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/lit/ - Literature

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10696100 No.10696100 [Reply] [Original]

>"Houellebecq is France's biggest literary sensation in 20 years -- and his suffering is enormous. To spend a weekend in his company is to become an unwitting participant in a sensory-deprivation experiment. External stimuli are reduced to a minimum. Physical movement is discouraged. Likewise talking and eating and any other activity that might detract from the primary objective -- getting from Saturday morning to Sunday night with as little conscious awareness as possible."

>> No.10696111

Literally me

>> No.10696121

My guy.

>> No.10696209

Weekend warrior of the soul

>> No.10696242

There is something dead inside me,
A vague necrosis an absence of joy
I carry with me a winter plot,
In the middle of Paris I live as in the desert.

In the day I go out to buy beer,
In the supermarket there are some old men
I easily avoid their lack of look
And I do not want to talk to cashiers.

I do not blame those who have found me morbid,
I always had the gift of breaking atmosphere
I have to share only vague suffering
Regrets, failures, an experience of emptiness.

Nothing ever interrupts the lonely dream
That takes me place of life and probable destiny,
According to the doctors I am the only culprit.

It's true I'm a little ashamed, and I should be quiet;
I sadly observe the flow of hours;
The seasons follow one another in the outside world.

>> No.10696252

Is this his poetry?

>> No.10696254

Can any French speakers confirm whether this is a good translation of the following please?

Il y a quelque chose de mort au fond de moi,
Une vague nécrose une absence de joie
Je transporte avec moi une parcelle d’hiver,
Au milieu de Paris je vis comme au désert.

Dans la journée je sors acheter de la bière,
Dans le supermarché il y a quelques vieillards
J’évite facilement leur absence de regard
Et je n’ai guère envie de parler aux caissières.

Je n’en veux pas à ceux qui m’ont trouvé morbide,
J’ai toujours eu le don de casser les ambiances
Je n’ai à partager que de vagues souffrances
Des regrets, des échecs, une expérience du vide.

Rien n’interrompt jamais le rêve solitaire
Qui me tient lieu de vie et de destin probable,
D’après les médecins je suis le seul coupable.

C’est vrai j’ai un peu honte, et je devrais me taire ;
J’observe tristement l’écoulement des heures ;
Les saisons se succèdent dans le monde extérieur.

>> No.10696260

Yes, it was first published as far as I can tell in 1992 when he was around 35 years old. It's called "The External World"


>> No.10696264

What a miserable beta. He needs to get some pussy. A weekend with a harem, preferably.

>> No.10696267

>"During high school, Houellebecq spent hours by himself watching trains at the station next door. "I would get on them and go nowhere," he recalled. "Just get on, get off." He was frequently depressed. Beigbeder realized just how depressed one evening not long ago, when he popped a Moody Blues ballad into his CD player and saw Houellebecq burst into tears: "He started crying, crying. Finally he explained that at all the parties when he was 18, all the boys and girls slow-danced to this song, but he was alone and no one talked to him because he was ugly." Then again, Beigbeder said dryly, Houellebecq "loves pathetic -- all his work is about being pathetic.""

>> No.10696274
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Also his wife is very attractive.

>> No.10696276
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Houellebecq during his Morrissey phase. We all had one...

>> No.10696324

Me on the left

>> No.10696336

Not really, she's a 5/10.
But what good is it if they clearly don't fuck?

>> No.10696347

> External stimuli are reduced to a minimum.

Golly sounds like a swell time. A bit past than as of late, this silly little daydream of tearing my eyes out is recurrently apprehending some part of me during school. The daydream has made forceful arguments that thought unburdened by janus eyes would be less susceptible to guilt and depression's anxietal interdictions. I feel like after taking an ice cream scooper to the baby blues, i could acquire a rejuvenated perspective akin a person getting out of a brutally lacerative prison sentence of 28 plus years.

>> No.10696480

Je confirme

>> No.10696485

Houellebecq is much like Goebbels in the sense that since becoming famous he has been fucking anything that moves. In the OP interview he asks the interviewer to fuck him, admits he visits prostitutes in France, and says his only joys in life is getting drunk and having sex.

