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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 194x245, paglia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10682019 No.10682019 [Reply] [Original]

this shit is spicy as af, paglia ahead of her time, this is from the 90s but everything she's saying is so current, this interview could have been yesterday


>> No.10682036

If anyone knows how to find pictures of Camilla Paglia from the 60s, 70s, or even 80s, I will literally suck your penis in real life in exchange.

>> No.10682042

If Paglia weren't so obsessed to with being hyperbolic to provoke she would be a lot more respected than she is. She's a bit insane but is unironically brilliant.

>> No.10682054

she's so hot on this episode of Maher:

>> No.10682055

>muh hyperbole is bad
>muh public opinion matters
lmao @ u

>> No.10682064

>"we have philistines in charge of the feminist movement"

if she was like 50 years younger she'd be on here calling ppl plebs, love paglia

>> No.10682070

goddamit I love paglia. and she's a hottie, like my beloved nana visitor

>> No.10682102

it does when it changes who gets hired and tenured at the universities that produce academics like Paglia

>> No.10683116
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>> No.10684266

Saw the whole thing. Gotta love her.

>> No.10684353

>if you go back to someone's apartment it means you have consented to having sex with them
what did she mean by this?

>> No.10684366

Its' a signal to us all that she's an moron.

>> No.10684369

spotted the fat loser male feminist that gets no pussy despite being a male feminist and living his life to please women.

>> No.10684385

I want to check out her take on Sade in Sexual Personae but I'm hesitant to take her seriously in general when she has a following here.

>> No.10684393

I'm an anarchist and a lesbian.
So my idea of feminism isn't necessarily the one reactionary conservatives are bellyaching over.
Any time I've given this woman a chance she's proven to be a moron. Probably smarter than Peterson though.

>> No.10684413

>get tired of autistic /pol/yps ruining /lit/ and leave
>come back half a year later
>they've moved on from kermit to an even more pathetic literally who
Just stick with JBP. He's at least self-aware and fakes profundity masterfully. Paglia is literal non-stop autistic screeching of the worst kind that you'd expect from a 15 year old on 4chan, not an academic.

>> No.10684420

I want Paglia to kick me in the balls and take my money.

>> No.10684424

This. It's really pathetic how all /lit/ heroes, like Paglia, Bloom or Peterson, are literally mocked on academia.

>> No.10684434

examples of Paglia being a moron plz. sounds fun.

>> No.10684439
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>/lit/ heroes

>> No.10684441

>Andrea Dworkin will never berate me for my masculinity before eating me

>> No.10684456

Belongs in a nunnery.

>> No.10684474

they're all mocked in academia because they fly in the face of the academic narrative on gender politics. are we going to pretend that academia isn't currently overwhelmingly Marxist and that they have a vested interests in discrediting these people?

>> No.10684491

And how would you like consent to work, sweetie? Please share your opinion.

By the way I respect women so much.
>living his life to please women.
Unironically my life purpose.

>> No.10684502

This. If you tell anyone in academia that you think any of these people have valuable ideas they will laugh in your face.

>> No.10684516

how would YOU like consent to work, sweetie? *nibbles on a pencil seductively*

>> No.10684517

Don't touch my Bloom you dumb fucking faggot.

>> No.10684523

You know that in academia Bloom is considered even a bigger brainlet than Peterson, right? At least Peterson is somewhat respected in his field.

>> No.10684559

who do academics read instead?

>> No.10684573

>appealing to authority this much
He isn't considered a brainlet. It's just that his style of criticism is considered antiquated by our current Zeitgeist which is composed mainly by people who think literature should serve a social function, muh death of the author and cultural critics.

>> No.10684587

Academics don't read. They just prefer condescension

>> No.10684607

I'm fairly sure that academics do in fact read.

>> No.10684615

Sure thing pseud

>> No.10684624

on the other hand I'm now convinced that you don't.

>> No.10684632

Hit a nerve didn't I?

>> No.10684634

she defends the prequels

>> No.10684636

>current Zeitgeist which is composed mainly by people who think literature should serve a social function
How did this happen? How did literature academia get filled with people who don't care about literature in itself? You would think that most people who study literature would do it because they liked to read and not to push their ideologies.

>> No.10684638

oh rly? what nerve is that?

