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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 699 KB, 910x914, Art-Oil-painting-Monet-Summer-landscape-Water-Lilies-Lotus-flowers-no-framed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10699134 No.10699134 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw can't avoid to constantly notice how ugly and grotesque and charmless life is compared to art
How do you cope? Reading novels all day doesn't cut it and I don't want to go back to drugs, they actually lost their charm too.

>> No.10699145

>>tfw can't avoid to constantly notice how ugly and grotesque and charmless life is compared to art
you're looking at life wrong

>> No.10699146

you have to focus on synchronicities to make life beautiful. Next time one comes up, and they do come up quite often, try to take note.

>> No.10699170

Start creating, become a painter.

>> No.10699179

you have a deformed visual cortex and are of lesser intelligence so colors, contrast, depth, motion are distorted for you on account of your evil genes and equally muddied blood line of peasants and soulless husk people

>> No.10699212

All of the art you see was made in imitation of life. The creator saw in the world what they put into the work. The beauty's out there, though it does take effort to see.

>> No.10699217

All the streets are grey full of ugly signs and shops full of ugly people. See dad half naked watching movies on his laptop and mom half drunk watching animal planet. They are constantly anxious because my sister is a single mom who is getting kicked out of the building where she lives. My parents pay everything for her (and me). Her kids are all day watching tv or youtube and they are un-washed. My room has a window, I can watch some trees from there. My grandma has chronic pain thanks to cancer, she is like 80 years old. All my "friends" are average looking, they are lowlifes. My female "friends" don't work out and you can tell they consume alcohol every weekend and smoke cigarettes on a daily basis. Cigarettes' boxes are tacky loonking.
I know all this is somehow my fault.

>> No.10699234

No, you are. You're probably going to have children because of it too, scumbag.

>> No.10699236

Are you holding them all at gunpoint, im not getting the part where you said it was all your fault?

>> No.10699238

cry more

>> No.10699241

All beauty of art is derived from the richness of life.
Consider changing the way you live.

>> No.10699247

I'm not sure what you mean by that.
I used to notice patterns in everything all the time when I was young, but I was mentally and emotionally unstable all the time. Turned out I'm bipolar and since I started taking my medicine it "fixed" me. Now I can think in a linear way and I'm not depressed all the time, but now all that "patterns" thing is gone, now everything is motionless and plane. Feelings feel really small now.

>> No.10699250

wow what the fuck. sounds like youre in the end of your days, just cut the bullshit end it already pal.

life has this marvelous, bulbous quality, it just cums at you, and you shriek and cover afraid, im aware its fear what i feel when life overflows, but you totally deny it and just call it "dull". sort your shit out.

i bet you cant even enjoy a ripe and sweet orange.

>> No.10699251
File: 917 KB, 2048x1543, edvard_munch_separation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get into expressionism in lit, music, and art

>> No.10699256

t. cuck.

>> No.10699262

No, I didnt mean that. I'm responsable for exposing myself to this reality.

>> No.10699265

t. cuck.

>> No.10699266

I'm not usually one to suggest drugs anon, but have you tried taking shrooms or lsd? A good trip might make you see the world differently at least for a couple months or so. Also just wanted to say that I know that feel :/

>> No.10699271
File: 130 KB, 320x240, 1518466508644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you're pathetic. No wonder life looks like shit to you.

>> No.10699275

I was not the angryposter.
I never mentioned having a wife and taking pleasure from watching her being penetrated by a black male.

>> No.10699281

go back to /r9k/. You can't even use english properly. You have business being here

>> No.10699284

are you still living with your parents?

>> No.10699286

ITT OP sucks cocks and refuses to do anything else, hes fine that way.

>> No.10699294

hurrhurrr i have better literary talent than you, you shitter.

>> No.10699298

I have already tried psychedelics. I had a really intense experience the first time, my mind processed reality in a totally different way.
I tried mushrooms not so long ago and it didnt do much, it felt like I already got what I was supposed to get from psychedelics now it was just tame.

>> No.10699313

Art is often retarded and grotesque too

>> No.10699315

I think it comes from how the artist shapes life in a different way using his technic and will.

>> No.10699325


How much of an egocentric asshole do you have to be to do this in 2018?

>> No.10699346

When art is grotesque is like juice, when life is grotesque is like when you combine water and juice and it losses all its body. Its better to just drink water but life is rarely pure enough to be compared to water.

>> No.10699798

this is a terrble piece of classical music. What the fuck is it?

>> No.10699835

The truth is that life is endlessly compelling and beautiful, and that art only captures a small portion of that beauty when it does a good job.

>> No.10700213

It's the other way around. Art is scorn for life

>> No.10700231
File: 89 KB, 640x640, Rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life may be sad but it's always beautiful.