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/lit/ - Literature

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10689566 No.10689566 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/erary confessions thread. Confess your sins.

>> No.10689573

I got aroused by descriptions of Hedwig in V.
All of them.

>> No.10689586

I don't read books by women and niggers

>> No.10689588

That feel when Ive had to read Their Eyes were Watching God for a class.

>> No.10689589

Fire and Fury is really good

>> No.10689597

> missing out on Wuthering Heights, Pimp, Miles Davis' autobiography, Middlemarch, To The Lighthouse, Jane Eyre, Petals of Blood, etc just because of your bigoted view of black people and women

You're literally missing out, anon. I'm not one who gives a shit about diversity but some black people and women have actually written good works.

>> No.10689621

I popped a boner once or twice during all the sex Slothrop had in France in Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10689627
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Whenever I finish a book, I make sure to update my progress on Goodreads with the edition with the most pages so I can inflate my Goodreads stats. If you take my reading progress literally, then yes I am reading an Arabic edition of Hamlet.

>> No.10689636

that's partly why I don't read this, they tried to force so much feminist anti-racist garbage in school it was disgusting
I have never seen a works by a woman or an afr*can that was not about or from the sole perspective of femininity or race. Now, that's fair enough for women because it's only their nature but neither of these perspectives are of use or interest to the White Aryan Man. I have no regrets about "missing out" on these topics, though I concede that women can write excellent children's books.

>> No.10689640

Do read Wuthering Heights to be honest. It s not even very feminine (it s actually quite brutal)

>> No.10689651

Not him , I've heard of it, what's it about?

>> No.10689657

Wuthering Heights is genuinely unsettling reading and if you genuinely believe that women and black people can't write, I think Wuthering Heights would make you reconsider regarding the female perspective. It's a brutal, cold, unsettling book where most people have ulterior motives and achieve them through psychological manipulation and passive aggressive actions. It's thrilling, anon.

Also Miles Davis' autobiography offers a lot more insight than you would imagine. Yes, he was a jazz musician who came from a poor background, but his insight into faith, loyalty, family and addiction are genuinely harrowing that, despite your racist views, anon, I think you would find quite engaging.

Neither book takes a feminist perspective or even a particularly politically-correct one (Miles Davis would've been anti-SJW snowflake). They're worthwhile reading and it'd be a shame for you to miss out on good literature just because of somebody's gender or race. Nobody's making a reading list of anti-dead-white-male authors here. Just some friendly suggestions.

>> No.10689663

I absolutely love Passion by Winterson. I read it twice in a single day.

>> No.10689667

Not the anon you responded to, but without giving much away:
Lockwood, a rich visitor to Wuthering Heights is considering renting a nearby home from the landlord Heathcliffe, a callous man who is haunted by his memories of Catherine, a girl he grew up with
> Lockwood meets Ellen, a housekeeper at Thrushcross Grange, the home he considers renting, and she details why Heathcliffe is the way he is - there's a love story in there regarding Heathcliffe and Catherine but it's so drenched in malice and hatred for anything else that blooms that really you're just rooting for them to both drop dead

There's a lot of subtlety in the book that is actually quite fun to pick up on, like the unsaid resentments can be felt more powerfully than the harsh words said.

>> No.10689695

I constantly find excuses not to start my novel, the first of which is that English is not my native language and that I don't want to write in my own, French.

>> No.10689709

It's the female affinity toward such things as psychological manipulation and passive aggressive actions which are so dirty, and everything seems to come back to female sexuality.

>> No.10689715

I read 19 books in 2016 and 25 books in 2017.

>> No.10689723

I think you're stretching, anon. I don't believe you actually believe this and that you're just saying it to be contrarian so I'm out. All the best, anon.

>> No.10689729

Jane Austen > Charles Dickens

>> No.10689761

bad > Charles Dickens

>> No.10689778

there are no more than a dozen books of fiction actually worth reading

>> No.10689781

Which dozen books are worth reading in your opinion?

>> No.10689786

i don't read

>> No.10689787

I haven't read an entire book in years

>> No.10690290

when i was 15 i would browse the erotica section at chapters (like your barnes n noble) to find juicy bits and read them in store. in hindsight, i hope i gave the employees a good laugh when they saw me trying to be all inconspicuous in the one aisle it's impossible to blend in as an awkward pimply faced sandnigger

>> No.10690424
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I browse /r9k/

>> No.10690434

I started with the Greeks but gave up to hit on girls on dating apps in my free time.

