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/lit/ - Literature

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10692370 No.10692370 [Reply] [Original]

>wrote 1200 words of my novel today
>tired and want to read something for the sake of improving my writing

What should I read?

>> No.10692387

my diary desu

>> No.10692394

Start with the Greeks

>> No.10692412


>> No.10692420

The Recognitions

>> No.10692442

hentai mangas
ask around for the "start with the mindbreaks" pic then consider the "continue with the NTRs", but that info-graphic gets posted a lot less

>> No.10692450

>wrote 90 words of my essay today
>still 110 to go
>not even halfway through after a day’s hard work
I’m not gonna make it bros

>> No.10692454

>The Recognitions
>> The novel was poorly received initially.

What are you implying

I read Lo-lee-tah already, now which one? One of his short stories?
I had this in mind:

>> No.10692467

I write 3000 per day

>> No.10692471

That's good, or Pale Fire.
Also, many authors were poorly received when they were first published. That doesn't mean they weren't good, you stupid fucking philistine.

>> No.10692475

>>ask around for the "start with the mindbreaks" pic
>>then consider the "continue with the NTRs"

Any kind anon have any of these?

>> No.10692487

Nice. Personally, I can keep going but my mind is being all foggy and probably needs some left-brain work to compensate for the right-brain work its been doing all day.

>That doesn't mean they weren't good, you stupid fucking philistine.

Thanks, I feel much more confident.

>> No.10693363

>reach 10,000 words today
>realized it's all shit, delete everything but first paragraph
I'm never gonna do it, lads.

>> No.10693610

>organize first 1,000 words of short story in a coherent structure
>watch porn and masturbate
i'm disgusting and disgusted by myself, i feel too impure to write anymore

>> No.10693616

First draft? Stop editing, lad.
Get your story out first.

First drafts are ALWAYS shit. I don't give a fuck who you are in the history of literature. No one shat out a first draft that wasn't shit.

>> No.10693679
File: 42 KB, 534x640, v9fxkhal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me? I have a 300 word essay due Friday and I haven't even started

>> No.10693703


tell us (briefly) what you're writing about and who your writing influences are/who your writing draws inspiration from

>> No.10693717

>300 word essay

What's it about?

>> No.10693726

Not to be an asshole but isn't The Trial basically a first draft?

>> No.10693881

intelligence and class structure in american life

>> No.10694176

and it sucks compared to his other works.

>> No.10694187

1500 words due at 10 tomorrow, barely have a thesis. Keep this thread going I need you guys

>> No.10694190

>tfw three paragraph essay due at the end of the week
What the fuck guys. How many sentences are in a paragraph again?

>> No.10694219
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I have five short answer questions I haven't even started that are due tomorrow at noon AAAAAAAAAAH

>> No.10694252



No seriously, there is nothing that will make you improve you writing except naked, painful failure. Just keep writing. Go to sleep, there is only misery ahead. You are braver than most humans.

>> No.10694657

Fox in sox

>> No.10694812

If you're already writing, then I would recommend to just read something you like. That's the stuff that inspired you in the first place.

>> No.10694876

>300 word essay
>intelligence and class structure in american life
nigga if you ever thought about that topic you can write that shit spontaneously on the way to class

>> No.10694931

It's important to keep reading. Otherwise you're writing without any example or inspiration.

>> No.10694951

you need to squeeze 300 words into a colossal topic like 'intelligence and class structure'? tf

>> No.10695078

Herman Melville

>> No.10695120
File: 15 KB, 500x500, 1505596547930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> no qt asian waifu to listen to MGMT's TSLAMP with

>> No.10695137
File: 3.68 MB, 640x356, 1518498449342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see random photos of 7+/10 women on 4chan every day; where do you people go to look for them? I wouldn't even know where to look, and yet 4chan betas seem to have an endless supply.

>> No.10695197

There's literally creep shot threads on 4chan where people share photos or take them themselves. Never particularly felt comfortable with that myself.

>> No.10695228

Them had a hard life

>> No.10695232

is that le radiohead man lmao is he takin a break cus he jus le headhead man

>> No.10695362

Not OP
But my inspiration os not a book but a feelng.
That feeling of winter and a clear night sky. The limitless.possiblity that goes beyond our earthly world.

>> No.10695519

i have a 4 page paper on Paradise Lost due in 2 hours and I haven't even started reading yet

>> No.10695597


>hi /lit/ what should I read


>> No.10695604

this but unironically

>> No.10695609

I didn't realize there was an essay due last week, because I never read the syllabus.

>> No.10695615
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my diary desu

>> No.10696188

>That Yakuza finger lying behind her
What a barbarical island.

>> No.10697474

damn, I feel you. I have two sentences due by the end of next month and I still need to plan out the structure.

>> No.10697699

I have 2 characters to compose. I'm still in the research phase.

>> No.10697726


>> No.10697735

Lucky... I have to compose one punctuation and it's due in 10 years.

>> No.10697748

why are you still posting here, log the fuck off and do your work

>> No.10697766
File: 144 KB, 996x658, 1697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been obsessed with the saxon series by Bernard Cornwell ever since someone here made a thread about it a couple weeks ago, I've already read the first book, the last kingdom, and i'm about half way through the second book.

>> No.10697781

Just pick either "Satan is actually the good guy" or "Satan is actually the bad guy" and just fluff that shit up my duderino

>> No.10697793

Wow.. meanwhile I'm losing my mind because I have to delete a space and I have until the end of my life to do it...

>> No.10699465

Anything in particular?

>> No.10699926

Moby Dick you should do in any case
read Conrad too