>> No.10684641

The prequels are unironically more interesting cinema than the original trilogy. They are very unique films.

>> No.10684649

Paglia seems like she would be crazy as fuck in bed. Now I'm imagining her as this short-haired fiery faced young vixen sweatily slamming her ass into my pelvis on her work desk.

>> No.10684665

>>living his life to please women.
>Unironically my life purpose.
You'll never please women by sucking up to them and acting like a little bitch.

>> No.10684671

in what way? i get that they are operating in the mode of swords and sandals just like the originals remixed samurai, flash gordon and wwii, but what about them make them unironically good?

>> No.10684673

>I'm an anarchist and a lesbian.
So you're a loser that desperately wants to be a man. Sorry, sweetheart, you'll never be a man, you'll always be an cheap imitation caused by a failure of biology.

>> No.10684678

While that's an exaggeration, you're dumb if you go to someone's apartment after a date or a night out and don't expect them to desire sex.

>> No.10684702

Revenge of the Sith is her favourite film.
It's not the worst thing in the world, but that whole speech was so lame.

Memes really, but that's what passes for heroes around here.

I'm not a cross-dresser butch type. Don't want a penis, don't need it. Capitalism makes us all losers, loser.

>> No.10684705

>implying anything has changed since the 90's

>> No.10684712

>I'm not a cross-dresser butch type. Don't want a penis, don't need it.
Because you're a mistake of nature, a wasteful byproduct that will die out and never reproduce.

>> No.10684718

She's not saying you can't revoke consent later. She's saying that there's a clear social implication and that by going alone to a man's room with that implication in play (excluding obvious cases where there isn't a sexual context) that it's natural for it to be understood as consent for some form of sexual situation, that you shouldn't expect him to then wait for an extra explicit verbal consent.
She's perfectly right too, since this is in practice what happens. A nonverbal social cue is understood and a sexual situation is initiated almost always without verbal consent.
She's not saying that you can't then say no I don't want to, and leave. But she's basically saying not to be a social retard and pretend to be ignorant of the social message you're sending.

>> No.10684720

Why is capitalism so evil, bros? I just wanted to buy some cool stuff and now I'm slave to capital. Not cool.

>> No.10684721

there's no such thing as unironically good and there never has been. evaluating art of any kind requires the distance of irony to function, although often the critic themself doesn't realise.

>> No.10684722
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>> No.10684724
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>Revenge of the Sith is her favourite film.

>> No.10684729

Yes, sure. In fact you don't need misogyny to be an average guy.

>> No.10684733

You aren't an anarchist, you're a moderate.

>> No.10684743

Why are you so mad, bro? Did a lesbian "reject" you? Maybe you could have been her friend, instead you ended up with bitter rage.

>> No.10684754

>I'm an anarchist and a lesbian.
made me kek more than it should have

>> No.10684755

Same-sex couples were prone to adopting orphaned children in many cultures throughout history, thus providing a valuable social service.

>> No.10684759

read Evola instead

>> No.10684769

I used the same word as >>10684641

Btw, "unironically" is a qualification invoked to refer to enjoyment of something which might seem goofy and like it's only done for a laugh. When nowadays people e.g. watch a bad movie for the enjoyment of camp, that would in contemporary vernacular be called "irony," and so the opposite, watching a bad campy movie and *really* enjoying it would be called an "unironic" enjoyment.

>> No.10684771

>are literally mocked on academia
meanwhile, academia is literally a joke for 12yo retards on the internet. make of this whatever you want.

>> No.10684780

the prequels are geopolitical

>> No.10684787

I'm a mild person, but my passions run deep.
Chomsky is a moderate. I used to follow his promptings to vote third party in my safely Blue state, but this tactic will never work.
I'm not a strict pacifist, but I don't want things to get violent. The capitalists are the ones killing us and unleashing fascists on us, so there IS and will be violence beyond breaking windows and burning limos.

So you have no respect for it. No surprise. You know nothing about it.

>> No.10684790


>> No.10684791

give ONE example where this happened

>> No.10684794

just bought some cookies in some soulless supermarket, breddy gud desu

>> No.10684801

lollipop land

>> No.10684802

>lives in one of the richest countries in the world
>still complains
There are a lot of bad things about capitalism but it isn't killing you. If anything you're over feed.