>> No.10691875


>> No.10692298

I enjoy reading depictions of rape.

>> No.10692326

>not reading James Baldwin

t. former /pol/ack who now legit feels pity for my former self, and people like you now

>> No.10692328

Christ shut the fuck up

>> No.10692335

I read Thomas Sowell back when i was still a /pol/ack.

>> No.10692407

You're a high-school junior, at the oldest

>> No.10692922

I once jizzed in a copy of Roll of Thunder hear my Cry.
The girl in front of me was leaning forward with her elbows on the desk and her skirt rode up.
Her ass was slightly exposed and Im a big virgin so it was the best I was gonna get.
Had to get a replacement copy of the book for class though.
Totally worth it.

>> No.10692981

the Chad virgin

>> No.10693232

What converted you?

>> No.10693419

You sound like a fag
t. /pol/ack with 'black' friend

>> No.10693428

read Giovanni's Room, it'll do you good.

>> No.10693445

Kinda the same still not a big fan of blacks overall but definitely feel pity for them but not in the white guilt way. More why were they cursed to being so retarded way.

>> No.10693588

I buy a ton of books to pretend I'm an intellectual but every time they just collect dust because I have the attention span of a goldfish

>> No.10693620

>pitying me for not liking africans
is this an American thing?

>> No.10694254

same. for me, I left /pol/ around the time of the election when things got really bad. It got so reddity that I couldn't stay there. I was in the very first "kek" thread, and I remember thinking, "If this continues I can't stay here"

>> No.10694370

>tfw hard to find good 20th century homo authors that were great writers and not pedos
Seems like Mishima and Baldwin are the minority against the boy loving beat generation and Gide.
Need good book recs for non pedos.

>> No.10694372


>> No.10694451


>> No.10694473

Perhaps. I guess I was more fixated on the authors themselves than the books. My main mistake.

>> No.10694539

Mishima was not a homosexual you disgusting catamite

>> No.10694543

No you.

>> No.10694585

Correct, I am not a homosexual you hideous twink

>> No.10694596

I'm too /fitlit/ to be a twink though.

>> No.10694907

ryu murakami's audition and in the miso soup gave me shameful boners i didn't know i wanted.

>> No.10694912

You're in the minority, faggot. Best of luck moving out of your mother's basement.

>> No.10694990

Many people are like you.

>> No.10694993

im a lit phd at a top-10 worldwide uni

i've never read Homer

>> No.10695042

read Homer, dude, he's a blast

>> No.10695048

in vrchat all i do is pick a short avatar and then look up the skirts of anime women to see their panties, i also have trouble sticking to a book after i've read the intro if it has one

>> No.10695060
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I have more fun playing Deus Ex and thinking about Philip K Dick stories and imagining them taking place in the video game than I do actually reading them.

>> No.10695077

i've tried. and it's extremely rewarding sometimes. Odysseus negotiating with Achilles at his encampment after the Trojans drive back the Achaeans at the first battle and Agammenon gets desperate for help--probably one of the most beautiful things i've read. The fury and passion of Achilles in rejecting the terms of Agammenon's offer, that's that honor and glory i'm always hearing about that you can only find in Homer, and i've definitely never encountered it outside of that text.

but damn man i can't stay with it. I'm just not a fan of verse, it takes a stamina that i haven't developed.

>> No.10695092

There are prose editions if the verse gets a bit too dry for you (I know people might be a little snobbish regarding those editions but they're not lesser editions by any measure as long as the translator isn't shit). The Iliad does feel a bit sluggish at the beginning, but if you stick it out to the very end, it's one of the most devastating yet rewarding reads you'll have. Definitely worth the effort.

>> No.10695267

Memes are awful.

Frogposters are worse than bronies.

Want to Walden the fuck outta here.

>> No.10695272
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>> No.10695415

>Want to Walden the fuck outta here.
this but unironically

actually would if I had any of the needed skills (including finding a place to do that). sort of want to do it right now and taking long to learn those skills totally demotivates me.

ended up renting a cheap place on a cheap city while I decide what to do with myself instead

>> No.10695523

I thought poetry was a fucking meme until I was 18 or so. No one ever explained to me that it was supposed to be felt not understood, and that it focused on the subliminal aspect of language. I smugly proclaimed it was nothing more than "intentionally jumbled up words" more than once.

