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10678954 No.10678954 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you faggots do drugs? How do you justify it to yourselves? I got high last night and can't understand Hegel today. If I can't understand Hegel my life is worthless. Therefore doing drugs makes my life worthless.

>> No.10678965

So you say understanding Hegel makes life worth living ?

Isnt Hegel the faggot who made up a new language for his stuff ?

>> No.10679004

Drugs aren't good for art, it was all a '60s meme.

Writers' bread and butter always been and always will be alcohol and mental illness.

>> No.10679020

what? i do drugs everynight while reading

>> No.10679119

Wtf r u talking about, OP? I read the Phenomenology while baked out of my skull and achieved self-consciousness. What's your excuse?

>> No.10679144

>drugs aren't good for art
>the only things good for art are a drug and things that alter your mind chemically

>> No.10679184

>How do you justify it to yourselves
I don't. Life is about balancing being high enough to cope with being sober enough to read/function. On a sidenote, I think I'm one of the few human being capable of reading while high out of my mind. It took about three years of practice though.

>> No.10679215

>all drugs are the same and affect the mind negatively

>> No.10679293
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All junkies should be shot, baka desu
They're all murderers by proxy by funding the business which kills the most people in the world

>> No.10679547

>Kills the most people in the world
Fuck off with your virtue signalling you edgy faggot.
>People who buy bananas at the supermarket should be disappeared and chopped into pieces for supporting AUC death squads by proxy to the banana industry that pays them for "public relations"
>Anyone who uses anything with a microchip or coltan should be shot for funding the congo civil war and numerous other crimes
>If you buy a product containing wheat or cotton in the supermarket you are most likely responsible for famine in India and Africa, buy supporting international state-corporate complexes that are responsible and should be force evicted into the slums Mumbai before starving to death.
I good go on all day and could get into very gross details. As a person who actually does something about these things I am telling you to fuck off.
The kind of naivete it takes to think you can change a thing with consumption, lol. If you think it is simply market relationships that make such injustice possible you are wrong, it's conventions like property and state sovereignty.
Drugs are fucking sick and consumers can't change a damn thing. Only citizens can, so get off your ass and resist if you really give a fuck, otherwise STFU.
Btw the main thing responsible for narco terrorism is international relations and state violence, aswell as private property.
Drugs are fucking sick.

>> No.10679607

Gonna have to admit that it does make it more difficult to read when you take psychedelics that make it look like the letters on the page are running away from your line of sight. Still fun though, and I feel that Huxley's Doors of Perception does a good job justifying their use in wiping the crud out of your third eye.

>> No.10679630

wait till big pharma launches the entire world into extinction when they never stop mass producing and selling antibiotics. Then you'll be the one responsible for all these deaths, buying your tylenol at walgreens.

See, you're dumb as fuck.

>> No.10679632

literally first started reading Hegel on 3 hits of acid. Never had that kind of an experience before, was fucking amazing.

>> No.10679652
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no you didnt
or your acid was garbage
you cant read on any dose that sends you past the peak ive micro and mini dosed while reading in fact i did it yesterday but dont pretend like three hits of decent acid will get you anywhere but a curled up fractalscape

>> No.10679665

If you can control your mind you can do just about anything on acid.
>t. Person who has driven a car cross country on twelve hits

>> No.10679672

kys you fucking piece of shit

>> No.10679681

my drug use stems from my death wish and has no relation to my literary interests

>> No.10679689

Alcohol isn’t good either. Technically, if you could do just enough of it to slightly lower your inhibitions and boost your creativity, it would be better for you, but since if you were to make that a habit you would eventually build a tolerance and make it harder and harder, it’s best to just leave it alone since the effects are minimal at best.

Mental illness can help, as a lot of crazy people I’ve met make funky paintings and such. It’s kind of a crapshoot though.

Really, the thing that helps the most, and the thing that people hate hearing, is you’ve just got to sit down and write for extended periods of time every single day for a number of years and you eventually get pretty darn good.

>> No.10679700
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woah which is it that you dont like the acid or the cute little grls because i looooove both of them locking arms

>> No.10680142

And companies whose crimes are discovered should and are punihed most of the time. And people who care about human lives avoid them if they are not.
Junkies are responsible for most of African wars, all the civil strife in Latin America and East Asia and most of the crime in North America and Europe. And you know this, but simply don't give a flying fuck. So yes, you should be shot.
Are they immediately responsible for millions of deaths anually right now? No, but the monsters who keep buying weed and coke as if they're as innocent as crossing a red light is.

Also, whataboutism isn't an actual argument, you disgusting fucks. You don't even consider the cost that you bring upon others.

>> No.10680212

But I buy weed at a store like a normal person

>> No.10680296

Probably bait
>And companies whose crimes are discovered should and are punihed most of the time. And people who care about human lives avoid them if they are not.
First of all it works exactly the opposite way, look what Chevron did in Ecuador or what DOW did in India. I know for a fact that the authorities not only know about many corparte crimes but they go to great lengths to let them happen with impunity. And this includes narcotrafficing Read some stratfor leaks.

