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10677337 No.10677337 [Reply] [Original]

>friend asks to borrow your book
>he never returns it

What is its name, /lit/?

>> No.10677342

I am this friend.

>> No.10677343

oops, I am that friend

>> No.10677357

You should never lend a book and expect to get it back again. You should also never expect the person to read it.

>> No.10677361

this lol, most people dont read most of the books they buy

>> No.10677372

the worst is when people send me links expecting me to read the articles they found interesting.

>> No.10677377

I have learned that the hard way
Actually, unless its a real close friend, dont borrow anything at all.
With a really close friend you can just call him a faggot and demand it back.
With a "friend", you won't feel good about constantly asking it back.
At least that's how it works for me.
Already lost 4 books.

Fahrenheit 451
The Drunkard's Walk
Song of Ice and Fire Book 1 and 2

>> No.10677387

or lend it to them and be at peace with losing it. Don't lend books that you want to re-read a lot more, or editions that have sentimental value

>> No.10677398

Why would I be at peace about losing anything? I might not want to read it ever again, but they are mine. I bought them, people should at least have the decency of giving them back. I never kept anything that wasnt mine

>> No.10677413

I just mean that you can lend something and sever your attachment to that physical object. You can think of it as a gift. If you really can't part with that object, don't lend it out.

>> No.10677419

That being said, I think this applies mostly to books. I would never lend my lawnmower to somebody and be fine with them just taking it.

>> No.10677438

And I

>Children of Hurin

>> No.10677604

>How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.10677620

1st edition Book of Dreams by Peter Reich

>> No.10677644

What a noob mistake. Never "lend" books. Just give them as presents if it's a good friend and you don't mind giving away the book.

>> No.10677665

Louis you peace of shit

>> No.10677678

>El manifiesto del Partido Comunista
Fuck, man. I really wanted to read the preliminary studies. There was one about Stirner.

>> No.10677682

Also Doctor Zhivago and a bunch (20) of DVD's of pure Kino (Including Doctor Zhivago baka senpai).

>> No.10677796

Kinda off-topic, but have you ever stolen a book from a public library?
I stole one from my high-school back in the days, because the librarian was being an ass and didnt let me have the book I wanted.
So I stole it.
Never returned it just because of her attitude

>> No.10677845

Yes once I stole the Book of Disquiet edition that was translated by some lady, not the Zenith version on. Also in high school our librarian got breast cancer and was never replaced so I took the Trial, the Painted Bird, Heart of Darkness, A Clockwork Orange, the Sound and the Fury, Jim Morrison's poetry book and Pete Townshend's novel.

>> No.10677859

Rolling blackouts - sarah glidden
Some english comicbook thatbi bought in london 2 years ago
I havent read it

>> No.10677879

Gave him valis and hopscotch and haven't seen them or him for nearly 2 years now.
Heard he got into heroin

>> No.10677895
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>tfw I can read Book of Disquiet in its original language
Feels good

>> No.10677955

Among the Thugs (brother in law not friend)
Blood Meridian (knew he was unreliable but thought he would enjoy it)
The Snow Leopard (I forgot I lent it to her before I broke up with her.)
Dog Soldiers (college friend. Its gone for good.)

>> No.10677989

I gave IJ back to the friend I borrowed it from about a third way in. Terrible book.

>> No.10677994

I gave my copy of TKaM to a homeless hobo. She was really happy for it. I don't mind giving away books to people who want them.

>> No.10677999

every person i ever met
that is why i never give anyone my shit

>> No.10678043

>Lend friend Ficciones
>6 months later see him again
>Says he tried reading the first story stoned but didn't understand any of it
>Have you tried it sober?
>"Why would I do that?"
>Few months later tells me he read Circular Ruins because his college prof told him so
>Read the rest from their wiki summaries
>He then gave away my book to a charity shop

I'll never forgive him

>> No.10678047 [SPOILER] 
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I stole Russels's History of Western philosophy in a 1947 edition from a pile of books for charity back in HS
I justified it as that I'd appreciate it a lot more than whomever got it
Still haven't read it

>> No.10678060

One of the joys of switching to an e-reader is that you no longer have normals taking out their new year's resolutions on your library and then neglecting it just as hard as their gym membership.

Don't have stuff so there is nothing to be borrowed.

>> No.10678076

this is because people often confuse "I'd like to have read this book" with "I want to read this book", which leads them to not actually reading the thing and forget

>> No.10678077

Worse is when you lend someone a book and they give it back to you damaged in a small way (rips or tears in pages/cover, dog ears, stains). I don't know if it's just my over-obsession with keeping books pristine, but this is something that sticks with me as a major tell-tale of a person's character.

>> No.10678106

>go to friends house
>have a look at his bookshelves
>find something interesting
>can I burrow it?
>sure, go ahead
>friend comes over
>hey I've recently read a book that you might enjoy
>give him my copy

before getting an ereader, this was basically my only means of getting new books as I'm usually broke all the time, nobody ever complained

>> No.10678124

Both of these are true from on experience.