>> No.10695676

that really isn't comforting in the slightest

>> No.10695704

Attention span is something you have to develop, many people have trouble focusing for long periods of time because our modern culture has evolved to entertainment in short bursts. Memes, tweets, shitposts on a nepalese tea leaf reading website, they're all low-effort media. You need to build your attention span back up, start by reading a page or whatever you manage, then over time try to push that number up.

As an aside, I think the younger generation are fucked. I've seen some that can't even focus through a marvel movie, which is pretty much as brainless as you can get. How are those people possibly going to succeed in areas that require prolonged, intense focus. I study math, and it can take me half an hour to read a single page in a paper, I don't see someone whose currently 13 being able to do that a decade from now.

>> No.10695725

This. I know new parents get pissy when you talk about how they shouldn't give their kids phones and tablets to use, but really they shouldn't. When most online media is centred around instant gratification and the shorter the burst, the better, you need to encourage developing minds to focus on something more extra-curricular and productive. Reading, writing, creating, programming, exercise, etc.

Plus, the added concern of kids using tablets and phones should come from how easy it is for kids to spend their parents money on "free" games and to be manipulated by uncomfortable pregnant elsa peeing on hulk videos. As someone who is about to become an uncle, this shit really worries me.

>> No.10695731

I've never read any Shakespeare outside of school

>> No.10695748

What did you read in school?

>> No.10695751

Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and A Midsummer Night's Dream

>> No.10695754

I enjoy genre fiction sometimes.
I'm even writing genre fiction right now.

>> No.10695784

Fuck you. Tell me where to see how many pages I read. I can't figure out that shitty website.

>> No.10696011

just add Hamlet then and you are good2go

>> No.10696572

There is no single author from which I've read more than one book.

>> No.10696631

I tried to read Zarathustra when I was 16, but I was to much of a brainlet and droped it half way and now I'm afraid of trying again and finding that I am still that dumb

>> No.10696636

It's not an easy book anon, anyone who claims it is probably a pseud who didn't really understand it

>> No.10696645
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this is objectively the best version

>> No.10696975

i cant into poetry

>> No.10697005

I enjoy reading really shitty fiction I choose at random from the second hand book store.

>> No.10697136

Not if you're going to be rude on this christian board

>> No.10697176

Made me grin

>> No.10697244

I feel this.

>> No.10697299

The frogposting annoys me because the running memes into the ground thing is what reddit does and i thought we were better than that

>> No.10697317

>muh sekrit club

4chan is mainstream as fuck now m8

>> No.10697350

I have friends who still assume 4chan is a dark and scary place where hackers and CP are found.

>> No.10697404

I know you, you're the guy who was best friends with the retarded kid in elementary school

>> No.10697416

Baldwin is a god tbqh.

>> No.10697434

Nah its just that everyday is fur friday now t b h its better this way

>> No.10697571


>> No.10697578

I'm pretty sure that's not actually in the book.

>> No.10697588

I liked Originals by Malcolm Gladwell, despite it being a pseud pop-soc book.

>> No.10697632
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I haven't written a page of the novel I want to write I keep fantasizing about books that I want to write after it.

>> No.10697647

I actually laughed when romeo and juliet died

>> No.10697708

I laughed at platos symposium because the idea of socrates being a big drunk bitch in the end is golden

>> No.10697717

i'll ask again (it's probably the same person who posts this image errytime, but) does anyone have a high-res picture of this painting?

>> No.10697734

Do you think /pol/ posters care if their information is factual?

>> No.10697742

>implying that Fire and Fury isn't complete SELF ADMITTED fiction

>> No.10697771

I don't care about your fucking meme book, it could be the word of god and you'd dismiss it if it was mean to daddy

>> No.10697797

You don't even know who I am or what i believe in. You just have the all too common psychological splitting problem that almost everyone "interested" in politics has

>> No.10697798

I haven't read the Greeks, Shakespeare, or much of anything pre-20th century.

Miles' autobiography has been sitting on my shelf for a few years now. Is it worth reading?

>> No.10697810


>> No.10697812

Yes, he was a fascinating person and he hides absolutely nothing. You don't have to like jazz either.