>Junkies are responsible for most of African wars, all the civil strife in Latin America and East Asia and most of the crime in North America and Europe.
Absurd, sure alot of terrible people are junkies, but it's not being a junkie that made them bad people. Name one war that was started by people getting high, I happen to have alot of particular knowledge that relates to those vague problems you just name dropped

>> No.10680305


>> No.10680401

>Name one war that was started by people getting high
It's unironically impossible to list them all
So let's look at "only" some of the ones that are ongoing in these last 20 years
>American War on Drugs
>Mexican Drug War
>Philippines Drug War
>Brazilian Cartel Wars
>FARC insurrection
>Sendero Luminoso rebellion
>Afghan Opium War
>Indian D-company attacks
>Hezbollah and Hamas
And there are many more
Are the people directly funding drug trafficking not responsible for the wars it causes?

This is unironically ok. As long as the stores buy from legal and certified farmers.

>> No.10680434

This. The word drug is completely useless without further clarification about which specific drug is being discussed.

>> No.10680462

>dont pretend like three hits of decent acid will get you anywhere but a curled up fractalscape
You must be the most soy of boys. 3 tabs (assuming you mean around 300ug) is a low dose. I recommend beginners do that dose. The most I've taken at once was 1.3mg and I could still read after I took some time to focus.

>> No.10680632


For me it was like oh lets try then discovering new areas of my counsciousness then the feeling of seeing 8deep16you2 and then after a few years stopping drugs because they re for faggots anyway.

>> No.10680691

>tfw Pynchon smoked a pound a week while writing GR, COL49 and M&D at the same time

we're just all brainlets

>> No.10680708

A man moved near a river and, wanting to find a way to travel across the water, spent ten years forming a type of levitation that would allow him to float across it. Buddha, who was preaching in town, was confronted by this man, who said, "Look master, look what I have achieved. I can walk across the water." And Buddha said, "Yeah, but the ferry only costs a nickel..."

Drugs, most significantly psychedelics, can be the key that unlocks the expansion of your own consciousness. The mystical, powerful experience is not in the chemical, it is in the person and can found through the different perspective created by the chemicals. Having these intense experiences "naturally", without the use of drugs, is no different from the experience gained with the drugs. OPs post is impossible to address without first knowing what specific chemical was consumed. "Drug" tells nothing.

>> No.10680763

I've had my psychedelics phase as a teenager, but it's gone now. I still do some drugs eventually, but merely as casual entertainment. I put drugs exactly in the same column as sex: both are experiences quite frankly worth some time, but by far unessential and unproductive.

>> No.10680800

>yfw he asked his wife to give him LSD during his last moments


>> No.10680815

Sounds like you've had a lot of fun.

>> No.10680823

I feel like you're making this up, it was terrible acid, or your tolerance is exceptionally high

>> No.10680836

cause its fun and as long as you arent a gutter-gened pleb with addictive tendencies you can do hallucinogens with literally zero risk to yourself

weed and psychedelics don't intrinsically help creativity but the distorted perceptions can help you look at things from new angles

>> No.10680838

Or the experience of LSD is very subjective and varies wildly between individuals.

>> No.10680843

he's definitely outright lying. 12 hits would leave most people unable to get up off the ground.

>> No.10680861

>12 hits would leave most people unable to get up off the ground.
t. someone who has never done a high dose

>> No.10680876

French posters are not welcome on /lit/

>> No.10680884

I doubt he would be able to drive a car "cross country" if he had never taken acid before and started with twelve tabs. Sure, it's possible, it seems more likely that it's posturing, based on my experience with and around the drug. I know of someone who took one hundred tabs at once, but he was an a-head

>> No.10680903

>I doubt he would be able to drive a car "cross country" if he had never taken acid before and started with twelve tabs.
>if he had never taken acid before
This was not part of his claim. If he did say that I wouldn't believe it either.

>> No.10680907

>one hundred tabs at once
Even if it was shitty LSD, even if there was less than 100ug there... I can't even imagine what he saw something there. He probably experienced unexistence during the peak.

>> No.10680922

That's what I mean about tolerance being a major factor.

>> No.10680927

bro i blacked out on like 8 hits

>> No.10680941

LSD tolerance is nearly reset after only 2 weeks. What really helps on higher doses is past experiences of tripping and knowing what to expect, not physical tolerance.

>> No.10680953

High on what? Weed? Weed is known for making you dumb

>> No.10680986

Why are you guys so crazy
I dont think I would be able to handle something beyond 3.5g of shrooms. Thats already intense enough for me, beyond that I would go nuts because of thinking I'm going nuts.

>> No.10681032


No it doesn't. Literally almost every major figure of the last 100 years blazed it.

>> No.10681066

>hasn't done a thumbprint yet
>tfw The Rose of Paracelsus is all true

>> No.10681069

i used to experiment with shrooms and o-acetylpsilocin, during a time when i was learning to come to peace with some issues that had given me grief all my life.
one afternoon i was baked and grabbed a handful of dry fungi (later turned out to be ~5 grams) on an empty stomach and began walking downtown. it's obviously not an experience that can be conveyed verbally, but within an hour or two i was literally walking through the entirety of my own life/history. to any observer i was just a dude out for a stroll (sunglasses are important).

i'm not aware of any actual dosage limit, but i'm not sure i would take 1/8+ doses in public anymore. in a safe, quiet room is different story.
but yeah, i've had the "i'm going to be like this forever and my parents will know" experience.

