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/lit/ - Literature

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10689168 No.10689168 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here has ever been to jail ?

What was the library like ?
Would they try to feed you the bible as soon as you showed some interest in books ?

>> No.10689191

I went to jail for a night because of a traffic violation. They didn't let me take my kindle in.

Overall it was a pretty through-provoking experience, I got dead bored for the first hour but then my mind started racing and popping with all sorts of ideas, I couldn't fall asleep because I kept thinking and making stuff on my mind.

>> No.10690693

they had a cart they moved between wards. i read something wicked this way comes, that hideous strength, and the watchers by koontz. the selection was random. good times.

>> No.10690710

I have for two days and my mom brought me Phenomenonlogy of Spirit because it seemed like a great opportunity to read a maximalist work. It was a mistake-- I should have just reread Moby Dick.

>> No.10692366

They put you in jail for a night because of a fucking traffic violation? What?!

>> No.10692403

It happens. Traffic stop, person has bad/missing paperwork and is traveling through. Nowhere to put them but a gated hotel provided by the city. Jail.

>> No.10692458
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spent a total of one week in county jail. oddly enough found a copy of 100 years of solitude on the book cart as it was going around, so I reread that first. next thing I read the books in the davinci code series out of curiosity. decent page turners desu. finally, to my surprise one of the other two dudes in my cell turned out to be really chill and was into fantasy books. we shot the shit about stuff we've read and I ended up reading I think one of the wheel of time series? it was like maybe the second book in? if I recall it featured a chosen hero (duh) going to a shadow realm and a bunch of red mages were meddling with his shit. It actually pissed the other guy in the cell off because he had no idea what we were talking about. That's one good thing about jail, it allows you to really focus on reading. Also, the fruit drink mix is good too. Every single other fucking thing is a nightmare.

>> No.10693058


>> No.10693655


>> No.10693673

went to mexican prison once for being white, wasnt so bad actually all we ate was beans they had in a huge pot in the middle.

>> No.10693870

Was in a 'holding area' of a psych ward for a couple weeks. No books allowed. My mom was able to sweettalk the nurses into bringing me one book and she brought me The Roundhouse by Louise Erdrich. Thoroughly Enjoyed.

>> No.10693878


>> No.10693931


>> No.10694056

Been in jail for a week. Boring beyond understanding. I began scratching paint off the walls for fun at one point. Most of the books were Christian self-help bullshit. All the Tom Clancy/ Stephen King stuff usually is already taken. Read a western about billy the kid that was mediocre and a crime novel that was actually pretty good but I can't remember the names of either of them now.

>> No.10694073


>> No.10694245

I spent a night in jail and they just put me in a cell with nothing but a dirty mat.

>> No.10694257

Went to jail for a full month. Memoirs of a Geisha was in there. So was Hamlet.

That was the first time I read Hamlet. Pretty rewarding.

>> No.10694265

I have been to prison, both juvenile prison and adult. In my experience, the library in the adult prison was worthless. They brought a cart around and it would typically have violent rape fantasy genre shit, and christian literature, such as Left Behind. I have read more genre fiction than I can bear. In the children's prison, there was a fine library, there were classics, and in fact, it was where I first read Don Quixote. The bible will not be pushed towards you much. In jail, there may only be a bible available, if you're lucky. Otherwise, most likely genre fiction. I would have my family bring me literature, I read Dostoevsky, Dante, Dumas, and Tolstoy in jail at one time or another.

>> No.10694271

in all, i've probably spent about 3 years in jail or prison, and another 2 in mental hospitals. I would say juvenile prison had the best literature. Oh, and avoid rehabs at all costs, or at least religious ones. They stole a copy of Castiglione's Book of The Courtier from me and replaced it with the AA book. Which is tripe. Worse than a bible.

>> No.10694393

I hope you got raped in jail for your crimes against humanity. It's the only way to truly be penitent for your sickening behaviour.

You better hope the reading police don't catch you with a k*Ndle again.

>> No.10695025

Favourite album desu