>> No.10697826

Sweet, I'll give it a go. My problem is that I collect music books and don't read them. I always get the feeling that I won't understand or appreciate the book if I haven't listened to enough of the music they're writing about, whatever 'enough' is.

>> No.10697828

I don't give a fuck about politics I just hate /pol/ posters

>> No.10697848

I read Tom Clancy novels

>> No.10697855

>implying I post on /pol/

>> No.10697861

I'm not an attention whoring pretentious cunt who only reads obscure Russians to fit in.

I guess I should leave.

>> No.10697890 [SPOILER] 
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my favourite book is by stephen king

>> No.10697948

I got drunk and ranted about how Cao Cao did nothing wrong and then pissed myself. This was in front of a girl.

>> No.10698206

He does talk about performing and recording but if anything it'll convince you to hear more of his music

>> No.10698721

very nice

>> No.10698723

How are any of the Russian authors discussed on /lit/ obscure?

>> No.10698782

I read Dostoevsky and Solhenetzyn, you probably haven't heard of them but don't feel bad, they're fairly... advanced

>> No.10698840


stop being such an annoying faggot

he's already written off women and blacks, what makes you think he'd even admit to enjoying a masterpiece created by them if you bothered him enough to read it?

fuck him, let him rot in the deluded sense of racial superiority he feigns to mask the pain of being rejected by women his whole life

the rest of us will be over here enjoying a good book

>> No.10698858

he's basically correct though. It's not like you're going to ever move to a black country to prove him wrong

>> No.10698890
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superior white male here

>> No.10698907

i didnt say i was superior, I fairly suck. But the races on average are clearly different.

>> No.10700024

I like to engage with a person I disagree with to try and understand why they feel that way. Sorry to annoy you, anon

>> No.10700026

I say nigga all the fucking time. I'm 3/4 Native, and I look olive in skin tone. I'm just the same as that SixNine Gummo faggot who rhymes nigga with nigga.

Can I say nigga?

>> No.10700038

Pretty much. Their books are as uninteresting as it gets but I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

>> No.10700045


>> No.10700185
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>> No.10700483

tfw tried to click on subscribe on a gif

>> No.10700542

idk physically you can but really you can only do it if your token black friend gives you a pass on it

>> No.10700693

Literally how far up your own arse

>> No.10700697
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What stage are you on?

>> No.10700713

but I have never been rejected by a woman in my life because I have the good sense to offer money

>> No.10700768

I didn't like that book too much, but Zora Neale Hurston was in favor of segregation and didn't write from a place of resentment:

"How It Feels to Be Colored Me:"
> Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the grand daughter of slaves. It fails to register depression with me. Slavery is sixty years in the past. The operation was successful and the patient is doing well, thank you. The terrible struggle that made me an American out of a potential slave said "On the line! " The Reconstruction said "Get set! " and the generation before said "Go! " I am off to a flying start and I must not halt in the stretch to look behind and weep.

>> No.10700826

Pepe is a cancer and I can't wait until it's appropriated by Reddit or Tumblr so you chucklefucks stop posting it so frequently. Or maybe that's where you have all come from.

>> No.10700885
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it's been appropriated since the American election period, we wojak evolution now

>> No.10701437


You people are fucking stupid. It was a dead meme in /r9k/ that someone /pol/ got ahold of, with /r9k/ trying to use the teehee meme for awhile because of appropriation.

Pepe was a cancerous meme from the start the minute /pol/ took its unused corpse from /r9k/ & noone even realizes its origins as trite on these boards anymore

>> No.10702457

Youve just basically said what I said you massive gay

>> No.10702468

I remember when all Pepe used to do was say Feels good man because he peed with his pants down

>> No.10703385 [DELETED] 

I haven't finished a book since the 7th grade. I wish I was kidding.

>> No.10703390

Harry Potter is about magic.

>> No.10703396
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I haven't finished a book since the 7th grade. I wish I was kidding. I'm also in college.

>> No.10703506

Brave New World is an unenjoyable slog.

>> No.10703934

I made the main character of one of my short stories gay to make it more publishable and it got published

>> No.10703938

did anyone buy it

>> No.10703959
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I tried to write a book when i used to dislike reading

>> No.10704112

I was paid for it, if that's what you mean