>> No.10681084

I'm never doing acid again. I did it three times, every experience was terrible. Shrooms are alright.

That's true. But I think one would still need a lot of experience to be comfortable driving on that much acid,

>> No.10681093

Had that sorta thing happen on 150mg of 4-aco-dmt. I remembered being the Buddha and Christ as I lay on my bed in darkness...

>> No.10681095

drugs are for faggots 2bh

>> No.10681098

You have conditioned yourself to feel like you couldn't handle high doses. Handling a high dose for any psychedelic is the same process as handling a low dose. You have to let go, loosen your tight grip on your "sober" reality, and watch the chemical work it's magic. Higher doses for me actually go smoother compared to the low doses because, I assume, the transition from "sober" to tripping is much quicker and fighting the experience becomes increasingly futile. Set and setting will always be most important factor no matter the dose. What do you think would happen if you took more than 5 grams? The experience will always eventually end and you are missing out by scaring yourself into not even attempting it.

>> No.10681109

>I did it three times, every experience was terrible
Can you explain these experiences? I'm curious

>> No.10681110

I dont feel comfortable in a small quiet room either, I just have never been able to "let go" while on psychedelics except at the peak of my first trip when I archived ego dissolution (no ego death)
I never really enjoy the experience, is always just weird and freaky, but that doesnt stop me from keep doing psychedelics
I dont know what my fucking problem is

>> No.10681148

There was usually some fun at the outset, like watching and enjoying a film I otherwise wouldn't have, but about three or four hours into the trip I would start freaking. I couldn't interact with another person without turning into a nervous wreck. I actually felt physically "strung out," like my muscles and my mind had been wrung dry. Every time I tried to think about something I would descend into a nightmarish thicket of hypothetical cases and reasons to the contrary, and I would never make progress. The third time I scared my friend's girlfriend through sheer autism, so I just laid down in my room, which she came into, and apologized. She apologized to me for being frightened by me, then laid down next to me in bed, which was quite honestly terrifying because I had no (and to this day have no) idea what was going on. That was when I decided I would never do it again.

I think smoking a not insignificant amount of weed throughout these trips probably contributed to the bad experiences, but I have HPPD from smoking too much pot now so I'm not going to risk exacerbating that by trying acid pot-free.

>> No.10681176

>then laid down next to me in bed
Thats cute

>> No.10681203

Neither colombia nor peru are about drugs, drugs got involved eventually but it's really about communism

>> No.10681229

I just froze and pretended to be asleep, literally played dead like a possum. I am an inveterate coward.

>> No.10681254

my impression is that psilocybin throws every trace of insecurity and self-awareness (the negative kind) right in your face. which is obvious i guess, but what i mean is it could be a sign that there are things for you to work on during regular waking hours.
also, one thing i didn't mention is that right before my downtown vision quest began in earnest, i was tripping the fuck out, like i never have, in the middle of a public park, and managed to call a more experienced buddy who ended up biking over and helped me interpret my thoughts rationally. once my fears were allayed, the real journey began.
so having someone be there for you just in case, someone who knows what time it is and who you really trust, can make all the difference
sounds wonderful :)

>> No.10681348

Sounds like you have a lot of problems you need to work out. LSD and other psychedelics are amazing at exposing our weaknesses and it sounds like you have a lot of them. From your post I can tell you are physically weak. The biggest step towards a healthy mind is cultivating a healthy, strong body.

>> No.10681357

same. i like your numbers too

>> No.10681361

>>American War on Drugs
Started because Congress made getting high illegal
>Mexican Drug War
Same thing, the state is the aggressor, cartels would not exist to have the power they do if drugs we're not criminal.
>Philippines Drug War
Same shit, drug users did not start this, all they did was do drugs
>Brazilian cartel wars
Same shit again
>FARC insurrection
Not even close, project LAZO created the FARC out of some peasant labor activists
>Sendero Luminoso rebellion
Nothing to do with drugs other than a source of revenue
Wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't criminalized on the international market, besides accidental overdoses. Opium users aren't going to be fighting many wars, the producers yes, but that has more to do with unjustified authority gained through capital and property accumulation.
>D company attacks
Not a result of people getting high
>Hezbollah and Hamas
Not even cartels, they sell it to finance themselves. The reason they are violent has nothing to do with drugs.
It seems like you think anything with an arbitrary relationship to drugs means it was caused by drugs. I hope you aren't serious.
>Are the people directly funding drug trafficking not responsible for the wars it causes?
At the consumer level it doesn't matter, what gives them the most money is the fact that drugs are criminalized, thus allowing for bad dudes to monopolize the drug trade. If all drugs we're legal, no one would by them from assholes. If you really are concerned lobby for decriminalization.
Think of it this way, you can save water taking a shorter shower. If everyone in America stopped using any water for personal use, it would almost off set the amount of water we use to irrigate golf courses. Ethical consumerism doesn't do a fucking thing at such a large scale.
I am far more concerned about the crimes of the petroleum and mineral industries, they are far worse and further reaching. The same can be said for agrobussiness and fisheries, this all happens with impunity under the law. Drug related violence is a fart in the wind comparatively.

