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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 300x387, rodin_thinker_philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1069065 No.1069065 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite philosopher?

>> No.1069067


>> No.1069068


>> No.1069072


I like he beliefs on God.

>> No.1069092

Also, stoics in general.

Also, why is existentialism so popular?

>> No.1069168


Because one of its main tenets is the belief that you decide what is important, what is the meaning of life and you live your life according to that. Pretty simple to understand why its so popular.

>> No.1069173


>haters gonna hate

>> No.1069176


also Badiou

>> No.1069187

Nietzsche, he writes good and makes me laugh.

>> No.1069189

George Carlin. Seriously. Fucking visionary.

>> No.1069199


>> No.1069214

>Haters be hatin'

>> No.1069213 [DELETED] 

I know he's not particularly exotic and very unlikely popular on this forum, but I fucking love Socrates/Plato.

He got voted out of Athens because he annoyed enough people by following them around and asking them questions about their existence.

>> No.1069248

>lovers be lovin

>> No.1069252



>> No.1069257

I was thinking more along the lines of "people don't read anything else."

>> No.1069302
File: 31 KB, 460x276, A. C. Grayling (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socrates, Hobbes, Kant, and A. C. Grayling

>> No.1069305


The being that exists is man. Man alone exists. Rocks are, but they do not exist. Trees are, but they do not exist. Horses are, but they do not exist. Angels are, but they do not exist. God is, but he does not exist. The proposition 'man alone exists' does not mean by any means that man alone is real being while all other beings are unreal and mere appearances or human ideas. The proposition 'man exists' means: man is that being whose Being is distinguished by the open-standing standing-in in the unconcealedness of Being, from Being, in Being."


>> No.1069327
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Sorry, I was just looking at space and it overwhelmed your (Heidegger) bullshit.

>> No.1069328

Y'know, I don't hear the name thrown around a lot, but a majority of the people of whom I am aware seem to follow a stoic, or else fatalist philosophy.

Also, how has no one mentioned Hume yet?

>> No.1069340

Seconding Kierkegaard. He's also a great writer.

>> No.1069385

I'd like to see you come up with an actual objection.

>> No.1069395


Then the slick business man who decides money is the most important thing in life and uses his corporation to strangle all the money that he can out of society is a proper existentialist.

Along with virtually every religious person on earth.

Useless philosophy.

>> No.1069403


>> No.1069412

Aquinas, the perennial philosopher

>> No.1069420
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I like to stick to the three A's of philosophy:

and Ayn Rand

>> No.1069431

Philosophy isn't supposed to be useful. It's supposed to be true. "Does it serve my purposes" isn't something you should ask when evaluating an idea.

>> No.1069444
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>uses ethics to judge philosophy
>ethics is a subset of philosophy
>uses part of philosophy to evaluate philosophy
>infinite regress

captcha: rotonds paralyzed

>> No.1069447


agreed, one of the most common misinterpretations of philosophical projects. bad things happen when ideas are commandeered

>> No.1069448

Ayn Rand AND Aquinas? How do you reconcile that?

>> No.1069451


>The only other acceptable answer is Plato.

>> No.1069457

No Aquinas?

>> No.1069466

Fuck Aquinas.

>> No.1069467

John Stuart Mill

>> No.1069473

Peter Singer

I also like A.J. Ayer, but just because he fought Mike Tyson

>> No.1069477

Diogenes. He lived the dream.

>> No.1069479

Living in the street and masturbating on rich people?

>> No.1069481

"Discourse on virtue, and they pass by in droves. Whistle and dance the shimmy, and you've got an audience."

>> No.1069482

Ha! He's definitely a nice novelty to read about once in awhile.

>> No.1069491

I think there's been a miscommunication. If I felt like I could survive for more than a week in the street, masturbating on rich people, I would totally do it.

