by technological innovation and Murakami is a true artist in this sense, better than almost anyone else alive. Hard-Boiled Wonderland is a legit masterpiece and would be vastly more popular on here if it had been written by anyone other than him.

Also the NUMBER ONE influence on Murakami is Raymond Carver, and Murakami can be thought of as continuing Carver's project except using various pulp/sci-fi/surreal devices and updating it to the new global environments of the contemporary world. I always wondered why people get confused why Murakami always writes about a loss of identity, a loss of home, literal disappearances, missing women, missing parents, missing memories, missing culture, going UNDERGROUND (underneath the collective psyche into his dream worlds). Murakami anticipates and goes even further than the postmodern insight that there is no personality, there are just these various intersecting fields: that personality is socially constructed, genetically constructed, linguistically constructed, constructed by upbringing. Where the postmoderns go wrong is in positing a nullity behind all that. It’s not a nullity, it’s something raw and frightening and bottomless. It’s what Toru goes looking for in the well in The Wind-up Bird Chronicle.

>> No.10705912

Was he a nationalist though? I would think he opposed the Security treaty because being a alleged communist sympathiser he would be looking out for the interests of the Soviet Union/China.

>> No.10705932

Let's put this into perspective - Asanuma wanted Japan to align itself with China, not the U.S. Anticommunists, especially American ones, are probably going to be unsympathetic.

>> No.10705983

As opposed to personality being what, exactly? Some ineffable Cartesian pseudo-substance? Something intrinsic, inborn within the universe, woven into space and time? Not even the most optimistic, C&P-clutching lover of Christ would assert this, not now, in the age of undeniable but uncomfortable scientific sovereignty. It sounds like an embrace of nature and nurture, an uninsightful but "not wrong" acceptance of the dull but functional theories about human nature, and there's nothing wrong with that, but it shouldn't be called revolutionary; there's probably nobody to overthrow, anyway.

>> No.10706246

how much soy and corn starch do you consume on a daily basis?

>> No.10706373

Enough to keep me healthy and strong so I can read Murakami and complete Celeste on the Nintendo Switch.

>> No.10706494

The platform pushed by was always not wanting to be subject to America and to not being a tool of war for the USA. Both because of Japan's subjugation and because that would lead to more wars in the area (Korea). Keep in mind that Japanese parties factioned a lot and the Socialist Party had a large rightist base.
Shigeru Yoshida also advocated relationships with China, it was seen as inevitable in Japan. Asanuma's extremity was just trusting the new Chinese government more than a country that took over everything, put their troops on the ground, freed the war criminals/collaborators, and supported stuff like the Subversive Activities Prevention Act. Socialist Prime Ministers had taken and left office with no hum drum previously as well.

>> No.10708356

He's simply not that great.
How many times do we have to read about characters going to a jazz club or cats or quiet misunderstood students.... FUCK!