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10681445 No.10681445 [Reply] [Original]

>openly attacks autistics and aspergers idiot-savants in each book of the incerto and even in some of his scholarly articles

why is he such a bully?

>> No.10681454

he gets bullied by autistics on twitter constantly

>> No.10681460

I like his books and his ideas, but I agree he's such a bully. He's almost deranged on twitter. Even if some of the people deserve it.

>> No.10681476

Is it his Levantine DNA? Can he even stop being such a cruel bastard? If he was born to a Muslim family instead of a Christian one would he be a member of ISIS beheading kurds as we speak?

>> No.10681487
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Is he Vargpilled? He talks about his heritage, haplogroups and shit a lot.

>> No.10681507

What did he says about aspies?

>> No.10681520

He's an interesting thinker, but the self-praise in all his writings is embarrassingly transparent. I can respect him but nobody likes a show off. Might be slightly sociopathic.

>> No.10681542

>Phd in management science
ohimlaughin, he can kiss my autist savant ass. Tfw real grad degree in a real major

>> No.10681549

and yet he's a successful multi-millionaire and you are looking ahead towards a lifetime of wageslavery

>> No.10681557


>> No.10681559
File: 140 KB, 1698x1294, good boy genes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that what I like about him the most! We're both part of the same haplogroup. Though I'm specifically J2B2.

>> No.10681569

My theory is he was kind of a nerd and bullied in childhood, and now he acts like this because he found fame

>> No.10681609

He's a Levantine who has spent a lot of his life in New York, it can't be helped. I just read the new essay he tacked on to the recent edition of TBS where he said he stopped accepting invitations to debates because he couldn't keep the grin off of his face when he started thinking about how he made hundreds of times the annual professorial salary of the guy he's debating by betting against the guy's entire interpretation of the world.

I also like the part when he talks about how he decided to exercise randomly, spending 15 hours a week walking at a very slow pace interrupted by occasional maximum speed sprints at pure random. And he eats randomly, some days gorging on tens of thousands of calories while on others eating nothing at all. He's sedentary just hanging out and walking for days at a time then he randomly goes to the gym and randomly lifts weights to the extent that he says the trainers at the gym called his workouts completely erratic. He says this with a smug grin on his face as he writes it, as he begins to ascend into the highest form of elemental chaos while some fucking nerd ponders whether his random exercises are truly random or not, because only a nerd cares about the technical distinction between true randomness and apparent randomness.

>> No.10681628

kek, is this pasta?

>> No.10681640
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mandatory pic

>> No.10681648
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No, it's more or less his account of things in the book except for the elemental chaos bit.

>> No.10681661

"Never trust the opinions of someone who has to work for a living" - NNT

An aphoristic genius if there ever was one. He knows the wagecuck menace very well.

>> No.10681793

>wagecuck menace

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.”

>> No.10681845

I can't imagine them getting on. weird

>> No.10681867

He's a Chad

>> No.10681875

Did he really say that about holding back a grin for making more? It's like he's overlooking the fact that the uncertainty and randomness of his own choices could have allowed him to make more than his opponent in the debate.

That's some fucking jaw dropping hypocrisy if he really published a paper saying that, it contradicts everything he has said.

>> No.10681876

>nobody likes a show off
Wrong, Americans love a show off. He's a Chad. People love winners, from the football QB to the current president of the US.

>> No.10681884

Why have I never realized he looks exactly like Louis Ck

>> No.10681888

Didn't know he hangs with RippleTits kek

The only good thing about Taleb is how intensely he inspires avoiding wageslavingn

>> No.10681943

I really wouldn't mind m8. I finally found my people at work. Coming into my job and talking to fellow aspies day in and day out about an academic field I love makes life worth living. What kind of pleb cares about money only?

>> No.10681953

True, and his boastfulness is very American. He could let his thoughts/work/record speak for themselves. He still carries the cockiness of a well-educated kid from a wealthy/influential background.

Whatever, I enjoy reading him, I just know he's a twat.

>> No.10681973

at the end of the day he hasn't advanced any scientific field worth mentioning (inb4 risk analysis kek) and he'll die with a lambo a death as meaningless as anyone else, just without the comfort of knowing he really accomplished something. sad shit

>> No.10682009

Lol, his only failing is that he hasn't reproduced yet.