>> No.1069494



Aquinas fundamentally misunderstood some Aristotelean terminology, and relied too heavily on the Arab interpreters who were interesting in shaping Aristotle to justify their mad doctrine of God (which has worked its way into Western Christianity via Aquinas). I think the only worthwhile thing about Aquinas is that he regretted his work at the end of his life. Maybe it should have been thrown to the fire…


In the last stupid philosopher tier thread, I mentioned that the only thing God Tied about Ayer was his verbal beatdown on Tyson, but no one caught the reference. :(

>> No.1069499

JS Mill, Wittgenstein, Camus... in that order, I guess. I also love James.

I always wanted to love Heidegger but goddamnit I just cannot get it. The ideas I do get, but once you get deep... fuck, my simple mind cannot wrap around a lot of it.

>> No.1069508
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how do you figure he regretted his work at the end of his life? He had "religious ecstasy" and wrote that all of his works seemed like so much straw compared to what he had seen.

>> No.1069588


He asked that it be burned.

This isn't like someone having a moment of divine revelation and saying that, compared to it, his work does not work, this is someone having a divine revelation and realizing he was wrong.

>> No.1069594

Schopenhauer is the only philosopher with whom I've really identified.

>> No.1069598

Nietzsche. Schopenhauer is a close second.

>> No.1069602
File: 9 KB, 354x358, BDP my philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be KRS-ONE

>> No.1069616

Anyone who cites an existentialist/absurdist philosopher as their favourite needs to read more philosophy.

>> No.1069748

[citation needed]

>> No.1069761

im a fan of stoic philosophy.

wait, wat? work is too hard for your literatuniggers?

>> No.1069782

did you forget your trip, or are you really that dumb?

>> No.1069783

Oh come on, everybody knows that.

>> No.1069810

Everyone knows it...which is why I can't find anything?

>> No.1069839

itt retards who think philosophy matters

>> No.1069881

GK Chesterton

>> No.1069889

The Apostle of Common Sense!

Do you like Belloc?

>> No.1069894


>> No.1070270

Nietzsche, Siddhartha Gautama, Heidegger, Epictetus

>> No.1070292

So far? Plato. I'm taking a class on Aristotle in the fall, so we'll see what happens there, I'm in the middle of reading the Analects (I've always been a fan of Confucianism, but I'm not sure whether or not it fails >>1069431's test because I just find his ideas about proper relationships in society really appealing) and judging by my book on the history of philosophy I need to read Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Marx at least. I'm not trying to read philosophy in any kind of systematic way though, so I hope that "works."

>> No.1070293

James Joyce

>> No.1070318

Boring, hardly even make you think. Plus they are wrong on nearly everything.

>> No.1070319

>wrong on nearly everything

You high, son?

>> No.1070321

Olavo de Carvalho.

>> No.1070325

Nah, just not living in the past. Philosophy didn't stop after the Greeks bro.

>> No.1070335

you have clearly won this debate; fuck what those old cunts wrote, shits boring man

>> No.1070353

Jesus Christ

>> No.1070356
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That's about as dumb as putting down Socrates.

Damn, Foucault was brilliant.

>> No.1070360

Jesus has the advantage of not only never being proven wrong, but being the only philosopher who has always been proven correct. He is also the only philosopher to have the advantage of being God, and being in on the creation of the universe. Your antipathy towards religion has obscured your rational thought process; also, you have never taken the sayings of Christ personally, to your detriment.

>> No.1070369
File: 11 KB, 300x275, rand_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hai

What's going on in this thread?

>> No.1070373
File: 72 KB, 828x1181, TyBrax5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious that you don't know who Socrates is by your response to me.

If you don't understand why I said putting Jesus down is stupid, then ask me. Don't instead go off in a tangent telling me of Jesus's accomplishments as if I'm unaware of them.

>Your antipathy towards religion
You think in stereotypes. You didn't understand me & so felt threatened that I was challenging your beliefs when I wasn't at all. You say I dislike religion but I bet that I have read more Holy Books than you have read in your life.

But please, let's not get personal. You misunderstood me & spewed that shit I'm replying to. I think I deserve an apology.

>> No.1070374

*will read in your life.

>> No.1070382

The Stoics - Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca.

My philosophical outlook is a melding of those three sources.

