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/lit/ - Literature

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10694042 No.10694042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you know his advice on how to get women is legit, right?

>> No.10694047

No shit, everything he says about it should have been common sense you have already knew. Be respectful but strong, negotiate well, learn to say no, be honest. Nothing revolutionary.

>> No.10694051

>le everyone has common sense meme

>> No.10694053

what is the /lit/ consensus on him?

>> No.10694054

Does he have any good advice on how to get trannies? Should I neg them by refusing to use their pronouns?

>> No.10694062

Most of /lit/ hates him because he's anti-Marx, popular, and hasn't been very specific in his definition of postmodernism, which he rails against

>> No.10694099

Most of what he says is legit. He is an actual professor.
The split on /lit/ about is is due to a few subjects he has had a lot of issue with, as pointed out.
Is correct in his assessment. I think Dr. Peterson probably assumed the definition of post-modernism was understood, although it seems it still remains ambiguous. Recently he has addressed this, in explaining why he is opposed, he also explained some of the core beliefs behind it.

>> No.10694105
File: 32 KB, 502x443, BDF5FC02-BE20-4519-9985-EC3C67AE8D7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn’t this guy a psychologist? Why not just stay in your field instead of entering politics and philosophy when he isn’t well read on the subject

>> No.10694115

I think there's value in interdisciplinary professors. Some of my favorite professors have been. They're good to have around as long as there are also more focused professors too

>> No.10694128

>Most of /lit/ hates him because he's anti-Marx,
How the fuck do people here believe this? This board is literally incapable of having discussion about the most influential modern thinker

>> No.10694134

Do you actually think it's possible Beterson will have a lasting effect on north american thought? I'm genuinely asking

>> No.10694272

People like Peterson tarnish the image of other interdisciplinary academics. Being interdisciplinary isn't just being an expert in one field and talking out your ass about other subjects that are tangentially related. You need to be well-versed in the relevant parts of whatever fields you're bringing together. And Peterson clearly is not.

By North American thought do you mean intellectuals or the general public? He's not even being taken seriously by intellectuals now, he's only popular with the general public. Honestly, I think he's a passing fad. I'm not just saying that because I dislike him. Nothing he's saying is new, he's only popular because he's articulating "common sense" opinions and validating young guys who felt embarrassed for disagreeing with left-wingers but didn't know how to respond to them.

>> No.10694292

>he's only popular because he's articulating "common sense" opinions and validating young guys who felt embarrassed for disagreeing with left-wingers but didn't know how to respond to them.

This and he in more ways than one tells them that things are okay, and you can do this. You just have to work for it

That message can resonate, especially if he just repacking common sense advice

I would think everyone knows that cleaning your room is not magic, but to someone who's skill in creating habits is broken and is causing their life to become more and more pathetic one day at a time, it might as well be magic

>> No.10694305

We like him.

>> No.10694310

He's a meme.

>> No.10694344

>be honest
You are a child

>> No.10694347

I meant marx dummy

>> No.10694414

can you get into specifics as to what he's wrong about instead of just asserting that he's some kind of embarrassing idiot? that's all i've seen anyone on /lit/ do and I'd like to actually hear the other side bring substantive arguments to the table. it better serves everyone.

>> No.10694438

First give me a run down about what you think he believes so I don't unintentionally strawman you.

>> No.10694468

>learn to say no

fuck I don't know how to do this help

>> No.10694546

>be honest
unless you're looking for your 'soul mate' this is retarded

>> No.10694584

Ah, a nice dose of emotionally broken men to spice the thread up a bit
I am never dishonest with women and still get sought after

>> No.10694586

Most people want relationships to have some form of emotional intimacy which is impossible without self-disclosure.

>> No.10694589

You have to realize that nearly all of the time, you are experiencing the decision to say no as something much more serious than it really is. It used to be really tricky to me but you have to learn to not care to an extent, and you have to be willing to dig your feet into the ground sometimes and be strong. It may upset people in the short term but if you only do it when you really should, it will gain you a lot of respect

>> No.10694595
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You know antinatalism makes getting women a nonissue right?