>> No.10681378

>From your post I can tell you are physically weak.

How? I mean, you're right, but I wonder how you can tell this. Just the insecurity?

>> No.10681382

>I just have never been able to "let go" while on psychedelics
It's not rocket science. Consume the chemical (higher doses will make it easier). Find a comfortable spot in a quiet, calm place with little or no people where you know you will certainly not be interrupted. Lay your head back and stare at the sky or the ceiling and let the chemical work its magic. You literally don't have to think or do anything, just watch yourself quickly start to trip progressively harder until you are cruising at peak levels.

>> No.10681390

She wanted the d. Your acid mindfuck was too powerful.

>> No.10681396
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>> No.10681412
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well if you know acid you know comparing dosing is nearly impossible liquid is displaced even on the same blotter sheet and most of you morons dont regent test and get sold an RC because that is about a thousand times more common in fact im almost certain that is the case

>> No.10681423

No, her boyfriend was in the next room, I'm pretty sure he sent her in to fuck with me, not to fuck me. I don't know that, I'm reticent to believe it because he was genuinely nice to me sometimes, but honestly I get fucked with a lot so that's the most probable scenario, speaking from my experience with human beings. Like all other mammals, they exploit weakness when they scent it.

>> No.10681439

>"nu-uh, not real acid"
>implying I wasn't getting sheets on sheets from dead family and didn't always do an ehrlich reagent test

>> No.10681449

Wow. That is so much projection and ressentiment. Stop doing drugs. Read philosophy and psychology.

>> No.10681451

you never come down from a thumbprint anon, LSD gangs used to dust people and surreptitiously thumbprint people to vet them or to punish them

>> No.10681452

nevermind the fact that tolerance to actual LSD builds up very quickly. i knew a guy who went through a period in high school dosing every day. he would eventually have to grab a handful of blotter paper every morning just to get a buzz

>> No.10681491

Yea, I do. Knowing that one is doomed doesn't really help. I've been thinking this way for decades, it's ineluctable at this point. Aristotle backs me up on this.

I stopped doing drugs almost a year ago.

>> No.10681498

>I mean, you're right, but I wonder how you can tell this. Just the insecurity?
The insecurity is just part of it. From your post you seem like a very neurotic person who likes to indulge in their own neurosis and negative thoughts. Indulgence is a trait most commonly associated with weak people with little discipline or mental fortitude. You can't cultivate a healthy body (and a healthy mind) while also indulging in every whim, positive or negative, that happens to appear in your head. This weakness becomes unavoidably apparent when you consume disassociates like LSD that separate you from your usual coping mechanisms. This is how I assumed you are weak-bodied.

>> No.10681511

This. Getting acid off the streets is for only the most desperate.

>> No.10681517

>isn't family
Then start doing drugs again.

>> No.10681527

Seems like you just happened upon that conclusion. Plenty of people with weak, flabby bodies had healthy minds, e.g. Hume.

That is something I will not do.

>> No.10681608

>Lay your head back and stare at the sky or the ceiling and let the chemical work its magic.
I would already go insane before the trip even started

>> No.10681612

>Seems like you just happened upon that conclusion
Don't we all.
>Plenty of people with weak, flabby bodies had healthy minds
I'm not claiming this. My post was meant to show my perspective on your specific post based on assumptions and my understanding of human behavior. Though there are plenty of weak-bodied people who can project a functional mind, I assume you are not a part of that group.

>> No.10681617

What's wrong with going insane? Builds character, son.

>> No.10681641

>I would already go insane before the trip even started
You are setting yourself up for failure by thinking this. Have just a mediocre amount of confidence and you'll be fine. I would only recommend not tripping if you were already insane.

>> No.10681644

Complete bullshit enough of the posturing /polfit/ are fucking morons and you just reek of it its damn annoying oh what will you speculate about this post?im a drug addict and 4yr amatuer boxer my will is weak and im a loser but i can still get in shape and starch most of the population but it doesnt fucking matter it means nothing outside of the gym its juvenile and just lifting is about hundred times more so

>> No.10681658

How does one acquire psychedelics

>> No.10681678

What do you mean by functional? I have a job, but there are other things that I can't do and have never been able to. I don't think working out three times a week is going to help very much with neuroses that have been developing since childhood, because I do physical exercise already.

>> No.10681679
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>> No.10681684

>RC because that is about a thousand times more common
maybe for plebs without connectons
its rare i find an RC and when i do its a dank ass rare one that cost more than acid

>> No.10681696

Im a (stabilized) bipolar, who tends a lot more to the depressive side, I dont know if that counts as strictly insane

>> No.10681701

Be cool, bro. You're not a fucking narc, are you?

>> No.10681705

Get pussy?
Schizoaffective masterrace.