>> No.1070383


With, De Montaigne,Marcus Aureilius,Seneca,Osho,Nietzsche and Kirkergaard following up

>> No.1070386

There's a lot of respect for Kierkgaard and Dostoyevsky here. I'm impessed, /lit/.

>> No.1070390
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ITT we try to talk about philosophy on 4chan.

>> No.1070398


i haven't read any philosophy by dostoevsky, if he wrote any stand alon philosophical works.

will someone please sum up his work in philosophy? why do you like him better than kant, who didn't waste his time with fiction?

>> No.1070403


dostoevsky basically said you should be a christian otherwise your an immoral, ignorant, atheist piece of shit who is gonna rot in hell. It's a very unique and enlightening philosophy.

>> No.1070413

D.H. Lawrence wasn't a philosopher, per se, but his essays are overlooked literary treasures, on the whole much more impressive than his novels. IMHO, Lawrence's fiction peaks at "The Rainbow," since all of his subsequent works have an agenda.

>> No.1070414
File: 20 KB, 375x500, TyBrax2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore those faggots. They're like the kind of person that looks to rock stars for political analysis.

>> No.1070415


>> No.1070417
File: 31 KB, 380x288, 1198785290769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1070428

Agendas too pointed for your liking, too hammy in presentation, you mean. You got a dick, right? You have an agenda. So did every person who put word to page with a beating pulse.

>> No.1070439


Philosophy major here. I feel embarrassed for not having a particular favorite philosopher. I have read many different works but I haven't delved deep enough into one philosopher to call him my favorite. FUUUUUuuuuuu

>> No.1070449

having a favourite philosopher just means analysing EVERYTHING from a single perspective, instead of being open to interpretations - in my experience.

>> No.1070460

Well, yes but differences of degree are of much greater moment than your statement acknowledges.

For instance, we're talking a lot about Dostoevsky here in this thread so let's use him as an example. Bakhtin famously argued that what makes Dostoevsky's work so powerful is that he accord the utmost respect and autonomy to each of his characters. They talk, they think, they feel alive, and they almost never are shills for Dostoevsky's personal politics, which were pro-Orthodox Church, anti-Semetic, and Slavophilic. In fact, many people don't like the endings to Crime and Punishment and the Brother's K because they feel that Dostoevsky didn't make the case for Raskolnikov's "redemption" or Alyosha's boy scout jamboree. This is more due to the free reign he gave his characters than any defect in his art. In contrast, read Lawrence's later novels, "Lady Chatterly" or the "Plumed Serpent" and they feel "hammy" as you said. "Lady Chatterly" could almost be an allegory it's so bad.

>> No.1070630

There are no experts on morality - Howard Zinn
In a democracy, people voice opinions
Saying nothing is just a conservative hidden agenda which you ignorantly serve

>> No.1070647

It's amazing how much I disagree with your analysis of Dostoevsky, but you made some good points and I don't know enough about his personal politics to absolutely disagree with you.

>> No.1070914

i have never met with, nor talked to, Socrates. i have met with, and talked to, Jesus.

the question was "who is (my) favorite philosoper?"

also, there is only one Holy Book. All the rest lead to death.

I'm sorry.

>> No.1070918

Bertrand Russell

Ps.: Haters gonna hate.

>> No.1070930

"I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong" - Bertrand Russell

For that statement alone.

>> No.1070933

Does that sound like a fucking man to you? Being a pussy is not being the "best philosopher ever", it's being a fucking pussy.

"My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my country."

That's a fucking man's quote.

>> No.1070936


>> No.1070940

If he was such a macho man then why was he captured and hung?
Typical meat-head of that era.

>> No.1070947

Hale was always hung, we've already established he's a man's man. He was hanged by the same pussy Brits (like Russell) who lost two wars to their own colony.

>> No.1070953

It's not a demonstration of masculinity, but of humility and open-mindedness - something the world needs more of.

Nathan Hale was a great choice to demonstrate manliness, though.