>> No.10684804

Where does Evola talk about Sade? I know very little about him.

>> No.10684811

unironically I hope you enjoy your baked goods that are complicit in the suffering and death of thousands of people

>> No.10684812

You have no passions. You're a moderate. A socdem and probably a plebbit anarchist.

>> No.10684815

Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex

>> No.10684819

a lot of his early work was heavily influenced by Sade but it's mostly out of print

>> No.10684827

nice armchair diagnosis, do me next?

>> No.10684831

ur gey

>> No.10684837

holy shit how did you know

>> No.10684844

Interesting. thanks

>> No.10684855
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>> No.10684888

what a bunch of retards, if only Peterson were a fascist he may say something actually interesting.

>> No.10684892

I am not being showered with bombs, or forced to live in a shanty town, but there is media that shows me what's going on out there, and now there is a growing homeless problem. I see this all everyday now. There is a sense of guilt that wont go away even if I were to give away all my meager pay. The problems are systemic, I know what would fix it and I know why they are being fixed.

I *was* a soc-dem/progressive when I first came to /lit/, but I turned into a Democratic-socialist and then libertarian-socialist (anarchist) about 2011 or so.

Is this another advertisement for your home-page?

>> No.10684897

>Know why they AREN'T being fixed

>> No.10684915

Stalin did nothing wrong tho. How do you expect communes to form when a behemot fascist warmachine is invading the eastern countries, raping and killing.

>> No.10684919

As someone who lives in a country which became extremely capitalist after a short period were the first step to socialism were attempted unsuccessfully, I can tell you that while capitalism is not an utopia it's better than the alternative.

>> No.10684954

Stalin, that imperialist mass-murdering autocrat sociopath did everything wrong, not just morally but also organizationally, and I'm a communist.

>> No.10684961

You mean like Vietnam?

>> No.10684968

>but also organizationally
I'm afraid to ask you to elaborate, because I don't want any trotskyist drivel.

I'm not advocating for a stalin like character to acquire power in your country, but he got the job done in Russia, and nazi Germany, the most powerful and cruel state at the time was defeated.

>> No.10684972

Authoritarian-socialism is still capitalism.
And I don't mind your neighborhood getting electricity and wifi or whatever you're going to credit capitalism with, but it's not going last. It cheats people at every step and an alternative must be implemented before its too late.

How does Bookchin answer this? I need to read him soon.

>> No.10684995

please, leftists are fine, but try to put some effort, just repeating meaningless memes is not an accepted form of debate anymore

>> No.10684997

Stalin killed tens of thousands of intellectuals and promoted bootlickers and incompetents in their stead because he was afraid his autocratic power might otherwise be threatened. The Holodomor, which was most likely and by most accounts accidental, is a brilliant example of the sheer incompetence his regime was capable of.

>> No.10685004

paglia is, like, a soft libertarian
'bernie was my candidate'

>> No.10685005

>It wasnt communism, it was capitalism all along
You're reaching holocaust denier levels of delusional here.

>> No.10685016

i was talking about the retarded meme debate on the comments, not Paglia

>> No.10685022
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>> No.10685028

>Authoritarian-socialism is still capitalism.
It was democratic.
>but it's not going last
Why not?

>> No.10685058

>How did this happen
Intersectional feminism

>> No.10685062

Not exclusive to literature, and not even contained in academia. Same is true of film and television industry, even fucking video games.

>> No.10685079

Why do people like you even continue to live? Do you really want to?

>> No.10685082

>media shows me
Surely the media always shows me reality!

>> No.10685089

Out of spite towards everyone around them.

>> No.10685093

Nope, you're still a socdem. Isn't it obvious?

>> No.10685102
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The state owning all the means of production and all the property is authoritarian-socialism, and it is a type of capitalism, certainly not "free-market" or "corporatist" capitalism, but it is all that capitalism is based on.
The holocaust included socialists, homosexuals, Roma/gypsies and the mentally and physically deformed among the Jews. This is not a denial.

How long did Allende hold office before Kissinger put Pinochet in there. Of course the US wants to profit from "neocolonalising" you and rewarding you for keeping your poor shut up.

>Why not?
How infinite do you think the Earth's resources are?

Start with the Greeks.

