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/lit/ - Literature

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10680829 No.10680829 [Reply] [Original]

>So anon what do you do for fun?
>Oh, haha, not much, I like to write and read
>What do you read?
>Old books mostly, been reading some Russian literature stuff like Dostoevsky and Tolstoy
>Woah, that sounds so boring, haha!
>I don't know if I could read that. I think the most complicated thing I ever read was Hegel. I liked that and Kierkegaard
how the fuck do you respond to a blindside like this? I just fumbled with a potentially /lit/ qt today because I wasn't sure if she was making fun of me or if I was just outclassed. Starting to reevaluate my priorities.

>> No.10680852

realize that she is just faking. if you asked her what she liked about either she would have looked stunned and changed the subject.

>> No.10680864

It must have been banter. Either that or she was autistic and unironically thought that reading Hegel is more entertaining than Dostoevsky and Tolstoy.

When she told you she liked Kierkegaard you should have asked her if she was a Christian. Cute Christian autistic girls are the very top tier of waifus.

>> No.10680867

You didn't immediately ask her what she liked about them?

>> No.10680889

What if she recently watched some of the Gregory B. Sadler's Half hour Hegel videos and btfo OP even harder?

>> No.10680890

like I said, I fumbled. I will ask her about her readings the next time I see her after reviewing the wiki page for hegel fuck I need to bump that shit up my reading list
She is a Christian, of the no-sex-before-marriage variety. I know this because she managed to work it into the conversation the very first time we met. Come to think of it, maybe she is autistic.

>> No.10680909

Lucky bastard. You need to act fast before Chad comes and takes her purity.

>> No.10680913
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>dropped a potential conversation about Hegelian philosophy with a qt Christian autistic

>> No.10680920

This never happened

>> No.10680930

I have so many reasons to believe that this girl doesn't exist.

>> No.10680932


>> No.10680938

It's definitely real, the question is if she's a fraud.
I met her through a mutual friend who wanted to start a jazz band/jam group on the weekends. I play bass, she sings. I haven't talked to her much before today about anything other than music and this came totally out of the blue.

>> No.10680944

>when she responds "the seducer's diary"

>> No.10680946

>she's into jazz and sings too
Come on, anon. Why do you have to break my heart making me believe there are girls like this out there? I thought we were bros.

>> No.10680972

That's where you fucked up. If you had just showed a little spine you might have got some. I was in this exact situation a while back, except instead of trying to outclass me she just insisted that the YA type stuff she read is better. I just ignored it and didn't acknowledge her position. We hooked up later cause ai kept my cool.

>> No.10680973

You blew it. You should have asked her to marry you the moment she said she wanted to stay virgin until marriage.

>> No.10680991

Where do you live? I'm going to come marry this girl before you have the chance

>> No.10680999

she has flaws as well - she's always buried in her phone, for example - but yeah she seems way too good to be true
continental u.s. :^)
also I hope you like hispanic girls :^)))))))

>> No.10681003

I'm in the same country as you. Give me a state.

>> No.10681011

>also I hope you like hispanic girls
That depends on how spicy she is. Is she of the mexican kind?

>> No.10681040

Atlanta, not getting more specific than that
half mexican half russki

>> No.10681046

I guess I'm moving to Georgia

>> No.10681051

welcome to the south friend, feel free to drop by and visit me and my wife once you get here

>> No.10681054

make her laugh you fucking posturing faggot

good lord

i'd never behave like this
i mostly make fun of nerds around women to show my dominance since im a chad

>> No.10681056

Mexican as in white mexican or spicy mexican?

>> No.10681059

If your head isn't shaped like the country it doesn't count

>> No.10681067
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>> No.10681085

You're Emory kids, aren't you

>> No.10681092

white I think? not sure of the difference, also the slav in her makes it hard to tell

>> No.10681101

>That pic

>> No.10681108

anon pls I'm not made of money

>> No.10681111

What about her? Are her parents rich? What is your ethnicity? Are you good looking? Do you think she's out of your league?

>> No.10681123

Most of the artsy lit kids I've met in the Atlanta area actually are made of money. I ended up at Tech, which is entirely devoid of anyone with even a passing interest in books.

>> No.10681145
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idk, mutt-white, average-looking, possibly but I'm going to try anyways

>> No.10681165

You have a chance. Not that many people go after best girls because they think they're out of their league, so there are less competence that you may think. She may still have high standards though.

>> No.10681173

If she's hispanic then why did you post an asian on the OP? You're not a truthful person.

>> No.10681184

She's half hispanic, half-russian. That's all asians actually are.

>> No.10681200
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That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about Asians to dispute it.

>> No.10681209

>she has flaws as well - she's always buried in her phone, for example
This is a red flag. It means she probably has friends.

>> No.10681235

what's wrong with her having friends?

>> No.10681253

Because it means she's a Stacy. I don't know about you. Mr. Chad, but I don't have friends so I would feel at a disadvantage if I dated a Stacy.