>> No.10696527

La traduction est okai

>> No.10696557

>Swallowing everything Schopenhauer gave you.

>> No.10696561

How do I stop binge eating?

>> No.10696568


>> No.10696569

Go back to Pakistan I'm sure your diet will be sufficiently restricted, Londonfrog.

>> No.10696573

What the hell, mate. I'm not even yuropoor.

>> No.10696581

Why didn't he turn out to become Elliot Rodgers? What made him any different?

>> No.10696584

Then cut down on the burgers you dumb mutt.

>> No.10696595

Self-awareness. He was married by the age of 23 so he's not as beta as most on this board, but still he plays up to his own imagined image, whereas Eliot considered himself a temporarily frustrated millionaire, so to speak.

>> No.10696604

I'm not a creatura..., either. I could go easy on the tacos, tho.

>> No.10696618
File: 8 KB, 181x278, fdvdsfsfdgdsfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the class system like in Mexico?

Is it similar to Argentina in the sense that the upper class tend to be white upper class living in relatively secure communities isolated from the mudskinned masses?

Which of these actors from Tu Mama Tambien do you most resemble? Is your life at all like the lives they lead in the movie?

>> No.10696624
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>Sudaca thinks he's not a cretura

>> No.10696813

He's married!? No fucking way. This is like finding out your favourite teeny pop band's songs are written by a fat Swedish guy with a mullet. I feel lied to.

>> No.10696925

Is this the /lit/ lifestyle?

>> No.10696936

He's been married at least three times I think. He also has a son.

>> No.10696943

its exactly like it is in all latin american countries, Castizos rule, Mestizos are serfs basically. If you are hot or athletic you can escape.
>class system
fucking lol, you guys have a CASTE system not a class system. Latin America is run under VEDIC principles not Victorian

>> No.10696951

You don't become a writer in France without getting some serious puss

>> No.10696981
File: 16 KB, 271x335, image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the article this is from is a classic in its own right

>By the time we sat down to dinner -- in the living room -- he was too inebriated to eat. He picked at his boiled crab and got some of it on his sleeve. His head began to nod; his eyelids drooped. But for the first time all day, he looked almost cheerful. "I am the star of French literature," he slurred. "The most radical one of all." He reached over and petted my knee. "What's your name again?" he mumbled. "How would you like to be in my erotic film?"

>At Flammarion, his publishing house, he met with his editor to discuss his latest work, a novella due out next month that features an actual extraterrestrial-worshiping cult on the Canary Islands. Fearing a lawsuit, Houellebecq's editor urged him to change the name of the cult. Houellebecq resisted. "But I write about reality," he grumbled. "I don't know how Bret Easton Ellis gets away with using all those brand names."

pic related is the journalist he #metoo-ed

>> No.10697050


>> No.10697098

>I don't know how Bret Easton Ellis gets away with using all those brand names.
Didn't he also intentionally mix and match colours and items of clothing to look as dumb as possible, as an inside joke? This didn't translate into the movie, so most people probably don't know about it. tl;dr - the outfits BEE describes in American Psycho would look fucking ridiculous irl, but this is lost on most readers who don't recognize the brands.

>> No.10697110

truly one of the greatest minds of our time...

>> No.10697116


>> No.10697182

Catatonic anhedonic depression is soooo /lit/ omg.

>> No.10697201

Don't you have a Peterson thread to shill in?

>> No.10697214

Keep worshipping your self-destructive manlet. If it's not too stimulating for you.

>> No.10697227

Keep cleaning your room, bucko, maybe you'll pull your head out of your ass in the process.

>> No.10697242

Self destructive? He's one of the most successful literary writers on Earth, the fuck are you doing with your life?
Fucking chump

>> No.10697251

Yeah, just look how happy he is!

>> No.10697260
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>caring about happiness

>> No.10697264

>watching yourself rot inside, passing the time with cheap alcohol and chainsmoking
True enlightenment.