>> No.10681714

>What do you mean by functional?
A functional, healthy mind is one that can manifest thoughts without compulsively associating those thoughts with emotions, especially negative emotions. With this perspective, neurosis is antithetical to a healthy mind.
>I don't think working out three times a week is going to help very much
You are right. You have to exercise every day, not just 3 times a week. You also have to eat clean every day.

>> No.10681718

I have, I'd rather be celibate.

I also know that getting /fit/ would just feed into my narcissism, which is the obverse of my depression. I'm comfortable in my body, that isn't the issue.

>> No.10681727

>Im a (stabilized) bipolar, who tends a lot more to the depressive side
>I dont know if that counts as strictly insane
That doesn't even count as loosely insane. Just wait until a week you are feeling especially manic to consume these chemicals (in a good environment considering set and setting) and you should have a positive, insightful experience. Also if you are taking any SSRIs then the effects of most psychedelics will be diminished.

>> No.10681743

I actually already did the sitting down while waiting for the trip to start
I have never gone totally psychotic-insane while tripping, I always manage to keep myself together but it always seems I'm at the edge at some points
I have grown more skeptical about psychedelics as the time has passed too, the last time I tripped it felt like I didnt buy the more mystical or "cosmical" side of the experience. But at the same time I was speaking out loud with the shrooms.
I guess I just need to get my shit together and get a proper setting for once

>> No.10681755

>my narcissism
>my depression

>> No.10681759

You need a vacation and shaman.

>> No.10681761

Im a rapid cycle type, if I dont take my sweet lamictal or lose a night of sleep and I can oscilate between hypomania and depression twice (or more, but rarely) in a single day
Stabilized Im just a moody prick

>> No.10681769

I'm was at the beach during this last week with my family but is impossible to get a proper setting with my sisters' childs being noisy and doing kids' stuff all day

>> No.10681779

You buy them with money

>> No.10681782

Yes, I'm unpleasant and can only associate with borderline autistic, bitter, jaded little men like myself. That's why I spend so much time on 4chan.

>> No.10681786

>I actually already did the sitting down while waiting for the trip to start
My guidelines were too simple. The part where you can lay back and actually start tripping usually starts 2-3 hours after initially consuming the LSD dose. Until then I like to distract myself with calming, simple tasks like playing a game, talking with friends, taking a shower, clipping my fingernails, practicing breathing techniques. The come up for any psychedelic can be nerve wracking, so the best way to avoid it is to distract yourself with things you are familiar with until you start actually tripping.
>I guess I just need to get my shit together and get a proper setting for once
Set and setting. Your tripping environment must be a place where you will certainly not be interrupted by anyone or anything. Unplug. Turn off your phone and computer or anything else that can interrupt the process. Respect the chemical. Cultivating a proper environment is part of that.

>> No.10681795

I recommend staying away from psychedelics only because there may be chemical complications between psychedelics and the drugs you already take.

>> No.10681797

>The part where you can lay back and actually start tripping usually starts 2-3 hours after initially consuming the LSD
Yeah I fucked up there
I had not consumed any psychedelics in almost two years, I forgot how much time it takes for the trip to actually start
I forgot almost everything about how to tackle these experiences

>> No.10681805

I only take lamotrigine
Afaik it doesnt have any interactions with psychedelics more than something as what you eat that day has
Its worse to trip without it

>> No.10681812

Why do you identify most with the negative parts of your personality? If you are so aware of these negative behaviors then why do you choose to indulge in them? You sound like a masochist fishing for insults.

>> No.10681813

He killed himself. Lucky bastard.

>> No.10681823

I wanna get my gf pregnant. Legacy > pain.

>> No.10681837

They are thoroughly ingrained defense mechanisms that I can't cope without, as the acid trips showed. When people feed my material ego I counter it with internal flagellation, when people insult me I counter it with self aggrandizement. I learned no other way to behave and it's far too late to change now.

Getting insulted on 4chan actually makes me feel better about myself, being praised makes me feel depressed.

>> No.10681838
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My drug dealer called me and I called back that's why I'm high right now. If you're asking about the philosophical reason I would have to get back to you.

>> No.10681842

>As a person who actually does something about these things

not them but what do you do?

>> No.10681844

>Afaik it doesnt have any interactions with psychedelics
Make sure this is completely true. If it is then I say go ahead. Consider most set and setting, this includes having a positive mindset going into it. Find a nice, comfortable spot where you can sit and veg for hours without being interrupted and you should have a positive experience.

>> No.10681868

You seem so aware of what is wrong. Will you die if you suddenly stopped indulging these coping mechanisms? Thoughts are just thoughts; assigning emotions to them is something you can control and stop.

>> No.10682018

I sell cookies outside of the supermarket

>> No.10682022

I can't into advanced math without vitamin a

>> No.10682158

i'm an on-call fellationist for drug barons and army colonels. i get flown to areas of potential conflict and use my skills to defuse tense situations to allow stakeholders to conduct difficult negotiations with clear minds. i swallow my pride so that the world may enjoy some modicum of peace and prosperity.

>> No.10682167

Thank you for your service.