Most of it is corporate-state propaganda, but I know what to look for. There are some journalists out there.

>> No.10685111

>heh I’ve got the inside scoop on Academia™
Fuck off

>> No.10685114

>but I know what to look for. There are some journalists out there.
lmao Platonist

>> No.10685119

>The state owning all the means of production and all the property is authoritarian-socialism, and it is a type of capitalism, certainly not "free-market" or "corporatist" capitalism, but it is all that capitalism is based on.

By those standards, give me an example of a society that can not be reduced to any form of "capitalism"

>Most of it is corporate-state propaganda, but I know what to look for. There are some journalists out there.
>People who tell me what I like to hear.

>> No.10685141


Worst trip on this terrible board

>> No.10685161

capitalism is human nature

>> No.10685162

>The holocaust included socialists, homosexuals, Roma/gypsies and the mentally and physically deformed among the Jews.

Too bad it didn't include you

>> No.10685167

>give me an example of a society that can not be reduced to any form of "capitalism"
Jesus Christ, the state of this board.

>> No.10685184

>How long did Allende hold office
Three years in which the country completely went to shit.
>Kissinger put Pinochet in there
Kissinger helped but he didn't just put Pinochet in there. The coup d'état was only done after:
Allende's government was declared unconstitutional by both the courts and the majority of the congress, including the entire Christian Democratic Party, which gave Allende the presidency in the first place.
Allende started to bring weapons illegally from Cuba.
Allende's own party pushed him to make a new constitution.
Allende told the people close to him, including the milliary, that he was going to make this new constitution.

And even after all that, Pinochet gave Allende the chance to surrender and he didn't. Fuck Allende.

>> No.10685199


>> No.10685200
File: 97 KB, 482x493, Reckoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The society that takes a more realistic approach to life.
The faith in capitalism is worse than the rancid faith in the Abrahamic patchwork of gods. The value in money is nonsense, a holdover when metals where a rarity. The hierarchies that were never to be challenged actually *need* to be challenged. Laws stuck on some Platonic pedestal need to be smashed. Land does not belong to anyone, for you die and return to it. No soul haunts anything but a memory.

An anarchist world would produce strong, intelligent and kind people. Wealth would be measured in friendships and social cohesion.

>> No.10685230

So you're a CIA apologist and likely a whitey.

>> No.10685257
File: 19 KB, 220x272, 220px-Anthony_Ashley_Cooper,_3._Earl_of_Shaftesbury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt realise you were going this broad when you were talking about societal structures that you went above and beyond and talked about a lack of one.

>An anarchist world would produce strong, intelligent and kind people.
50 000 years of tribalism tend to disagree. You're arguing the Noble Savage argument.

>> No.10685258

What if you don't have any friendships?

>> No.10685265

The CIA just helped us to do what we had to do, and here mostly everyone is mixed and racial identity isn't really a thing.

>> No.10685279
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>50 000 years of tribalism we have no record of ....tend to disagree

And you wander off to live alone like a an ant with a cordyceps infection? :'(

>> No.10685284

imagine being so fucking stupid that you think Rousseau was right, and a tripfag no less!

>> No.10685290


>> No.10685338
File: 2 KB, 360x216, The Iroquois Confederacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Rousseau?

>The Iroquois Confederacy

>> No.10685343
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>50 000 years of tribalism we have no record o...

>> No.10685362

>The Iroquois Confederacy
And were back to the savage noble.

>> No.10685369

trip fag go away you awful woman

>> No.10685384

Sadler is my only hero

>> No.10685390
File: 58 KB, 336x302, 14134095831673565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are you trying to say here? You're jumping back and forth.

Are you trying to defeat your own argument?

Did you forget to disable your trip?

>> No.10685393
File: 366 KB, 840x1120, Virgile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can never go back, dumb dumb.
I'm only making a case for a decentralized world of freedom.

I sense you will die before I, though I am your elder.

>> No.10685396

I don't speak gook nigger, what the fuck is that video

>> No.10685416

>what did she mean by this?

It means that you shouldn't go back to someone's apartment after a party if you don't want to have sex.

>> No.10685532

Academia is a joke

>> No.10685543


>> No.10685546

this thread compelled me to filter the butterflyfag

>> No.10685596

ok Sargon Quadroon of Akkad

>> No.10685610

hes right though. especially the "X Studies" fields that focus on identity politics.