>> No.10694617

Honestly, he's the only "motivational speaker" you can take seriously. He'll probably be remembered more for his stance against the SJWs/regressive left and his advices for young people in search of guidance than for his Architecture of Belief.

>> No.10694620

>emotionally broken men
A term exclusively used by manchildren, ironically.

>> No.10694621

I just don't know what the fuck he's talking about and I'm Canadian as well. Like
>gotta straighten your shoulders, there's evil to confront
...what? lmao Like, sure, but what?

>> No.10694628


>> No.10694633

Yeah, it turns out sexual impulse is little more than an inherent addiction. Who would have thought.

>> No.10694641

Stop projecting anon. It's okay to admit things, we're all anonymous here.

>> No.10694650

This post would have been a bit better if you included a smug picture with it. As it is, it simply falls flat I'm afraid.

>> No.10694732

worst thing to happen to this board

>> No.10694740

what was his advice to get women? i skimmed the audiobook it was p gud but i dont remember that part other than that his virtue signally beta friend who killed himself went about everything the wrong way

>> No.10694777

>Most of what he says is legit. He is an actual professor.
>The split on /lit/ about is is due to a few subjects he has had a lot of issue with, as pointed out.

>He's an actual professor
>*tenured professor.

Peterson is a dipshit who is likely a decent academic in the professional sense, in that he probably has conducted great research and is good at teaching basic curriculum material, otherwise he never would have been given tenure.

But since he has achieved all this fame from Youtubers and dumb teenagers, he just speaks about a lot of pseudo-religious nonsense which tickles his fancy, philosophy he barely has read or understands compared to actual philosophy professors (and even many of the people on lit), and gives intellectually dishonest diatribes about morality and ethics using very manipulative rhetorical devices, misrepresenting a lot of his knowledge of psychology by cherry picking psychological research, stating things as if they are undeniable facts, and using a helluvalot of anecdotal evidence.

He's like Chomsky but far far worse.

A decent self-help guru in some respects, but an abysmal professor.

He doesn't even give citations for most of the claims he makes in many of his lectures.

>> No.10694792

You need to actually dismantle his arguments if you want to make people realize something about him

Also, his new book contains nearly all of his regular lecture talking points and has hundreds of citations. He doesn’t cite in lectures because they’re improvised

>> No.10694804

>implying Peterson is a politician
>literally echoing the very sentiments Peterson himself espouses

>> No.10694808

I would step out of my speciality too if it meant I could make 70k a month by bullshitting some losers.

>> No.10694818


an abysmal professor with over 100 papers published and over 8000 citations

>> No.10694821

>He doesn’t cite in lectures because they’re improvised

No they aren't. A professional academic needs to cite everything if he's giving a lecture in a university.

>You need to actually dismantle his arguments
What arguments? He barely has any.
"Marxism is bad because gulags"
"Postmodernism is bad because it dismantles traditional culture."

The man barely understands what postmodernism is, and I get the feeling he's barely read Marx.

>> No.10694823

t. never read Jung
t. never watched or understood a single Peterson video
t. ideological cuckold who attacks Peterson without even understanding why
t. literally does it for free

>> No.10694826
File: 78 KB, 620x465, incredulous smug asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A professional academic needs to cite everything if he's giving a lecture in a university.
you've clearly never been in a university course

>> No.10694828
File: 613 KB, 742x612, Peterson JRE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"wheres the proofs?"
>"I get the feeling"

>> No.10694829

>an abysmal professor with over 100 papers published and over 8000 citations

Yeah, as I said, he obviously has it in him to be a decent academic, but since his rise to fame he has given in to polemics, demagoguery, and to justifying his religious beliefs with poorly argued points. To all the Peterson lovers, to those who think he has actually contributed something groundbreaking to the cultural discussion other than pissing off SJW-types and protesting the whole gender thing, what exactly are his real and original contributions to humanities knowledge base?