>> No.1070955

I can tell by the way you type that you're another one of those meat-heads who use "pussy" to insult anybody unlike you. Enjoy being a plebeian who will never have a good paying job.

>> No.1070956

rampant nationalism surely was and is the way the cope with the worlds problems. sorry but i prefer Russell.

>> No.1070958


Also, if the Brits were such pussies, what does that make Hale for being captured, exposed, and hanged by them?

>> No.1070961


He is a cunt.

>> No.1070965

hung* thanks for being a twat though.

>> No.1070969


>> No.1070970

I heard Bertrand Russell was a socialist. I don't know because I never read him, but I thought that was hard to believe since a lot of right-wing analytic fags seem to have a hard on for him.

>> No.1070978

oh look. its another thread with 20-somethings and teenagers acting like babies who know shit.

>> No.1070979

analytic guys are mostly leftists as well.

>> No.1070980

That's a pretty awkward sentence hombre.

>> No.1070982

> Implying babies know shit and don't just shit

>> No.1070983

who the fuck is this?

>> No.1070984

Uhh, nope. Hung was correct there.

>> No.1070985
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, zoidberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DR.Zoidberg taught me that you dont have to be rich to be happy! Also I should get a ink sack put in me to run away from my predatores!

>> No.1070988

Get on AIM, you son of a bitch, and you'll find out.

>> No.1070990

Bro I'm on AIM, but my name isn't Kyle if that helps

>> No.1070992

Yeah, I figured someone would point that out. It would seem to me that analytics/science/engin./econ people are usually either mainstream democrat/center-left or right-wing libertarians. The red-dyed socialist left is usually the domain of cont./arts and humanities people.

>> No.1070994

Shut up Kyle, get on AIM.

>> No.1071030

the philosopher i agree with the most would probably be Russell, my favourite philosopher is Nietzsche

>> No.1071059
File: 28 KB, 335x421, schopenhauer..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1071074

Reading Butler for exams right now, any other philosobros that have read her?

>> No.1071088

As in Judith?

>> No.1071093

Yeah, "Gender Trouble" is the title of the book

>> No.1071115


she's a terrible writer

>> No.1071123

Yeah, been thinking that too, she obscures her points through the use of biological/juridical/psychoanalytical babble that is really frustrating to decypher

>> No.1071135

Really? She's not that hard, she just squeezes a lot of information in to every sentence so requires a good deal of concentration.

>> No.1071136

thast what she said

>> No.1071147

Well I'm mostly having trouble with her appropriation of Lacan and Freud, I've never read a page of psychoanalyze and now she is presenting and critizising two major figures over 30 pages. Im feeling so confused

>> No.1071203

Dostoevsky for me means

>Do not simply complain and hold back from the suffering in the world - that will simply exacebate it.Do your bit to curb it. 'If we all realized that we were responble for each other we would have paradise tomorrow"(Alyosha)
>When you personally suffer achieve atonement and betterment through it.(Like Dmitri)
>Spirituality comes in two main forms - the sadistic (Father Ferrapont)and the panthestic(Markel,Zossima). Choose the latter.
>Do not lie to yourself.
>Hell is not been able to love.
>Mankind is irrational. And the motivations of men are often far too complex and nuanced to begin to comprehend.
>Sacred childhood memories offer the greatest solace to anyman. Look to children when you feel you have lost your way.(I'm not talking like Pedobear).
>Follow your dreams. Because all of the toil will be worth it should one day you realize them.
>Skepticism has its limits. Passion and love should be the main driving forces in any man's life.(See Kierkergaard's Knight of Faith)

>> No.1071238

Dostoevsky isn't a philosopher you fucking hipster

>> No.1071270

"Will Durant, in The Pleasures of Philosophy, called Dostoyevsky one of the founding fathers of the philosophical movement known as existentialism, and cited Notes from Underground in particular as a founding work of existentialism'

Tell Will Durant that.Go on. Ruin poor Will's lifework.