>> No.10685615
File: 114 KB, 900x600, rous1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rousseau was alright, if you actually read Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men, for Rousseau the state of nature was good not because primitives were dirty hippies kissing each other's asshole, but because everybody was an independent Chad (even women), just roaming around, wrestling animals, eating whatever they wanted, fucking any hole without any kind of preference and staying the fuck away from other people. As soon as people start living together, trouble starts for Rousseau

of course we know humans were always social animals and he was wrong, but still not as retarded as the hippy thing

>> No.10685628

To be fair academia not being ruled by Ideology is an exception, not the rule. First it was TS Eliot and his new christian criticism, now it's this. Poor Bloom has lived the liberation and consequential flourishing of academia only to see it getting conquered by another kind of ideologues.

>> No.10685680
File: 119 KB, 325x500, Rousseau - Reveries of a Solitary Walker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I get what he meant now.

Is this book where that comes from, or is it any good?

>> No.10685720

Discourse on Inequality is an essay. Not sure if it's collected somewhere.

>> No.10685816

I agree but it's just really cringey to go around talking about academia. just don't major in those fields and let the blue haired dykes fuck their lives up in peace.

>> No.10685928

Does anybody know the music at 1:20?

>> No.10686230

Diderot's book is an allegorical criticism of Christianity

>> No.10686242

Fuck off, Platonist. You aren't an anarchist, you're a socdem pseud.

>> No.10686281
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>> No.10686836
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You mean the $40,000 a year library access?

>> No.10686849
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Sexual Personae is the only good thing she's written

>> No.10686854

Very much this.

>> No.10686868

And yet academia can't mount substantive criticisms of them. Seriously.

>> No.10686871

Oh yeah, I heard.

I'm not a Platonist, nor a neo-Platonist. I'm an Egoist-syndicalist.

>> No.10686877


>> No.10686902
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>equating Paglia and Bloom with Peterson
>Peterson is a /lit/ hero
>arguing from authority
kindly kill yourself please

>> No.10686912
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>> No.10686927


>> No.10687252

No, you're a clear Platonist. Try again, subhuman. If you're an anarchist then so's the cop down the way.
You're a socdem. Syndicalism is just a buzzword for socdem. In other words, you're just a liberal. And the only good liberal is a dead liberal.

>> No.10687282
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Being anti-capitalist makes one clearly on the socialist side of the fence. Hi, libertarian-socialist here. I guess you're just troiling

Someone in a deleted thread asked if I thought anarchism would ever win.
>Doesn't even matter. Some form of it is our only hope of survival.
>We do it or we do not.


>> No.10687309

Yes, that's why you're a socdem.
That doesn't mean you aren't a fascist subhuman.
Sorry sweetie, I'm not trolling. See, I'm a real radical, not a radical centrist. I'm not just upset that le bernie didn't win and rick and morty isn't good anymore and all that adolescent nonsense.

>> No.10687314
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>Being anti-capitalist makes one clearly on the socialist side of the fence

>> No.10687335

>modern rock/pop/punk music is a revitalization of pagan morality

I get this. Where is her paper on it?

>> No.10687418

>Wealth would be measured in friendships and social cohesion.

This is more oppressive than capitalism.

>> No.10687455

>He thinks social-dems are actually socialists.
>He thinks authoritarian-socialists are on the socialist side

Only libertarian-socialists renounce capitalism right up front. Tankies think they have to keep it as a state-capitalism.

Much confusion has been made of these terms, anon. Fuck you.

>> No.10687468
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Don't worry, you wont have to be nice to your relatives, anon.

Hell, you wont even be alive.

>> No.10687474

Fucking faggot slit your wrists already

>> No.10687478

I want to cum in a girls mouth and I want her to love it

>> No.10687481

You're so triggered.

>> No.10687484

« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !!Srz2lnO/STC detected

>> No.10687485
File: 341 KB, 640x320, Okay okay, g'bye g'bye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay okay okay okay. G'bye g'bye g'bye.

Stupid squealers

>> No.10687488

No, the same guy who doesn't like spazzes.

>> No.10687498
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Other people who are against capitalism are not socialists. Anarcho-primitivists, for instance, whether or not it's imbecilic Luddism.