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File: 281 KB, 490x639, von neumann.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10691739 No.10691739 [Reply] [Original]

>smartest man in history converted to Catholicism
>smartest person to ever convert to atheism was Sam Harris
really electrocutes the pistachios

>> No.10691756

Does Catholicism get the smartest converts? It's got to be either them, Judaism, or Buddhism, right?

>> No.10691766

>implying intelligence has anything to do with believing the truth

>> No.10691772

I think Heisenberg went Methodist or one of the other Catholic-lite protestants.

>> No.10691775


>> No.10691785
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>> No.10691824

is this how fedoras justify being stupid?

who converts to Judaism?

>> No.10691850

I unironically have an uncle who converted to Judaism. He's kind of a weird dude. He also doesn't like to work and mooches off my aunt's family a lot.

>> No.10691867

>who converts to Judaism

>> No.10691877

Not a Catholic but I'm willing to admit some of the best logicians are Catholics.

>> No.10691881

Einstein, who was much smarter that Von Neumann, believed the christian God to be a childish fantasy. Your turn, christlarper.

>> No.10691895

After years of edgy atheism I recently started taking religion more seriously again, and as part of this I started reading the Wikipedia pages of all the most famous scientists, writers, mathematicians, philosophers, and so on. It turns out that very very few of humanity's greatest minds of all time have been genuinely atheist. Many of them are theists, and there are also lots who rejected organised religion but retained deist beliefs, but barely any of them rejected the idea of God completely.

>> No.10691909

Von Neumann converted to Catholicism on his death-bed just to play it safe. It's not a conversion that gives the faith much credit desu. Someone like Edith Stein is a much better example of a super smart convert who does the faith proud.

>> No.10691912

Einstein was an overrated hack.

>> No.10691917


>> No.10691920

No, he did it so he could marry his fiance, it wasn't a death bed conversion.

>> No.10691929

>converting to judaism
The only religions that really pull in people for conversion are christianity, islam and buddhism.
And in the last case, it's usually autism.
Marriages tho.

>> No.10691952

>In 1955, von Neumann was diagnosed with what was either bone or pancreatic cancer. He was not able to accept the proximity of his own demise, and the shadow of impending death instilled great fear in him. He invited a Roman Catholic priest, Father Anselm Strittmatter, O.S.B., to visit him for consultation. Von Neumann reportedly said, "So long as there is the possibility of eternal damnation for nonbelievers it is more logical to be a believer at the end," essentially saying that Pascal had a point, referring to Pascal's Wager.
>Of this deathbed conversion, Morgenstern told Heims, "He was of course completely agnostic all his life, and then he suddenly turned Catholic—it doesn't agree with anything whatsoever in his attitude, outlook and thinking when he was healthy." Father Strittmatter recalled that even after his conversion, von Neumann did not receive much peace or comfort from it, as he still remained terrified of death.

>> No.10691955

Einstein was a Jew so obviously he'd disregard the other religions ...

>> No.10691967

not that anon, but death bed conversion by a logician acting on logic doesn't negate the validity of death bed conversions. it's not logical to be afraid of protestant hell is the most we could extrapolate from this.

>> No.10691972

>Einstein, who was much smarter that Von Neumann,
In philosophy and politics, Einstein was almost a complete idiot.

>> No.10691975

There was a nice Joyce quote on this.

>> No.10691977

who? just curious

>> No.10691984

>the most we could extrapolate
Sure you don't want to throw "unpack" in there for good measure u fat fag

>> No.10691991

>Prior to his marriage to Mariette, Von Neumann was baptized a Catholic in 1930.
try again brainlet

>> No.10691996

>>smartest man in history
That's not Leibniz.

>> No.10692022

He was a Deist, he had that opinion of every abrahimic religion

Another example: Schrodinger, also much smarter than Von Neumann, had a strong interest towards Hinduism and Vedantic philosophy

>> No.10692032

In philosophy and politics Heidegger was smarter than both and he was an atheist. Your turn, christlarper.

