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File: 110 KB, 423x650, One Hundred Years to Write.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10682200 No.10682200 [Reply] [Original]

Books that are unreadable

>pic related

>> No.10682208

You can’t read?

>> No.10682235

Any book is unreadable if the kid can't read.

>> No.10683628

how do you unread a book?

>> No.10683655

omg stop making threads about that shit book.

>> No.10684775

The beginning was very good, then after colonel Aureliano's surrender and suicide attempt, all that's left in the Buendia house is nothing but boring women. Seriously, who gives a shit about them? I went through all that shit and the final chapter is kinda worth it.

>> No.10684806

The prose in this book is a little above YA tier, its only when he starts playing games with the cyclical nature of time and family and corrosive repetitions within these is there any difficulty above a 12th grade level.

>> No.10684833

unironically my diary desu

>> No.10684835
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anything by this hack. the only reason I even picked up one of his books was because my cellmate said he really liked it, and a copy happened to be on the book cart when it passed by. Well FUCK YOU BERLES, no wonder your meth lab caught on fucking fire you fucking prole

>> No.10684842

Fucking this. Whatever the fuck was the name of the founder of the city was the best part of the book, the colonel was ok and the rest was just trash.