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/lit/ - Literature

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10687025 No.10687025 [Reply] [Original]

why does /lit/ always ask what comes after pomo instead of actively shaping the post-contemporary?

>> No.10687029

No one here is shaping anything

>> No.10687049
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>what comes after pomo
The Liberalist movement of course

>> No.10687063

it's a meme desu

>> No.10687077

Because they're children LARPing as literary men.

>> No.10687084

Post Contemporary literature is mainly social media posts and memes so /lit/ is shaping it somewhat.

>> No.10687086

>implying the answer isn't the end of the world.

>> No.10687264

/lit/ is actively shaping the post-contemporary because Mira Gonzalez lurks here and one day she'll write a book of greentext poetry and Rupi Kaur parodies. it will be a bestseller.

>> No.10687284

Asking what comes next is the post-contemporary. There's nothing else to it except asking what comes next.
welcome to popomo

>> No.10687300


>> No.10687426

im actively shaping your moms cunt u faggot.

>> No.10687443


>> No.10688962
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big if true