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/lit/ - Literature

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10696393 No.10696393 [Reply] [Original]

Am I really missing out on anything by not reading this? Is it life-changing?

>> No.10696528

Is this the one that's basically big lebowski meets the da vinci code? If so, I read it and it's alright, certainly competently written but not stupendous or anything

>> No.10696545

More like: "pre-emptively blows the fuck out of."

>> No.10696546


It's fun. It's a fun book

>> No.10696558

if you have to ask it means you're too brainlet for it anyway
stick to reality tv op.

>> No.10696560

Oh i don't disagree, and it has a very "other writer's are gonna love this book" vibe too doesn't it?

>> No.10698122

Just started it, 25 pages or so into it. It has my interest. I've noticed some obscure references, some familiar, some not. I keep google handy.

>> No.10698297

if you like conspiracy theories, early science fiction novels, medieval history, occultism and secret societies, then it might end up being your favorite book

>> No.10698400

>Is this the one that's basically big lebowski meets the da vinci code?

Ma gavte la nata.

'For anyone who didn’t know that Piedmontese expression, he would occasionally explain: “Ma gavte la nata. Take out the cork.” You say it to one who is full of himself, the idea being that what causes him to swell and strut is the pressure of a cork stuck in his behind. Remove it, and phsssssh, he returns to the human condition.'

>> No.10698753
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No book is life changing