>> No.10681261

You are an abuser waiting to happen

>> No.10681277

Y-ou don't have to be so mean.

>> No.10681282

op, pls respond

>> No.10681292

I don't know about that. It's hard to hit women if you cower when you're with one.

>> No.10681303

I'm trying to get a ring, anon, not just pussy
>pls respond
way to keep your cool, nerd
sorry to hear that, don't give up hope. There might be a friend for you out there yet.

>> No.10681314

Oh my god. Over 10 days straight of Hegelian philosophy discourse. Has anyone ever even done this?

>> No.10681325

Came here to post this

>> No.10681330
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>> No.10681340

I'm starting it now, want to get some of it under my belt before I see her again in case she's legit

>> No.10681342
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This, OP. You should have immediately done your best Kierkegrug impression, and mocked her mercilessly. Stress that not only did she certainly misunderstand the concepts he was laying out, but that even if she had it wouldn't matter since Kierkegaard and Hegel were both caveman-level idiots who offered nothing to humanity. That's how you really make women like you.

>> No.10681410
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I've fallen into this trap before. Thought someone was bluffing about having read all of Shakespeare's work, so I asked them what they thought about The Two Gentlemen of Verona and they spoke for 2 whole fucking minutes summarizing how integral the play was in developing Shakespeare's ability so he could go on to master his later plays, while also giving me several exact quotes from it.

Needless to say I looked quite the fool when he flipped the question back on me, as I hadn't even read it yet and I'd only seen a few excerpts.

>> No.10681492

pic related is infinitely more attractive than the girl you're sperging about

>> No.10681506

I can assure you that was a bluff.

>> No.10681702

There an early episode of the podcast Partially Examined Life on Hegel, might be a quicker foray. God speed though.

>> No.10681708

liked Hegel AND Kierk

>> No.10681731

too hegelian for u? lmao

>> No.10681764

She is fully screwing with you.
While you passed for not consuming her obvious bait, consider this a technical failure for reading Hegel. There is no world where Hegel is a topic between non-platonic persons of any gender.

>> No.10681995

This was it. Such an opportunity, lost

Kierkegaard would be proud

>> No.10681996

She sounds great, anon. I'm rooting for you.

>> No.10682260

Jokes on you. You can't abuse anyone when you're going to die alone

>> No.10682270

there's always a catch

>> No.10682297
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>Cute Christian autistic girl

Why did you have to remind me
I love you Abigail

>> No.10682306

The correct way to deal with Shakespeare nerds is talk exclusively about your favorite dick jokes in whatever play they bring up. Bonus points if you can drop a quote or two. Used to do this to my gf after going to plays and she eventually stopped dragging me along to them.

>> No.10682367

>I wasn't sure if she was making fun of me or if I was just outclassed.

bro, its girls' job to tease you. even if she's positively disposed towards you she gonna bantz u to figure out if ur a flatfooted dweeb. if she just said "wow ur so cool and smart i want to spread legs right now" she'd just be a cheap skank

>> No.10683451

>There is no world where Hegel is a topic between non-platonic persons of any gender
What does that have to do with OP's platonic self?

>> No.10683500

>Hey guys what ya talking about?
>Shakespeare? That name sounds familiar. See ya later!
That's the correct way to deal with them.

>> No.10683513

I honestly hate you for giving me a glimmer of hope that such a girl could exist.

>> No.10683979

I usually just tell them that Shakespeare was actually a black man and that white people have been lying to them and trying to take credit for classic black literature

>> No.10684012

>Things that never happened

>> No.10684042

You can read Hegel twice before finishing his stuff.

>> No.10684684

>She is a Christian, of the no-sex-before-marriage variety. I know this because she managed to work it into the conversation the very first time we met. Come to think of it, maybe she is autistic.
translates into
>I'll suck your dick the first minute we're in a public restroom.

>> No.10684689

Hi /r9k/

>> No.10684695

Why would you say something so mean about such a pure girl?

>> No.10684698

Tell her to go back to the greeks.

>> No.10684744

>Dostoevsky and Tolstoy are boring but Kierk is good
Wait, what?
Every proper christfag loves Dosto and Tolstoy, particularly girls
This shit is just weird

>> No.10684868

2d is pure 3d is vile

>> No.10684882
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she never actually read them, I offered to lend her one of my copies. Still not sure if she's duping me.
I know, I'm hoping to grab a couple basic concepts and then ask her some questions about universal vs particular, etc. But also this has inspired me to get more into Hegel in general, this Sadler lecture series is some comfy listening.

>> No.10684914

Uhhh you ask her if she is/was a philosophy major in college maybe?

Those aren't that fucking WOWIE for most liberal arts studies really... Are you 16?

>> No.10685001

>met a chick who likes hegel and kierkegaard
fuckin marry the smart bitch for fuck's sake

>> No.10685007


>> No.10685018


>> No.10685080
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