>> No.10697267

>success is happiness

If anything they're mostly mutually exclusive if you're aiming high.

>> No.10697271

Who gives a shit, we're all going to die anyway

>> No.10697364

It's a good one-for-one translation but it misses the meter of the original and the rhyme scheme. Take for example, the like

>Des regrets, des échecs, une expérience du vide.

You could translate échecs to attempts and keep the meter and meaning the same.

I was working on this poem using your translation and my own working knowledge of French. Tell me how much I fucked it up plz.

>Il y a quelque chose de mort au fond de moi,
>Une vague nécrose une absence de joie
Je transporte avec moi une parcelle d’hiver,
>Au milieu de Paris je vis comme au désert.

There is something dead inside of me
vague necrotic absence where joy should be
I carry with me a piece of winter,
and live in Paris' desert center

>Dans la journée je sors acheter de la bière,
>Dans le supermarché il y a quelques vieillards
>J’évite facilement leur absence de regard
>Et je n’ai guère envie de parler aux caissières.

During day, I leave to buy some beer
In the supermarket, old men are here
I easily avoid their tired, bored gaze
and give silence to cashiers when I pay

>Je n’en veux pas à ceux qui m’ont trouvé morbide,
>J’ai toujours eu le don de casser les ambiances
>Je n’ai à partager que de vagues souffrances
>Des regrets, des échecs, une expérience du vide.

But I don't blame those who found me morbid
I've always given the air my hurting
I don't have to share this suffering
these regrets, these attempts, this life squallid.

It's unfinished. Should I keep going?

>> No.10697400

México is NA, senpai.

While there are a lot of white rich fucks, there's also a lot of mestizos and other brown rich fucks. From mexican old money families to lebanese immigrants and narco families. The whiteys tend to be the offspring of immigrants, too. Some of them are jewish, ofc.

>> No.10697406

Nice amendments, makes more sense this way.

>> No.10697408

I'd rather be me, than an ugly depressed manlet.

>> No.10697417


>> No.10697433

I unironically wouldn't, I rather be smart and interesting than some average p-Zombie loser

>> No.10697593

Can anyone shed some light on Lanzarote for me?

I've read Elementary Particles and Whatever, which I suppose have similar themes to those in Lanzarote, but in that novella they don't seem to quite match up to the same result, or standpoint.

What was the point of the cult being discovered as a bunch of pedophiles?

>> No.10697601

Confusing sophistication with pretension. /the post /the author /the state of France

Being miserable is easy enough, why instigate MOAR just for the sake of credibility

>> No.10697660

>Il y a quelque chose de mort au fond de moi,
>Une vague nécrose une absence de joie
>Je transporte avec moi une parcelle d’hiver,
>Au milieu de Paris je vis comme au désert.

There is something dead inside of me
vague necrotic absence where joy should be
I carry with me a piece of winter,
and live in Paris' desert center

>Dans la journée je sors acheter de la bière,
>Dans le supermarché il y a quelques vieillards
>J’évite facilement leur absence de regard
>Et je n’ai guère envie de parler aux caissières.

During day, I leave to buy some beer
In the supermarket, old men are here
I easily avoid their tired, bored gaze
and give silence to cashiers when I pay

>Je n’en veux pas à ceux qui m’ont trouvé morbide,
>J’ai toujours eu le don de casser les ambiances
>Je n’ai à partager que de vagues souffrances
>Des regrets, des échecs, une expérience du vide.

But I don't blame those who found me morbid
I've always given the air my hurting
I don't have to share this suffering
these regrets, these attempts, this life squallid.

>Rien n’interrompt jamais le rêve solitaire
>Qui me tient lieu de vie et de destin probable,
>D’après les médecins je suis le seul coupable.

Nothing interrupts this solitary reverie
which holds me instead of life and destiny
after the doctors, only I am guilty

>C’est vrai j’ai un peu honte, et je devrais me taire ;
>J’observe tristement l’écoulement des heures ;
>Les saisons se succèdent dans le monde extérieur.

