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/lit/ - Literature

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10679954 No.10679954 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read the King James Bible or a modern English translation of it?

>> No.10679982

Whichever one will help you understand, internalize, and ultimately live the teachings of Christ.

>> No.10680028
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King James, but an annotated version like pic related

>> No.10680037
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Prepare for pic related

>> No.10680164

You should read the KJV for its literary value. If you want to understand the Bible theologically and historically, read this

>> No.10680173

I'll start us off: Protestants aren't even Christians

>> No.10680214


>> No.10680231

>20 chapters on constructing the tabernacle are a requirement for salvation
lel, it feels twice as long as that

>> No.10680241

>$50 CDN
How heavily annotated is it? Are they geared towards academics, pastoral, or new readers?

>> No.10680242


>> No.10680249

meant for >>10680164 rather

>> No.10680251

>the liturgy should have remained the only class to understand the bible

why the fuck would you want this meme to be a reality

>> No.10680308

This is myth, personal/home bibles existed throughout Catholic Europe.

>> No.10680316

Because the plebs will corrupt it and water it down.

>> No.10680324

It's literally a basic bitch atheist, not even Protestant meme though, and it's born out of the fact that peasants didn't have time to learn to read and most of the nobility didn't give a fuck about reading when there were peasants to slaughter. If some rich merchant or lord wanted to learn Latin he could.

Of course maybe literacy was a mistake considering modern Protestantism.

>> No.10680521

I actually don't own it myself but if you were going to take a biblical studies class at a real University, that's what you'd be assigned in the syllabus.

>> No.10680528

Read the Koine Greek version faggot

>> No.10680553

>reading a translation filled with errors and misunderstandings

>> No.10680559

not in a language anyone but the elites could understand