>> No.10692069

>who converts to Judaism?
Americans who want to get somewhere in life

>> No.10692095

>who converts to Judaism?
Louis CK's father did, not even joking lmao

>> No.10692112

>lets not use math language when discussing von Neumann's math

>> No.10692113

Schrodinger I'll accept as a good example. But definitely not Einstein. The man was almost a philosophical moron.
>heidegger was smarter than both

>> No.10692120

Most American conversions are to Reform Judaism though, which readily accepts converts and is much less strict than Orthodox Judaism. If you ask an Orthodox Rabbi about converting he'll essentially tell you to fuck off.

>> No.10692154

how was einstein a philosophical moron?

>> No.10692164

Von Neumann too was a jew, dumb dumb.

>> No.10692201

>Reform Judaism
is that the one that is gay?

>> No.10692222

He’s not the smartest man in history though.

>> No.10692382

You're correct, but seeing as how some edgy atheists are attacking Christianity, they are still right, because those people weren't christians (although they're attacking Christianity only because it's the most famous and biggest religion, they never go in-depth when it comes to all the other religions). Not that I'm defending the edgy atheists, their behaviour will always make me cringe, I'm just saying.

>> No.10692802

>is that the one that is gay?

>> No.10692827

Well the Jesuits do own the world... so yeah, makes sense.

>> No.10692829

k, as in "there exists an integer k such that.."

>> No.10692838

who is? Guass, Maxwell, Einstein? checked

>> No.10692847
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I assure you that Sam Harris is significantly smarter than John von Neumann.

>> No.10692857

Yes. Keraism or bust.

>> No.10692885

Gauss and Euler are pretty high up there

>> No.10692902


>> No.10692910

How does being intelligent have anything to do with having faith in a set of dogmas?

>> No.10692913

His eyes are crooked

>> No.10692918

Leonardo desu

>> No.10692923

>citing STEM
>not literary greats such as Shakespeare, Cervantes, hundreds of other /classics/
The most reassuring thing about my faith, is the collective belief of men a thousand times greater than me.

>> No.10692927
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At least a standard deviation higher in raw IQ.

>> No.10692941

k as in the cardinal number of sets in which your logic isn't borked is 0

>> No.10692942
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>> No.10692963

>not a picture of Leibniz

>> No.10692972
File: 22 KB, 500x334, Arvo-Pärt-and-Alfred-Schnittke-reenacting-their-high-school-senior-photos.-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre just threatened by TradChristian converts

>> No.10692974

>Americans who want to get somewhere in life

Implying Jews will ever accept a sabbothgoy as their own

>> No.10692984

use a diff symbol, I already defined k

>> No.10692989
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>> No.10693001
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Because the ones who have the most wealth worship the serpent from genesis.
Align yourself with them.

>> No.10693023

Hasn't anyone actually considered the possibility that the fact that so many people believed in Catholicism actually indicates that it's a false religion, not the other way?

Just like with islam.

>> No.10693033


>> No.10693047

What book is this thread referring to? I can't find it

>> No.10693055
File: 259 KB, 594x395, VaticanCourtOfPenance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a foolish wanderer.
It doesn't take much to think of the benefits.

>> No.10693057

Why is everybody saying that it's Catholic LARPers on here?

>> No.10693068
File: 69 KB, 626x750, toothache Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you find out Seth Meyers is only a quarter (1/4!) Jewish and more successful than you after unironically converting to Judaism (Orthodox)

>> No.10693077
File: 582 KB, 800x532, papal-audience-room-at-the-vatican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Black Nobility could use you.

>> No.10693145

>Those writers believed in this stuff so I guess I’d better join in!

>> No.10693173

>GOSH! its not a phase, mom! this is who I am now!

>> No.10693180

Because they hate the truth

>> No.10693184

I don't even need a side profile of this cat to see the Jew in him. He bleeds scheistery.

>> No.10693198

>shiet dawg i figad out dis nigga a kike all on my ownst witout dem bois at /pol/ directin my undastandin n sheit

>> No.10693208

>Maybe everyone will stop calling me an edgy pseud if I start saying I’m a wholesome catholic convert! I’ll even buy a cool wooden crucifix for my bedroom if mom will let me nail it to the wall!

