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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 339 KB, 1208x1366, 20180212_203635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10687234 No.10687234 [Reply] [Original]

One star reviews

>> No.10687262


>> No.10687272

>caulfield on acid
but that sounds awesome

>> No.10687286
File: 46 KB, 638x426, 1497743825940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinite Jest.

>> No.10687305

>lowercase i for I

>> No.10687311

Smug millennial Goodread reviews are infuriating

>> No.10687330
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Plato BTFO

>> No.10687332
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>> No.10687344

she's right though

>> No.10687351
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>> No.10687363
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>> No.10687365
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>17 people found this helpful

>> No.10687368

Is this Last Days of Socrates?

>> No.10687378
File: 163 KB, 1063x867, gravityrainbow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another one

>> No.10687384

Nah, she's not.

>> No.10687393
File: 75 KB, 1061x289, crimeandpunishment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, look at that man and laugh

>> No.10687396

Enlightening rebuttal.

>> No.10687400


>> No.10687404
File: 1.44 MB, 500x380, REEE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a diss on Paradise Lost?

>> No.10687425
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words words words words

>> No.10687436
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>> No.10687438

>listening to gravity’s rainbow

>> No.10687454
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>> No.10687476
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Bends my mind

>> No.10687489
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>> No.10687503
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>> No.10687514

Was Goodreads/Amazon Review section one of the greatest mistakes of the Internet? These fucking retards may actually convince people not to read good books.

>> No.10687522
File: 81 KB, 968x364, specialshoutouttothisfucktard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this review

>> No.10687523

why are you allowed to rate books you openly admit you havent read

>> No.10687532

Amazon even lets you review books that haven’t been released

>> No.10687533

They're right. McCarthy ripped off the English Patient.

>> No.10687535

>would bracketed translations next to the Spanish be requesting too much?
An American wrote this, I guarantee it.

>> No.10687560

Marginally better than Amazon reviews
>"Great book, but arrived in terrible condition. UPS man was rude. 1 star."

>> No.10687562
File: 190 KB, 969x980, fuckyouwarvetstandforourtroops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude was unstuck from time, stole the plot of The Last of Us for The Road to win a dumb medal.

>> No.10687575

Seriously. I wish Amazon would just give clear-cut instructions whenever someone decides to post a review: "PLEASE REVIEW THE FUCKING PRODUCT ITSELF, NOT ANYTHING RELATED TO DELIVERY YOU 20 IQ MOTHERFUCKER"

>> No.10687579

/lit/ does this but at least only autists come here and certainly no one with a brain gets their recommendations from here. These people are assigning "garbage" ratings to books that they are genuinely too stupid to understand.

Is the Americlap stupidity meme really this true to life? I feel ashamed.

>> No.10687580
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>These were some bad dudes.
You're goddamn right.

>> No.10687581

>He anticipated Nietzsche
>'Nietzscheian middle'

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10687585

>perhaps I am too cerebral for this novel

>> No.10687589

Have you even driven past a strip mall, walked through a food court, or attended a movie theater? The Americlap stupidity meme is grounded in reality, no question about it

>> No.10687595

If you think this is limited to America you are sorely mistaken. This is the disease of capitalism.

>> No.10687598
File: 184 KB, 987x760, lowhangingfruitbuttasty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop bullying talented and brave amazon reviewers you hack, have you even written a book?

Baby's first Nihilist.

>> No.10687637
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>> No.10687644
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>enlightened person

>> No.10687648
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>> No.10687651
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>> No.10687658
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>> No.10687665
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two stars though

>> No.10687675
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>> No.10687688
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>> No.10687703

>Plato's Republic is the basis for modern-day republics

>This book on 1500's Italian geopolitics is why my village got bombed

>> No.10687709

Soyboys need to be gassed.

>> No.10687711
File: 114 KB, 978x340, Screenshot_20180212-184258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10687717

she's asking for a dick in the mouth

>> No.10687734
File: 191 KB, 1001x886, INTELLECTUALFRUAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even soy, boy?

