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File: 111 KB, 500x700, wallaceoblivionauth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10681906 No.10681906 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys it's David Foster Wallace here

>> No.10681910

Hey what's up

>> No.10681911

I thought you died

>> No.10681912

How's it hanging?

>> No.10681917
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>> No.10681922

Hang yourself harder charlatan!

>> No.10681939

>Implying faking your own death isn't a brilliant career move

>> No.10681982
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And but so what happened?

>> No.10682000

yo dude, that's so sin^-2x(cool)

>> No.10682004

Were you even sincere?

>> No.10682007

So is this really water?

>> No.10682016

in your digits I was happy
in your digits I was sad
in your digits I was happy again

>> No.10682049

What's the story behind this interview? Was he on something?

>> No.10682057

clearly you never saw DFW outside of this interview

>> No.10682062

Not on video, but he depicts himself as a relatively normal person in his nonfiction.

>> No.10682066

>trusting books for depictions of reality

>> No.10682109
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>> No.10682124

Would you say there's a Great Concavity inside us all?

>> No.10682152

holy shit toppest kek

>> No.10682162
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>that little smirk when zadie looks back and smiles at him

>> No.10682198
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Hi guys it's Devil Foster Wallace here

>> No.10682206

go away Devil Foster Wallace

>> No.10682223

it all could have ended better lad

>> No.10682238
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>playing the advocate's devil

>> No.10682245
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>> No.10682258
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guys sometimes when i am lurking in DFW threads and having lots of laughs and giggles and experiencing some worthwhile jests... sometimes i get legitimately sad that the dude was depressed as hell all his life (just like myself) and it makes me suddenly feel a lot of undesired feels
and but so... any books for this feel?

>> No.10682277

Infinite Jest

>> No.10682286

>Electro Shock Therapy twelve times

yeah, this guy was sad

>> No.10682293
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>tfw you do that supposedly fun thing again

>> No.10682294

goddamn zadie was one cute little mulatto
did they fug

>> No.10682366

this is literally the one answer i did not want and it is the only answer i received
i now feel much, much worse

>> No.10682370


>> No.10682715

do you want them to

>> No.10682831

How were you in your own digits, anon? You will be dead in mine :^(

>> No.10682908

Why was there duct tape around his wrists?
My guess is that if he were to suddenly become conscious and try to free himself, the duct tape would complicate that? I don't know though.

>> No.10682912


He had a terrible fear of fucking up an attempt. He bound his own hands behind him before he kicked the stool.

>> No.10682916

In the report it mentions that he attempted once, then went and taped his wrists so he couldn't break free and completed his hanging.

>> No.10683027

i'd kill myself too if I were writing The Pale King, a book about how to endure boredom

>> No.10683329

Why does he wear the bandana?

>> No.10683347

Due to fears over excessive forehead sweating, from what I've heard

>> No.10683373

It's genuinely because he thought it looked cool like a rockstar.

>> No.10683990

Great Convexity you moron

>> No.10684591
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lotta loyalty for a depressed writer

>> No.10684611
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Was this a good cast?

>> No.10684627

yeah obviously

>> No.10684661
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>> No.10684708

We live in the golden age of traps

>> No.10685049


>> No.10685637

How did he manage to be such a functional normie?

>> No.10686416

>Franzen looking sweaty and confused in the background of every picture

>> No.10686426

Fucking Nucks I swear

>> No.10686491

Imagine if Franzen had actually killed himself and not dfw. Dfw would had written his masterpiece about it.

>> No.10686503

Why did he dress like that

>> No.10686515

if he took it off, it would be very painful

>> No.10686679
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I took a creative nonfiction course with him at Ponoma back in '94. We weren't allowed to show anyone our essays outside of the class for some reason. He seemed naturally intelligent, didnt need to look at any notes or textbooks or prepare for any lectures, he just knew his stuff and was super casual.

I saw him talking to a girl on campus one day. He uncharacteristically wore a Fila sweatsuit, the kind that looks like it's made from the same material as parachutes, and trainer sneakers with a matching bandana. That was his pussy hunt outfit apparently. Several times a week, same outfit, I'd see him hitting on women in it. I once saw him wearing it while carrying an identical outfit from the dry cleaners, he had like 4 sets of same Fila sweatsuit.

I asked him about it in class and he said we aren't allowed to discuss anything unrelated to class while inside class, the same way we can't show anyone outside of class our essays. A student called out "but Dostoevsky isn't in this class and last week you talked about replicating his black tea obsession to test its affects on your own writing". Wallace stared blankly at the student with dead eyes for 30 seconds in dead silence then said "you just got knocked down a full letter grade. Any other smart asses? Didn't think so." and pushed up his glasses with his index finger.

I remember telling myself this guy will either be super successful or kill himself.

>> No.10686842
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Any comments on this?

>> No.10686848

So what was Tristero?

>> No.10687106


He was (maybe performativley) highly nervous in front of a camera.

>> No.10687121
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>still posting this

>> No.10687145

>(maybe performativley)
most likely not. he wrote a lot on sweating in various essays, letters etc

>> No.10687306

We wouldn't know because it's a whole other person. I don't think even Lipsky can claim to have known the man himself, not from only a few interviews. Except maybe in the biblical sense.

>> No.10687449

I was honestly surprised by how well the whole thing turned out. It wasn't just pure hagiography like I figured it would be. The whole "just be a good guy" thing from the trailer had me worried they were going to peddle the whole Saint Dave thing, with him elucidating Lipsky on how to be a decent/concious modern human or whatever. But in the context of the film he is kind of intimidating Lipsky for perceivedly coming on to one of DFW's old romantic interests. If nothing else, they captured his capacity for jealousy and posturing (as well as all the tortured genius shit which we all showed up for in the first place).

>> No.10687461

> whole whole whole

God I need to proofread my posts

>> No.10687536

So Dave, if you decided to complete the pale king, how would you've finished it? Also I have to say the Gaddis influence in that book is strong.

>> No.10687559

To answer the first part: very carefully.

And as for Gaddis, never heard of him.

>> No.10687639
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How do I write like him, /lit/?

>> No.10687801

fist you have to lose every regard you have for the rules

>> No.10688041

Write academic papers for a year or two, then take every practice you learned there and apply it to fiction.

>> No.10688123

I agree. Showed him as a talented but ultimately flawed and troubled person just like the rest of us.

Plus that fucking ending was kino
>ywn be eulogized with the big ship by brian eno playing

>> No.10688139

Every Love Story is a Ghost Story

>> No.10688243

Read some Pynchon.

>> No.10688275

I'm sorry these fucking pseud niggers besmirch your good name

>> No.10688298

you wouldn't even know about dfw if not for the memes

>> No.10688343

my phil teacher told us about an essay he wrote last year at the start of class, very first day of class in fact.

>> No.10688383

lose all discernible talent

>> No.10689513
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>> No.10689696

I'm reading Infinite Jest now. Quite a childish humour you got there. I thought it was going to be darker.

>> No.10689721

get high on being sincere and read a lot of DeLillo

also, does anyone have the LAWS REGARDING PROSE meme macro?

>> No.10689727