>> No.10682259

>Junkies are responsible for most of African wars
no people who work in defense and banking are, all the civil strife in Latin America and East Asia and most of the crime in North America and Europe
>so yes you should be shot
lol at you little jackboot

>> No.10682296
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I've used them sparingly, except for weed, which I've had an on-and-off relationship with since I was 15. I'm 23 now.

Since 18, I've had about 1 or 2 shroom experiences per year.

>Biggest one was 5g shroom trip with one of my closest friends at the time, we were 21. We were with his younger brother and friend (aged 20) and we walked through a park in Halifax by the ocean and talked about our futures. We were heading into our last year of undergrad and had a lot to discuss. Whether to invest ourselves more to pursue academics or our creative pursuits, and so forth. A lot of interpersonal sort-of soul searching took place that otherwise wouldn't have happened. I don't think those conversations really ever happen outside of extremely rare, intimate contexts that psychedelics can provide

I've done them a few times in low doses alone and few times again in groups. I found them fun with my girlfriend but killed sex, and I especially enjoyed them while camping.

As far as LSD goes, I've had about 5 or 6 solid experiences from ages 21-23.

>Camping trip last summer (aged 22), with 2 of my closest guy friends, long time girlfriend, her one friend and that friend's two mutual friends. Beautiful day by the ocean. Not a cloud in the sky. We hike through the bushes and the fields by the crashing waves for hours. We find sea caverns to explore. Spend like 2+ hours exploring massive caves by the sea. We were so astonished to find them, and so taken aback by how sublime and surreal they appeared. This was an experience unknown to me sober. Like extreme fascination, curiosity, novelty, and almost uncanniness. Very dream-like. We then laid in a grassy knoll where we danced and played music and laughed so hard that I've literally never laughed harder in my life. Our jaws were incredibly sore and we just laughed at how sore all our jaws were. And how the songs we were playing would forever trigger that sore sensation in our jaws every time we heard them from there after. Everything was hilarious and intimate. We ended up exploring more and falling asleep, all huddled together under blankets, under the stars late that night

Pic related are the caves we stumbled upon, further through the park are ones with steps leading down and a railing to hold onto. Far more accessible

>supposed to do DMT with a close undergrad friend when I visit him in Montreal later this month. Thinking of doing that with him, then having another one or two shroom and LSD trips this year when it's warm again and the days are long

>> No.10682341

Nice blog.

>> No.10682372

drugs are not for everyone anon
its for the artistic

>> No.10682397
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>> No.10683503

I cant never into positive mindset
I'm already experience and know all this crap

>> No.10683507

Dumb post

>> No.10683508

It doesn't matter who's responsible for starting the wars, nor the reasons behind them. The continuation of violence only happens because junkies in first world countries like to post on twitter how dope it is to smoke weed
Drug violence is prevalent EXACTLY because of consumers. Companies don't use meth to polish their golfballs. There are no alternative uses for drugs outside of personal consumption, and, as such, junkies are directly responsible for financing crimes related to them.
Don't fucking try to hide behind excuses such as that the government is responsible for the deaths for outlawing drugs. Of fucking course they should be legalized, if only for more junkies to OD, but the deaths are caused not by some congressmen, but because some poor retard decides that it'd be a good idea to sell coke to some stupid gringos just to survive and starts killing people so that he doesn't get caught.
Drug violence causes over 250k deaths PER YEAR. There are no wars or conflicts that can compete with that. If that's a fart in the wind for you, I sincerely think you should kill yourself for valuing human life by so little.

>> No.10683580

The majority of weed consumed in America is grown in America these days

>> No.10683629

>250k deaths PER YEAR.
Not impressive
Pretty much any civil war famine is far worse
And a billion people a year will is child's play compared to what is happening to the rest of life on Earth and ultimately it's habitability.
This makes your phone work
This powers your car and many other things


>> No.10683630

Eh, when you don't do coke and heroin and meth (which are responsible for most of the violence ) there isn't much to feel guilty about. Everything i use gets either produced in some lab in china/the netherlands or grown by some hippies in their attic/basement.

>> No.10683649


>> No.10683706

>Pretty much any civil war famine is far worse
Find one in the last 15 years
And I already said that whataboutism is not an argument to protect you from tge responsibility of killing people worldwide
Fewer died in Iraq from 2003-2006 than those who died from drug violence in the same period

>> No.10683726

>Eh, when you don't do coke and heroin and meth (which are responsible for most of the violence ) there isn't much to feel guilty about.
Over 50% of drug related deaths in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil are caused by weed
>Everything i use gets either produced in some lab in china/the netherlands or grown by some hippies in their attic/basement.
Morocco, Mexico, Lebanon and Nigeria are the top producers of weed worldwide. I highly doubt what you are saying.

>> No.10683727


nothing saves you from the responsibility of displacing millions of Congolese with your consumption practices.

stop consuming electronics if you're real.

>> No.10683736

2nd congo civil war, 2nd Liberian civil war, Syrian civil war
What happens in India on a day to day basis because land has been stolen from the people so international corporations can produce cheap goods for your father ass. People are dropping like flys from starvation and the food there home produces is shipped to Europe and China.
>What about
Fucking nothing, I've done more to better the world than you will ever understand. If you shop in a supermarket don't try to virtue signal me.

