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/lit/ - Literature

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10694065 No.10694065 [Reply] [Original]

Write in poem-form whatever you're thinking/feeling.

A warm-up.
That’s what all of this was from the beginning.
I can see it in your eyes. You’re trying to convince me.
Have you convinced yourself?

Have you ever listened to music? Some of it is meant to make you happy.
It makes me sad. That is the mark of a poet.
Sadness, a shiver in the body
A mind not meant to react
Saying “carry on, carry on, till the day is done,”
And you carry on, beating against the current,
Waiting for those little shivers up and down,
Feet to fingers,
Saying “remember? You’re alive”
And there are 7 billion, people, apparently. I know none of them.
Maybe 3 would say I know them.
I’m in my corner here, trying to feel something.

The image of a dead child, make of melted crayons. The gravity of the world
Makes the colours somewhere beautiful
The beauty and death juxtaposed. Juxta is to join. Jung is to join, Yoga is to join.
That’s what I feel. How should we feel beauty in any other way? But from something
Dead coming to life?
It is the last snowfall of the year.
That February snowfall we all know. It’s here. It’s here.
From weeks, months, away (you’re reading this in june) you’ll never understand. The last snowfall is here.

>> No.10694078

The adhd millenial asks is this it?
Yes and it's beautiful.

>> No.10694081

>personal journal
so... my diary desu?

>> No.10694675

I dreamt the end
a friend so sorrow
and as I wake
I fear tomorrow
I saw the one
who brings me life
alone in a dark room
holding a knife
I tried to speak but my voice didn't work
so I moved closer
and she moved further away
so I ran
the darkness took over
and nothing could be seen
and as I stopped running
I heard her scream
the screaming won't stop
it echos inside
had I not stopped running
would she have survived

>> No.10694679

she left
she wanted to die
she wanted to live
she ended her life
and started anew
away from me
I was new
I was late
she left after our first date
drugs and magic were what made her
by the time we met
she already left
It wasn't my fault

>> No.10694691

shit, I lie here
shit, the caffeine
pressure and wet farts
how to stay clean
if I get up to leave
my underwear will gleam

>> No.10694700

resting here
suddenly pressure's here
and wet farts
I can't move

>> No.10694746

Mirror, mirror, on the windshield wiper,
Who seems to have the stinkiest diaper?
Mirror, mirror, on the ground,
Who seems to be the most brown?
On the way to brown town we encountered a clown, a tiny brown clown on the ledge off the ground
On a street far away from the town which was down
He stad there in horror as near we approached
By a pile of shit was a small brown cockroach
"Pajeet, come here now in a hurry, theres a loo to poo in so quick we must scurry!"
Angered he was that he had been summoned,
Pajeet flung his feces and took off running!
"Again, it seems the poor lad cannot learn,
There is a much better way to get rid of your turds!"

Chased him I did to the jungle by the pyre
There was no mistaking the smell from the fire
Pajeet sat there in a ragged cloth
"My friend, I've told you, this nonsense must stop!
Toilets are there for an imperative reason,
The tree is no place to be committing this treason!"
Softly, he began to cry,
"For poo in the loo must mean i now die,
But if i go on the street i will be beat!"
A misunderstanding, a conundrum perhaps
A particular reason why he cannot shat
in the loo where most people release excess fat
Instead of the streets next to insects and cats.

A-ha, the answer was abundantly clear
with closer inspection of the man's rear,
my worst fears were now so dear,
do not take this warning as humor,
On the mans rump was an infectious tumor!