It's true I have so little shame, and it silences me;
I sadly watch the flow of time;
as seasons pass by in the world outside

>> No.10697665

Because its funny

>> No.10698769
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how do you c/lit/s feel about pic related?

>> No.10698966


I want to protect this frown.

>> No.10700138
File: 29 KB, 640x272, L.Enlevement.De.Mommy.Issues.2014.DVDRIP.XviD.avi_snapshot_00.34.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was pretty good

>> No.10700153

Houellebecq is a hack and he writes terrible books.

>> No.10700258

From that same interview:
>I dont like to eat. I like sex

Houellebecq are you me?

>> No.10700564

>"Houellebecq is France's biggest literary sensation in 20 years
It's not that difficult when you see the competition. This country is a fucking joke.

His first two novels are pretty good though. For me, it was like a brutal warning on many levels when I first read it

He also wrote an interesting book about Lovecraft, I don't know if they translated it in english.

>> No.10700607

Oh my god the poem itself is so bad..

>> No.10700647

C I R C U M S T A n C EE

>> No.10700650

>sending a hot young woman to interview and document houellebecq

they were asking for it desu

>> No.10700653

so THATS what the number 1 literary rockstar can get? a 5/10 old hag? whats this bullshit about. i bet plumbers get better gfs than this clown.

>> No.10700654

I almost wish I could be as emotional and sensitive as Houllebecque, is this something that comes with age?

>> No.10700679
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Or you know, they've been married for fucking twenty years and maybe he likes her for her personality.
She was a proper qt when she was younger

>> No.10700767


>> No.10700783

>you will never be this uninhibited


>> No.10700836
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>Dors, mom petit bonhomme

>> No.10700848

A hero of our times

>> No.10700957

I saw Michel Houellebecq at a grocery store in Paris yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Monsieur, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.10700964

Should have replaced milkyways with microwave curries

>> No.10700972

sounds obnoxious.
jesus, just get drunk like everyone else

>> No.10700978

Alcohol is degen

>> No.10702013

Ellit had the problem that he was an ethnic jew, but he could not be an actual Jew because his mother is the asian.

>> No.10702035

Here's Houellebecq reading his debut novel for an hour:


>> No.10702076

If you read the interview it's from, you'll see that he was drunk the whole time.

It's from 2000. I can't help thinking an article like this would never be written today. His #MeToo attempt(s) on the journalist would probably be the end of his career, and the beginning of the article sounds very close to stigmatising and mocking someone with depression, which is also urgh so problematic, if in a different way.

>> No.10702109

It's a real shame. From a mature perspective familiar with the context you know Houellebecq wasn't going to rape the interviewer, and that she wasn't offended by this drunken, pathetic guy.

>> No.10702332
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>Confusing sophistication with pretension

>> No.10702969
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The final state of degradation. Sad!

>> No.10702985

There's no such thing as depression and Houellebecq mocks himself constantly

>> No.10703041

submission was quite good

>> No.10703201

Je trouve que le thème va mal avec le format, mais si l'on considère que la structure du sonnet et le metre c'est quand meme bien écrit

>> No.10703211
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>> No.10703215

Hahahahah noice

>> No.10703233


>> No.10703292

honestly sick and tired of depressives wallowing in their black bile and passing off their lethargy as profundity and contemplation

>life sucks
>it hurts, suffering is bad
>it's not fair, mommy!!!!!!!!
we get it

>> No.10703413

evidently, you don't

>> No.10703440

Its funny that we werent yet a fully dystopian society back in 2000.

>> No.10703465

On some Godard shit

>> No.10703522

lol, you smug little cretin. i've had a far worse life than houellebecq's and have been utterly miserable since before i finished grade school. i know the futility of languishing in this pathetic torpor because i've been there and done that while you were in your diapers

>> No.10703539

>because my depression was caused by my laziness and immaturity, so is everyone else's
Go watch some Jordan Peterson videos, fat ass

>> No.10703560

it was parental violence, actually. btw i'm at 10% bf, but keep swinging and missing

>> No.10703575

Why do lefties love this dude again? Is it just the "Haha I like him ironically to expose bigotry, hail Nick Mullen" Type dudes?