>> No.10683742

Oil violence has been a constant since WW1, even if your own political awareness starts with 9/11.

>> No.10683762

Companies who buy from Congolese warlords are a minority and are wildly uknown. It also does not justify a drug users habit of buying products from known murderers.

>2nd Congo civil war
350k dead over 3 years
>2nd Liberian civil war
300k dead over 4 years
>Syrian civil war
500k dead over 7 years
>Drug related deaths surpassing all of those above
750k deaths over 3 years
Need I say more
There are very few stats about general violence in India, so I doubt that you actually know that information

>I've done more to better the world than you will ever understand
Good actions don't excuse bad ones, you fucking relativist murderer piece of shit

The Iraq war was the largest conflict directly caused and financed by oil in history, you retard

>> No.10683771

>only the largest conflict counts, fuck the rest of the 20th century

>> No.10683778

Sum all of them up and add drug deaths over the same priod.
I guarantee one far surpasses another.

>> No.10683788

They aren't bad either. They just don't work like people would think that they do.

>> No.10683797

>2nd Congo civil war
350k dead over 3 years
Try 6 million

>> No.10683812

Stats, pls
5.5 violent deaths in the 10 years following the war, if I'm not mistaken.
But violent deaths in Africa isn't something you can really connect to a single conflict

>> No.10683925

>Junkies are responsible for most of African wars, all the civil strife in Latin America and East Asia
This is a comically bad understanding of the history of these regions. It isn't that the drug trade destabilizes these regions, it's just that the illicit drug trade is one of few that can operate through that kind of instability. All of those places have had bigger problems contributing to their state of unrest in the past century

>> No.10684003

Sad amount of moral faggotry itt

>> No.10684049

i appreciate what you and other anons are trying to do here, but considering that his position does not seem to stem from any sort of sincere, rational desire to understand reality, i doubt your lucid arguments will hold sway
but i'm glad i share the board with the likes of you :)

>> No.10684053

Deniyng the fundamental effect of the drug trade in the continued destabilization of such regions is, at best, childish. If not, it's wilful misrepresentation in order to advance an agenda
Unfortunate, really. It's sad that people disagree that junkies should hang.

>> No.10684056

what do you do for a living im interested

>> No.10684078

>It's sad that people disagree that junkies should hang
Good luck with that. Your conservative posture is outdated and will never stop the degeneracy you hate. You are the base of the structures that allow it to exist. Step up your game or stop bitching.

>> No.10684094

How do you expect to control your mind on any psychedelic? To embrace the effects of the drug and not be constantly fighting the high, you'll forfeit some/all control.

>> No.10684098

>Unfortunate, really. It's sad that people disagree that junkies should hang.

and there's the genocide

>> No.10684157

Without revealing too much, I'll just say that I work closely with those who coordinate campaigns for shifting global awareness on a meaningful level. Think change.org, liaising with Facebook/Insta powerusers, and the like.
It's thankless work, but someone has to do it.

>> No.10684173

Latin american here, narcos are much less dangerous to our sociopolitical stability than US foreign policy.

>> No.10684175

ah cool. for a while I wanted to work for hrw or amnesty international but I fucked up so international relations is out of the picture for me

>> No.10684177

right? for me, at least, the experience of taking psychedelics sort of belies the whole notion of "controlling the mind"...

>> No.10684179

I've been defending it since the beginning. Nothing wrong with killing murderers
Do you think I'm some sort of /pol/yp retard child? I don't want to end "degeneracy". My issue with drugs isn't their use, but the violence they cause.

>> No.10684193

You truly are delusional. US foreign policy has to been ignore Latin America since the end of the Cold War. Narcoterrorism has brought LatAm to it's knees, in the meantime.
t. Brazilian

>> No.10684194

I'm not reading and don't really care about the rest of the thread, but can someone point me to a history (or more than one) of the use and consumption of cannabis through history?

>> No.10684195

I was actually in your position (legal issues), but learned that there no globally significant dream that I can't achieve by taking strategically chosen loads to the face from the right people. Now I get paid to promote our views on Reddit and 4chan, so it all worked out.

>> No.10684201

I'm on Ritalin, it helps me focus
Tried coke but it's not worth it

>> No.10684204

I'm literally a brazilian as well lad, and I'd rather deal with toothless kids selling me 4x1 awful weed than have another military coup or whatever

>> No.10684222

That's because you don't care about the 40 thousand Brazilians that die every year because of drugs.
Rio is literally in a state of war for the past 4 years
The miltary didn't get even near that in 21 years.

>> No.10684237

The war is precisely of druglords x military.
The same military who are in cahoots with politicians who simply won't legalize it for any number of arbitrary reasons. Our safety secretary (or former, I don't even follow up on that anymore) used to be a druglord lawyer.

>> No.10684248

Doesn't fucking matter. If fucks like you didn't make the industry as profitable as it is, thousands wouldn't die

>> No.10684260


>> No.10684289

not sure you could be any more of a true /brainlet/
i commend you for having the honesty to let your ignorance shine, instead of trying to dress it up in poor logically impoverished arguments like other anons.

>> No.10684299

>alcohol and mental illness.