>> No.10682041

He actually has two children, but he keeps his public and family life very separate.

>> No.10682104

fuck off money worship cuck

>> No.10682125

It's not about the money, you see(apparently you don't). It's about the freedom you can afford due to the money.

>> No.10682133

I think that's why he's been bullying so hard lately, he wants to bully the world into seeing the importance of his work, but ofc that's not how shit works and his work isn't anything new, no matter what he argues

>> No.10682362

I don't have the exact quote offhand, but it wasn't so much about the money as it was about the academic, and many more like him, holding steadfastly to the line they had been holding to prior to the crisis. That he made a shitload of money while flying in the face of what portfolio theorists told everyone, while everyone else was getting trashed was just icing.

He repeatedly says he never predicted the 2008 crisis, only that there would be a crisis at some point in time. He freely admits the timing was coincidental and only idiots look at the exact path it unfolded along and retrospectively say anyone could have seen it, or that it had to play out that way. He also doesn't call the crisis a black swan event, he even got mad over people calling it a 'black swan' and then proceeding to go about business as usual since the academic tendency is to remove outliers (ie, reality) from their models when it's the outliers that actually fucking matter.

He's a smug bully but he's one of the most consistently right people when it comes to what's wrong with our financial system.

>> No.10682604

Clearly does a good job

>> No.10683342

He's the Jordan Peterson of economics

>> No.10683785

His opponents like pinker boy never learn

>> No.10683794

>hurr I can have three houses and five cars and go on vacation often
>real freedom talk

>> No.10683808

>Is he Vargpilled
The Varg pill IS autism.

>> No.10684415


non-Meds who will NEVER understand sprezzatura

>> No.10684465
File: 121 KB, 694x876, Tal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love Taleb.
His irascibility is endlessly endearing.

>> No.10684466

I really liked Antifragile while being wary that he is kind of telling me what I want to hear, which is that all the people I suspect of bullshitting really are bullshitting.

Ultimately he is right about the above point but I also reject his putting the ancients on a pedestal. That is pseud shit. And you can't live as a completely sincere 100 % non empty suit and expect to get anywhere in life e.g., skipping university because they all employ bullshitters, or giving "genuine" answers in job interviews.

Seeing all the bullshit said about Tr*mp by empty suits has raised Taleb's stock. Not that you have to like Ch**t* H*tl*r. But seeing the new Yorker, NYT, and mountains of social scientists repeating vague and illogical bullshit has given Taleb's works and anti-scientism rants renewed importance.

>> No.10684662
File: 29 KB, 589x194, Taleb J2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10684675

him and peter daou jerking each other over their haplogroups on twitter is a meeting of the minds not seen since the chomsky-foucault debate

>> No.10684884

>go on vacation often
No anon, these people are permanently on vacation, living however they please. I'm surprised it's taking an honest back and forth to get this through to you.

>> No.10684921

NNT is the boomer daemon, the collation of all their suppressed desire to reign as tyrannical patriarchs, embodying their punitive malice as the eagle did Zeus'

>> No.10684935

why does he constantly rail against the boomer controlled academy and wall street then?

>> No.10684969

limited self-awareness

>> No.10684988

He's a DAEMON a SHADOW the shadow's will is dark but it's nature is to TRACK THE FIRE!

>> No.10685029

>he hasn't advanced any scientific field worth mentioning

he btfo steven pinker's violence thesis

>> No.10685132
File: 208 KB, 327x316, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10685471

Nassim "Niggerless" Taleb
Nassim "If you aren't Haplogroup J2 it's the grave for you" Taleb
Nassim "I'm a wop not a wog" Taleb

>> No.10685667

he is the varg of the J2 halporace

one day he will lead the J2 clan in a crusade to retake Lebanon from the Arabs and form an Epistemocracy in the lands of his ancestors, making the village of Aimoun the capital.

>> No.10685699
File: 19 KB, 491x488, 1516577681576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is pure gold goddamn

>> No.10686573

Omega kek.

>> No.10686770

ahahahaha holy shit he's the nonginger version

>> No.10686820

do you think he ever forces women to watch hm masturbate

like just for fun haha

>> No.10687159
File: 66 KB, 924x153, TALEB XXXTR3M3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10687374

fragilista detected