>> No.10703578

>keep swinging
This is my advice to your parents

>> No.10703601

epic comeback, run out of witty things to say?

>> No.10703614

>Wanting more suffering.

>> No.10703629

Why didnt you fags tell me he had 3 albums?

>> No.10703630

What a bunch of disgusting, self-congratulatory cynics you lot are

protip: being cynical, unpleasant and angry at the world is extremely easy. All you have to do is expect a lot from the world (for no reason other than you want it that way) and observe that it's not there.

it is substantially more difficult to be equanimous, patient, pleasant to others. that takes spiritual discipline and lots of self restraint.

stop being sheepishly uncritical of your crumby lives

>> No.10703675

>it is substantially more difficult to be equanimous, patient, pleasant to others.
Houellebecq is all of those things.

>> No.10703935

You're the original la creatura de nuevo mundo.

>> No.10703944
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>it is substantially more difficult to be equanimous, patient, pleasant to others. that takes spiritual discipline and lots of self restraint.

No it isn't. And no it doesn't. It's easy to be so. What is sad is that it is taken and received as a base value of all interactions. It's expected. And as a norm it helps only to keep quorum rather than to be a sincere expression. It's the politeness of enemies in some 1700's trading post drinking their faces off during a winter storm after they've shot at each other for four or five hours. You don't need spiritual discipline to learn how to live, you just need to do what you can to keep each other company, even if you'll be at war again tomorrow. The cynic exists with some function in the group. Can you guess what it is? Does it not seem to exist in a place in which you should place your kindness? Where wouldn't your assumption not be placed. Hereafter and nothingness....

>> No.10703949

Nice pasta.

>> No.10703958

Why do Muricans relate everything to their politics?

>> No.10703982

>Why do lefties love this dude again?
They absolutely don't.

>> No.10703990


Political controversy has absorbed all the seriousness formerly possessed by the Church.

Church, meanwhile has become a mostly political activity.

In general people are now very concerned about the world and where its going, to the extent that they literally define good and evil along the lines of some corresponding notions of "progress" and "decadence."

Put another way, we have politicized the soul.

>> No.10704052

American politics is the basis of all modern Western culture, arguably all of modern culture. I don't know how you can expect to have an opinion on Houellebecq or modern literature without discussing American politics. It's an absurd, self-defeating notion. Modern literature is American politics. Houllebecq is an American political figure. He's basically running for office

>> No.10704176

poor guy :(

>> No.10704351

better to run out than have nothing to start with like you, freak

>> No.10704397




I try to sneak in a lot of the aitch, I'm young, you know just trying tyo have some fun

>> No.10704414

*big bang theory laugh track*
It is what is. Just answer my question anon.

>> No.10704938

The French don't know how to pronounce H.

>> No.10705366

it's pronounced HOWL-back you fucking idiot

>> No.10705370

Yeah I say Hwellbeck, fuck them

>> No.10705765

He probably had poor nutrition or other chemophysiological disturbances.

>> No.10706177

The H is silent.

>> No.10706183

Just answer this: are you legally retarded?

>> No.10706194

>delusional amerifag


>> No.10706199

There is something dead deep inside me,
A vague necrosis an absence of joy
I carry with me a winter shard,
In the middle of Paris I live as in a desert.

In the day I go out to buy beer,
In the supermarket there are some old men
I easily avoid their lack of sight
And I do not feel like talking to cashiers.

I do not blame those who have found me morbid,
I always had the gift of breaking atmosphere
I have to share only vague suffering
Regrets, failures, an experience of emptiness.

Nothing ever interrupts the lonely dream
That takes me place of life and probable destiny,
According to the doctors I am the only culprit.

It's true I'm a little ashamed, and I should be quiet;
I sadly observe the flow of hours;
The seasons follow one another in the outside world.