>> No.10684300

Sorry, I'd rather quit paying taxes and supporting the military police but that's not really an option.

>> No.10684301

Simply ebin, friendo
Go drown in your toilet. You'd be doing the country a favor

>> No.10684309

Yeah, I guess it's better to keep murdering people

>> No.10684322

Yeah, I worry about the number of civilian deaths by the military in a supposedly democratic country as well.

>> No.10684341

You clearly don't, if you keep funding a business that is directly responsible for most of the security problems in the country.
The military has literally no relevance in Brazil nowadays

>> No.10684604

sorry, but unlike the pit of fermenting turds you and your family probably use, my porcelain toilet barely contains enough water to drown a rabbit, never mind a human.
and which country is that? here in the 1st world, most people give even less of a shit about "narcoterrorism" than I do.
you can't even do insults right. baka

>> No.10684964

I unironically enjoyed that post thanks anon

>> No.10685009

The more you surrender the more you control. Trip yoursef sober.

>> No.10685027

>some lab in China
>the netherlands
mdma (tho narcodeforestation is part of this trade)
>grown by some hippies
Shrooms, weed

It's also worth mentioning LSD is produced in the USA.

So it's pretty easy to avoid supporting cartels.

>> No.10685037

>stop doing things humans have always done reeee!!!
Yes. Killing junkies to stop drugs seems so much smarter than legalization and treatment as a social issue. /sarcasm

>> No.10685320

I've done mushrooms and I can tell you smoking weed while on it is terrible.
I've had great times on shrooms, the minute I smoke weed it goes to hell

>> No.10685424

Everybody is different. Respect your mind. Respect your body. Respect your chemical.

I personally like weed on shrooms. But I am pretty experienced with both. Been in the psych scene since the 2000's. Done about every chemical imaginable. I find weed, n2o, ketamine, and DMT all combine well with classical psychedelics. Ymmv. But DMT while peaking on other chemical is sublime.

>> No.10685435
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This and you're good if you're buying from Canadian vendors as well :)

>> No.10685492

I've smoked weed for 6 years and tripped with shrooms about 10 times
Smoking while tripping does give you an immense feeling but each time I say/think things that i don't believe at all.
It also has made me extremely confused, to the point where I'm just sitting on a couch, unable to come up with anything to say to the people who I'm tripping with.
I can manage a shroom trip great but I'm not going to combine it with weed anymore

>> No.10685525

ok, i think i know what you mean now.
the more i learned to become at ease with my own presence during ordinary waking life, the more paradoxically "sober" i began to feel under the influence.
i just wouldn't describe it as being in control, more like feeling open to express myself however i am meant to express myself...but semantics and all that :)

>> No.10685530

Most deaths are from displacement, by proxy to violence. That is a single war in Africa
>Can't reduce things in Africa to a single conflicts
>It's perfectly rational to blame all deaths related to the drug industry on junkies.
Why did I even give you a (You) in the first place? It doesn't matter wether or not this is bait, you are an idiot.

>> No.10686914

>50% of drug related deaths in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil are caused by weed
Source this please.

>> No.10686930

Hope you were careful about the tides m8. Could have proper fucked you up

>> No.10687394

No that would be Heidegger

>> No.10688282

Jesus, just thinking about that makes me itchy. It sounds hellish and heavenly

>> No.10688432

alcohol isn't good for writing, marijuana isn't good for anything, but amphetamines are good for productivity and psychedelics are good for inspiration or confidence (because for all that ego death bs psychs really turn people into self assured narcissists and validate their obsessions)

>> No.10688456

>alcohol isn't good for writing, marijuana isn't good for anything, but amphetamines are good for productivity and psychedelics are good for inspiration or confidence
For you. Keep your blog to yourself.

>> No.10688475

for you too
i've been inside you
we're all alike

>> No.10688477

Fair enough.

>> No.10688631

I am like this as well, rapid cycling... was offered lamictal recently but I declined

I currently take no ssris I have been bipolar for over 10 years now, former cutter

My highs are mediocre and my lows are very low and day to day I cycle hard, I consider it dysthmic bipolar

I have experimented with a wide variety of psychedelics (mescaline 2ce lsd mushrooms 2cb many more..) despite some saying it’s not good for those with bipolar, I say try it but listen to your body

I suggest not doing high doses. I have done high doses but it messes with my sleep schedule much more than a regular dose will. Also I have had extreme paranoid responses to lsd sometimes that are only made worse by the amount of L I take. So the lower the better for me anyway

The main negative for lsd + bipolar for me: messes with my sleep schedule. Which can push me over the edge if I am not careful

I have found micro dosing (less than 10ug) once every 4 days the best chemical counter to depression

>> No.10688652


The key for the mentally unstable and lsd as far as I can see is low doses and doing the basics really well: proper set + setting, and loving yourself outside of tripping

Hofmann said that anyone who wants to take lsd should have a reason for doing so.. I have found it helpful to state out loud why I am tripping that day

Also I have found solo tripping best. I am a terrifying individual when my trips go bad and they don’t bother me when I am alone but when someone else has to watch me go through that, it’s usually not fun for them