>> No.10693215
File: 257 KB, 800x1132, The last days of mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuckers are t. brainlets. Einstein was a naturalistic pantheist. He saw god as synonymous with nature, not one he could speak to or that dictated reality.

>> No.10693222
File: 92 KB, 446x255, georges_lemaitre_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He should have converted then maybe he wouldn't have gotten BTFO on a cosmological level

>> No.10693245

The vast majority of philosophers are atheists

>God: theism or atheism?
>Accept or lean toward: atheism 678 / 931 (72.8%)
>Accept or lean toward: theism 136 / 931 (14.6%)
>Other 117 / 931 (12.6%)


Religiosity is also inversely correlated with IQ.

>> No.10693246
File: 268 KB, 1200x758, 1517372814192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those idiots lived in times where god was the vast majority's belief and they knew nothing of the world, of course they believed in god. dont kid yourself

>> No.10693258


fuck that pic is retarded

>> No.10693273

>most philosophers in a spiritually impoverished age do not believe in God

Colour me surprised

>> No.10693274

this >fighter class npc isn't >basilisk-compliant

>> No.10693279

you could say the opposite for the days of old as well you brainlet

>> No.10693343

Basically "I disagree with him so he's dumb".

>> No.10693347

for sure Von Neumann belong to the 4/5 most intelligent persons ever existed in human history alongside Leibniz, Da Vinci, Archimede and shieet

>> No.10693374

He was incredibly smart and as such overly conscious and frightened of the uncertainty of death, he basically panic converted as an old man because of this

>> No.10693783


Schrodinger smarter than Von Newman? What are you on? No one took Schrodinger seriously when he first came up with his wave equation. It's so simple a high school student can understand it. He's mostly remembered for being a degenerate. Obviously he's a highly intelligent person, but please don't compare him to JVN.

>> No.10693787


>> No.10693830

no anon is right, he was good at physics but the only thing he was the best at was self promotion which is why he's a household name

>> No.10693847


>> No.10693893

I can tell you Archimedes is intelligent. You get that notion from reading his mathematical proofs.

I have read Euclid, Archimedes, and Apollonius, and Archimedes is the only one where I had to spend entire days on one page.

That said, On Conics does get up there in complexity. I would say Books III (because of the utilization of the harmonic ratio in conjunction with the three/four-line locus) and V (because of the ratios required to produce minimas drawn from below axes) are particularly intense, logically.

Mathematics is like the definition of a brain contest, to see who can possibly come up with the most intense ideas. Early mathematicians basically just wrote correspondences back and forth regarding problems (one would put forth a problem and a solution and the other would put forward an alternative solution). Archimedes' writings in particular were full of these, and I still don't fully comprehend some of the answers, but I gathered that I grasped at least one and moved on. That's what I did with Archimedes.

Fucking hell, it was kind of fun in the end but holy shit...

>> No.10694329

>He was incredibly smart and as such overly conscious and frightened of the uncertainty of death

what you mean is he was smart but he wasn't wise.

>> No.10694475

Ever single Christian alive today except for a few hermits are LARPers

>> No.10694529

He's right though. Intelligence has little to do with your beliefs and intellectual habits. It's just raw cognitive power.

>> No.10694761

Lol are you guys retarded? You do know that the majority of Catholics aren't converts + my mom loves that I'm not atheist scum.


>> No.10694832

>this bait

>> No.10695058


>> No.10695157
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>smartest man in history was a heretic fundie
>smartest atheist ever is some second-rate science nigger who just won't stop kissing his ass like the servile moron he is

>> No.10695188

You wish

>> No.10696984


>> No.10696993

>implying Nietzsche didn't convert to atheism

>> No.10696994

you show your ignorance here by not know that both are possible, depending on the field in which you work

>> No.10697010

I just fucken got back from ash wednesday.
such a rush to get that shit and not even be confirmed catholic

>> No.10697438

>smartest atheist in history invented stream of consciousness and revolutionized the modernist period with his writing style and massive talent
>smartest christian ever thought the earth was flat
get rekt religitards

>> No.10697991
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>> No.10698013

>implying that's a bad thing
Time to hit the shower. It's been over 24 hrs since the last time.