>> No.10706210

>just answer my question

Well it depends if you're talking about actual leftists or American "leftists". You guys have a very weird concept of the left. Hillary is not a leftist by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.10706220

Do you say Victor Ugo?
I'm anglicizing that shit

>> No.10706231

None of that is true. Houellebecq himself said he doesn't care about the US. Sorry to dissapoint you, anon.

>> No.10706243

The French say ugo.

>> No.10706248

Yeah no shit, but the point is you'll be an insufferable pseud homosexual if you say it that way when speaking English

>> No.10706252

Houellebecq doesn't have a choice to care about the US

>> No.10706254
File: 642 KB, 1200x1630, 1518694549650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10706262

Oh gotcha, the pretentious aspect. My native language is Spanish so we pronounce the H the same, no problem there. You personally say hue-el-beck?

>> No.10706275

He actually does. And he does't give a fuck.

>> No.10706276

>poor nutrition being the cause, not the result
ummmm, Anon...

>> No.10706288

does anyone have the vid where he's being interviewed next to some industrial workers whose machine create an outrageous kind of noise, so that during the 1min40s or so of the vid you can't hear a single word of his?

>> No.10706291

Perhaps something is lost in translation but I really don't find this all that profound.

Honestly not baiting, but is this not the epitome of edgelord teenage scribble done in red brio?
Is it literally the fact that he's a fully grown man who can't get over being awkward 16 year old and has managed to use the filter of time to more eloquently describe how even the most Chad frat boy can feel while coming down off ecstasy?

>> No.10706306

to get a full grasp of his work, you need to be either
a) a catastrophist with deep understanding of how the west is crumbling right here, right now
b) a very depressed person who has tried everything and ultimately fails to convince himself about things
c) a pretentious nihilist frog.
preferably 2/3 or 3/3 of these, but some works can be enjoyed with just 1

>> No.10706317

Its a joke and you're not in on it

>> No.10706353

That's kind of how it feels.

I immediately tried to think of a joke you're (collectively) not in on. Best I could think of is pre WWI Australian Bush poetry.

>the grand Australian bush, the nurse and tutor of eccentric minds the home of the weird

>> No.10706365

That is one furry arm

>> No.10706376

>Eliot considered himself a temporarily frustrated millionaire

So does everyone

>> No.10706489


>> No.10707582
File: 157 KB, 1920x918, houellebecqmydude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Initially, Houellebecq set out to change the world. His first novel, L'Extension du Domaine de la Lutte (Extension of the Battlefield), which appeared in 1994, features a physically repellent software technician whose unrealistic obsession is to find a woman who will have sex with him. Instead of losing his virginity, he ends up losing his life in a car crash. Houellebecq believed the book would force people to reconsider the premium we place on physical beauty. 'I was certain the novel would provoke social change,' he said. 'Now I think it was megalomania. When you go into a club today, you see the same behaviour as six years ago. A novel won't ever change the world.'

is he, i dare say it, /ourguy/?

>> No.10707613


If I was going to pick one author as truly representative of the spirit of /lit/ it would be Houellebecq.

There's the same instinct to provoke underwritten by actual intelligence, the same occasional, odd tenderness, the same bookishness, the same obsessive nature, the ability to seem at once Christian and absolutely hedonistic.

He really is.

>> No.10707616

Is this about fannies?

>> No.10707726
File: 129 KB, 1170x545, Clément.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10707794

>why are people so riled up
>i have sexually harassed and it was fine
>what's next, I can't flirt??
How out of touch do you have to be to think these thoughts

>> No.10707807

This wouldve been a funny comeback if you weren't such an insufferable twat

>> No.10707826

How anemic is your world that you can reduce everything to left and right? Btw, it's only alt right type betamax white boys, women hating jockbros, and functioning alcoholic old democrats who love houellebecq. Literally no one on the left knows or cares

>> No.10707931


>> No.10708010

gonna lay off the ssri's just that i can properly enjoy his work

>> No.10708027



>> No.10708059

Looks like Gollum

>> No.10708119

This was a very beautiful essay. It represents a noble and calm attitude towards life, I think