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10696706 No.10696706 [Reply] [Original]

It's Valentine's Day! So let's talk about love, its impact in /lit/erature, and which type of love is the best.

>> No.10696722
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>> No.10696724

Kill yourself.

>> No.10696730

clearly love has no place in modern literature (or indeed *tips* modern society).

>> No.10696731

aristotelian love is virtuous and eudaimonistic moreso than logical tbqh

>> No.10696758

I love you, Anon, even if you don't feel itl

>> No.10697337


>> No.10697346

Obviously Platonic, since it is supposed to lead to the love of the highest form possible, inevitably embracing the idea of God/positivity itself.

>> No.10697351

Just started reading Kierkegaard's Works of Love. I like the idea of defining love by its actions rather than feeling.

>> No.10697365

I'm writing an essay exploring the idea that Puella Magi Madoka Magica is an exploration of the different varieties of love and the selfish nature of all but Agape. Where should I submit it to when it's done? Is there a literary magazine for autists?

>> No.10697374
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The best type of love is true love, but that can only exist in fiction

>> No.10697376

To the trash. Madoka is overrated shit.

>> No.10697382

If you're ugly maybe

>> No.10697383

Maybe, but most great art is overrated, so it's hardly alone.

>> No.10697391
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>love of the highest form
fallen for the Platonic meme

>> No.10697399

>most great art is overrated
>great art
Fucking weebs have no goddamn taste.

>> No.10697409

You're all tied up in your preconceptions about anime and what it's worth. Madoka deserves the respect its earned from Japanese art critics.

>> No.10697450

No I've watched a lot of anime myself. Madoka is formally a good work but its greatest value lies in its production and direction. Its characters and themes are mostly magnified beyond their worth because people are impressed that they're watching a mature maho shojo and form over-emotional investments in young cuties having a cosmic struggle.

>> No.10697452

I don't think you actually understood what Madoka was about.

>> No.10697468

>struggle for love, don't fall into despair

>> No.10697485

No, not at all. Madoka is about exploring whether love can be inherently selfless. Each girl represents a different variety: Mami, Philautia; Sayaka, Eros; Kyouko, Storge; Homura, Philia; Madoka, Agape.

It's not interested in the struggle for love, as everybody can find love easily. It wants to know what value love has. Will this love prevent us from falling into despair? And it ultimately contends that most love is not actually capable of that. Only Agape, the unconditional love for all mankind, is capable.

>> No.10697498
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No love

>> No.10697503

tfw no gf

>> No.10697565

See this is what I mean. While the thematic may exist on a level of interpretation the way it presents itself (imo) is a failure and relies on its maho shojo element and that relation it has to its audience to magnify these aspects. The show's stilted by its own premise because it relies on an insular atmosphere of young teenage girls and their problem of dealing with an impossible magical fiction.

>> No.10697592

It hardly takes any interpretation at all, my man. The show outright tells you that the specific wishes the girls make are influential. Looking at their wishes, Mami to save herself, Sayaka to aid her crush, Kyouko to help her father, Homura for her closest friend, and Mami for everyone, makes it apparent immediately how you should be thinking about their arcs. The show stresses the importance of their contracts through it allusions to Goethe's Faust, especially hammering home how Faust, in that piece, quickly turns his new-begotten power to his courtship with Gretchen and the way his selfishness undermines it.

The show also functions as a mature magical girl for the average otaku audience, which just compounds its impressiveness in my view. I greatly appreciate the ability to fold real artistic merit into financial success.

>> No.10697607
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Which one will get me to most laid?
I told myself I would stop masturbating this morning and it wasnt even 3:00 PM when I had already busted two nuts baka. Nutted a third time an hour later. This is getting out of control, bros
Even when I was NEET I didnt fap so much because I was too depressed to even get hard.

>> No.10697664

I mean on the level of interpretation in relation to ancient archetypes of love. By doing that you're giving it a literary level of interpretive value I don't think it warrants. While existent it's not expressed profoundly to me.
Also I know what the show functions as to audiences, its what I've been aiming at. For the record I think a show like Monster is a far better artsy anime because the existential thematics rely on a believable context with mature people engaging in a realistic world without any overblown pomp or audience concession in its presentation.

>> No.10697691

Why shouldn't I relate it to ancient archetypes? They're just names for things that are already obvious to us? Self-love, romantic love, familial love, friend love, and universal love. Would Urobuchi have called them by their greek names? Probably not, but maybe. He's explicitly alluding to Faust, I don't know why we would give him short shrift on that.

As for mature people engaging in a realistic world, I think that's simply preference. Is the Divine Comedy less impressive for being overblown? Personally, I prefer art to be fantastic and impossible. I believe it allows the author to better highlight the concepts that matter.

>> No.10697764

Okay, well this is kind of a different topic now. A work of art I think has to fit its style with its intended substance. Dante works because he was literally writing a divine comedy; the mythology and supernatural journey fit with the sublime synthesis of science, politics, love, and redemption in the Christian context and in his romantic ideal lover. I don't see Madoka being a fit to struggle in love/despair and the forms of love leading to Agape, rather the maho shojo element comes across as immature and concessionary for its audience. An anime can still be good while having immature elements though, e.g. FLCL in that it was a wacky style that was complimentary to a story of awkward puberty and growing up into a crazy world.
Also so what about allusions? They don't automatically elevate a work.

>> No.10697832

No ez fix for this desu get stronger and healthier for sure also meditate on the nature of desire. This is how I fixed my sex life and got a qt gf

>> No.10697856

the state of this board

>> No.10698585

Just believe in yourself.

>> No.10698609

I do, i just don't know where to find a potential gf
tinder is gay

>> No.10698638

That's actually the correct term