>> No.10698029

>"So long as there is the possibility of eternal damnation for nonbelievers it is more logical to be a believer at the end," essentially saying that Pascal had a point, referring to Pascal's Wager.
What a coward,

>> No.10698035

He sounds based

>> No.10699432

who are you referring to?

>> No.10699543


They did not CHOOSE their beliefs, it was imprinted in the overwrite-protected part of their psyche when they were little, their intellect could not access that part. That's how this memetic virus operates.

>> No.10699657
File: 29 KB, 337x404, 1508355233709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smartest man in history was an atheist convert, genius in an astonishing number of fields, polymath with breadth and depth, a mono/lit/h who deserves to share the same scene with giants like Dante and Cervantes and whose magnum opus even surpasses theirs and every other work in literature
>smartest cihirihistain ever was an autistic numberfag who couldn't comprehend the trinity, was a filthy heretic who turned his mind to boogey esoteric occultism and basically turned into a retard after that apple whacked his head. Also a jew.
And you still call the atheists fedoras? Bwahahaha plebbitards

>> No.10699681

no he was a genius in every sense and deserved his Nobel prize stop regurgitating /pol/ opinions about science you fucking ape
(You) faggot

>> No.10699696


>> No.10699757

no (u)

>> No.10699771
File: 7 KB, 235x214, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make fun of atheists for not believing in God
>don't practice a religion strictly
>being an airy fairy "deist/pantheist" who makes up his own rules and morality

>> No.10699776

>extremely mad

>> No.10699781


>>make fun of atheists for not believing in God
>don't practice a religion strictly
>being an airy fairy "deist/pantheist" who makes up his own rules and morality

I think it's mostly american evangelical types who believe in salvation by faith alone who make fun of atheists the most.

>> No.10699993
File: 20 KB, 249x220, 250px-Bobby_Fischer_1960_in_Leipzig_in_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smartest man in the world
>was woke on the JQ
>part jew himself
What's your excuse, /lit/?

>> No.10700001
File: 483 KB, 1080x1527, Landau[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lev Landau, probably the smartest soviet scientist, Nobel Prize recipient, author of the "Course of Theoretical Physics" which is still very highly regarded even in the west. A very committed and outspoken atheist.

>> No.10700008

>99% of the premodern world was theist
>98% of premodern smart people were theist
>this means that theism is a characteristic of smart people
Some people enjoy Greek mythology too. Doesn't mean they believe in the metaphysical baggage.

>> No.10700016

If philosophers were theists, they'd be theologians. Checkmate atheists.

>> No.10700128

And look at him now


>> No.10700137

People who believe in god obviously lack education in physics and biology. Once you get a picture of how universe works and how your body works it becomes obvious that all the afterlife and sky wizard stuff is a joke.

>> No.10700180

It's an interpretation of how the universe and your body works as our theories change constantly in order to explain our surroundings. What you believe today about the universe could be considered the butt-end of a joke in the future, yet you're adamant in your belief that whatever you believe today must be correct because it's how things are explained today.

My point is that you can't be certain about how anything works, you only have a prediction of how something is going to work according to your theory which rarely if ever hits 1 and is inevitably subject to change.

Laugh at skywizard all you want, just know that one day you will have believed the equivalent of that.

>> No.10700192

theology manages to be even less useful than philosophy.

might as well major in the silmarillion.

>> No.10700315

>live your whole life as an agnostic
>get cancer
>fear dying
>"So long as there is the possibility of eternal damnation for nonbelievers it is more logical to be a believer at the end"
Wew, what a devout catholic.

>> No.10701066

>i-it d-doesn't count

>> No.10701101

Neumann was a bright guy, but to be fair he took all of his ideas from Norbert Wiener. Pynchon knew this.