>> No.10687739
File: 412 KB, 1920x1200, hasanybody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these reviewers featured ITT are the same people who have every Harry Potter book rated 5-star, re-read the entire series regularly, and re-watch every film at least once a year

>> No.10687745


I see people on here acting like that a lot.

>> No.10687799

>To know the vintage and quality of a wine one need not drink the whole cask. It must be perfectly easy in half an hour to say whether a book is worth anything or worth nothing. Ten minutes are really sufficient, if one has the instinct for form. Who wants to wade through a dull volume? One tastes it, and that is quite enough-- more than enough, I should imagine.

-Oscar Wilde

Don't finish shit books just because /lit/ memes you into reading them. Reading should be done for pleasure and aesthetics otherwise you are a pseud right wing /pol/ fag or a pseud neo-Marxist.

>> No.10687890

The Internet was a mistake. That includes /lit/.

>> No.10688227

I still don't understand how some retards don't read purely for enjoyment.

>> No.10688247

everything here is reasonable

>> No.10688257

t. Brainlet
If you don't even have the constitution to finish a book maybe go pick a better medium like film or perhaps jusr reread Harry Potter per every year

>> No.10688400

t. Anytus

>> No.10688444

They could listen to it at work or when they exercise, Pseud Prime.

>> No.10688587

This thread has made me believe for the first time that free speech is a mistake.

eugenics when

>> No.10688640
File: 101 KB, 2028x751, democracy in america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10689136

I'd rather have these people read Harry Potter and other YA books every year than have them read books from the canon and come to a wrong conclusion that the book is stupid because they could not understand it or it has no plot. Some people should stay in the gutter.

>> No.10689151

I've never wanted to read a book so fast

>> No.10689163

>how do you know the food was bad if you didn't eat the whole thing?

>> No.10689174

LOL im dying

>> No.10689242

holy shit lol

>i just learned that america isnt a democracy and need to show people how smart i am

>> No.10689466

This one is not like the others. Sure, there’s something inherently goofy about giving a one star review to a classic and it’s not an intellectual analysis, but she’s not alone in her criticism here. Especially if you live in a place with real political violence I can understand the thought that the world might have been a better place if this book were never written

>> No.10689492

> reviewing a book you never finished

I mean, it is Infinite Jest, but who knows? You might fall in love with it at page 200 or so.

>> No.10689497

what the fuck, Brittannia, who the fuck are you to not be down with a bit of dude on dude action? Any straight woman in their right mind should have a thing for dude on dude action, right? I just love lesbians and I wish the opposite sex felt the same way about dicks getting slapped together and getting pushed into a warm dude booty

>> No.10689739

Only cowards quit before the rehab center chapters.

>> No.10689743

You are wise, anon. Get away from here while you can.

>> No.10690301
File: 31 KB, 628x477, boring austen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that shirt

>> No.10690355

Are you actually proud of your wizardry by now?

>> No.10690368

Ask me again in 2 years

>> No.10690375

>that pic
Jane Austen IS shit though. The fact she doesn't get into it means the girl is one step further to be patrician.

>> No.10690418
File: 38 KB, 500x361, c4cf12887f13d5b771f6a9d239d6a76f--quotes-on-relationships-mark-twain-quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10690618

it's a well-written book about nothing

>> No.10691599

are you dumb? if anything amazon reviews should only be about the condition of the product and the delivery. Unless they are e-books.

>> No.10691619

That's implying that if a book written in the 1500s Italy is the sole cause for political violence. Even if the book was never written this still would have happened

>> No.10693443

Is this book any good? I've been meaning to pick it up for a while but I'm not sure.

>> No.10694645


quickly surpassing "bodies" as the most insufferable piece of critical theory jargon of all time

>> No.10694707

fucking amazing, read it.

>> No.10694758

So, it's like Seinfeld?