>> No.1071277

but existentialism is not philosophy

>> No.1071281

Well Dostoyevskij could be considered a philosopher within the existentialist framework where it is considered useful to uncover fields of human experience using litterature. A notion founded by Husserl and his "Imaginary Free Variation", if you are familiar with phenomenology

>> No.1071284

He's a psychologist not a philosopher.

>> No.1071285

Poor troll.

"Existentialism is a term applied to the work of a number of 19th- and 20th-century philosophers"

>> No.1071289

uh neither, he was a symptomologist (sort of) but mostly he wrote fucking novels you fuckwits. nevertheless heres a list of philosophers worth reading: *intentionally left blank* you know why? Theory has outstriped the value of ''philosophy'' seriously, philosophy is today what philology was to Nietzsche, et al. It's fucking done for.

>> No.1071290

not philosophy. deal with it.

>> No.1071292



>> No.1071294
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>> No.1071299

Niccolo Machiavelli

>> No.1071300

not even trolling. you plebes talking about philosophy are about as mislead as someone supporting phrenology. when it's over, it's over.

>> No.1071302

My favorite philosopher is Nietzsche because he's crazy and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.1071308
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>> No.1071309

what is this? Fucking fukuyama?

>> No.1071311 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 635x854, W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be philosophy researcher in logic and continental philosophy
>"when its done for its done for"-fag
>what is this i dont even
>only minimal portions of the field of philosophical logic has been researched, breakthroughs lead to applications in computer sciences
>when its done for its done for

>> No.1071317

another teenage messiah

>> No.1071321 [DELETED] 
File: 391 KB, 1050x3042, 21272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Wittgenstein is so bad he needs to do drawings to communicate ideas (analytics are really bad writers)
>mfw computer science is confused for ''philosophy''
>mfw correlation means causation to anon

>> No.1071322

but french cannot into philosophy

>> No.1071329



>> No.1071330

austrians can't into rhetoric. they have to draw peectures.

>> No.1071331


all too true, just wanted to show the pleb who seems to think that everything without real-world-hurrdurr-im-into-natural-sciences-becausedawkinsisgod-applications is useless that philosophy has spawned and still spawns a lot of practical material too

>> No.1071333

Bro, that was 9 hours ago. Everything's going to be okay, just try to get back to sleep.

>> No.1071341

but how else can he communicate with illiterate frenchmen

>> No.1071343

that's true, but philosophy in any faithful sense of the word is no longer tenable, unless you bury your head in the sand (reducing philosophy to games of logic) and ignore structuralist/psychological developments and its product: theory.

>> No.1071355


>> No.1071356


I think im missunderstanding your use of the word "Theory", do you mean regular scientific theory that has been widely accepted and is practiced on a regular basis ?

>> No.1071370

I meant theory as in critical theory, the descendent of philosophy/linguistics/criticism/psychology and the inheritor of philosophy's place in culture.

>> No.1071378


Ooh, i see now, but critical theory is just a provided framework for thought and a space for analytical deliberation which is done from philosophical grounds anyway.

>> No.1071384
File: 37 KB, 340x425, 2-C56525~Haley-Joel-Osment-Posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foucault told me I have aids.

>> No.1071390

I think it is a mistake to say it is done on philisophical grounds, i think the word philosophy is admittedly more faithfully applied to the analytics, or the ancients. The continentals (not a cohesive group, but nevertheless) were more pre-critical theory than philosophy, and hence why the analytics who accuse them of not being philosophers, and the theorists who say that the continental thinkers are the most important can both be right.

>> No.1071392

...i like critical theory too, let's make up, okay?

>> No.1071394

there is no power in aids, only aids in the service of power

>> No.1071396

mkay i'm cool with this, you're definitely a good to top tier tripfiend.

>> No.1071411
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there is no power in black people, only aids.

>> No.1071639

Walter Kaufman said that Dostoevsky was not an existentialist, but that Notes from the underground was the best overture for existentialist ever written...

it all depends how you define existentialism

>> No.1072536

Nietzsche said that Dostoevsky was his master

>> No.1072887

Hannah Arendt

>> No.1072898


no he said Dost was the only psychologist he cared for