>> No.10678183

I see you

>> No.10678709
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I gave Cyrano de Bergerac to a friend and he never turned it back
>mfw five years later he gives me a new copy

>> No.10679263

I have 2 friends
>friends who read

>> No.10679275


>> No.10679338

>ITT people who don't understand the distinction between borrow and lend.

>> No.10679342

never got my slaughterhouse five back. i mean, its not like i liked it that much, but i would still like to have it

>> No.10679386

>elementary school
>teacher wants to read first harry potter book to the class
>tell her i have a copy of it
>bring it in and give it to her so she can read it
>halfway through decide i want my book back
>take it from her desk after school
>she thinks someone stole it
>gives a big speech to the class about how stealing is wrong and whoever took it should come forward
>play along like i'm upset
>friend buys me another copy
>parents ask why he would do that
>tell them i want to collect all the different covers

>> No.10680665
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I don't even know if she read it.
Hope she's doing okay these days.

>> No.10680690

get over her, faggot

>> No.10680730

Gravity’s Rainbow
Infinite Jest

>> No.10680825

she was just a friend going through a rough time who i later lost touch with as i usually do. feelsbadman. that is all.

>> No.10680965

>mfw OP just reminded me I lended my good translation of Notes From the Underground to a friend as a teenager
We had a fight then and the bastard never returned it to me. Goinna find a way to contact the motherfucker tonight and maybe punch his face when we meet. Thanks, OP.

>> No.10680992

my cousin alex

>> No.10681006

Loaned Austwrlitz by Sebald to a cute Bulgarian girl I was flirting with in college. I loved that book too.

>> No.10681188
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>loaned books to my roommate's retarded gf
>she never returns them
>breaks up with him

>> No.10681300
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>yfw the first 12 pages are missing because he was too lazy to buy rolling papers for a couple weeks

>> No.10681311
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as far as I'm aware, some girl I was trying to bone has my copy of White Noise by Delillo.

Another friend/acquaintance has collection of short stories by Borges, and another collection by Ted Chiang.

I'm not getting any of this shit back

>> No.10681331

>i have no friends

>> No.10681553

Alice in Wonderland
The Great Shark Hunt
Ogre (Gorillaz biography)
The Bible

>> No.10681579

This is funny. I wonder in the book if it talks about stealing being detrimental to the process of making friends.

>> No.10681636

>ex gf borrowed Generation Kill
>she's married now and I'm a loser

>> No.10681728
File: 36 KB, 325x500, PULP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "friend" is actually my step-sister Natalie who borrowed Pulp from my sister who borrowed it from me and i had to remind her to give it back after she didn't understand and nearly forgot about it because it was too confusing.

I hate that slut fuck Natalie.

>> No.10682073

>implying anon's "friend" saw him as anything more than an opportunity to obtain loot
i have a feeling the book's conception of >friend revolves around the social and financial utility of a person. friendship would only be meaningful insofar as the friend has something to offer ("influence people" - to do what? your bidding, of course). so, perhaps anon's friend realized that the book represented the most valuable tangible asset he could ever hope to extract from said friendship.

>> No.10682090

You reminded me of that time i borrowed the LOTR book from my friend in school and didn't return it back, because my dog got to it first and teared it apart. I still feel bad about this shit, and i haven't seen him for like 10 years now.

>> No.10682096

You fucking fuck. Fuck you

>> No.10682126
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I went to a Catholic school until the 9th grade, and when I was 11 I had a copy of The Da Vinci Code that i would read in class while the teacher was talking (i can see why i had no friends). One day I was reading it in my Christian Ethics class and my teacher asked me what i was reading, like she was genuinely curious of what I thought of it. Basically I said she should read it and even though it's blasphemous it's entertaining. She asked to borrow it, then I never saw it again.

In hindsight im pretty sure she just wanted to throw it away

>> No.10682130
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I'm sorry, it wasn't my fault, i swear! This stupid dog, i'm fucking sorry man!

>> No.10682249

The Republic
my sister took it

>> No.10682268

>tfw I lent my copy out and got it back with compliments from my friend
feels good senpai

>> No.10682273

>Kinda off-topic, but have you ever stolen a book from a public library?
outdid that
accidentally forgot to return a school bio textbook
they never asked for it either

>> No.10682281
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>tfw I used to dog ear all my books as a place marker

>> No.10682287

>nobody ever complained
that doesn't mean they were okay with it

>> No.10682325

i was that dude. i asked someone if i could borrow his copy of harry potter and the goblet of fire and i never returned it. i threw it away eventually.

>> No.10683305

Never lent a book to a friend because my friends never read it, but I never understood that if you didn't want to read a book you were lent, why wouldn't you just return it next time you see that person?

>> No.10684751

This has actually happened to me with the festival of insignificance by milan kundera

>> No.10684880

>friend asks to borrow your book
>he never returns it
>you visit his house and see it all bent, dirty and fucked up on his shelf
I know you're reading this

>> No.10684937
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One of my Arendt books.